{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Singles.TextFieldSpec Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Unit tests for TextField widget. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.TextFieldSpec (spec) where import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~)) import Control.Lens.TH (abbreviatedFields, makeLensesWith) import Data.Default import Data.Text (Text) import Test.Hspec import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Core import Monomer.Core.Combinators import Monomer.Event import Monomer.TestUtil import Monomer.TestEventUtil import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.TextField import qualified Monomer.Lens as L data TestEvt = TextChanged Text | GotFocus Path | LostFocus Path deriving (Eq, Show) newtype TestModel = TestModel { _tmTextValue :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''TestModel spec :: Spec spec = describe "TextField" $ do handleEvent handleEventValue handleEventMouseSelect handleEventHistory getSizeReq handleEvent :: Spec handleEvent = describe "handleEvent" $ do it "should input an 'a'" $ do model [evtT "a"] ^. textValue `shouldBe` "a" ctx [evtT "a"] ^. L.renderSchedule `shouldSatisfy` (==1) . length it "should input 'ababa', remove the middle 'a' and input 'c'" $ do let steps = [evtT "ababa", moveCharL, moveCharL, evtK keyBackspace, evtT "c"] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "abcba" it "should input 'ababa', select last two and input 'c'" $ do let steps = [evtT "ababa", selCharL, selCharL, selCharL, evtT "c"] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "abc" it "should input 'This is a dog', move to beginning, select first word and input 'that'" $ do let str = "This is a dog" let steps = [evtT str, moveWordL, moveWordL, moveWordL, moveWordL, selWordR, evtT "that"] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "that is a dog" it "should input 'This is a dog', select one word, deselect and input 'big '" $ do let str = "This is a dog" let steps = [evtT str, selWordL, moveCharL, evtT "big "] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This is a big dog" it "should input 'This string very long text is', and reject ' invalid' since maxLength == 40" $ do let str = "This string very very long text is" let steps = [evtT str, evtT " invalid"] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This string very very long text is" it "should input 'This is text', select all and input 'No'" $ do let str = "This is text" let steps = [evtT str, evtKG keyA, evtT "No"] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "No" it "should input 'This is text', receive focus (with select on Focus) and input 'No'" $ do let str = "This is text" let steps = [evtT str, evtFocus, evtT "No"] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "No" it "should copy and paste text around" $ do let str = "This is some long text" let steps = [evtT str, selWordL, selWordL, selCharL, evtKG keyC, moveWordL, moveWordL, moveCharL, evtKG keyV] testInVideoSubSystem $ model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This long text is some long text" it "should cut and paste text around" $ do let str = "This is long text" let steps = [evtT str, selWordL, selCharL, evtKG keyX, moveWordL, moveWordL, moveCharL, evtKG keyV] testInVideoSubSystem $ model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This text is long" it "should generate an event when focus is received" $ do events [evtFocus] `shouldBe` Seq.singleton (GotFocus emptyPath) ctx [evtFocus] ^. L.renderSchedule `shouldSatisfy` (==1) . length it "should generate an event when focus is lost" $ do events [evtBlur] `shouldBe` Seq.singleton (LostFocus emptyPath) ctx [evtFocus, evtBlur] ^. L.renderSchedule `shouldSatisfy` null where wenv = mockWenv (TestModel "") txtCfg = [maxLength 40, selectOnFocus, onFocus GotFocus, onBlur LostFocus] txtNode = textField_ textValue txtCfg model es = nodeHandleEventModel wenv es txtNode events es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es txtNode ctx evts = nodeHandleEventCtx wenv evts txtNode handleEventValue :: Spec handleEventValue = describe "handleEventValue" $ do it "should input an 'ab'" $ evts [evtT "a", evtT "b"] `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [TextChanged "a", TextChanged "ab"] it "should input 'this is a dog', input '?', move to beginning and input 'Is '" $ do let str = "this is a dog" let steps = [evtT str, evtT "?", moveLineL, evtT "Is "] lastEvt steps `shouldBe` TextChanged "Is this is a dog?" it "should input 'This is a dog', move before 'is', select 'is', deselect it and input 'nt'" $ do let str = "This is a dog" let steps = [evtT str, moveWordL, moveWordL, moveWordL, selWordR, moveCharR, evtT "n't"] lastEvt steps `shouldBe` TextChanged "This isn't a dog" it "should input 'This is a dog', remove one word and input 'bird'" $ do let str = "This is a dog" let steps = [evtT str, delWordL, evtT "cat"] lastEvt steps `shouldBe` TextChanged "This is a cat" it "should input 'This is a dog', select to beginning and input 'No'" $ do let str = "This is a dog" let steps = [evtT str, selLineL, evtT "No"] lastEvt steps `shouldBe` TextChanged "No" it "should input 'This is a dog', move to beginning, select until end and input 'No'" $ do let str = "This is a dog" let steps = [evtT str, moveLineL, selLineR, evtT "No"] lastEvt steps `shouldBe` TextChanged "No" it "should input 'a', move to beginning, input 'H', move to end and input 't'" $ do let steps = [evtT "a", evtK keyHome, evtT "H", evtK keyEnd, evtT "t"] lastEvt steps `shouldBe` TextChanged "Hat" it "should input 'abc', select to beginning, input 'def', move back twice, select to end and input 'dd'" $ do let steps = [evtT "abc", evtKCS keyHome, evtT "def", moveCharL, moveCharL, evtKCS keyEnd, evtT "dd"] lastEvt steps `shouldBe` TextChanged "ddd" it "should input 'abc123', move to beginning, select three letters, copy, move to end, paste" $ do let steps = [evtT "abc123", evtKC keyHome, selCharR, selCharR, selCharR, evtKG keyC, evtK keyEnd, evtKG keyV] testInVideoSubSystem $ lastEvt steps `shouldBe` TextChanged "abc123abc" where wenv = mockWenv (TestModel "") txtNode = textFieldV "" TextChanged evts es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es txtNode lastIdx es = Seq.index es (Seq.length es - 1) lastEvt es = lastIdx (evts es) handleEventMouseSelect :: Spec handleEventMouseSelect = describe "handleEventMouseSelect" $ do it "should add text at the end, since click + drag started outside of viewport" $ do let str = "This is text" let selStart = Point 50 100 let selEnd = Point 120 10 let steps = [evtT str, evtPress selStart, evtMove selEnd, evtRelease selEnd, evtT "!"] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This is text!" it "should drag around and input 'Text'" $ do let str = "" let selStart = Point 50 10 let selMid1 = Point 0 10 let selMid2 = Point 200 10 let selMid3 = Point (-200) 10 let selEnd = Point 120 10 let moves = [evtMove selMid1, evtMove selMid2, evtMove selMid3, evtMove selEnd] let steps = [evtT str, evtPress selStart] ++ moves ++ [evtRelease selEnd, evtT "Text"] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "Text" it "should input 'This is text', select 'is text' and input 'test'" $ do let str = "This is text" let selStart = Point 40 10 let selEnd = Point 120 10 let steps = [evtT str, evtPress selStart, evtMove selEnd, evtRelease selEnd, evtT "test"] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This test" it "should input 'This is text', select all from beginning and input 'New'" $ do let str = "This is new" let selStart = Point 0 10 let selEnd = Point 200 10 let steps = [evtT str, evtPress selStart, evtMove selEnd, evtRelease selEnd, evtT "New"] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "New" it "should input 'This is text', select all from the end and input 'New'" $ do let str = "This is" let selStart = Point 70 10 let selEnd = Point 0 10 let steps = [evtT str, evtPress selStart, evtMove selEnd, evtRelease selEnd, evtT "New"] model steps ^. textValue `shouldBe` "New" where wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit (TestModel "") txtNode = vstack [ hstack [ textField textValue `styleBasic` [width 105], hstack [] ] ] model es = nodeHandleEventModel wenv es txtNode events es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es txtNode handleEventHistory :: Spec handleEventHistory = describe "handleEventHistory" $ do it "should input 'This is text', have the last word removed and then undo" $ do let str = "This is text" let steps1 = [evtT str, evtKA keyBackspace] let steps2 = steps1 ++ [evtKG keyZ] model steps1 ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This is " model steps2 ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This is text" lastEvt steps2 `shouldBe` TextChanged "This is text" it "should input 'This is text', have the last two words removed, undo and redo" $ do let str = "This is text" let steps1 = [evtT str, evtKA keyBackspace, evtKA keyBackspace] let steps2 = steps1 ++ [evtKG keyZ, evtKG keyZ, evtKGS keyZ] model steps1 ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This " model steps2 ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This is " lastEvt steps2 `shouldBe` TextChanged "This is " it "should input 'This is just a string', play around with history and come end up with 'This is just text" $ do let str = "This is just a string" let steps1 = [evtT str, evtKA keyBackspace, evtKA keyBackspace, evtKA keyBackspace, evtKA keyBackspace, evtKA keyBackspace] let steps2 = steps1 ++ [evtKG keyZ, evtKG keyZ, evtKG keyZ, evtKG keyZ, evtKG keyZ, evtKGS keyZ, evtKGS keyZ, evtT "text"] model steps1 ^. textValue `shouldBe` "" model steps2 ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This is just text" lastEvt steps2 `shouldBe` TextChanged "This is just text" it "should input 'This is text', remove two words, undo, input 'not' and fail to redo" $ do let str = "This is text" let steps1 = [evtT str, evtKA keyBackspace, evtKA keyBackspace] let steps2 = steps1 ++ [evtKG keyZ, evtT "not", evtKGS keyZ] model steps1 ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This " model steps2 ^. textValue `shouldBe` "This is not" lastEvt steps2 `shouldBe` TextChanged "This is not" where wenv = mockWenv (TestModel "") txtCfg = [onChange TextChanged, selectOnFocus, onFocus GotFocus, onBlur LostFocus] txtNode = textField_ textValue txtCfg model es = nodeHandleEventModel wenv es txtNode evts es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es txtNode lastIdx es = Seq.index es (Seq.length es - 1) lastEvt es = lastIdx (evts es) getSizeReq :: Spec getSizeReq = describe "getSizeReq" $ do it "should return width = Flex 100 1" $ sizeReqW `shouldBe` expandSize 100 1 it "should return height = Fixed 20" $ sizeReqH `shouldBe` fixedSize 20 where wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit (TestModel "Test value") (sizeReqW, sizeReqH) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv (textField textValue)