module Test.Ext ( typeCheckHandlerSpec , interpretHandlerSpec ) where import Test.Hspec (Expectation, Spec, describe, expectationFailure, it, shouldSatisfy) import Michelson.Interpret (InterpreterState(..)) import Michelson.TypeCheck (HST(..), SomeHST(..), runTypeCheckT) import Michelson.Typed (CVal(..), Instr, Val(..), extractNotes, fromUType, withSomeSingT) import qualified Michelson.Typed as T import Michelson.Untyped (CT(..), T(..), Type(..), ann, noAnn) import Morley.Ext (interpretMorley, typeCheckHandler) import Morley.Test (specWithTypedContract) import Morley.Test.Dummy (dummyContractEnv) import Morley.Types (MorleyLogs(..), StackTypePattern(..), TyVar(..), UExtInstr, UExtInstrAbstract(..)) interpretHandlerSpec :: Spec interpretHandlerSpec = describe "interpretHandler PRINT/TEST_ASSERT tests" $ specWithTypedContract "contracts/" $ \c -> do it "TEST_ASSERT assertion passed" $ do runTest True c 100 100 runTest True c 1 1 it "TEST_ASSERT assertion failed" $ do runTest False c 0 100 runTest False c -1 -2 where runTest corr contract x y = do let x' = VC $ CvInt x :: Val Instr ('T.Tc 'T.CInt) let y' = VC $ CvInt y :: Val Instr ('T.Tc 'T.CInt) let area' = VC $ CvInt $ x * y :: Val Instr ('T.Tc 'T.CInt) let check (a, InterpreterState s _) = if corr then isRight a && s == MorleyLogs ["Area is " <> show area'] else isLeft a && s == MorleyLogs ["Sides are " <> show x' <> " x " <> show y'] interpretMorley contract (VPair (x', y')) VUnit dummyContractEnv `shouldSatisfy` check typeCheckHandlerSpec :: Spec typeCheckHandlerSpec = describe "typeCheckHandler STACKTYPE tests" $ do it "Correct test on [] pattern" $ runNopTest test1 True it "Correct test on [a, b] pattern" $ runNopTest test2 True it "Correct test on [a, b, ...] pattern" $ runNopTest test3 True it "Correct test on [a, b, ...] pattern and stack [a, b]" $ runNopTest test4 True it "Failed test on [] pattern and stack [a]" $ runNopTest test5 False it "Failed test on [a, b] pattern and stack [a, b, c]" $ runNopTest test6 False it "Failed test on [a, b] pattern and stack [a]" $ runNopTest test7 False it "Failed test on [a, b, ...] pattern and stack [a]" $ runNopTest test8 False it "Failed test on [a, b] pattern and stack [a, c]" $ runNopTest test9 False where p2 = StkCons (TyCon t1) (StkCons (TyCon t2) StkEmpty) p3 = StkCons (TyCon t1) (StkCons (TyCon t2) StkRest) test1 = (STACKTYPE StkEmpty, convertToHST []) test2 = (STACKTYPE p2, convertToHST [t1, t2]) test3 = (STACKTYPE p3, convertToHST [t1, t2, t3]) test4 = (STACKTYPE p3, convertToHST [t1, t2]) test5 = (STACKTYPE StkEmpty, convertToHST [t1]) test6 = (STACKTYPE p2, convertToHST [t1, t2, t3]) test7 = (STACKTYPE p2, convertToHST [t1]) test8 = (STACKTYPE p3, convertToHST [t1]) test9 = (STACKTYPE p2, convertToHST [t1, t3]) t1 = Type (TOption (ann "f") (Type TKey (ann "key"))) (ann "opt") t2 = Type (TPair (ann "f") (ann "s") (Type TUnit "x") (Type TSignature "s")) noAnn t3 = Type (Tc CInt) (ann "tint") convertToHST :: [Type] -> SomeHST convertToHST [] = SomeHST SNil convertToHST (t : ts) = withSomeSingT (fromUType t) $ \sing -> let nt = either (const $ error "unexpected trouble with extracting annotations") id (extractNotes t sing) in case convertToHST ts of SomeHST is -> SomeHST ((sing, nt, noAnn) ::& is) nh (ni, si) = runTypeCheckT typeCheckHandler (Type TKey noAnn) $ typeCheckHandler ni [] si runNopTest :: (UExtInstr, SomeHST) -> Bool -> Expectation runNopTest tcase correct = case (nh tcase, correct) of (Right _, False) -> expectationFailure $ "Test expected to fail but it passed" (Left e, True) -> expectationFailure $ "Test expected to pass but it failed with error: " <> show e _ -> pass