-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Oxhead Alpha -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA module Test.Parser ( test_bakerFeeParser , test_secretKeyEncriptionParser ) where import Test.Hspec.Expectations (shouldBe, shouldSatisfy) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase) import Morley.Client.TezosClient.Parser import Morley.Client.TezosClient.Types (SecretKeyEncryption(..)) import Morley.Micheline import Morley.Tezos.Core import Morley.Util.SizedList qualified as SL test_bakerFeeParser :: TestTree test_bakerFeeParser = testGroup "tezos-client baker fee parser" [ testCase "resulted fee is multiplied by 1e6" $ parseBakerFeeFromOutput @1 "Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.056008\n" `shouldBe` Right (one $ TezosMutez [tz|56008u|]) , testCase "multiples fees can be parsed" $ parseBakerFeeFromOutput @2 "Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.056008\n Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.056008\n" `shouldBe` Right (SL.replicateT @2 $ TezosMutez [tz|56008u|]) , testCase "no valid baker fee in the output" $ parseBakerFeeFromOutput @1 "Notfee to the baker: ꜩ0.056008\n" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft ] test_secretKeyEncriptionParser :: TestTree test_secretKeyEncriptionParser = testGroup "tezos-client baker fee parser" [ testCase "unencrypted type can be parsed" $ parseSecretKeyEncryption "Secret Key: unencrypted:edsk4TybjbpfhcQ81R5FnxkoZy14ZyXRUzfbXrmPgqKRpcGPJanAgY" `shouldBe` Right UnencryptedKey , testCase "encrypted type can be parsed" $ parseSecretKeyEncryption "Secret Key: encrypted:edesk1a9cTRUMXf6L5cZXMqojELRRfTEoLXc4JzT9B3PqnhWweJnuWgcSk93NBHXYGFxf1uKHFPihBgVzJNwUVHR" `shouldBe` Right EncryptedKey , testCase "ledger type can be parsed" $ parseSecretKeyEncryption "Secret Key: ledger://live-fossa-eager-walrus/bip25519/0h/0h" `shouldBe` Right LedgerKey , testCase "nonsense cannot be parsed 1" $ parseSecretKeyEncryption "Secret Key: kek://live-fossa-eager-walrus/bip25519/0h/0h" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft , testCase "nonsense cannot be parsed 2" $ parseSecretKeyEncryption "Not a secret Key: ledger://live-fossa-eager-walrus/bip25519/0h/0h" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft ]