-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Oxhead Alpha -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA module Morley.Client.Parser ( ClientArgs (..) , ClientArgsRaw (..) , OriginateArgs (..) , TransferArgs (..) , GetScriptSizeArgs (..) , addressOrAliasOption , clientConfigParser , morleyClientInfo , parserInfo , originateArgsOption , mbContractFileOption , contractNameOption -- * Parser utilities , baseUrlReader ) where import Options.Applicative (ReadM, eitherReader, help, long, metavar, option, short, strOption, subparser, value) import Options.Applicative qualified as Opt import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty (Doc, linebreak) import Servant.Client (BaseUrl(..), parseBaseUrl) import Morley.CLI (addressOrAliasOption, mutezOption, parserInfo, valueOption) import Morley.Client.Init import Morley.Client.RPC.Types (BlockId(HeadId)) import Morley.Michelson.Untyped qualified as U import Morley.Tezos.Address.Alias (AddressOrAlias, Alias(..)) import Morley.Tezos.Core import Morley.Util.CLI (mkCLOptionParser, mkCommandParser) import Morley.Util.Named data ClientArgs = ClientArgs MorleyClientConfig ClientArgsRaw data ClientArgsRaw = Originate OriginateArgs | GetScriptSize GetScriptSizeArgs | Transfer TransferArgs | GetBalance AddressOrAlias | GetBlockHeader BlockId | GetBlockOperations BlockId data OriginateArgs = OriginateArgs { oaMbContractFile :: Maybe FilePath , oaContractName :: Alias , oaInitialBalance :: Mutez , oaInitialStorage :: U.Value , oaOriginateFrom :: AddressOrAlias , oaMbFee :: Maybe Mutez } data GetScriptSizeArgs = GetScriptSizeArgs { ssScriptFile :: FilePath , ssStorage :: U.Value } data TransferArgs = TransferArgs { taSender :: AddressOrAlias , taDestination :: AddressOrAlias , taAmount :: Mutez , taParameter :: U.Value , taMbFee :: Maybe Mutez } morleyClientInfo :: Opt.ParserInfo ClientArgs morleyClientInfo = parserInfo (#usage :! usageDoc) (#description :! "Morley Client: RPC client for interaction with tezos node") (#header :! "Morley Client") (#parser :! clientParser) -- | Parser for the @morley-client@ executable. clientParser :: Opt.Parser ClientArgs clientParser = ClientArgs <$> clientConfigParser <*> argsRawParser clientConfigParser :: Opt.Parser MorleyClientConfig clientConfigParser = do let mccSecretKey = Nothing mccEndpointUrl <- endpointOption mccTezosClientPath <- pathOption mccMbTezosClientDataDir <- dataDirOption mccVerbosity <- genericLength <$> many verboseSwitch pure MorleyClientConfig{..} where verboseSwitch :: Opt.Parser () verboseSwitch = Opt.flag' () . mconcat $ [ short 'V' , help "Increase verbosity (pass several times to increase further)" ] -- | Parses URL of the Tezos node. endpointOption :: Opt.Parser (Maybe BaseUrl) endpointOption = optional . option baseUrlReader $ long "endpoint" <> short 'E' <> help "URL of the remote Tezos node" <> metavar "URL" pathOption :: Opt.Parser FilePath pathOption = strOption $ mconcat [ short 'I', long "client-path", metavar "PATH" , help "Path to tezos-client binary" , value "tezos-client" , Opt.showDefault ] dataDirOption :: Opt.Parser (Maybe FilePath) dataDirOption = optional $ strOption $ mconcat [ short 'd', long "data-dir", metavar "PATH" , help "Path to tezos-client data directory" ] feeOption :: Opt.Parser (Maybe Mutez) feeOption = optional $ mutezOption Nothing (#name :! "fee") (#help :! "Fee that is going to be used for the transaction. \ \By default fee will be computed automatically." ) -- | Generic parser to read an option of 'BlockId' type. blockIdOption :: Maybe BlockId -> "name" :! String -> "help" :! String -> Opt.Parser BlockId blockIdOption = mkCLOptionParser argsRawParser :: Opt.Parser ClientArgsRaw argsRawParser = subparser $ mconcat [ originateCmd , transferCmd , getBalanceCmd , getScriptSizeCmd , getBlockHeaderCmd , getBlockOperationsCmd ] where originateCmd = mkCommandParser "originate" (Originate <$> originateArgsOption) "Originate passed contract on real network" transferCmd = mkCommandParser "transfer" (Transfer <$> transferArgsOption) "Perform a transfer to the given contract with given amount and parameter" getBalanceCmd = mkCommandParser "get-balance" (GetBalance <$> addressOrAliasOption Nothing (#name :! "addr") (#help :! "Address or alias to get balance for.") ) "Get balance for given address" getBlockHeaderCmd = mkCommandParser "get-block-header" (GetBlockHeader <$> blockIdOption (Just HeadId) (#name :! "block-id") (#help :! "Id of the block whose header will be queried.") ) "Get header of a block" getBlockOperationsCmd = mkCommandParser "get-block-operations" (GetBlockOperations <$> blockIdOption (Just HeadId) (#name :! "block-id") (#help :! "Id of the block whose operations will be queried.") ) "Get operations contained in a block" getScriptSizeCmd = mkCommandParser "compute-script-size" (GetScriptSize <$> getScriptSizeArgsOption) "Compute script size" originateArgsOption :: Opt.Parser OriginateArgs originateArgsOption = do oaMbContractFile <- mbContractFileOption oaContractName <- contractNameOption oaInitialBalance <- mutezOption (Just zeroMutez) (#name :! "initial-balance") (#help :! "Inital balance of the contract") oaInitialStorage <- valueOption Nothing (#name :! "initial-storage") (#help :! "Initial contract storage value") oaOriginateFrom <- addressOrAliasOption Nothing (#name :! "from") (#help :! "Address or alias of address from which origination is performed") oaMbFee <- feeOption pure $ OriginateArgs {..} getScriptSizeArgsOption :: Opt.Parser GetScriptSizeArgs getScriptSizeArgsOption = GetScriptSizeArgs <$> scriptFileOption <*> valueOption Nothing (#name :! "storage") (#help :! "Contract storage value") mbContractFileOption :: Opt.Parser (Maybe FilePath) mbContractFileOption = optional . strOption $ mconcat [ long "contract", metavar "FILEPATH" , help "Path to contract file" ] scriptFileOption :: Opt.Parser FilePath scriptFileOption = strOption $ mconcat [ long "script", metavar "FILEPATH" , help "Path to script file" ] contractNameOption :: Opt.Parser Alias contractNameOption = fmap Alias . strOption $ mconcat [ long "contract-name" , value "stdin" , help "Alias of originated contract" ] transferArgsOption :: Opt.Parser TransferArgs transferArgsOption = do taSender <- addressOrAliasOption Nothing (#name :! "from") (#help :! "Address or alias from which transfer is performed") taDestination <- addressOrAliasOption Nothing (#name :! "to") (#help :! "Address or alias of the contract that receives transfer") taAmount <- mutezOption (Just zeroMutez) (#name :! "amount") (#help :! "Transfer amount") taParameter <- valueOption Nothing (#name :! "parameter") (#help :! "Transfer parameter") taMbFee <- feeOption pure $ TransferArgs {..} usageDoc :: Doc usageDoc = mconcat [ "You can use help for specific COMMAND", linebreak , "EXAMPLE:", linebreak , "morley-client originate --help" , "USAGE EXAMPLE:", linebreak , "morley-client -E florence.testnet.tezos.serokell.team:8732 originate \\", linebreak , " --from tz1akcPmG1Kyz2jXpS4RvVJ8uWr7tsiT9i6A \\", linebreak , " --contract ../contracts/tezos_examples/attic/add1.tz --initial-balance 1 --initial-storage 0", linebreak , linebreak , " This command will originate contract with code stored in add1.tz", linebreak , " on real network with initial balance 1 and initial storage set to 0", linebreak , " and return info about operation: operation hash and originated contract address", linebreak , linebreak , "morley-client -E florence.testnet.tezos.serokell.team:8732 transfer \\", linebreak , " --from tz1akcPmG1Kyz2jXpS4RvVJ8uWr7tsiT9i6A \\", linebreak , " --to KT1USbmjj6P2oJ54UM6HxBZgpoPtdiRSVABW --amount 1 --parameter 0", linebreak , linebreak , " This command will perform tranfer to contract with address on real network", linebreak , " KT1USbmjj6P2oJ54UM6HxBZgpoPtdiRSVABW with amount 1 and parameter 0", linebreak , " as a result it will return operation hash" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parser utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Utility reader to use in parsing 'BaseUrl'. baseUrlReader :: ReadM BaseUrl baseUrlReader = eitherReader $ first displayException . parseBaseUrl