module Tests.Internals.TestConstraints where import Control.Monad (replicateM) import Test.HUnit import System.Random.Mersenne.Pure64 (pureMT) import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Types import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Selection import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Random import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Constraints import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Binary testConstraints = TestList [ "constraint satisfaction" ~: do let gs = [[-1],[0],[1],[2],[3::Int]] assertEqual ".<." [True, True, False, False, False] $ map (isFeasible [head .<. 1]) gs assertEqual ".<=." [True, True, True, False, False] $ map (isFeasible [head .<=. 1]) gs assertEqual ".>." [False, False, False, True, True] $ map (isFeasible [head .>. 1]) gs assertEqual ".>=." [False, False, True, True, True] $ map (isFeasible [head .>=. 1]) gs assertEqual ".==." [False, False, True, False, False] $ map (isFeasible [head .==. 1]) gs assertEqual "non-strict double inequality" [False, True, True, True, False] $ map (isFeasible [0 .<= head <=. 2]) gs assertEqual "strict double inequality" [False, False, True, False, False] $ map (isFeasible [0 .< head <. 2]) gs , "constrained initialization" ~: do let fI = fromIntegral :: Int -> Double let constraints = [ 1 .<= (fI . decodeBinary (0,255)) <=. 42 ] let n = 200 let genomes = flip evalRandom (pureMT 1) $ getConstrainedBinaryGenomes constraints n 8 assertEqual "exactly n genomes" n $ length genomes assertEqual "first constraint (<= .. <=)" True $ flip all genomes $ \bits -> let x = fI $ decodeBinary (0,255) bits in (x >= 0) && (x <= (42::Double)) , "constrained selection (minimizing)" ~: do let n = 10 let tournament2 = tournamentSelect Minimizing 2 n let constraints = [head .>=. 0, head .>=. (-1)] let ctournament = withConstraints constraints numberOfViolations Minimizing $ tournament2 -- out of two solutions, one violates both constraints, another one only one let badvsugly = map (\x -> ([x], x)) [-1, -2] -- out of two solutions, one is feasible, the other is not let goodvsbad = map (\x -> ([x], x)) [0, -1] let result = flip evalRandom (pureMT 1) $ ctournament badvsugly assertEqual "lesser degree of violation is preferred" (replicate n (-1.0)) $ (map (head . takeGenome) result) let result = flip evalRandom (pureMT 1) $ ctournament goodvsbad assertEqual "feasible solution is preferred" (replicate n (0.0)) $ (map (head . takeGenome) result) , "numberOfViolations" ~: do let constraints = [head .>=. 0, head .>=. (-1)] assertEqual "1 violation" 1 $ numberOfViolations constraints [-1] assertEqual "2 violations" [2, 2] $ map (numberOfViolations constraints) [ [-2], [-3] ] assertEqual "no violations" 0 $ numberOfViolations constraints [0] , "degreeOfViolation" ~: do let constraints = [head .>=. 0, (negate . head) .<. (1)] assertEqual "no violation" 0 $ degreeOfViolation 2.0 0.5 constraints [0] assertEqual "1 non-strict violation" 0.25 $ degreeOfViolation 2.0 0.5 constraints [-0.5] assertEqual "1 non-strict and 1 strict violations" 1.5 $ degreeOfViolation 2.0 0.5 constraints [-1.0] assertEqual "non-strict double inequality" [3.0,2.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0] $ map (degreeOfViolation 1 0.5 [0 .<= head <=. 6]) $ map (:[]) [-3..9] assertEqual "strict double inequality" [3.5,2.5,1.5,0.5,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5] $ map (degreeOfViolation 1 0.5 [0 .< head <. 6]) $ map (:[]) [-3..9] ]