{-| Module : Monomer.Common.CursorIconSpec Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Unit tests for Cursor handling. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Monomer.Common.CursorIconSpec (spec) where import Control.Lens import Control.Lens.TH (abbreviatedFields, makeLensesWith) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Sequence (Seq(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import Safe import Test.Hspec import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Core import Monomer.Core.Combinators import Monomer.Core.Themes.SampleThemes import Monomer.Event import Monomer.Main import Monomer.TestUtil import Monomer.TestEventUtil import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Box import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Grid import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Spacer import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.TextDropdown import qualified Monomer.Lens as L newtype TestModel = TestModel { _tmSelectedItem :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''TestModel spec :: Spec spec = describe "Cursor Icon" $ do handleEventSimple handleEventNested handleEventOverlay handleEventSimple :: Spec handleEventSimple = describe "handleEventSimple" $ do it "should not change the cursor if not event happened" $ do icons [] `shouldBe` [CursorArrow] it "should not change the cursor if the widget does not have a cursor" $ do icons [[evtMove p1]] `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorArrow] it "should change the cursor if the widget has a custom cursor" $ do icons [[evtMove p2]] `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorHand] icons [[evtMove p3]] `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorIBeam] icons [[evtMove p4]] `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorInvalid] it "should generate the correct sequence of cursors from the events" $ do let evtsGroups = [[evtMove p2], [evtMove p3], [evtMove p4]] icons evtsGroups `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorHand, CursorIBeam, CursorInvalid] where wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit () node = vstack [ label "Test", label "Test" `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorHand], label "Test" `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorIBeam], label "Test" `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid] ] icons egs = getIcons wenv node egs p1 = Point 100 10 p2 = Point 100 30 p3 = Point 100 50 p4 = Point 100 70 handleEventNested :: Spec handleEventNested = describe "handleEventNested" $ do it "should change the cursor if the widget has a custom cursor" $ do icons [[evtMove p11]] `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorArrow] icons [[evtMove p21]] `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorSizeH] icons [[evtMove p22]] `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorHand] icons [[evtMove p31]] `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorSizeV] icons [[evtMove p32]] `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorHand] it "should generate the correct sequence of cursors from the events" $ do let evtsGroups = [[evtMove p11], [evtMove p21], [evtMove p22], [evtMove p31], [evtMove p32]] icons evtsGroups `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorArrow, CursorSizeH, CursorHand, CursorSizeV, CursorHand] where wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit () node = vstack [ label "Test", hgrid [ hgrid [ label "Test" `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorSizeH], filler ] ] `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorHand], hgrid [ hgrid [ label "Test" `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorSizeV], filler ] `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid], spacer ] `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorHand] ] icons egs = getIcons wenv node egs p11 = Point 100 10 p21 = Point 100 30 p22 = Point 400 30 p31 = Point 100 50 p32 = Point 400 50 handleEventOverlay :: Spec handleEventOverlay = describe "handleEventOverlay" $ do it "should not change the cursor if not event happened" $ do icons [] `shouldBe` [CursorArrow] it "should not show arrow in overlay area if dropdown is not open" $ do let evtsGroups = [[evtMove p1], [evtMove p2], [evtMove p3]] icons evtsGroups `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorHand, CursorInvalid, CursorInvalid] it "should show arrow in overlay area if dropdown is open" $ do let evtsGroups = [[evtMove p1], [evtClick p1], [evtMove p2], [evtMove p3]] icons evtsGroups `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorHand, CursorArrow, CursorHand, CursorArrow] it "should show arrow in overlay area when dropdown is open, invalid after it's closed" $ do let evtsGroups = [[evtMove p1], [evtClick p1], [evtMove p3], [evtClick p3]] icons evtsGroups `shouldBe` [CursorArrow, CursorHand, CursorArrow, CursorArrow, CursorInvalid] where wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit (TestModel 0) & L.theme .~ darkTheme node = vstack [ textDropdown selectedItem [0..10::Int], filler ] `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid] icons egs = getIcons wenv node egs p1 = Point 100 10 -- Header p2 = Point 100 50 -- List overlay p3 = Point 100 460 -- Outside getIcons :: Eq s => WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> [[SystemEvent]] -> [CursorIcon] getIcons wenv root evtsGroups = iconsRes where firstIcon stack = fromMaybe CursorArrow (headMay stack) ctxs = snd <$> tail (nodeHandleEvents_ wenv WInit evtsGroups root) cursors = (^.. L.cursorStack . folded . _2) <$> ctxs iconsRes = firstIcon <$> cursors