-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Tocqueville Group -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-TQ -- | Interface to the @tezos-client@ executable expressed in Haskell types. module Morley.Client.TezosClient.Impl ( TezosClientError (..) -- * @tezos-client@ api , signBytes , waitForOperationInclusion , rememberContract , importKey , genKey , genFreshKey , revealKey , resolveAddressMaybe , resolveAddress , getAlias , getPublicKey , getTezosClientConfig , calcTransferFee , calcOriginationFee , getKeyPassword , registerDelegate -- * Internals , callTezosClient , callTezosClientStrict , prefixName , prefixNameM ) where import Colourista (formatWith, red) import Control.Exception (IOException, throwIO) import Data.Aeson (eitherDecodeStrict, encode) import Data.ByteArray (ScrubbedBytes) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C (unpack) import Data.List ((!!)) import qualified Data.Text as T import Fmt (Buildable(..), pretty, (+|), (|+)) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode) import Text.Printf (printf) import UnliftIO.IO (hGetEcho, hSetEcho) import Lorentz.Value import Morley.Client.Logging import Morley.Client.RPC.Types import qualified Morley.Client.TezosClient.Class as Class (HasTezosClient(resolveAddressMaybe)) import Morley.Client.TezosClient.Parser import Morley.Client.TezosClient.Types import Morley.Client.Util (readScrubbedBytes, scrubbedBytesToString) import Morley.Micheline import Morley.Michelson.Typed.Scope import Morley.Tezos.Address import Morley.Tezos.Crypto ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A data type for all /predicatable/ errors that can happen during -- @tezos-client@ usage. data TezosClientError = UnexpectedClientFailure -- ^ @tezos-client@ call unexpectedly failed (returned non-zero exit code). -- The error contains the error code, stdout and stderr contents. Int -- ^ Exit code Text -- ^ stdout Text -- ^ stderr -- These errors represent specific known scenarios. | UnknownAddressAlias -- ^ Could not find an address with given name. Alias -- ^ Name of address which is eventually used | UnknownAddress -- ^ Could not find an address. Address -- ^ Address that is not present in local tezos cache | AlreadyRevealed -- ^ Public key of the given address is already revealed. Alias -- ^ Address alias that has already revealed its key | InvalidOperationHash -- ^ Can't wait for inclusion of operation with given hash because -- the hash is invalid. OperationHash | CounterIsAlreadyUsed -- ^ Error that indicates when given counter is already used for -- given contract. Text -- ^ Raw counter Text -- ^ Raw address | EConnreset -- ^ Network error with which @tezos-client@ fails from time to time. -- Note: the errors below most likely indicate that something is wrong in our code. -- Maybe we made a wrong assumption about tezos-client or just didn't consider some case. -- Another possible reason that a broken tezos-client is used. | ConfigParseError String -- ^ A parse error occurred during config parsing. | TezosClientCryptoParseError Text CryptoParseError -- ^ @tezos-client@ produced a cryptographic primitive that we can't parse. | TezosClientParseAddressError Text ParseAddressError -- ^ @tezos-client@ produced an address that we can't parse. | TezosClientParseFeeError Text Text -- ^ @tezos-client@ produced invalid output for parsing baker fee | TezosClientUnexpectedOutputFormat Text -- ^ @tezos-client@ printed a string that doesn't match the format we expect. | CantRevealContract -- ^ Given alias is a contract and cannot be revealed. Alias -- ^ Address alias of implicit account | ContractSender Address Text -- ^ Given contract is a source of a transfer or origination operation. | EmptyImplicitContract -- ^ Given alias is an empty implicit contract. Alias -- ^ Address alias of implicit contract | TezosClientUnexpectedSignatureOutput Text -- ^ @tezos-client sign bytes@ produced unexpected output format | TezosClientParseEncryptionTypeError Text Text -- ^ @tezos-client@ produced invalid output for parsing secret key encryption type. deriving stock (Show, Eq) instance Exception TezosClientError where displayException = pretty instance Buildable TezosClientError where build = \case UnexpectedClientFailure errCode output errOutput -> "tezos-client unexpectedly failed with error code " +| errCode |+ ". Stdout:\n" +| output |+ "\nStderr:\n" +| errOutput |+ "" UnknownAddressAlias name -> "Could not find an address with name " <> build name <> "." UnknownAddress uaddr -> "Could not find an associated name for the given address " <> build uaddr <> "." AlreadyRevealed alias -> "The address alias " <> build alias <> " is already revealed" InvalidOperationHash hash -> "Can't wait for inclusion of operation " <> build hash <> " because this hash is invalid." CounterIsAlreadyUsed counter addr -> "Counter " +| counter |+ " already used for " +| addr |+ "." EConnreset -> "tezos-client call failed with 'Unix.ECONNRESET' error." ConfigParseError err -> "A parse error occurred during config parsing: " <> build err TezosClientCryptoParseError txt err -> "tezos-client produced a cryptographic primitive that we can't parse: " +| txt |+ ".\n The error is: " +| err |+ "." TezosClientParseAddressError txt err -> "tezos-client produced an address that we can't parse: " +| txt |+ ".\n The error is: " +| err |+ "." TezosClientParseFeeError txt err -> "tezos-client produced invalid output for parsing baker fee: " +| txt |+ ".\n Parsing error is: " +| err |+ "" TezosClientUnexpectedOutputFormat txt -> "tezos-client printed a string that doesn't match the format we expect:\n" <> build txt CantRevealContract alias -> "Contracts (" <> build alias <> ") cannot be revealed" ContractSender addr opName -> "Contract (" <> build addr <> ") cannot be source of " +| opName |+ "" EmptyImplicitContract alias -> "Empty implicit contract (" <> build alias <> ")" TezosClientUnexpectedSignatureOutput txt -> "'tezos-client sign bytes' call returned a signature in format we don't expect:\n" <> build txt TezosClientParseEncryptionTypeError txt err -> "tezos-client produced invalid output for parsing secret key encryption type: " +| txt |+ ".\n Parsing error is: " +| err |+ "" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- API ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Note: if we try to sign with an unknown alias, tezos-client will -- report a fatal error (assert failure) to stdout. It's bad. It's -- reported in two issues: https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/issues/653 -- and https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/issues/813. -- I (@gromak) currently think it's better to wait for it to be resolved upstream. -- Currently we will throw 'TezosClientUnexpectedOutputFormat' error. -- | Sign an arbtrary bytestring using @tezos-client@. -- Secret key of the address corresponding to give 'AddressOrAlias' must be known. signBytes :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => AddressOrAlias -> Maybe ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString -> m Signature signBytes signer mbPassword opHash = do signerAlias <- getAlias signer logDebug $ "Signing for " <> pretty signer output <- callTezosClientStrict ["sign", "bytes", toCmdArg opHash, "for", toCmdArg signerAlias] MockupMode mbPassword liftIO case T.stripPrefix "Signature: " output of Nothing -> -- There is additional noise in the stdout in case key is password protected case T.stripPrefix "Enter password for encrypted key: Signature: " output of Nothing -> throwM $ TezosClientUnexpectedSignatureOutput output Just signatureTxt -> txtToSignature signatureTxt Just signatureTxt -> txtToSignature signatureTxt where txtToSignature :: MonadCatch m => Text -> m Signature txtToSignature signatureTxt = either (throwM . TezosClientCryptoParseError signatureTxt) pure $ parseSignature . T.strip $ signatureTxt -- | Generate a new secret key and save it with given alias. -- If an address with given alias already exists, it will be returned -- and no state will be changed. genKey :: ( MonadThrow m, MonadCatch m, WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m , Class.HasTezosClient m) => AliasOrAliasHint -> m Address genKey originatorAlias = do name <- prefixNameM originatorAlias let isAlreadyExistsError :: Text -> Bool -- We can do a bit better here using more complex parsing if necessary. isAlreadyExistsError = T.isInfixOf "already exists." errHandler _ errOut = pure (isAlreadyExistsError errOut) _ <- callTezosClient errHandler ["gen", "keys", toCmdArg name] MockupMode Nothing resolveAddress (AddressAlias name) -- | Generate a new secret key and save it with given alias. -- If an address with given alias already exists, it will be removed -- and replaced with a fresh one. genFreshKey :: ( MonadThrow m, MonadCatch m, WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m , Class.HasTezosClient m) => AliasOrAliasHint -> m Address genFreshKey originatorAlias = do name <- prefixNameM originatorAlias let isNoAliasError :: Text -> Bool -- We can do a bit better here using more complex parsing if necessary. isNoAliasError = T.isInfixOf "no public key hash alias named" errHandler _ errOutput = pure (isNoAliasError errOutput) _ <- callTezosClient errHandler ["forget", "address", toCmdArg name, "--force"] MockupMode Nothing callTezosClientStrict ["gen", "keys", toCmdArg name] MockupMode Nothing resolveAddress (AddressAlias name) -- | Reveal public key corresponding to the given alias. -- Fails if it's already revealed. revealKey :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => Alias -> Maybe ScrubbedBytes -> m () revealKey alias mbPassword = do logDebug $ "Revealing key for " +| alias |+ "" let alreadyRevealed = T.isInfixOf "previously revealed" revealedImplicitAccount = T.isInfixOf "only implicit accounts can be revealed" emptyImplicitContract = T.isInfixOf "Empty implicit contract" errHandler _ errOut = False <$ do when (alreadyRevealed errOut) (throwM (AlreadyRevealed alias)) when (revealedImplicitAccount errOut) (throwM (CantRevealContract alias)) when (emptyImplicitContract errOut) (throwM (EmptyImplicitContract alias)) _ <- callTezosClient errHandler ["reveal", "key", "for", toCmdArg alias] ClientMode mbPassword logDebug $ "Successfully revealed key for " +| alias |+ "" -- | Register alias as delegate registerDelegate :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => AliasOrAliasHint -> Maybe ScrubbedBytes -> m () registerDelegate addressOrAliasHint mbPassword = do alias <- prefixNameM addressOrAliasHint logDebug $ "Registering " +| alias |+ " as delegate" let emptyImplicitContract = T.isInfixOf "Empty implicit contract" errHandler _ errOut = False <$ do when (emptyImplicitContract errOut) (throwM (EmptyImplicitContract alias)) _ <- callTezosClient errHandler ["register", "key", toCmdArg alias, "as", "delegate"] ClientMode mbPassword logDebug $ "Successfully registered " +| alias |+ " as delegate" -- | Return 'Address' corresponding to given 'AddressOrAlias', covered in @Maybe@. -- Return @Nothing@ if address alias is unknown resolveAddressMaybe :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => AddressOrAlias -> m (Maybe Address) resolveAddressMaybe addressOrAlias = case addressOrAlias of AddressResolved addr -> (pure . Just) addr AddressAlias originatorName -> do logDebug $ "Resolving " +| originatorName |+ "" output <- callTezosClientStrict ["list", "known", "contracts"] MockupMode Nothing let parse = T.stripPrefix (unsafeGetAliasText originatorName <> ": ") liftIO case safeHead . mapMaybe parse . lines $ output of Nothing -> pure Nothing Just addrText -> either (throwM . TezosClientParseAddressError addrText) (pure . Just) $ parseAddress addrText -- | Return 'Alias' corresponding to given 'AddressOrAlias'. getAlias :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => AddressOrAlias -> m Alias getAlias = \case AddressAlias alias -> pure alias AddressResolved senderAddress -> do logDebug $ "Getting an alias for " <> pretty senderAddress output <- callTezosClientStrict ["list", "known", "contracts"] MockupMode Nothing let parse = T.stripSuffix (": " <> pretty senderAddress) liftIO case safeHead . mapMaybe parse . lines $ output of Nothing -> throwM $ UnknownAddress senderAddress Just alias -> pure (mkAlias alias) -- | Return 'PublicKey' corresponding to given 'AddressOrAlias'. getPublicKey :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => AddressOrAlias -> m PublicKey getPublicKey addrOrAlias = do alias <- getAlias addrOrAlias logDebug $ "Getting " +| alias |+ " public key" output <- callTezosClientStrict ["show", "address", toCmdArg alias] MockupMode Nothing liftIO case lines output of _ : [rawPK] -> do pkText <- maybe (throwM $ TezosClientUnexpectedOutputFormat rawPK) pure (T.stripPrefix "Public Key: " rawPK) either (throwM . TezosClientCryptoParseError pkText) pure $ parsePublicKey pkText _ -> throwM $ TezosClientUnexpectedOutputFormat output -- | This function blocks until operation with given hash is included into blockchain. waitForOperationInclusion :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => OperationHash -> m () waitForOperationInclusion op = void do logDebug $ "Waiting for operation " +| op |+ " to be included..." callTezosClient errHandler ["wait", "for", toCmdArg op, "to", "be", "included"] ClientMode Nothing where errHandler _ errOutput = False <$ when ("Invalid operation hash:" `T.isInfixOf` errOutput) (throwM $ InvalidOperationHash op) -- | Save a contract with given address and alias. -- If @replaceExisting@ is @False@ and a contract with given alias -- already exists, this function does nothing. rememberContract :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => Bool -> Address -> AliasOrAliasHint -> m () rememberContract replaceExisting contractAddress newAlias = do name <- prefixNameM newAlias let isAlreadyExistsError = T.isInfixOf "already exists" errHandler _ errOut = pure (isAlreadyExistsError errOut) args = ["remember", "contract", toCmdArg name, pretty contractAddress] _ <- callTezosClient errHandler (if replaceExisting then args <> ["--force"] else args) MockupMode Nothing pure () importKey :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => Bool -> AliasOrAliasHint -> SecretKey -> m () importKey replaceExisting alias key = do name <- prefixNameM alias let isAlreadyExistsError = T.isInfixOf "already exists" errHandler _ errOut = pure (isAlreadyExistsError errOut) args = ["import", "secret", "key", toCmdArg name, toCmdArg key] _ <- callTezosClient errHandler (if replaceExisting then args <> ["--force"] else args) MockupMode Nothing pure () -- | Read @tezos-client@ configuration. getTezosClientConfig :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO TezosClientConfig getTezosClientConfig client mbDataDir = do t <- readProcessWithExitCode' client (maybe [] (\dir -> ["-d", dir]) mbDataDir ++ ["config", "show"]) "" case t of (ExitSuccess, toText -> output, _) -> case eitherDecodeStrict . encodeUtf8 . toText $ output of Right config -> pure config Left err -> throwM $ ConfigParseError err (ExitFailure errCode, toText -> output, toText -> errOutput) -> throwM $ UnexpectedClientFailure errCode output errOutput -- | Calc baker fee for transfer using @tezos-client@. calcTransferFee :: ( WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env , MonadIO m, MonadCatch m ) => AddressOrAlias -> Maybe ScrubbedBytes -> TezosInt64 -> [CalcTransferFeeData] -> m [TezosMutez] calcTransferFee from mbPassword burnCap transferFeeDatas = do output <- callTezosClientStrict [ "multiple", "transfers", "from", pretty from, "using" , C.unpack $ encode transferFeeDatas, "--burn-cap", showBurnCap burnCap, "--dry-run" ] ClientMode mbPassword feeOutputParser output $ length transferFeeDatas -- | Calc baker fee for origination using @tezos-client@. calcOriginationFee :: ( UntypedValScope st, WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env , MonadIO m, MonadCatch m ) => CalcOriginationFeeData cp st -> m TezosMutez calcOriginationFee CalcOriginationFeeData{..} = do output <- callTezosClientStrict [ "originate", "contract", "-", "transferring" , showTez cofdBalance , "from", pretty cofdFrom, "running" , toCmdArg cofdContract, "--init" , toCmdArg cofdStorage, "--burn-cap" , showBurnCap cofdBurnCap, "--dry-run" ] ClientMode cofdMbFromPassword fees <- feeOutputParser output 1 case fees of [singleFee] -> return singleFee _ -> error "Expecting to parse single fee, parsed more" feeOutputParser :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Text -> Int -> m [TezosMutez] feeOutputParser output n = case parseBakerFeeFromOutput output n of Right fee -> return fee Left err -> throwM $ TezosClientParseFeeError output $ show err showBurnCap :: TezosInt64 -> String showBurnCap x = printf "%.6f" $ (fromIntegralToRealFrac @TezosInt64 @Float x) / 1000 showTez :: TezosMutez -> String showTez = toCmdArg . unTezosMutez -- | Get password for secret key associated with given address -- in case this key is password-protected getKeyPassword :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Address -> m (Maybe ScrubbedBytes) getKeyPassword = \case ContractAddress _ -> pure Nothing keyAddr -> (getAlias $ AddressResolved keyAddr) >>= getKeyPassword' where getKeyPassword' :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadMask m) => Alias -> m (Maybe ScrubbedBytes) getKeyPassword' alias = do output <- callTezosClientStrict [ "show", "address", pretty alias, "-S"] MockupMode Nothing encryptionType <- case parseSecretKeyEncryption output of Right t -> return t Left err -> throwM $ TezosClientParseEncryptionTypeError output $ show err case encryptionType of EncryptedKey -> do putTextLn $ "Please enter password for '" <> pretty alias <> "':" Just <$> withoutEcho readScrubbedBytes _ -> pure Nothing -- | Hide entered password withoutEcho :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m a -> m a withoutEcho action = do old <- hGetEcho stdin bracket_ (hSetEcho stdin False) (hSetEcho stdin old) action ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers -- All interesting @tezos-client@ functionality is supposed to be -- exported as functions with types closely resembling inputs of -- respective @tezos-client@ functions. If something is not -- available, consider adding it here. But if it is not feasible, -- you can use these two functions directly to constructor a custom -- @tezos-client@ call. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Datatype that represents modes for calling node from @tezos-client@. data CallMode = MockupMode -- ^ Mode in which @tezos-client@ doesn't perform any actual RPC calls to the node -- and use mock instead. | ClientMode -- ^ Normal mode in which @tezos-client@ performs all necessary RPC calls to the node. -- | Call @tezos-client@ with given arguments. Arguments defined by -- config are added automatically. The second argument specifies what -- should be done in failure case. It takes stdout and stderr -- output. Possible handling: -- -- 1. Parse a specific error and throw it. -- 2. Parse an expected error that shouldn't cause a failure. -- Return @True@ in this case. -- 3. Detect an unexpected error, return @False@. -- In this case 'UnexpectedClientFailure' will be throw. callTezosClient :: forall env m. (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => (Text -> Text -> IO Bool) -> [String] -> CallMode -> Maybe ScrubbedBytes -> m Text callTezosClient errHandler args mode mbInput = retryEConnreset mode $ do TezosClientEnv {..} <- view tezosClientEnvL let extraArgs :: [String] extraArgs = mconcat [ ["-E", toCmdArg tceEndpointUrl] , maybe [] (\dir -> ["-d", dir]) tceMbTezosClientDataDir , ["--mode", case mode of MockupMode -> "mockup" ClientMode -> "client" ] ] allArgs = extraArgs ++ args logDebug $ "Running: " <> unwords (toText <$> tceTezosClientPath:allArgs) let ifNotEmpty prefix output | null output = "" | otherwise = prefix <> ":\n" <> output logOutput :: Text -> Text -> m () logOutput output errOutput = logDebug $ ifNotEmpty "stdout" output <> ifNotEmpty "stderr" errOutput liftIO (readProcessWithExitCode' tceTezosClientPath allArgs (maybe "" scrubbedBytesToString mbInput)) >>= \case (ExitSuccess, toText -> output, toText -> errOutput) -> output <$ logOutput output errOutput (ExitFailure errCode, toText -> output, toText -> errOutput) -> do checkCounterError errOutput checkEConnreset errOutput liftIO $ unlessM (errHandler output errOutput) $ throwM $ UnexpectedClientFailure errCode output errOutput output <$ logOutput output errOutput where checkCounterError :: Text -> m () checkCounterError errOutput | "Counter" `T.isPrefixOf` errOutput && "already used for contract" `T.isInfixOf` errOutput = do let splittedErrOutput = words errOutput liftIO $ throwM $ CounterIsAlreadyUsed (splittedErrOutput !! 1) (splittedErrOutput !! 5) checkCounterError _ = pass checkEConnreset :: Text -> m () checkEConnreset errOutput | "Unix.ECONNRESET" `T.isInfixOf` errOutput = throwM EConnreset checkEConnreset _ = pass -- | Helper function that retries @tezos-client@ call action in case of @ECONNRESET@. -- Note that this error cannot appear in case of 'MockupMode' call. retryEConnreset :: CallMode -> m a -> m a retryEConnreset MockupMode action = action retryEConnreset ClientMode action = retryEConnresetImpl 0 action retryEConnresetImpl :: Integer -> m a -> m a retryEConnresetImpl attempt action = action `catch` \err -> do case err of EConnreset -> if attempt >= maxRetryAmount then throwM err else retryEConnresetImpl (attempt + 1) action anotherErr -> throwM anotherErr maxRetryAmount = 5 -- | Call tezos-client and expect success. callTezosClientStrict :: (WithClientLog env m, HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => [String] -> CallMode -> Maybe ScrubbedBytes -> m Text callTezosClientStrict args mode mbInput = callTezosClient errHandler args mode mbInput where errHandler _ _ = pure False -- | Variant of @readProcessWithExitCode@ that prints a better error in case of -- an exception in the inner @readProcessWithExitCode@ call. readProcessWithExitCode' :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO (ExitCode, String, String) readProcessWithExitCode' fp args inp = catch (readProcessWithExitCode fp args inp) handler where handler :: IOException -> IO (ExitCode, String, String) handler e = do hPutStrLn @Text stderr $ formatWith [red] errorMsg throwIO e errorMsg = "ERROR!! There was an error in executing `" <> (show fp) <> "` program. Is the \ \ executable available in PATH ?" prefixName :: Maybe Text -> AliasOrAliasHint -> Alias prefixName _ (AnAlias x) = x prefixName mPrefix (AnAliasHint (unsafeGetAliasHintText -> hint)) = mkAlias $ case mPrefix of Just prefix -> prefix <> "." <> hint Nothing -> hint -- | Prefix an alias with the value available in any 'HasTezosClientEnv'. prefixNameM :: (HasTezosClientEnv env, MonadReader env m) => AliasOrAliasHint -> m Alias prefixNameM alias = do prefix <- tceAliasPrefix <$> view tezosClientEnvL pure $ prefixName prefix alias -- | Return 'Address' corresponding to given 'AddressOrAlias'. resolveAddress :: (MonadThrow m, Class.HasTezosClient m) => AddressOrAlias -> m Address resolveAddress addr = case addr of AddressResolved addrResolved -> pure addrResolved alias@(AddressAlias originatorName) -> Class.resolveAddressMaybe alias >>= (\case Nothing -> throwM $ UnknownAddressAlias originatorName Just existingAddress -> return existingAddress )