{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} -- | Foundation of Lorentz development. module Lorentz.Base ( (:->) (..) , type (%>) , type (&) , (#) , pattern I , pattern FI , iGenericIf , iAnyCode , iNonFailingCode , iMapAnyCode , parseLorentzValue , transformStringsLorentz , transformBytesLorentz , optimizeLorentz , optimizeLorentzWithConf , ContractOut , Contract , SomeContract (..) , Lambda ) where import Data.Default (def) import qualified Data.Kind as Kind import Data.Singletons (SingI(..)) import Fmt (Buildable(..)) import Lorentz.Constraints import Lorentz.Value import Michelson.ErrorPos (InstrCallStack) import Michelson.Optimizer (OptimizerConf, optimizeWithConf) import Michelson.Parser (ParserException, parseExpandValue) import Michelson.Preprocess (transformBytes, transformStrings) import Michelson.TypeCheck (TCError, runTypeCheckIsolated, typeVerifyValue) import Michelson.Typed (Instr(..), RemFail(..), ToT, ToTs, Value, rfAnyInstr, rfMapAnyInstr, rfMerge) import qualified Michelson.Untyped as U -- | Alias for instruction which hides inner types representation via 'T'. newtype (inp :: [Kind.Type]) :-> (out :: [Kind.Type]) = LorentzInstr { unLorentzInstr :: RemFail Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) } deriving (Show, Eq) infixr 1 :-> instance Semigroup (s :-> s) where (<>) = (#) instance Monoid (s :-> s) where mempty = I Nop pattern I :: Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out pattern I i = LorentzInstr (RfNormal i) pattern FI :: (forall out'. Instr (ToTs inp) out') -> inp :-> out pattern FI i = LorentzInstr (RfAlwaysFails i) {-# COMPLETE I, FI #-} iGenericIf :: (forall s'. Instr (ToTs a) s' -> Instr (ToTs b) s' -> Instr (ToTs c) s') -> (a :-> s) -> (b :-> s) -> (c :-> s) iGenericIf merger (LorentzInstr instr1) (LorentzInstr instr2) = LorentzInstr (rfMerge merger instr1 instr2) iAnyCode :: inp :-> out -> Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) iAnyCode = rfAnyInstr . unLorentzInstr iNonFailingCode :: HasCallStack => inp :-> out -> Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) iNonFailingCode (I i) = i iNonFailingCode (FI _) = error "Always failing code cannot appear here" iMapAnyCode :: (forall o'. Instr (ToTs i1) o' -> Instr (ToTs i2) o') -> (i1 :-> o) -> (i2 :-> o) iMapAnyCode f (LorentzInstr i) = LorentzInstr $ rfMapAnyInstr f i -- There is also @instance IsoValue (i :-> o)@ in a separate module. -- | Alias for ':->', seems to make signatures more readable sometimes. -- -- Let's someday decide which one of these two should remain. type (%>) = (:->) infixr 1 %> type ContractOut st = '[([Operation], st)] type Contract cp st = '[(cp, st)] :-> ContractOut st data SomeContract where SomeContract :: (NiceParameter cp, NiceStorage st) => Contract cp st -> SomeContract type (&) (a :: Kind.Type) (b :: [Kind.Type]) = a ': b infixr 2 & (#) :: (a :-> b) -> (b :-> c) -> a :-> c I l # I r = I (l `Seq` r) I l # FI r = FI (l `Seq` r) FI l # _ = FI l infixl 8 # type Lambda i o = '[i] :-> '[o] -- | Errors that can happen during parsing into a Lorentz value. data ParseLorentzError = ParseLorentzParseError !ParserException | ParseLorentzTypecheckError !TCError deriving stock (Show, Eq) instance Buildable ParseLorentzError where build = \case ParseLorentzParseError e -> build e ParseLorentzTypecheckError e -> build e -- | Parse textual representation of a Michelson value and turn it -- into corresponding Haskell value. -- -- Note: it won't work in some complex cases, e. g. if there is a -- lambda which uses an instruction which depends on current -- contract's type. Obviously it can not work, because we don't have -- any information about a contract to which this value belongs (there -- is no such contract at all). parseLorentzValue :: forall v. (IsoValue v, SingI (ToT v), Typeable (ToT v)) => Text -> Either ParseLorentzError v parseLorentzValue = fmap fromVal . (toTyped <=< first ParseLorentzParseError . parseExpandValue) where toTyped :: U.Value -> Either ParseLorentzError (Value (ToT v)) toTyped = first ParseLorentzTypecheckError . runTypeCheckIsolated . usingReaderT (def @InstrCallStack) . typeVerifyValue -- | Lorentz version of 'transformStrings'. transformStringsLorentz :: Bool -> (MText -> MText) -> inp :-> out -> inp :-> out transformStringsLorentz goToValues f = iMapAnyCode $ transformStrings goToValues f -- | Lorentz version of 'transformBytes'. transformBytesLorentz :: Bool -> (ByteString -> ByteString) -> inp :-> out -> inp :-> out transformBytesLorentz goToValues f = iMapAnyCode $ transformBytes goToValues f optimizeLorentzWithConf :: OptimizerConf -> inp :-> out -> inp :-> out optimizeLorentzWithConf conf = -- Optimizer can produce dead code. -- Example: @push True # if_ failWith nop # ...@ will fold to @failWith # ...@. -- But let's not care about this case for now until need in it fires. iMapAnyCode (optimizeWithConf conf) optimizeLorentz :: inp :-> out -> inp :-> out optimizeLorentz = optimizeLorentzWithConf def