{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Singles.TextArea Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Input field for multiline 'Text'. -} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.TextArea ( -- * Configuration TextAreaCfg, -- * Constructors textArea, textArea_, textAreaV, textAreaV_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (^?), (.~), (%~), (<>~), ALens', ix, view) import Control.Monad (forM_, when) import Data.Default import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Maybe import Data.Sequence (Seq(..), (|>)) import Data.Tuple (swap) import Data.Text (Text) import GHC.Generics import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Text as T import Monomer.Helper import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Scroll import Monomer.Widgets.Single import qualified Monomer.Lens as L defCaretW :: Double defCaretW = 2 defCaretMs :: Int defCaretMs = 500 {-| Configuration options for textArea: - 'maxLength': the maximum length of input text. - 'maxLines': the maximum number of lines of input text. - 'acceptTab': whether to handle tab and convert it to spaces (cancelling change of focus), or keep default behaviour and lose focus. - 'selectOnFocus': Whether all input should be selected when focus is received. - 'onFocus': event to raise when focus is received. - 'onFocusReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is received. - 'onBlur': event to raise when focus is lost. - 'onBlurReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is lost. - 'onChange': event to raise when the value changes. - 'onChangeReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when the value changes. -} data TextAreaCfg s e = TextAreaCfg { _tacCaretWidth :: Maybe Double, _tacCaretMs :: Maybe Int, _tacMaxLength :: Maybe Int, _tacMaxLines :: Maybe Int, _tacAcceptTab :: Maybe Bool, _tacSelectOnFocus :: Maybe Bool, _tacOnFocusReq :: [Path -> WidgetRequest s e], _tacOnBlurReq :: [Path -> WidgetRequest s e], _tacOnChangeReq :: [Text -> WidgetRequest s e] } instance Default (TextAreaCfg s e) where def = TextAreaCfg { _tacCaretWidth = Nothing, _tacCaretMs = Nothing, _tacMaxLength = Nothing, _tacMaxLines = Nothing, _tacAcceptTab = Nothing, _tacSelectOnFocus = Nothing, _tacOnFocusReq = [], _tacOnBlurReq = [], _tacOnChangeReq = [] } instance Semigroup (TextAreaCfg s e) where (<>) t1 t2 = TextAreaCfg { _tacCaretWidth = _tacCaretWidth t2 <|> _tacCaretWidth t1, _tacCaretMs = _tacCaretMs t2 <|> _tacCaretMs t1, _tacMaxLength = _tacMaxLength t2 <|> _tacMaxLength t1, _tacMaxLines = _tacMaxLines t2 <|> _tacMaxLines t1, _tacAcceptTab = _tacAcceptTab t2 <|> _tacAcceptTab t1, _tacSelectOnFocus = _tacSelectOnFocus t2 <|> _tacSelectOnFocus t1, _tacOnFocusReq = _tacOnFocusReq t1 <> _tacOnFocusReq t2, _tacOnBlurReq = _tacOnBlurReq t1 <> _tacOnBlurReq t2, _tacOnChangeReq = _tacOnChangeReq t1 <> _tacOnChangeReq t2 } instance Monoid (TextAreaCfg s e) where mempty = def instance CmbCaretWidth (TextAreaCfg s e) Double where caretWidth w = def { _tacCaretWidth = Just w } instance CmbCaretMs (TextAreaCfg s e) Int where caretMs ms = def { _tacCaretMs = Just ms } instance CmbMaxLength (TextAreaCfg s e) where maxLength len = def { _tacMaxLength = Just len } instance CmbMaxLines (TextAreaCfg s e) where maxLines lines = def { _tacMaxLines = Just lines } instance CmbAcceptTab (TextAreaCfg s e) where acceptTab_ accept = def { _tacAcceptTab = Just accept } instance CmbSelectOnFocus (TextAreaCfg s e) where selectOnFocus_ sel = def { _tacSelectOnFocus = Just sel } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnFocus (TextAreaCfg s e) e Path where onFocus fn = def { _tacOnFocusReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnFocusReq (TextAreaCfg s e) s e Path where onFocusReq req = def { _tacOnFocusReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnBlur (TextAreaCfg s e) e Path where onBlur fn = def { _tacOnBlurReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnBlurReq (TextAreaCfg s e) s e Path where onBlurReq req = def { _tacOnBlurReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnChange (TextAreaCfg s e) Text e where onChange fn = def { _tacOnChangeReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnChangeReq (TextAreaCfg s e) s e Text where onChangeReq req = def { _tacOnChangeReq = [req] } data HistoryStep = HistoryStep { _tahText :: !Text, _tahCursorPos :: !(Int, Int), _tahSelStart :: Maybe (Int, Int) } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) data TextAreaState = TextAreaState { _tasText :: Text, _tasTextMetrics :: TextMetrics, _tasTextStyle :: Maybe TextStyle, _tasCursorPos :: (Int, Int), _tasSelStart :: Maybe (Int, Int), _tasTextLines :: Seq TextLine, _tasHistory :: Seq HistoryStep, _tasHistoryIdx :: Int, _tasFocusStart :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance Default TextAreaState where def = TextAreaState { _tasText = "", _tasTextMetrics = def, _tasTextStyle = def, _tasCursorPos = def, _tasSelStart = def, _tasTextLines = Seq.empty, _tasHistory = Seq.empty, _tasHistoryIdx = 0, _tasFocusStart = 0 } -- | Creates a text area using the given lens. textArea :: WidgetEvent e => ALens' s Text -> WidgetNode s e textArea field = textArea_ field def -- | Creates a text area using the given lens. Accepts config. textArea_ :: WidgetEvent e => ALens' s Text -> [TextAreaCfg s e] -> WidgetNode s e textArea_ field configs = textAreaD_ wdata configs where wdata = WidgetLens field -- | Creates a text area using the given value and 'onChange' event handler. textAreaV :: WidgetEvent e => Text -> (Text -> e) -> WidgetNode s e textAreaV value handler = textAreaV_ value handler def -- | Creates a text area using the given value and 'onChange' event handler. -- Accepts config. textAreaV_ :: WidgetEvent e => Text -> (Text -> e) -> [TextAreaCfg s e] -> WidgetNode s e textAreaV_ value handler configs = textAreaD_ wdata newConfig where wdata = WidgetValue value newConfig = onChange handler : configs -- | Creates a text area providing a 'WidgetData' instance and config. textAreaD_ :: WidgetEvent e => WidgetData s Text -> [TextAreaCfg s e] -> WidgetNode s e textAreaD_ wdata configs = scrollNode where config = mconcat configs widget = makeTextArea wdata config def node = defaultWidgetNode "textArea" widget & L.info . L.focusable .~ True scrollCfg = [scrollStyle L.textAreaStyle, scrollFwdStyle scrollFwdDefault] scrollNode = scroll_ scrollCfg node makeTextArea :: WidgetEvent e => WidgetData s Text -> TextAreaCfg s e -> TextAreaState -> Widget s e makeTextArea !wdata !config !state = widget where widget = createSingle state def { singleInit = init, singleMerge = merge, singleDispose = dispose, singleHandleEvent = handleEvent, singleGetSizeReq = getSizeReq, singleRender = render } !caretMs = fromMaybe defCaretMs (_tacCaretMs config) !maxLength = _tacMaxLength config !maxLines = _tacMaxLines config getModelValue !wenv = widgetDataGet (_weModel wenv) wdata -- State !currText = _tasText state !textLines = _tasTextLines state -- Helpers validText !state = validLen && validLines where text = _tasText state lines = _tasTextLines state validLen = T.length text <= fromMaybe maxBound maxLength validLines = length lines <= fromMaybe maxBound maxLines line !idx | idx >= 0 && idx < length textLines = Seq.index textLines idx ^. L.text | otherwise = "" !lineLen = T.length . line !totalLines = length textLines !lastPos = (lineLen (totalLines - 1), totalLines) init wenv node = resultNode newNode where text = getModelValue wenv newState = stateFromText wenv node state text newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeTextArea wdata config newState merge wenv node oldNode oldState = resultNode newNode where oldText = _tasText oldState newText = getModelValue wenv newState | oldText /= newText = stateFromText wenv node state newText | otherwise = oldState newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeTextArea wdata config newState dispose wenv node = resultReqs node reqs where widgetId = node ^. L.info . L.widgetId reqs = [RenderStop widgetId] handleKeyPress wenv mod code | isDelBackWordNoSel = Just removeWordL | isDelBackWord = Just (replaceText state selStart "") | isBackspace && emptySel = Just removeCharL | isBackspace = Just (replaceText state selStart "") | isMoveLeft = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX - 1, tpY) Nothing | isMoveRight = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX + 1, tpY) Nothing | isMoveUp = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX, tpY - 1) Nothing | isMoveDown = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX, tpY + 1) Nothing | isMovePageUp = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX, tpY - vpLines) Nothing | isMovePageDown = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX, tpY + vpLines) Nothing | isMoveWordL = Just $ moveCursor txt prevWordPos Nothing | isMoveWordR = Just $ moveCursor txt nextWordPos Nothing | isMoveLineL = Just $ moveCursor txt (0, tpY) Nothing | isMoveLineR = Just $ moveCursor txt (lineLen tpY, tpY) Nothing | isMoveFullUp = Just $ moveCursor txt (0, 0) Nothing | isMoveFullDn = Just $ moveCursor txt lastPos Nothing | isSelectAll = Just $ moveCursor txt (0, 0) (Just lastPos) | isSelectLeft = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX - 1, tpY) (Just tp) | isSelectRight = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX + 1, tpY) (Just tp) | isSelectUp = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX, tpY - 1) (Just tp) | isSelectDown = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX, tpY + 1) (Just tp) | isSelectPageUp = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX, tpY - vpLines) (Just tp) | isSelectPageDown = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX, tpY + vpLines) (Just tp) | isSelectWordL = Just $ moveCursor txt prevWordPos (Just tp) | isSelectWordR = Just $ moveCursor txt nextWordPos (Just tp) | isSelectLineL = Just $ moveCursor txt (0, tpY) (Just tp) | isSelectLineR = Just $ moveCursor txt (lineLen tpY, tpY) (Just tp) | isSelectFullUp = Just $ moveCursor txt (0, 0) (Just tp) | isSelectFullDn = Just $ moveCursor txt lastPos (Just tp) | isDeselectLeft = Just $ moveCursor txt minTpSel Nothing | isDeselectRight = Just $ moveCursor txt maxTpSel Nothing | isDeselectUp = Just $ moveCursor txt minTpSel Nothing | isDeselectDown = Just $ moveCursor txt maxTpSel Nothing | otherwise = Nothing where txt = currText txtLen = T.length txt textMetrics = _tasTextMetrics state tp@(tpX, tpY) = _tasCursorPos state selStart = _tasSelStart state (minTpSel, maxTpSel) | swap tp <= swap (fromJust selStart) = (tp, fromJust selStart) | otherwise = (fromJust selStart, tp) emptySel = isNothing selStart vpLines = round (wenv ^. L.viewport . L.h / textMetrics ^. L.lineH) activeSel = isJust selStart prevTxt | tpX > 0 = T.take tpX (line tpY) | otherwise = line (tpY - 1) prevWordStart = T.dropWhileEnd (not . delim) . T.dropWhileEnd delim $ prevTxt prevWordPos | tpX == 0 && tpY == 0 = (tpX, tpY) | tpX > 0 = (T.length prevWordStart, tpY) | otherwise = (T.length prevWordStart, tpY - 1) nextTxt | tpX < lineLen tpY = T.drop tpX (line tpY) | otherwise = line (tpY + 1) nextWordEnd = T.dropWhile (not . delim) . T.dropWhile delim $ nextTxt nextWordPos | tpX == lineLen tpY && tpY == length textLines - 1 = (tpX, tpY) | tpX < lineLen tpY = (lineLen tpY - T.length nextWordEnd, tpY) | otherwise = (lineLen (tpY + 1) - T.length nextWordEnd, tpY + 1) isShift = _kmLeftShift mod isLeft = isKeyLeft code isRight = isKeyRight code isUp = isKeyUp code isDown = isKeyDown code isHome = isKeyHome code isEnd = isKeyEnd code isPageUp = isKeyPageUp code isPageDown = isKeyPageDown code isWordMod | isMacOS wenv = _kmLeftAlt mod | otherwise = _kmLeftCtrl mod isLineMod | isMacOS wenv = _kmLeftCtrl mod || _kmLeftGUI mod | otherwise = _kmLeftAlt mod isAllMod | isMacOS wenv = _kmLeftGUI mod | otherwise = _kmLeftCtrl mod isBackspace = isKeyBackspace code isDelBackWord = isBackspace && isWordMod isDelBackWordNoSel = isDelBackWord && emptySel isMove = not isShift && not isWordMod && not isLineMod isMoveWord = not isShift && isWordMod && not isLineMod isMoveLine = not isShift && isLineMod && not isWordMod isSelect = isShift && not isWordMod && not isLineMod isSelectWord = isShift && isWordMod && not isLineMod isSelectLine = isShift && isLineMod && not isWordMod isMoveLeft = isMove && not activeSel && isLeft isMoveRight = isMove && not activeSel && isRight isMoveWordL = isMoveWord && isLeft isMoveWordR = isMoveWord && isRight isMoveLineL = (isMoveLine && isLeft) || (not isShift && isHome) isMoveLineR = (isMoveLine && isRight) || (not isShift && isEnd) isMoveFullUp = isMoveLine && isUp isMoveFullDn = isMoveLine && isDown isMoveUp = isMove && not activeSel && isUp isMoveDown = isMove && not activeSel && isDown isMovePageUp = isMove && not activeSel && isPageUp isMovePageDown = isMove && not activeSel && isPageDown isSelectAll = isAllMod && isKeyA code isSelectLeft = isSelect && isLeft isSelectRight = isSelect && isRight isSelectUp = isSelect && isUp isSelectDown = isSelect && isDown isSelectPageUp = isSelect && isPageUp isSelectPageDown = isSelect && isPageDown isSelectWordL = isSelectWord && isLeft isSelectWordR = isSelectWord && isRight isSelectLineL = (isSelectLine && isLeft) || (isShift && isHome) isSelectLineR = (isSelectLine && isRight) || (isShift && isEnd) isSelectFullUp = isSelectLine && isUp isSelectFullDn = isSelectLine && isDown isDeselectLeft = isMove && activeSel && isLeft isDeselectRight = isMove && activeSel && isRight isDeselectUp = isMove && activeSel && isUp isDeselectDown = isMove && activeSel && isDown replaceFix sel text = replaceText state (Just $ fixPos sel) text removeCharL | tpX > 0 = replaceFix (tpX - 1, tpY) "" | otherwise = replaceFix (lineLen (tpY - 1), tpY - 1) "" removeWordL = replaceFix prevWordPos "" moveCursor txt newPos newSel | isJust selStart && isNothing newSel = (txt, fixedPos, Nothing) | isJust selStart && Just fixedPos == selStart = (txt, fixedPos, Nothing) | isJust selStart = (txt, fixedPos, selStart) | Just fixedPos == fixedSel = (txt, fixedPos, Nothing) | otherwise = (txt, fixedPos, fixedSel) where fixedPos = fixPos newPos fixedSel = fmap fixPos newSel fixPos (cX, cY) = result where nlines = length textLines vcY = clamp 0 (nlines - 1) cY vcX = clamp 0 (lineLen tpY) cX ncX = clamp 0 (lineLen vcY) cX sameX = vcX == tpX sameY = vcY == tpY result | sameY && cX < 0 && vcY == 0 = (0, 0) | sameY && cX < 0 && vcY > 0 = (lineLen (vcY - 1) + cX + 1, vcY - 1) | sameY && cX > lineLen vcY && vcY < nlines - 1 = (cX - lineLen vcY - 1, vcY + 1) | sameX && cX > lineLen vcY = (min cX (lineLen vcY), vcY) | otherwise = (ncX, vcY) handleEvent wenv node target evt = case evt of ButtonAction point btn BtnPressed clicks | clicks == 1 -> Just result where newPos = findClosestGlyphPos state (localPoint point) newState = state { _tasCursorPos = newPos, _tasSelStart = Nothing } newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeTextArea wdata config newState result = resultReqs newNode [RenderOnce] -- Select word if clicked twice in a row ButtonAction point btn BtnReleased clicks | clicks == 2 -> result where (tx, ty) = findClosestGlyphPos state (localPoint point) currText = Seq.index textLines ty ^. L.text (part1, part2) = T.splitAt tx currText txtLen = T.length currText wordStart = T.dropWhileEnd (not . delim) part1 wordStartIdx = T.length wordStart wordEnd = T.dropWhile (not . delim) part2 wordEndIdx = txtLen - T.length wordEnd newPos = (wordStartIdx, ty) newSel = Just (wordEndIdx, ty) newState = state { _tasCursorPos = newPos, _tasSelStart = newSel } newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeTextArea wdata config newState result | ty < totalLines = Just (resultReqs newNode [RenderOnce]) | otherwise = Nothing -- Select line if clicked three times in a row ButtonAction point btn BtnReleased clicks | clicks == 3 -> result where (tx, ty) = findClosestGlyphPos state (localPoint point) glyphs = Seq.index textLines ty ^. L.glyphs newPos = (0, ty) newSel = Just (length glyphs, ty) newState = state { _tasCursorPos = newPos, _tasSelStart = newSel } newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeTextArea wdata config newState result | ty < totalLines = Just (resultReqs newNode [RenderOnce]) | otherwise = Nothing -- Select all if clicked four times in a row ButtonAction point btn BtnReleased clicks | clicks == 4 -> result where glyphs = Seq.index textLines (totalLines - 1) ^. L.glyphs newPos = (0, 0) newSel = Just (length glyphs, totalLines - 1) newState = state { _tasCursorPos = newPos, _tasSelStart = newSel } newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeTextArea wdata config newState result | totalLines > 0 = Just (resultReqs newNode [RenderOnce]) | otherwise = Nothing Move point | isNodePressed wenv node -> Just result where curPos = _tasCursorPos state selStart = _tasSelStart state newPos = findClosestGlyphPos state (localPoint point) newSel = selStart <|> Just curPos newState = state { _tasCursorPos = newPos, _tasSelStart = newSel } scrollReq = generateScrollReq wenv node newState newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeTextArea wdata config newState result = resultReqs newNode (RenderOnce : scrollReq) KeyAction mod code KeyPressed | isKeyboardCopy wenv evt -> Just resultCopy | isKeyboardPaste wenv evt -> Just resultPaste | isKeyboardCut wenv evt -> Just resultCut | isKeyboardUndo wenv evt -> Just $ moveHistory bwdState (-1) | isKeyboardRedo wenv evt -> Just $ moveHistory state 1 | isKeyReturn code -> Just resultReturn | isKeyTab code && acceptTab -> Just resultTab | otherwise -> fmap handleKeyRes (handleKeyPress wenv mod code) where acceptTab = fromMaybe False (_tacAcceptTab config) selectedText = fromMaybe "" (getSelection state) clipboardReq = SetClipboard (ClipboardText selectedText) resultCopy = resultReqs node [clipboardReq] resultPaste = resultReqs node [GetClipboard widgetId] resultCut = insertText wenv node "" & L.requests <>~ Seq.singleton clipboardReq resultReturn = insertText wenv node "\n" resultTab = insertText wenv node " " & L.requests <>~ Seq.singleton IgnoreParentEvents history = _tasHistory state historyIdx = _tasHistoryIdx state bwdState = addHistory state (historyIdx == length history) moveHistory state steps = result where newIdx = clamp 0 (length history) (historyIdx + steps) newState = restoreHistory wenv node state newIdx newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeTextArea wdata config newState result = resultReqs newNode (generateReqs wenv node newState) handleKeyRes (newText, newPos, newSel) = result where tmpState = addHistory state (_tasText state /= newText) newState = (stateFromText wenv node tmpState newText) { _tasCursorPos = newPos, _tasSelStart = newSel } newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeTextArea wdata config newState result = resultReqs newNode (generateReqs wenv node newState) TextInput newText -> Just result where result = insertText wenv node newText Clipboard (ClipboardText newText) -> Just result where result = insertText wenv node newText Focus prev -> Just result where selectOnFocus = fromMaybe False (_tacSelectOnFocus config) tmpState | selectOnFocus && T.length currText > 0 = state { _tasCursorPos = lastPos, _tasSelStart = Just (0, 0) } | otherwise = state newState = tmpState { _tasFocusStart = wenv ^. L.timestamp } reqs = [RenderEvery widgetId caretMs Nothing, StartTextInput viewport] newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeTextArea wdata config newState newResult = resultReqs newNode reqs focusRs = handleFocusChange newNode prev (_tacOnFocusReq config) result = maybe newResult (newResult <>) focusRs Blur next -> Just result where reqs = [RenderStop widgetId, StopTextInput] newResult = resultReqs node reqs blurRes = handleFocusChange node next (_tacOnBlurReq config) result = maybe newResult (newResult <>) blurRes _ -> Nothing where widgetId = node ^. L.info . L.widgetId viewport = node ^. L.info . L.viewport style = currentStyle wenv node Rect cx cy cw ch = getContentArea node style localPoint point = subPoint point (Point cx cy) insertText wenv node addedText = result where currSel = _tasSelStart state (newText, newPos, newSel) = replaceText state currSel addedText tmpState = addHistory state (_tasText state /= newText) newState = (stateFromText wenv node tmpState newText) { _tasCursorPos = newPos, _tasSelStart = newSel } newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeTextArea wdata config newState newReqs = generateReqs wenv node newState result | validText newState = resultReqs newNode newReqs | otherwise = resultNode node generateReqs wenv node newState = reqs ++ reqScroll where widgetId = node ^. L.info . L.widgetId oldText = _tasText state newText = _tasText newState reqUpdate = widgetDataSet wdata newText reqOnChange = fmap ($ newText) (_tacOnChangeReq config) reqResize = [ResizeWidgetsImmediate widgetId] reqScroll = generateScrollReq wenv node newState reqs | oldText /= newText = reqUpdate ++ reqOnChange ++ reqResize | otherwise = [] generateScrollReq wenv node newState = scrollReq where style = currentStyle wenv node scPath = parentPath node scWid = findWidgetIdFromPath wenv scPath contentArea = getContentArea node style offset = Point (contentArea ^. L.x) (contentArea ^. L.y) caretRect = getCaretRect config newState True -- Padding/border added to show left/top borders when moving near them scrollRect = fromMaybe caretRect (addOuterBounds style caretRect) scrollMsg = ScrollTo $ moveRect offset scrollRect scrollReq | rectInRect caretRect (wenv ^. L.viewport) || isNothing scWid = [] | otherwise = [SendMessage (fromJust scWid) scrollMsg] getSizeReq wenv node = sizeReq where Size w h = getTextLinesSize textLines {- getTextLines does not return the vertical spacing for the last line, but we need it since the selection rect displays it. -} spaceV = getSpaceV textLines sizeReq = (minWidth (max 100 w), minHeight (max 20 (h + spaceV))) render wenv node renderer = drawInTranslation renderer offset $ do when selRequired $ forM_ selRects $ \rect -> when (rect ^. L.w > 0) $ drawRect renderer rect (Just selColor) Nothing forM_ textLines (drawTextLine renderer style) when caretRequired $ drawRect renderer caretRect (Just caretColor) Nothing where style = currentStyle wenv node contentArea = getContentArea node style ts = _weTimestamp wenv offset = Point (contentArea ^. L.x) (contentArea ^. L.y) focused = isNodeFocused wenv node caretTs = ts - _tasFocusStart state caretRequired = focused && even (caretTs `div` caretMs) caretColor = styleFontColor style caretRect = getCaretRect config state False selRequired = isJust (_tasSelStart state) selColor = styleHlColor style selRects = getSelectionRects state contentArea getCaretRect :: TextAreaCfg s e -> TextAreaState -> Bool -> Rect getCaretRect config state addSpcV = caretRect where caretW = fromMaybe defCaretW (_tacCaretWidth config) (cursorX, cursorY) = _tasCursorPos state TextMetrics _ _ lineh _ = _tasTextMetrics state textLines = _tasTextLines state (lineRect, glyphs, spaceV) = case Seq.lookup cursorY textLines of Just tl -> (tl ^. L.rect, tl ^. L.glyphs, tl ^. L.fontSpaceV) Nothing -> (def, Seq.empty, def) Rect tx ty _ _ = lineRect totalH | addSpcV = lineh + unFontSpace spaceV | otherwise = lineh caretPos | cursorX == 0 || cursorX > length glyphs = 0 | cursorX == length glyphs = _glpXMax (Seq.index glyphs (cursorX - 1)) | otherwise = _glpXMin (Seq.index glyphs cursorX) caretX = max 0 (tx + caretPos) caretY | cursorY == length textLines = fromIntegral cursorY * totalH | otherwise = ty caretRect = Rect caretX caretY caretW totalH getSelectionRects :: TextAreaState -> Rect -> [Rect] getSelectionRects state contentArea = rects where currPos = _tasCursorPos state currSel = fromMaybe def (_tasSelStart state) TextMetrics _ _ lineh _ = _tasTextMetrics state textLines = _tasTextLines state spaceV = getSpaceV textLines line idx | length textLines > idx = Seq.index textLines idx ^. L.text | otherwise = "" lineLen = T.length . line glyphs idx | length textLines > idx = Seq.index textLines idx ^. L.glyphs | otherwise = Seq.empty glyphPos posx posy | posx == 0 = 0 | posx == lineLen posy = _glpXMax (Seq.index (glyphs posy) (posx - 1)) | otherwise = _glpXMin (Seq.index (glyphs posy) posx) ((selX1, selY1), (selX2, selY2)) | swap currPos <= swap currSel = (currPos, currSel) | otherwise = (currSel, currPos) updateRect rect = rect & L.h .~ lineh + spaceV & L.w %~ max 5 -- Empty lines show a small rect to indicate they are there. makeRect cx1 cx2 cy = Rect rx ry rw rh where rx = glyphPos cx1 cy rw = glyphPos cx2 cy - rx ry = fromIntegral cy * (lineh + spaceV) rh = lineh + spaceV rects | selY1 == selY2 = [makeRect selX1 selX2 selY1] | otherwise = begin : middle ++ end where begin = makeRect selX1 (lineLen selY1) selY1 middleLines = Seq.drop (selY1 + 1) . Seq.take selY2 $ textLines middle = toList (updateRect . view L.rect <$> middleLines) end = [makeRect 0 selX2 selY2] stateFromText :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> TextAreaState -> Text -> TextAreaState stateFromText wenv node state text = newState where style = currentStyle wenv node fontMgr = wenv ^. L.fontManager newTextMetrics = getTextMetrics wenv style tmpTextLines = fitTextToWidth fontMgr style maxNumericValue KeepSpaces text totalH = newTextMetrics ^. L.lineH + getSpaceV tmpTextLines lastRect = def & L.y .~ fromIntegral (length tmpTextLines) * totalH & L.h .~ totalH lastTextLine = def & L.rect .~ lastRect & L.size .~ Size 0 (lastRect ^. L.h) newTextLines | T.isSuffixOf "\n" text = tmpTextLines |> lastTextLine | otherwise = tmpTextLines newState = state { _tasText = text, _tasTextMetrics = newTextMetrics, _tasTextStyle = style ^. L.text, _tasTextLines = newTextLines } textFromState :: Seq TextLine -> Text textFromState textLines = T.unlines lines where lines = toList (view L.text <$> textLines) addHistory :: TextAreaState -> Bool -> TextAreaState addHistory state False = state addHistory state _ = newState where text = _tasText state curPos = _tasCursorPos state selStart = _tasSelStart state prevStepIdx = _tasHistoryIdx state prevSteps = _tasHistory state steps = Seq.take prevStepIdx prevSteps newState = state { _tasHistory = steps |> HistoryStep text curPos selStart, _tasHistoryIdx = prevStepIdx + 1 } restoreHistory :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> TextAreaState -> Int -> TextAreaState restoreHistory wenv node state idx | idx >= 0 && idx < length hist && idx /= histIdx = newState | otherwise = state where hist = _tasHistory state histIdx = _tasHistoryIdx state HistoryStep text curPos selStart = Seq.index hist idx tmpState = stateFromText wenv node state text newState = tmpState { _tasCursorPos = curPos, _tasSelStart = selStart, _tasHistoryIdx = idx } getSelection :: TextAreaState -> Maybe Text getSelection state = result where currPos = _tasCursorPos state currSel = fromJust (_tasSelStart state) textLines = _tasTextLines state oldLines = view L.text <$> textLines ((selX1, selY1), (selX2, selY2)) | swap currPos <= swap currSel = (currPos, currSel) | otherwise = (currSel, currPos) newText | selY1 == selY2 = singleLine | selX2 == 0 = T.unlines . toList $ begin :<| middle | otherwise = T.unlines . toList $ begin :<| (middle :|> end) where singleLine = T.drop selX1 $ T.take selX2 (Seq.index oldLines selY1) begin = T.drop selX1 $ Seq.index oldLines selY1 middle = Seq.drop (selY1 + 1) $ Seq.take selY2 oldLines end = T.take selX2 $ Seq.index oldLines selY2 result | isJust (_tasSelStart state) = Just newText | otherwise = Nothing replaceText :: TextAreaState -> Maybe (Int, Int) -> Text -> (Text, (Int, Int), Maybe (Int, Int)) replaceText state currSel newTxt | isJust currSel = replaceSelection lines currPos (fromJust currSel) newTxt | otherwise = replaceSelection lines currPos currPos newTxt where currPos = _tasCursorPos state lines = _tasTextLines state replaceSelection :: Seq TextLine -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Text -> (Text, (Int, Int), Maybe (Int, Int)) replaceSelection textLines currPos currSel addText = result where oldLines = view L.text <$> textLines ((selX1, selY1), (selX2, selY2)) | swap currPos <= swap currSel = (currPos, currSel) | otherwise = (currSel, currPos) prevLines = Seq.take selY1 oldLines postLines = Seq.drop (selY2 + 1) oldLines returnAdded = T.isSuffixOf "\n" addText linePre | length oldLines > selY1 = T.take selX1 (Seq.index oldLines selY1) | otherwise = "" lineSuf | length oldLines > selY2 = T.drop selX2 (Seq.index oldLines selY2) | otherwise = "" addLines | not returnAdded = Seq.fromList (T.lines addText) | otherwise = Seq.fromList (T.lines addText) :|> "" (newX, newY, midLines) | length addLines <= 1 = (T.length (linePre <> addText), selY1, singleLine) | otherwise = (T.length end, selY1 + length addLines - 1, multiline) where singleLine = Seq.singleton $ linePre <> addText <> lineSuf begin = Seq.index addLines 0 middle = Seq.drop 1 $ Seq.take (length addLines - 1) addLines end = Seq.index addLines (length addLines - 1) multiline = (linePre <> begin) :<| (middle :|> (end <> lineSuf)) newLines = prevLines <> midLines <> postLines newText = T.dropEnd 1 $ T.unlines (toList newLines) result = (newText, (newX, newY), Nothing) findClosestGlyphPos :: TextAreaState -> Point -> (Int, Int) findClosestGlyphPos state point = (newPos, lineIdx) where Point x y = point TextMetrics _ _ lineh _ = _tasTextMetrics state textLines = _tasTextLines state totalH = lineh + getSpaceV textLines lineIdx = clamp 0 (length textLines - 1) (floor (y / totalH)) lineGlyphs | null textLines = Seq.empty | otherwise = Seq.index (view L.glyphs <$> textLines) lineIdx textLen = getGlyphsMax lineGlyphs glyphs | Seq.null lineGlyphs = Seq.empty | otherwise = lineGlyphs |> GlyphPos ' ' textLen 0 0 0 0 0 glyphStart i g = (i, abs (_glpXMin g - x)) pairs = Seq.mapWithIndex glyphStart glyphs cpm (_, g1) (_, g2) = compare g1 g2 diffs = Seq.sortBy cpm pairs newPos = maybe 0 fst (Seq.lookup 0 diffs) getSpaceV :: Seq TextLine -> Double getSpaceV textLines = spaceV where spaceV = unFontSpace $ maybe def (view L.fontSpaceV) (textLines ^? ix 0) delim :: Char -> Bool delim c = c `elem` [' ', '.', ',', '/', '-', ':']