Moo === ------------------------------------------------ < Moo. Breeding Genetic Algorithms with Haskell. > ------------------------------------------------ \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || Features -------- | | Binary GA | Continuous GA | |-----------------------+----------------------+--------------------------| |Encoding | binary bit-string | sequence of real values | | | Gray bit-string | | |-----------------------+----------------------+--------------------------| |Initialization | random uniform | | | constrained random uniform | | | arbitrary custom | |-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------| |Objective | minimization and maximiation | | | optional scaling | | | optional ranking | | | optional niching (fitness sharing) | |-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------| |Selection | roulette | | | stochastic universal sampling | | | tournament | | | optional elitism | | | optionally constrained | | | custom non-adaptive ^ | |-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------| |Crossover | one-point | | | two-point | | | uniform | | | custom non-adaptive ^ | | +----------------------+--------------------------| | | | BLX-α (blend) | | | | SBX (simulated binary) | | | | UNDX (unimodal normally | | | | distributed) | |-----------------------+----------------------+--------------------------| |Mutation | point | Gaussian | | | asymmetric | | | | constant frequency | | | +----------------------+--------------------------| | | custom non-adaptive ^ | |-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------| |Replacement | generational with elitism | | | steady state | |-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------| |Stop | number of generations | |condition | values of objective function | | | stall of objective function | | | custom or interactive (`loopIO`) | | | time limit (`loopIO`) | | | compound conditions (`And`, `Or`) | |-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------| |Logging | pure periodic (any monoid) | | | periodic with `IO` | |-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------| |Constrainted | constrained initialization | |optimization | constrained selection | | | death penalty | |-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------| |Multiobjective | NSGA-II | |optimization | constrained NSGA-II | `^` non-adaptive: any function which doesn't depend on generation number There are other possible encodings which are possible to represent with list-like genomes (`type Genome a = [a]`): * permutation encodings (`a` being an integer, or other `Enum` type) * tree encodings (`a` being a subtree type) * hybrid encodings (`a` being a sum type) Contributing ------------ There are many ways you can help developing the library: * I'm not a native speaker of English. If you are, please proof-read and correct the comments and the documentation. * Moo is designed with possibility of implementing custom genetic operators in mind. If you write new operators (`SelectionOp`, `CrossoverOp`, `MutationOp`) or replacement strategies (`StepGA`), consider contributing them to the library. In the comments please give a reference to an academic work which introduces or studies the method. Explain when or why it should be used. Provide tests and examples if possible. * Implementing some methods (like adaptive genetic algorithms) will require to change some library types. Please discuss your approach first. * Contribute examples. Solutions of known problems with known optima and interesting properties. Try to avoid examples which are too contrived. An example ---------- Minimizing [Beale's function][test-functions] (optimal value f(3, 0.5) = 0): ```haskell import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Continuous beale :: [Double] -> Double beale [x, y] = (1.5 - x + x*y)**2 + (2.25 - x + x*y*y)**2 + (2.625 - x + x*y*y*y)**2 popsize = 101 elitesize = 1 tolerance = 1e-6 selection = tournamentSelect Minimizing 2 (popsize - elitesize) crossover = unimodalCrossoverRP mutation = gaussianMutate 0.25 0.1 step = nextGeneration Minimizing beale selection elitesize crossover mutation stop = IfObjective (\values -> (minimum values) < tolerance) initialize = getRandomGenomes popsize [(-4.5, 4.5), (-4.5, 4.5)] main = do population <- runGA initialize (loop stop step) print (head . bestFirst Minimizing $ population) ``` For more examples, see [examples/](examples/) folder. [test-functions]: