-- | Interpreter of a contract in Morley language. module Morley.Runtime ( -- * High level interface for end user originateContract , runContract , transfer -- * Other helpers , parseContract , parseExpandContract , readAndParseContract , prepareContract -- * Re-exports , ContractState (..) , AddressState (..) , TxData (..) -- * For testing , InterpreterOp (..) , InterpreterRes (..) , InterpreterError (..) , interpreterPure ) where import Control.Lens (at, makeLenses, (%=), (.=), (<>=)) import Control.Monad.Except (Except, runExcept, throwError) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Text.IO (getContents) import Fmt (Buildable(build), blockListF, fmt, fmtLn, nameF, pretty, (+|), (|+)) import Named ((:!), (:?), arg, argDef, defaults, (!)) import Text.Megaparsec (parse) import Michelson.Interpret (ContractEnv(..), InterpretUntypedError(..), InterpretUntypedResult(..), InterpreterState(..), RemainingSteps(..)) import Michelson.TypeCheck (TCError) import Michelson.Typed (CreateContract(..), Instr, Operation(..), TransferTokens(..), Val(..), convertContract, unsafeValToValue) import Michelson.Untyped (Contract(..), OriginationOperation(..), UntypedContract, UntypedValue, mkContractAddress) import Morley.Ext (interpretMorleyUntyped, typeCheckMorleyContract) import Morley.Macro (expandContract) import qualified Morley.Parser as P import Morley.Runtime.GState import Morley.Runtime.TxData import Morley.Types (MorleyLogs(..), ParsedOp) import Tezos.Address (Address(..)) import Tezos.Core (Mutez, Timestamp(..), getCurrentTime, unsafeAddMutez, unsafeSubMutez) import Tezos.Crypto (parseKeyHash) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Auxiliary types ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Operations executed by interpreter. -- In our model one Michelson's operation (`operation` type in Michelson) -- corresponds to 0 or 1 interpreter operation. -- -- Note: 'Address' is not part of 'TxData', because 'TxData' is -- supposed to be provided by the user, while 'Address' can be -- computed by our code. data InterpreterOp = OriginateOp !OriginationOperation -- ^ Originate a contract. | TransferOp Address TxData -- ^ Send a transaction to given address which is assumed to be the -- address of an originated contract. deriving (Show) -- | Result of a single execution of interpreter. data InterpreterRes = InterpreterRes { _irGState :: !GState -- ^ New 'GState'. , _irOperations :: [InterpreterOp] -- ^ List of operations to be added to the operations queue. , _irUpdates :: ![GStateUpdate] -- ^ Updates applied to 'GState'. , _irInterpretResults :: [(Address, InterpretUntypedResult MorleyLogs)] -- ^ During execution a contract can print logs and in the end it returns -- a pair. All logs and returned values are kept until all called contracts -- are executed. In the end they are printed. , _irSourceAddress :: !(Maybe Address) -- ^ As soon as transfer operation is encountered, this address is -- set to its input. , _irRemainingSteps :: !RemainingSteps -- ^ Now much gas all remaining executions can consume. } deriving (Show) makeLenses ''InterpreterRes -- | Errors that can happen during contract interpreting. data InterpreterError = IEUnknownContract !Address -- ^ The interpreted contract hasn't been originated. | IEInterpreterFailed !Address !(InterpretUntypedError MorleyLogs) -- ^ Interpretation of Michelson contract failed. | IEAlreadyOriginated !Address !ContractState -- ^ A contract is already originated. | IEUnknownSender !Address -- ^ Sender address is unknown. | IEUnknownManager !Address -- ^ Manager address is unknown. | IENotEnoughFunds !Address !Mutez -- ^ Sender doesn't have enough funds. | IEFailedToApplyUpdates !GStateUpdateError -- ^ Failed to apply updates to GState. | IEIllTypedContract !TCError -- ^ A contract is ill-typed. deriving (Show) instance Buildable InterpreterError where build = \case IEUnknownContract addr -> "The contract is not originated " +| addr |+ "" IEInterpreterFailed addr err -> "Michelson interpreter failed for contract " +| addr |+ ": " +| err |+ "" IEAlreadyOriginated addr cs -> "The following contract is already originated: " +| addr |+ ", " +| cs |+ "" IEUnknownSender addr -> "The sender address is unknown " +| addr |+ "" IEUnknownManager addr -> "The manager address is unknown " +| addr |+ "" IENotEnoughFunds addr amount -> "The sender (" +| addr |+ ") doesn't have enough funds (has only " +| amount |+ ")" IEFailedToApplyUpdates err -> "Failed to update GState: " +| err |+ "" IEIllTypedContract err -> "The contract is ill-typed " +| err |+ "" instance Exception InterpreterError where displayException = pretty ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interface ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parse a contract from 'Text'. parseContract :: Maybe FilePath -> Text -> Either P.ParserException (Contract ParsedOp) parseContract mFileName = first P.ParserException . parse P.program (fromMaybe "" mFileName) -- | Parse a contract from 'Text' and expand macros. parseExpandContract :: Maybe FilePath -> Text -> Either P.ParserException UntypedContract parseExpandContract mFileName = fmap expandContract . parseContract mFileName -- | Read and parse a contract from give path or `stdin` (if the -- argument is 'Nothing'). The contract is not expanded. readAndParseContract :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Contract ParsedOp) readAndParseContract mFilename = do code <- readCode mFilename either throwM pure $ parseContract mFilename code where readCode :: Maybe FilePath -> IO Text readCode = maybe getContents readFile -- | Read a contract using 'readAndParseContract', expand and -- flatten. The contract is not type checked. prepareContract :: Maybe FilePath -> IO UntypedContract prepareContract mFile = expandContract <$> readAndParseContract mFile -- | Originate a contract. Returns the address of the originated -- contract. originateContract :: FilePath -> OriginationOperation -> "verbose" :! Bool -> IO Address originateContract dbPath origination verbose = -- pass 100500 as maxSteps, because it doesn't matter for origination, -- as well as 'now' mkContractAddress origination <$ interpreter Nothing 100500 dbPath [OriginateOp origination] verbose ! defaults -- | Run a contract. The contract is originated first (if it's not -- already) and then we pretend that we send a transaction to it. runContract :: Maybe Timestamp -> Word64 -> Mutez -> FilePath -> UntypedValue -> UntypedContract -> TxData -> "verbose" :! Bool -> "dryRun" :! Bool -> IO () runContract maybeNow maxSteps initBalance dbPath storageValue contract txData verbose (arg #dryRun -> dryRun) = interpreter maybeNow maxSteps dbPath operations verbose ! #dryRun dryRun where -- We hardcode some random key hash here as delegate to make sure that: -- 1. Contract's address won't clash with already originated one (because -- it may have different storage value which may be confusing). -- 2. If one uses this functionality twice with the same contract and -- other data, the contract will have the same address. delegate = either (error . mappend "runContract can't parse delegate: " . pretty) id $ parseKeyHash "tz1YCABRTa6H8PLKx2EtDWeCGPaKxUhNgv47" origination = OriginationOperation { ooManager = genesisKeyHash , ooDelegate = Just delegate , ooSpendable = False , ooDelegatable = False , ooBalance = initBalance , ooStorage = storageValue , ooContract = contract } addr = mkContractAddress origination operations = [ OriginateOp origination , TransferOp addr txData ] -- | Send a transaction to given address with given parameters. transfer :: Maybe Timestamp -> Word64 -> FilePath -> Address -> TxData -> "verbose" :! Bool -> "dryRun" :? Bool -> IO () transfer maybeNow maxSteps dbPath destination txData = interpreter maybeNow maxSteps dbPath [TransferOp destination txData] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interpreter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Interpret a contract on some global state (read from file) and -- transaction data (passed explicitly). interpreter :: Maybe Timestamp -> Word64 -> FilePath -> [InterpreterOp] -> "verbose" :! Bool -> "dryRun" :? Bool -> IO () interpreter maybeNow maxSteps dbPath operations (arg #verbose -> verbose) (argDef #dryRun False -> dryRun) = do now <- maybe getCurrentTime pure maybeNow gState <- readGState dbPath let eitherRes = interpreterPure now (RemainingSteps maxSteps) gState operations InterpreterRes {..} <- either throwM pure eitherRes mapM_ printInterpretResult _irInterpretResults when (verbose && not (null _irUpdates)) $ do fmtLn $ nameF "Updates:" (blockListF _irUpdates) putTextLn $ "Remaining gas: " <> pretty _irRemainingSteps unless dryRun $ writeGState dbPath _irGState where printInterpretResult :: (Address, InterpretUntypedResult MorleyLogs) -> IO () printInterpretResult (addr, InterpretUntypedResult {..}) = do putTextLn $ "Executed contract " <> pretty addr case iurOps of [] -> putTextLn "It didn't return any operations" _ -> fmt $ nameF "It returned operations:" (blockListF iurOps) putTextLn $ "It returned storage: " <> pretty (unsafeValToValue iurNewStorage) let MorleyLogs logs = isExtState iurNewState unless (null logs) $ mapM_ putTextLn logs putTextLn "" -- extra break line to separate logs from two sequence contracts -- | Implementation of interpreter outside 'IO'. It reads operations, -- interprets them one by one and updates state accordingly. interpreterPure :: Timestamp -> RemainingSteps -> GState -> [InterpreterOp] -> Either InterpreterError InterpreterRes interpreterPure now maxSteps gState ops = runExcept (execStateT (statefulInterpreter now) initialState) where initialState = InterpreterRes { _irGState = gState , _irOperations = ops , _irUpdates = mempty , _irInterpretResults = [] , _irSourceAddress = Nothing , _irRemainingSteps = maxSteps } statefulInterpreter :: Timestamp -> StateT InterpreterRes (Except InterpreterError) () statefulInterpreter now = do curGState <- use irGState mSourceAddr <- use irSourceAddress remainingSteps <- use irRemainingSteps use irOperations >>= \case [] -> pass (op:opsTail) -> either throwError (processIntRes opsTail) $ interpretOneOp now remainingSteps mSourceAddr curGState op where processIntRes opsTail InterpreterRes {..} = do irGState .= _irGState irOperations .= opsTail <> _irOperations irUpdates <>= _irUpdates irInterpretResults <>= _irInterpretResults irSourceAddress %= (<|> _irSourceAddress) irRemainingSteps .= _irRemainingSteps statefulInterpreter now -- | Run only one interpreter operation and update 'GState' accordingly. interpretOneOp :: Timestamp -> RemainingSteps -> Maybe Address -> GState -> InterpreterOp -> Either InterpreterError InterpreterRes interpretOneOp _ remainingSteps _ gs (OriginateOp origination) = do void $ first IEIllTypedContract $ typeCheckMorleyContract (ooContract origination) let originatorAddress = KeyAddress (ooManager origination) originatorBalance <- case gsAddresses gs ^. at (originatorAddress) of Nothing -> Left (IEUnknownManager originatorAddress) Just (asBalance -> oldBalance) | oldBalance < ooBalance origination -> Left (IENotEnoughFunds originatorAddress oldBalance) | otherwise -> -- Subtraction is safe because we have checked its -- precondition in guard. Right (oldBalance `unsafeSubMutez` ooBalance origination) let updates = [ GSAddAddress address (ASContract contractState) , GSSetBalance originatorAddress originatorBalance ] case applyUpdates updates gs of Left _ -> Left (IEAlreadyOriginated address contractState) Right newGS -> Right $ InterpreterRes { _irGState = newGS , _irOperations = mempty , _irUpdates = updates , _irInterpretResults = [] , _irSourceAddress = Nothing , _irRemainingSteps = remainingSteps } where contractState = ContractState { csBalance = ooBalance origination , csStorage = ooStorage origination , csContract = ooContract origination } address = mkContractAddress origination interpretOneOp now remainingSteps mSourceAddr gs (TransferOp addr txData) = do let sourceAddr = fromMaybe (tdSenderAddress txData) mSourceAddr let senderAddr = tdSenderAddress txData decreaseSenderBalance <- case addresses ^. at senderAddr of Nothing -> Left (IEUnknownSender senderAddr) Just (asBalance -> balance) | balance < tdAmount txData -> Left (IENotEnoughFunds senderAddr balance) | otherwise -> -- Subtraction is safe because we have checked its -- precondition in guard. Right (GSSetBalance senderAddr (balance `unsafeSubMutez` tdAmount txData)) let onlyUpdates updates = Right (updates, [], Nothing, remainingSteps) (otherUpdates, sideEffects, maybeInterpretRes, newRemSteps) <- case (addresses ^. at addr, addr) of (Nothing, ContractAddress _) -> Left (IEUnknownContract addr) (Nothing, KeyAddress _) -> do let addrState = ASSimple (tdAmount txData) upd = GSAddAddress addr addrState onlyUpdates [upd] (Just (ASSimple oldBalance), _) -> do -- can't overflow if global state is correct (because we can't -- create money out of nowhere) let newBalance = oldBalance `unsafeAddMutez` tdAmount txData upd = GSSetBalance addr newBalance onlyUpdates [upd] (Just (ASContract cs), _) -> do let contract = csContract cs contractEnv = ContractEnv { ceNow = now , ceMaxSteps = remainingSteps , ceBalance = csBalance cs , ceContracts = Map.mapMaybe extractContract addresses , ceSelf = addr , ceSource = sourceAddr , ceSender = senderAddr , ceAmount = tdAmount txData } iur@InterpretUntypedResult { iurOps = sideEffects , iurNewStorage = newValue , iurNewState = InterpreterState _ newRemainingSteps } <- first (IEInterpreterFailed addr) $ interpretMorleyUntyped contract (tdParameter txData) (csStorage cs) contractEnv let newValueU = unsafeValToValue newValue -- can't overflow if global state is correct (because we can't -- create money out of nowhere) newBalance = csBalance cs `unsafeAddMutez` tdAmount txData updBalance = GSSetBalance addr newBalance updStorage = GSSetStorageValue addr newValueU updates = [ updBalance , updStorage ] Right (updates, sideEffects, Just iur, newRemainingSteps) let updates = decreaseSenderBalance:otherUpdates newGState <- first IEFailedToApplyUpdates $ applyUpdates updates gs return InterpreterRes { _irGState = newGState , _irOperations = mapMaybe (convertOp addr) sideEffects , _irUpdates = updates , _irInterpretResults = maybe mempty (one . (addr,)) maybeInterpretRes , _irSourceAddress = Just sourceAddr , _irRemainingSteps = newRemSteps } where addresses :: Map Address AddressState addresses = gsAddresses gs extractContract :: AddressState -> Maybe UntypedContract extractContract = \case ASSimple {} -> Nothing ASContract cs -> Just (csContract cs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Simple helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The argument is the address of the contract that generation this operation. convertOp :: Address -> Operation Instr -> Maybe InterpreterOp convertOp interpretedAddr = \case OpTransferTokens tt -> let txData = TxData { tdSenderAddress = interpretedAddr , tdParameter = unsafeValToValue (ttContractParameter tt) , tdAmount = ttAmount tt } VContract destAddress = ttContract tt in Just (TransferOp destAddress txData) OpSetDelegate {} -> Nothing OpCreateAccount {} -> Nothing OpCreateContract cc -> let origination = OriginationOperation { ooManager = ccManager cc , ooDelegate = ccDelegate cc , ooSpendable = ccSpendable cc , ooDelegatable = ccDelegatable cc , ooBalance = ccBalance cc , ooStorage = unsafeValToValue (ccStorageVal cc) , ooContract = convertContract (ccContractCode cc) } in Just (OriginateOp origination)