Examples ======== Examples of real-coded GAs: * [beale.hs](beale.hs) Beale function (basic GA) * [rosenbrock.hs](rosenbrock.hs) Rosenbrock function (basic GA with pure logging) * [schaffer2.hs](schaffer2.hs) Schaffer function #2 (steady-state GA with niching) * [cp_sphere2.hs](cp_sphere2.hs) constrained 2D sphere function over a convex set (GA with a death penalty) * [cp_himmelblau.hs](cp_himmelblau.hs) constrained Himmelblau function over a non-convex set (GA with niching and constrained tournament selection) * [mop_minsum_maxprod.hs](mop_minsum_maxprod.hs) a simple multiobjective problem (basic NSGA-II) * [mop_kursawe.hs](mop_kursawe.hs) Kursawe function, a multiobjective problem with a discontinuous and non-convex Pareto set (constrained NSGA-II) * [mop_constr2.hs](mop_constr2.hs) a constrained multiobjective problem from (Deb, 2002), a part of the unconstrained Pareto-optimal region is not feasible (constrained NSGA-II with niching) Examples of binary GAs: * [knapsack.hs](knapsack.hs) 0-1 knapsack problem. (A basic GA with logging in IO and time limit)