{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{- |

Common utility functions.


module Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Utilities
  -- * Non-deterministic functions
  , doCrossovers
  , doNCrossovers
) where

import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Types
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Random

import Control.Monad.Mersenne.Random
import Control.Monad (replicateM)

-- | Generate @n@ random genomes made of elements in the
-- hyperrectangle ranges @[(from_i,to_i)]@. Return a list of genomes
-- and a new state of random number generator.
randomGenomes :: (Random a, Ord a)
              => PureMT  -- ^ random number generator
              -> Int     -- ^ n, number of genomes to generate
              -> [(a, a)]  -- ^ ranges for individual genome elements
              ->  ([Genome a], PureMT)
randomGenomes rng n ranges =
    let sortRange (r1,r2) = (min r1 r2, max r1 r2)
        ranges' = map sortRange ranges
    in  flip runRandom rng $
        replicateM n $ mapM getRandomR ranges'

-- | Generate @n@ uniform random genomes with individual genome
-- elements bounded by @ranges@. This corresponds to random uniform
-- sampling of points (genomes) from a hyperrectangle with a bounding
-- box @ranges@.
getRandomGenomes :: (Random a, Ord a)
                         => Int  -- ^ @n@, how many genomes to generate
                         -> [(a, a)]  -- ^ ranges for individual genome elements
                         -> Rand ([Genome a])  -- ^ random genomes
getRandomGenomes n ranges =
    Rand $ \rng ->
        let (gs, rng') = randomGenomes rng n ranges
        in  R gs rng'

-- | Crossover all available parents. Parents are not repeated.
doCrossovers :: [Genome a] -> CrossoverOp a -> Rand [Genome a]
doCrossovers []      _     = return []
doCrossovers parents xover = do
  (children', parents') <- xover parents
  if null children'
     then return []
     else do
       rest <- doCrossovers parents' xover
       return $ children' ++ rest

-- | Produce exactly @n@ offsprings by repeatedly running the @crossover@
-- operator between randomly selected parents (possibly repeated).
doNCrossovers :: Int   -- ^ @n@, number of offsprings to generate
              -> [Genome a]  -- ^ @parents@' genomes
              -> CrossoverOp a  -- ^ @crossover@ operator
              -> Rand [Genome a]
doNCrossovers _ [] _ = return []
doNCrossovers n parents xover =
    doAnotherNCrossovers n []
    doAnotherNCrossovers i children
        | i <= 0     = return . take n . concat $ children
        | otherwise  = do
      (children', _) <- xover =<< shuffle parents
      if (null children')
          then doAnotherNCrossovers 0 children  -- no more children
          else doAnotherNCrossovers (i - length children') (children':children)