-- | Mirrors 'Michelson.Test.Integrational' module in a Lorentz way. module Lorentz.Test.Integrational ( -- * Re-exports TxData (..) , genesisAddresses , genesisAddress -- * More genesis addresses which can be used in tests , genesisAddress1 , genesisAddress2 , genesisAddress3 , genesisAddress4 , genesisAddress5 , genesisAddress6 -- * Testing engine for bare Typed primitives , tOriginate , tTransfer , tExpectStorageConst -- * Testing engine , I.IntegrationalValidator , SuccessValidator , IntegrationalScenarioM , I.IntegrationalScenario , I.ValidationError (..) , I.integrationalTestExpectation , I.integrationalTestProperty , lOriginate , lOriginateEmpty , lTransfer , lCall , I.validate , I.setMaxSteps , I.setNow , I.rewindTime , I.withSender , I.setChainId , I.branchout , (I.?-) , I.offshoot -- * Validators , I.composeValidators , I.composeValidatorsList , I.expectAnySuccess , I.expectNoUpdates , I.expectNoStorageUpdates , lExpectStorageUpdate , lExpectBalance , lExpectStorageConst -- * Errors , lExpectMichelsonFailed , lExpectFailWith , lExpectError , lExpectErrorNumeric , lExpectCustomError , lExpectCustomErrorNumeric , lExpectCustomError_ , lExpectCustomErrorNumeric_ -- ** Consumer , lExpectConsumerStorage , lExpectViewConsumerStorage ) where import Data.Default (Default(..)) import Data.Singletons (SingI) import Data.Typeable (gcast) import Data.Vinyl.Derived (Label) import Fmt (Buildable, listF, (+|), (|+)) import Named ((:!), arg) import qualified Lorentz as L import Lorentz.Constraints import Lorentz.Run import Lorentz.Value import Michelson.Interpret (InterpretError(..), MichelsonFailed(..)) import Michelson.Runtime import Michelson.Runtime.GState import Michelson.Test.Integrational (IntegrationalScenarioM, SuccessValidator) import qualified Michelson.Test.Integrational as I import Michelson.TypeCheck (typeVerifyValue) import qualified Michelson.Typed as T import Michelson.Typed.Scope import Tezos.Core import Util.Named ((.!)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interface ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: how to call they normally? :thinking: -- Preserving just the same names like @transfer@ or @originate@ -- looks very bad because no one will import this or -- 'Michelson.Test.Integrational' module qualified -- and thus finding which exact function is used would become too painful. -- | Like 'originate', but for typed contract and value. tOriginate :: (ParameterScope cp, StorageScope st) => T.Contract cp st -> Text -> T.Value st -> Mutez -> IntegrationalScenarioM Address tOriginate contract name value balance = I.originate (T.convertContract contract) name (T.untypeValue value) balance -- | Like 'originate', but for Lorentz contracts. lOriginate :: forall cp st. (NiceParameter cp, NiceStorage st) => L.Contract cp st -> Text -> st -> Mutez -> IntegrationalScenarioM (ContractRef cp) lOriginate contract name value balance = withDict (niceParameterEvi @cp) $ withDict (niceStorageEvi @st) $ do addr <- tOriginate (compileLorentz contract) name (T.toVal value) balance return (L.ContractRef addr def) -- | Originate a contract with empty balance and default storage. lOriginateEmpty :: (NiceParameter cp, NiceStorage st, Default st) => L.Contract cp st -> Text -> IntegrationalScenarioM (ContractRef cp) lOriginateEmpty contract name = lOriginate contract name def (unsafeMkMutez 0) -- | Similar to 'transfer', for typed values. tTransfer :: forall cp. (ParameterScope cp) => "from" :! Address -> "to" :! Address -> Mutez -> T.Value cp -> IntegrationalScenarioM () tTransfer (arg #from -> from) (arg #to -> to) money param = let txData = TxData { tdSenderAddress = from , tdParameter = withDict (properParameterEvi @cp) $ T.untypeValue param , tdAmount = money } in I.transfer txData to -- | Similar to 'transfer', for Lorentz values. lTransfer :: forall cp contract. (NiceParameter cp, ToContractRef cp contract) => "from" :! Address -> "to" :! contract -> Mutez -> cp -> IntegrationalScenarioM () lTransfer from (convertContractRef @cp @Address . arg #to -> to) money param = withDict (niceParameterEvi @cp) $ tTransfer from (#to .! to) money (T.toVal param) -- | Call a contract without caring about the source address. Transfers 0 mutez. lCall :: forall cp contract. (NiceParameter cp, ToContractRef cp contract) => contract -> cp -> IntegrationalScenarioM () lCall contract param = lTransfer (#from .! genesisAddress) (#to .! contract) (unsafeMkMutez 0) param ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Validators to be used within 'IntegrationalValidator' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Expect something successful -- | Similar to 'expectStorageUpdate', for Lorentz values. lExpectStorageUpdate :: forall st addr. (NiceStorage st, ToAddress addr, HasCallStack) => addr -> (st -> Either I.ValidationError ()) -> SuccessValidator lExpectStorageUpdate (toAddress -> addr) predicate = I.expectStorageUpdate addr $ \got -> do val <- first I.UnexpectedTypeCheckError $ typeCheck got predicate $ T.fromVal val where typeCheck uval = evaluatingState initSt . runExceptT $ usingReaderT def $ typeVerifyValue uval initSt = error "Typechecker state unavailable" -- | Like 'expectBalance', for Lorentz values. lExpectBalance :: ToAddress addr => addr -> Mutez -> SuccessValidator lExpectBalance (toAddress -> addr) money = I.expectBalance addr money -- | Similar to 'expectStorageConst', for typed stuff. tExpectStorageConst :: forall st. (StorageScope st) => Address -> Value st -> SuccessValidator tExpectStorageConst addr expected = I.expectStorageConst addr (T.untypeValue expected) -- | Similar to 'expectStorageConst', for Lorentz values. lExpectStorageConst :: forall st addr. (NiceStorage st, ToAddress addr) => addr -> st -> SuccessValidator lExpectStorageConst (toAddress -> addr) expected = withDict (niceStorageEvi @st) $ tExpectStorageConst addr (T.toVal expected) -- Expect errors -- | Expect that interpretation of contract with given address ended -- with [FAILED]. lExpectMichelsonFailed :: forall addr. (ToAddress addr) => (MichelsonFailed -> Bool) -> addr -> InterpreterError -> Bool lExpectMichelsonFailed predicate (toAddress -> addr) = I.expectMichelsonFailed predicate addr -- | Expect contract to fail with "FAILWITH" instruction and provided value -- to match against the given predicate. lExpectFailWith :: forall e. (Typeable (T.ToT e), T.IsoValue e) => (e -> Bool) -> InterpreterError -> Bool lExpectFailWith predicate = \case IEInterpreterFailed _ (RuntimeFailure (MichelsonFailedWith err, _)) -> case gcast err of Just errT -> predicate $ T.fromVal @e errT Nothing -> False _ -> False -- | Expect contract to fail with given error. lExpectError :: forall e. (L.IsError e) => (e -> Bool) -> InterpreterError -> Bool lExpectError = lExpectError' L.errorFromVal -- | Version of 'lExpectError' for the case when numeric -- representation of errors is used. lExpectErrorNumeric :: forall e. (L.IsError e) => L.ErrorTagMap -> (e -> Bool) -> InterpreterError -> Bool lExpectErrorNumeric errorTagMap = lExpectError' (L.errorFromValNumeric errorTagMap) lExpectError' :: forall e. (forall t. (Typeable t, SingI t) => Value t -> Either Text e) -> (e -> Bool) -> InterpreterError -> Bool lExpectError' errorFromValImpl predicate = \case IEInterpreterFailed _ (RuntimeFailure (MichelsonFailedWith err, _)) -> case errorFromValImpl err of Right err' -> predicate err' Left _ -> False _ -> False -- | Expect contract to fail with given 'CustomError'. lExpectCustomError :: forall tag arg. (L.IsError (L.CustomError tag), arg ~ L.ErrorArg tag, Eq arg) => Label tag -> arg -> InterpreterError -> Bool lExpectCustomError l a = lExpectError (== L.CustomError l a) -- | Version of 'lExpectCustomError' for the case when numeric -- representation of errors is used. lExpectCustomErrorNumeric :: forall tag arg. (L.IsError (L.CustomError tag), arg ~ L.ErrorArg tag, Eq arg) => L.ErrorTagMap -> Label tag -> arg -> InterpreterError -> Bool lExpectCustomErrorNumeric errorTagMap l a = lExpectErrorNumeric errorTagMap (== L.CustomError l a) -- | Specialization of 'lExpectCustomError' for non-arg error case. lExpectCustomError_ :: forall tag. (L.IsError (L.CustomError tag), L.ErrorArg tag ~ ()) => Label tag -> InterpreterError -> Bool lExpectCustomError_ l = lExpectCustomError l () -- | Version of 'lExpectCustomError_' for the case when numeric -- representation of errors is used. lExpectCustomErrorNumeric_ :: forall tag. (L.IsError (L.CustomError tag), L.ErrorArg tag ~ ()) => L.ErrorTagMap -> Label tag -> InterpreterError -> Bool lExpectCustomErrorNumeric_ errorTagMap l = lExpectCustomErrorNumeric errorTagMap l () -- Consumer -- | Version of 'lExpectStorageUpdate' specialized to "consumer" contract -- (see 'Lorentz.Contracts.Consumer.contractConsumer'). lExpectConsumerStorage :: forall cp st contract. (st ~ [cp], NiceStorage st, ToContractRef cp contract) => contract -> (st -> Either I.ValidationError ()) -> SuccessValidator lExpectConsumerStorage = lExpectStorageUpdate . toContractRef @cp -- | Assuming that "consumer" contract receives a value from 'View', expect -- this view return value to be the given one. -- -- Despite consumer stores parameters it was called with in reversed order, -- this function cares about it, so you should provide a list of expected values -- in the same order in which the corresponding events were happenning. lExpectViewConsumerStorage :: ( st ~ [cp] , Eq cp, Buildable cp , NiceStorage st , ToContractRef cp contract ) => contract -> [cp] -> SuccessValidator lExpectViewConsumerStorage addr expected = lExpectConsumerStorage addr (matchExpected . reverse) where mkError = Left . I.CustomValidationError matchExpected got | got == expected = pass | otherwise = mkError $ "Expected " +| listF expected |+ ", but got " +| listF got |+ ""