{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.CompositeSpec Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Unit tests for Composite widget. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Monomer.Widgets.CompositeSpec (spec) where import Control.Lens ( (&), (^.), (^?), (^..), (.~), (%~), _Just, ix, folded, traverse, dropping) import Control.Lens.TH (abbreviatedFields, makeLensesWith) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Typeable (Typeable, cast) import TextShow import Test.Hspec import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Core import Monomer.Core.Combinators import Monomer.Event import Monomer.TestEventUtil import Monomer.TestUtil import Monomer.Widgets.Composite import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Box import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Grid import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.ZStack import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Button import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Checkbox import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.TextField import Monomer.Widgets.Util.Widget import qualified Monomer.Lens as L import qualified Monomer.Widgets.Single as SG data MainEvt = MainBtnClicked | ChildClicked | MainResize Rect deriving (Eq, Show) data ChildEvt = ChildBtnClicked | ChildMessage String | ChildResize Rect deriving (Eq, Show) data DeepEvt = DeepInit deriving (Eq, Show) data MainModel = MainModel { _tmClicks :: Int, _tmChild :: ChildModel } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Default MainModel where def = MainModel { _tmClicks = 0, _tmChild = def } data ChildModel = ChildModel { _cmClicks :: Int, _cmMessage :: String, _cmDeep :: DeepModel } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Default ChildModel where def = ChildModel { _cmClicks = 0, _cmMessage = "", _cmDeep = def } newtype DeepModel = DeepModel { _dmClicked :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Default DeepModel where def = DeepModel { _dmClicked = False } data TestModel = TestModel { _tmItems :: [Int], _tmText1 :: Text, _tmText2 :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Default TestModel where def = TestModel { _tmItems = [], _tmText1 = "", _tmText2 = "" } msgWidget = defaultWidgetNode "msgWidget" $ SG.createSingle () def { SG.singleHandleMessage = msgWidgetHandleMessage } msgWidgetHandleMessage wenv node target message = Just (resultEvts node evts) where val = fromMaybe "" (cast message) evts = [ChildMessage val] makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''MainModel makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''ChildModel makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''DeepModel makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''TestModel baseLens idx = L.children . ix 0 . L.children . ix idx . L.children . ix 0 pathLens idx = baseLens idx . L.info . L.path widLens idx = baseLens idx . L.info . L.widgetId spec :: Spec spec = describe "Composite" $ do handleEvent handleMessage findByPoint findByPath findNextFocus getSizeReq resize handleEvent :: Spec handleEvent = describe "handleEvent" $ do handleEventBasic handleEventChild handleEventResize handleEventLocalKey handleEventBasic :: Spec handleEventBasic = describe "handleEventBasic" $ do it "should not generate an event if clicked outside" $ model [evtClick (Point 3000 3000)] ^. clicks `shouldBe` 0 it "should generate a user provided event when clicked" $ model [evtClick (Point 10 10)] ^. clicks `shouldBe` 1 where wenv = mockWenv def handleEvent :: WidgetEnv MainModel MainEvt -> WidgetNode MainModel MainEvt -> MainModel -> MainEvt -> [EventResponse MainModel MainEvt MainModel MainEvt] handleEvent wenv node model evt = case evt of MainBtnClicked -> [Model (model & clicks %~ (+1))] _ -> [] buildUI wenv model = button "Click" MainBtnClicked cmpNode = composite "main" id buildUI handleEvent model es = nodeHandleEventModel wenv es cmpNode handleEventChild :: Spec handleEventChild = describe "handleEventChild" $ do it "should not generate an event if clicked outside" $ do model [evtClick (Point 3000 3000)] ^. clicks `shouldBe` 0 model [evtClick (Point 3000 3000)] ^. child . clicks `shouldBe` 0 model [evtClick (Point 3000 3000)] ^. child . deep . clicked `shouldBe` False it "should generate a main event when clicked in main button" $ do model [evtClick (Point 10 10)] ^. clicks `shouldBe` 1 model [evtClick (Point 10 10)] ^. child . clicks `shouldBe` 0 model [evtClick (Point 10 10)] ^. child . deep . clicked `shouldBe` False it "should generate a child event when clicked in child button" $ do model [evtClick (Point 10 30)] ^. clicks `shouldBe` 0 model [evtClick (Point 10 30)] ^. child . clicks `shouldBe` 1 model [evtClick (Point 10 30)] ^. child . deep . clicked `shouldBe` False it "should update the nested model when the checkbox is clicked" $ do model [evtClick (Point 10 50)] ^. clicks `shouldBe` 0 model [evtClick (Point 10 50)] ^. child . clicks `shouldBe` 0 model [evtClick (Point 10 50)] ^. child . deep . clicked `shouldBe` True where wenv = mockWenv def handleDeep :: WidgetEnv DeepModel DeepEvt -> WidgetNode DeepModel DeepEvt -> DeepModel -> DeepEvt -> [EventResponse DeepModel DeepEvt ChildModel ChildEvt] handleDeep wenv node model evt = [] buildDeep wenv model = checkbox clicked handleChild :: WidgetEnv ChildModel ChildEvt -> WidgetNode ChildModel ChildEvt -> ChildModel -> ChildEvt -> [EventResponse ChildModel ChildEvt MainModel MainEvt] handleChild wenv node model evt = [Model (model & clicks %~ (+1))] buildChild wenv model = vstack [ button "Click" ChildBtnClicked, composite "deep" deep buildDeep handleDeep ] handleEvent :: WidgetEnv MainModel MainEvt -> WidgetNode MainModel MainEvt -> MainModel -> MainEvt -> [EventResponse MainModel MainEvt MainModel ()] handleEvent wenv node model evt = [Model (model & clicks %~ (+1))] buildUI wenv model = vstack [ button "Click" MainBtnClicked, composite "child" child buildChild handleChild ] cmpNode = composite "main" id buildUI handleEvent model es = nodeHandleEventModel wenv es cmpNode handleEventResize :: Spec handleEventResize = describe "handleEventResize" $ do it "should not generate a resize event on init" $ events [] `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [] it "should generate a resize event when size changes" $ events [evtClick (Point 10 10)] `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [MainResize cvp] where wenv = mockWenv def handleChild :: WidgetEnv ChildModel ChildEvt -> WidgetNode ChildModel ChildEvt -> ChildModel -> ChildEvt -> [EventResponse ChildModel ChildEvt MainModel MainEvt] handleChild wenv node model evt = case evt of ChildResize rect -> [Report (MainResize rect)] _ -> [Model (model & clicks %~ (+1))] buildChild wenv model = vstack [ button "Click" ChildBtnClicked, label "Test" `styleBasic` [height 3000] `nodeVisible` (model ^. clicks > 0) ] handleEvent :: WidgetEnv MainModel MainEvt -> WidgetNode MainModel MainEvt -> MainModel -> MainEvt -> [EventResponse MainModel MainEvt MainModel MainEvt] handleEvent wenv node model evt = case evt of MainResize{} -> [Report evt] _ -> [Model (model & clicks %~ (+1))] buildUI wenv model = vstack [ composite_ "child" child buildChild handleChild [onResize ChildResize] ] cmpNode = composite_ "main" id buildUI handleEvent [onResize MainResize] model es = nodeHandleEventModel wenv es cmpNode events es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es cmpNode vp = Rect 0 0 640 480 cvp = Rect 0 0 640 3020 handleEventLocalKey :: Spec handleEventLocalKey = describe "handleEventLocalKey" $ do handleEventLocalKeySingleState handleEventLocalKeyRemoveItem handleEventLocalKeySingleState :: Spec handleEventLocalKeySingleState = describe "handleEventLocalKeySingleState" $ it "should insert new text at the end, since its merged with a local key" $ do wenv1 ^. L.model . text1 `shouldBe` "aacc" wenv1 ^. L.model . text2 `shouldBe` "" wenv2 ^. L.model . text1 `shouldBe` "aaccbb" wenv2 ^. L.model . text2 `shouldBe` "" newInstRoot ^? pathLens 0 `shouldBe` Just (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0]) newInstRoot ^? pathLens 1 `shouldBe` Just (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 1, 0]) newInstRoot ^? widLens 0 `shouldBe` Just (WidgetId 0 (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 1, 0])) newInstRoot ^? widLens 1 `shouldBe` Just (WidgetId 0 (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0])) where wenv = mockWenv def handleEvent :: WidgetEnv TestModel () -> WidgetNode TestModel () -> TestModel -> () -> [EventResponse TestModel () TestModel ()] handleEvent wenv node model evt = [] buildUI1 wenv model = hstack [ vstack [ textField text1 ] `nodeKey` "localTxt1", vstack [ textField text1 ] `nodeKey` "localTxt2" ] buildUI2 wenv model = hstack [ vstack [ textField text1 ] `nodeKey` "localTxt2", vstack [ textField text1 ] `nodeKey` "localTxt1" ] cmpNode1 = composite "main" id buildUI1 handleEvent cmpNode2 = composite_ "main" id buildUI2 handleEvent [mergeRequired (\_ _ -> True)] evts1 = [evtK keyTab, evtT "aacc", moveCharL, moveCharL] (wenv1, root1, _) = fst $ nodeHandleEvents wenv WInit evts1 cmpNode1 cntNodeM = nodeMerge wenv1 cmpNode2 root1 evts2 = [evtK keyTab, evtK keyTab, evtT "bb"] (wenv2, root2, _) = fst $ nodeHandleEvents wenv1 WNoInit evts2 cntNodeM newInstRoot = widgetGetInstanceTree (root2 ^. L.widget) wenv1 root2 handleEventLocalKeyRemoveItem :: Spec handleEventLocalKeyRemoveItem = describe "handleEventLocalKeyRemoveItem" $ it "should remove an element and keep the correct keys" $ do getKeys oldInstRoot `shouldBe` ["key0", "key1", "key2", "key3"] getKeys newInstRoot `shouldBe` ["key0", "key2", "key3"] length (newCtx ^. L.widgetPaths) `shouldBe` 2 where initModel = def & items .~ [0..3] wenv = mockWenv initModel handleEvent :: WidgetEnv TestModel MainEvt -> WidgetNode TestModel MainEvt -> TestModel -> MainEvt -> [EventResponse TestModel MainEvt TestModel MainEvt] handleEvent wenv node model evt = case evt of MainBtnClicked -> [Model $ model & items .~ [0, 2, 3]] _ -> [] buildUI wenv model = vstack (button "Button" MainBtnClicked : (keyedLabel <$> model ^. items)) keyedLabel idx = label "Test" `nodeKey` ("key" <> showt idx) node = composite "main" id buildUI handleEvent evts = [evtClick (Point 100 10)] oldNode = nodeInit wenv node ((_, newRoot, _), newCtx) = nodeHandleEvents wenv WInit evts node oldInstRoot = widgetGetInstanceTree (oldNode ^. L.widget) wenv oldNode newInstRoot = widgetGetInstanceTree (newRoot ^. L.widget) wenv newRoot getKeys inst = inst ^.. L.children . ix 0 . L.children . folded . L.info . L.key . _Just . L._WidgetKey handleMessage :: Spec handleMessage = describe "handleMessage" $ do it "should not generate an event if clicked outside" $ do model [evtClick (Point 50 10)] ^. child . message `shouldBe` "Test" where wenv = mockWenv def msg :: String msg = "Test" path = Seq.fromList [0, 0, 1, 0, 0] handleChild :: WidgetEnv ChildModel ChildEvt -> WidgetNode ChildModel ChildEvt -> ChildModel -> ChildEvt -> [EventResponse ChildModel ChildEvt MainModel MainEvt] handleChild wenv node model evt = case evt of ChildMessage m -> [Model (model & message .~ m)] _ -> [] buildChild wenv model = vstack [ msgWidget ] handleEvent :: WidgetEnv MainModel MainEvt -> WidgetNode MainModel MainEvt -> MainModel -> MainEvt -> [EventResponse MainModel MainEvt MainModel ()] handleEvent wenv node model evt = [Request (SendMessage wid msg)] where wnis = wenv ^. L.findBranchByPath $ path wid = maybe def (^. L.widgetId) (Seq.lookup (length wnis - 1) wnis) buildUI wenv model = vstack [ button "Start" MainBtnClicked, composite "child" child buildChild handleChild ] cmpNode = composite "main" id buildUI handleEvent model es = nodeHandleEventModel wenv es cmpNode findByPoint :: Spec findByPoint = describe "findByPoint" $ do it "should return Nothing" $ wni emptyPath (Point 3000 3000) `shouldBe` Nothing it "should return item number 5" $ do let res = wni emptyPath (Point 320 240) res ^? _Just . L.path ^.. traverse . traverse `shouldBe` [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1] it "should return item number 8" $ do let res = wni emptyPath (Point 600 240) res ^? _Just . L.path ^.. traverse . traverse `shouldBe` [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2] it "should return background item" $ do let res = wni emptyPath (Point 560 400) res ^? _Just . L.path ^.. traverse . traverse `shouldBe` [0, 0, 0, 1] it "should return item number 9 when starting from the second level" $ do let res = wni (Seq.fromList [0, 0]) (Point 560 340) res ^? _Just . L.path ^.. traverse . traverse `shouldBe` [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1] it "should return Nothing if start path is not valid" $ do let res = wni (Seq.fromList [0, 1]) (Point 600 400) res `shouldBe` Nothing where wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit def cmpNode = findByHelperUI wni start point = res where inode = nodeInit wenv cmpNode res = widgetFindByPoint (inode ^. L.widget) wenv inode start point findByPath :: Spec findByPath = describe "findByPath" $ do it "should return Nothing" $ do wni emptyPath `shouldBe` Nothing wni (Seq.fromList [1]) `shouldBe` Nothing wni (Seq.fromList [0, 100]) `shouldBe` Nothing it "should return item number 5" $ do let res = wni (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) roundRectUnits <$> res ^? _Just . L.viewport `shouldBe` Just (Rect 213 160 213 160) it "should return item number 8" $ do let res = wni (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2]) roundRectUnits <$> res ^? _Just . L.viewport `shouldBe` Just (Rect 427 160 213 160) it "should return background item" $ do let res = wni (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 1]) roundRectUnits <$> res ^? _Just . L.viewport `shouldBe` Just (Rect 0 0 640 480) it "should return item number 9 when starting from the second level" $ do let res = wni (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1]) roundRectUnits <$> res ^? _Just . L.viewport `shouldBe` Just (Rect 427 340 213 20) where wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit def cmpNode = findByHelperUI wni path = res where inode = nodeInit wenv cmpNode res = findWidgetByPath wenv inode path findNextFocus :: Spec findNextFocus = describe "findNextFocus" $ do it "should return the first textfield" $ do let res = wni FocusFwd emptyPath roundRectUnits <$> res ^? _Just . L.viewport `shouldBe` Just (Rect 0 0 213 160) res ^? _Just . L.path `shouldBe` Just (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) it "should return the second textfield" $ do let res = wni FocusFwd (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) roundRectUnits <$> res ^? _Just . L.viewport `shouldBe` Just (Rect 213 160 213 160) res ^? _Just . L.path `shouldBe` Just (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) it "should return the third textfield" $ do let res = wni FocusFwd (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) roundRectUnits <$> res ^? _Just . L.viewport `shouldBe` Just (Rect 427 360 213 20) res ^? _Just . L.path `shouldBe` Just (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2]) it "should return the third textfield (starts backwards)" $ do let res = wni FocusBwd emptyPath roundRectUnits <$> res ^? _Just . L.viewport `shouldBe` Just (Rect 427 360 213 20) res ^? _Just . L.path `shouldBe` Just (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2]) it "should return the second textfield (starts backwards)" $ do let res = wni FocusBwd (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2]) roundRectUnits <$> res ^? _Just . L.viewport `shouldBe` Just (Rect 213 160 213 160) res ^? _Just . L.path `shouldBe` Just (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) it "should return the first textfield (starts backwards)" $ do let res = wni FocusBwd (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) roundRectUnits <$> res ^? _Just . L.viewport `shouldBe` Just (Rect 0 0 213 160) res ^? _Just . L.path `shouldBe` Just (Seq.fromList [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) where wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit def cmpNode = findByHelperUI wni dir start = res where inode = nodeInit wenv cmpNode res = widgetFindNextFocus (inode ^. L.widget) wenv inode dir start findByHelperUI :: Typeable ep => WidgetNode TestModel ep findByHelperUI = composite "main" id buildUI handleEvent where handleEvent wenv node model evt = [] buildLabels :: WidgetEnv TestModel () -> TestModel -> WidgetNode TestModel () buildLabels wenv model = vstack_ [ignoreEmptyArea] [ label "a", label "b", textField text1 ] cmpLabels = composite "main" id buildLabels handleEvent buildUI :: WidgetEnv TestModel () -> TestModel -> WidgetNode TestModel () buildUI wenv model = box_ [ignoreEmptyArea, expandContent] $ zstack_ [onlyTopActive_ False] [ label "Background", vgrid [ hgrid [ textField text1, label "2", label "3" ], hgrid [ label "4", textField text1, label "6" ], hgrid [ label "7", label "8", cmpLabels ] ] ] getSizeReq :: Spec getSizeReq = describe "getSizeReq" $ do it "should return width = Fixed 70" $ sizeReqW `shouldBe` fixedSize 70 it "should return height = Fixed 20" $ sizeReqH `shouldBe` fixedSize 40 where wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit () handleEvent wenv node model evt = [] buildUI :: WidgetEnv () () -> () -> WidgetNode () () buildUI wenv model = vstack [ label "label 1", label "label 2" ] cmpNode = composite "main" id buildUI handleEvent (sizeReqW, sizeReqH) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv cmpNode resize :: Spec resize = describe "resize" $ do it "should have the provided viewport size" $ viewport `shouldBe` vp it "should assign the same viewport size to its child" $ childrenVp `shouldBe` Seq.singleton cvp1 where wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480 vp = Rect 0 0 640 480 cvp1 = Rect 0 0 640 480 handleEvent wenv node model evt = [] buildUI :: WidgetEnv () () -> () -> WidgetNode () () buildUI wenv model = hstack [] cmpNode = composite "main" id buildUI handleEvent tmpNode = nodeInit wenv cmpNode newNode = widgetGetInstanceTree (tmpNode ^. L.widget) wenv tmpNode viewport = newNode ^. L.info . L.viewport childrenVp = (^. L.info . L.viewport) <$> newNode ^. L.children