{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances #-} import Data.Conduit.Pool (Pool, createPool) import Network.Riak (defaultClient, connect, disconnect, Client(port), Connection) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BW import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import Data.Aeson (Value, (.=), object, encode) import Data.Word (Word8) import Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage (messageGet, messagePut, Wire) import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Reflections (ReflectDescriptor) import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Basic (Utf8, toUtf8, uFromString) import Network.Riak.Montage import Network.Riak.Montage.Util import User.UserInfo as UI import User.UserEvent as UE import User.UserName as UN -- Pool setup generatePool :: String -> Int -> IO (Pool Connection) generatePool port count = createPool (connect $ defaultClient {port = port}) disconnect 1 -- stripes 10 -- timeout count -- max connections -- Resolution logic {- Here your data can be one of two simple protocol buffers: message UserInfo { required uint32 uid = 1; } message UserEvent { required uint32 eid = 1; } . You always wrap it in a resolution data type so you can create a unique BucketSpec by bucket name. A simple last-write-wins resolution uses something like the lastWriteWins resolver (below). Don't forget to define a 1. constructor (ByteString -> a) function 2. deconstructor (a -> ByteString) function for each bucket -} data ResObject = ResObjectUserInfo UserInfo | ResObjectUserEvent UserEvent | ResObjectUserName UserName deriving (Show) instance Poolable (Pool Connection) where chooser p _ = p instance MontageRiakValue ResObject where getPB "u-info" = BucketSpec (ResObjectUserInfo . messageGetError "UserInfo") lastWriteWins (\(ResObjectUserInfo o) -> messagePut o) getPB "u-event" = BucketSpec (ResObjectUserEvent . messageGetError "UserEvent") lastWriteWins (\(ResObjectUserEvent o) -> messagePut o) getPB "u-name" = BucketSpec (ResObjectUserName . messageGetError "UserName") lastWriteWins (\(ResObjectUserName o) -> messagePut o) getPB bucket = error $ B.unpack $ B.concat [ "No resolution function defined for bucket: ", bucket ] referenceKey (ResObjectUserInfo pb) = Just $ (putDecimal . fromIntegral . UI.uid) $ pb referenceKey (ResObjectUserEvent pb) = Just $ (putDecimal . fromIntegral . UE.eid) $ pb referenceKey (ResObjectUserName pb) = Nothing -- no reference key for this string value referenceKey _ = Nothing putDecimal' :: Int -> [Word8] putDecimal' 0 = [] putDecimal' i = ((fromIntegral f) + 48) : putDecimal' (fromIntegral r) where (r, f) = i `divMod` 10 {-# INLINE putDecimal' #-} putDecimal :: Int -> B.ByteString putDecimal i | i < 0 = BW.pack $ (45 :: Word8) : (reverse $ putDecimal' $ abs i) | otherwise = BW.pack $ reverse $ putDecimal' i {-# INLINE putDecimal #-} lastWriteWins a b = b messageGetError :: (ReflectDescriptor a, Wire a) => B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> a messageGetError cls v = case messageGet v of Right (msg, x) | B.length x == 0 -> msg Right (_, x) | B.length x /= 0 -> error ("error decoding " ++ B.unpack cls ++ ": did not consume all of input") Left e -> error ("error decoding " ++ B.unpack cls ++ ": " ++ e) -- Run it main :: IO () main = do mainPool <- generatePool "8087" 300 let cfg' = cfg { proxyPort = 7078 } -- how to set the port -- already default to 7078, so this does nothing runDaemon (cfg' :: Config ResObject) mainPool