{-| Module : Monomer.Core.Style Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Helper functions for creating style configurations, and corresponding instances. -} {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} module Monomer.Core.Style ( module Monomer.Core.StyleTypes, module Monomer.Core.ThemeTypes, paddingH, paddingV, fixedSize, flexSize, expandSize, minSize, maxSize, rangeSize ) where import Control.Lens ((&), (.~), (?~), non) import Data.Default import Monomer.Core.Combinators import Monomer.Core.StyleTypes import Monomer.Core.ThemeTypes import Monomer.Graphics.Types import qualified Monomer.Core.Lens as L -- | Creates an equally sized padding left and right. paddingH :: (Semigroup a, CmbPaddingL a, CmbPaddingR a) => Double -> a paddingH p = paddingL p <> paddingR p -- | Creates an equally sized padding top and bottom. paddingV :: (Semigroup a, CmbPaddingT a, CmbPaddingB a) => Double -> a paddingV p = paddingT p <> paddingB p -- | Creates a SizeReq with fixed size. fixedSize :: Double -> SizeReq fixedSize s = def & L.fixed .~ s -- | Creates a SizeReq with flex size. flexSize :: Double -> Double -> SizeReq flexSize s f = def & L.flex .~ s & L.factor .~ f -- | Creates a SizeReq with expand size. expandSize :: Double -> Double -> SizeReq expandSize s f = def & L.flex .~ s & L.extra .~ s & L.factor .~ f -- | Creates a SizeReq with equal fixed and extra size, using the given factor. minSize :: Double -> Double -> SizeReq minSize s f = def & L.fixed .~ s & L.extra .~ s & L.factor .~ f -- | Creates a SizeReq with flex size, using the given factor. maxSize :: Double -> Double -> SizeReq maxSize s f = def & L.flex .~ s & L.factor .~ f -- | Creates a SizeReq with fixed and flex size, using the given factor. rangeSize :: Double -> Double -> Double -> SizeReq rangeSize s1 s2 f = def & L.fixed .~ s1 & L.flex .~ s2 - s1 & L.factor .~ f -- Size instance CmbWidth SizeReq where width w = fixedSize w instance CmbHeight SizeReq where height h = fixedSize h instance CmbFlexWidth SizeReq where flexWidth w = expandSize w 1 instance CmbFlexHeight SizeReq where flexHeight h = expandSize h 1 instance CmbMinWidth SizeReq where minWidth w = minSize w 1 instance CmbMinHeight SizeReq where minHeight h = minSize h 1 instance CmbMaxWidth SizeReq where maxWidth w = maxSize w 1 instance CmbMaxHeight SizeReq where maxHeight h = maxSize h 1 instance CmbExpandWidth SizeReq where expandWidth w = expandSize w 1 instance CmbExpandHeight SizeReq where expandHeight h = expandSize h 1 instance CmbRangeWidth SizeReq where rangeWidth w1 w2 = rangeSize w1 w2 1 instance CmbRangeHeight SizeReq where rangeHeight h1 h2 = rangeSize h1 h2 1 -- Text instance CmbTextFont TextStyle where textFont font = def & L.font ?~ font instance CmbTextSize TextStyle where textSize size = def & L.fontSize ?~ FontSize size instance CmbTextSpaceH TextStyle where textSpaceH space = def & L.fontSpaceH ?~ FontSpace space instance CmbTextSpaceV TextStyle where textSpaceV space = def & L.fontSpaceV ?~ FontSpace space instance CmbTextColor TextStyle where textColor col = def & L.fontColor ?~ col instance CmbTextLeft TextStyle where textLeft_ False = def textLeft_ True = textAlignH ATLeft instance CmbTextCenter TextStyle where textCenter_ False = def textCenter_ True = textAlignH ATCenter instance CmbTextRight TextStyle where textRight_ False = def textRight_ True = textAlignH ATRight instance CmbTextTop TextStyle where textTop_ False = def textTop_ True = textAlignV ATTop instance CmbTextMiddle TextStyle where textMiddle_ False = def textMiddle_ True = textAlignV ATMiddle instance CmbTextAscender TextStyle where textAscender_ False = def textAscender_ True = textAlignV ATAscender instance CmbTextLowerX TextStyle where textLowerX_ False = def textLowerX_ True = textAlignV ATLowerX instance CmbTextBottom TextStyle where textBottom_ False = def textBottom_ True = textAlignV ATBottom instance CmbTextBaseline TextStyle where textBaseline_ False = def textBaseline_ True = textAlignV ATBaseline instance CmbTextUnderline TextStyle where textUnderline_ under = def & L.underline ?~ under instance CmbTextOverline TextStyle where textOverline_ over = def & L.overline ?~ over instance CmbTextThroughline TextStyle where textThroughline_ through = def & L.throughline ?~ through -- Padding instance CmbPadding Padding where padding padd = Padding jp jp jp jp where jp = Just padd instance CmbPaddingL Padding where paddingL padd = def & L.left ?~ padd instance CmbPaddingR Padding where paddingR padd = def & L.right ?~ padd instance CmbPaddingT Padding where paddingT padd = def & L.top ?~ padd instance CmbPaddingB Padding where paddingB padd = def & L.bottom ?~ padd -- Border instance CmbBorder Border where border w col = Border bs bs bs bs where bs = Just (BorderSide w col) instance CmbBorderL Border where borderL w col = def & L.left ?~ BorderSide w col instance CmbBorderR Border where borderR w col = def & L.right ?~ BorderSide w col instance CmbBorderT Border where borderT w col = def & L.top ?~ BorderSide w col instance CmbBorderB Border where borderB w col = def & L.bottom ?~ BorderSide w col -- Radius instance CmbRadius Radius where radius rad = Radius jrad jrad jrad jrad where jrad = Just $ radiusCorner rad instance CmbRadiusTL Radius where radiusTL rad = def & L.topLeft ?~ radiusCorner rad instance CmbRadiusTR Radius where radiusTR rad = def & L.topRight ?~ radiusCorner rad instance CmbRadiusBL Radius where radiusBL rad = def & L.bottomLeft ?~ radiusCorner rad instance CmbRadiusBR Radius where radiusBR rad = def & L.bottomRight ?~ radiusCorner rad -- -- StyleState instances -- -- Size instance CmbWidth StyleState where width w = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ width w instance CmbHeight StyleState where height h = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ height h instance CmbFlexWidth StyleState where flexWidth w = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ flexWidth w instance CmbFlexHeight StyleState where flexHeight h = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ flexHeight h instance CmbMinWidth StyleState where minWidth w = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ minWidth w instance CmbMinHeight StyleState where minHeight h = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ minHeight h instance CmbMaxWidth StyleState where maxWidth w = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ maxWidth w instance CmbMaxHeight StyleState where maxHeight h = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ maxHeight h instance CmbExpandWidth StyleState where expandWidth w = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ expandWidth w instance CmbExpandHeight StyleState where expandHeight h = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ expandHeight h instance CmbRangeWidth StyleState where rangeWidth w1 w2 = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ rangeWidth w1 w2 instance CmbRangeHeight StyleState where rangeHeight h1 h2 = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ rangeHeight h1 h2 instance CmbSizeReqW StyleState where sizeReqW srW = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ srW instance CmbSizeReqH StyleState where sizeReqH srH = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ srH -- Color instance CmbBgColor StyleState where bgColor col = def & L.bgColor ?~ col instance CmbFgColor StyleState where fgColor col = def & L.fgColor ?~ col instance CmbSndColor StyleState where sndColor col = def & L.sndColor ?~ col instance CmbHlColor StyleState where hlColor col = def & L.hlColor ?~ col -- Cursor instance CmbCursorIcon StyleState where cursorIcon icon = def & L.cursorIcon ?~ icon -- Text instance CmbTextFont StyleState where textFont font = def & L.text ?~ textFont font instance CmbTextSize StyleState where textSize size = def & L.text ?~ textSize size instance CmbTextSpaceH StyleState where textSpaceH space = def & L.text ?~ textSpaceH space instance CmbTextSpaceV StyleState where textSpaceV space = def & L.text ?~ textSpaceV space instance CmbTextColor StyleState where textColor col = def & L.text ?~ textColor col instance CmbTextLeft StyleState where textLeft_ False = def textLeft_ True = styleTextAlignH ATLeft instance CmbTextCenter StyleState where textCenter_ False = def textCenter_ True = styleTextAlignH ATCenter instance CmbTextRight StyleState where textRight_ False = def textRight_ True = styleTextAlignH ATRight instance CmbTextTop StyleState where textTop_ False = def textTop_ True = styleTextAlignV ATTop instance CmbTextMiddle StyleState where textMiddle_ False = def textMiddle_ True = styleTextAlignV ATMiddle instance CmbTextAscender StyleState where textAscender_ False = def textAscender_ True = styleTextAlignV ATAscender instance CmbTextLowerX StyleState where textLowerX_ False = def textLowerX_ True = styleTextAlignV ATLowerX instance CmbTextBottom StyleState where textBottom_ False = def textBottom_ True = styleTextAlignV ATBottom instance CmbTextBaseline StyleState where textBaseline_ False = def textBaseline_ True = styleTextAlignV ATBaseline instance CmbTextUnderline StyleState where textUnderline_ False = def textUnderline_ True = def & L.text ?~ textUnderline instance CmbTextOverline StyleState where textOverline_ False = def textOverline_ True = def & L.text ?~ textOverline instance CmbTextThroughline StyleState where textThroughline_ False = def textThroughline_ True = def & L.text ?~ textThroughline -- Padding instance CmbPadding StyleState where padding padd = def & L.padding ?~ padding padd instance CmbPaddingL StyleState where paddingL padd = def & L.padding . non def . L.left ?~ padd instance CmbPaddingR StyleState where paddingR padd = def & L.padding . non def . L.right ?~ padd instance CmbPaddingT StyleState where paddingT padd = def & L.padding . non def . L.top ?~ padd instance CmbPaddingB StyleState where paddingB padd = def & L.padding . non def . L.bottom ?~ padd -- Border instance CmbBorder StyleState where border w col = def & L.border ?~ border w col instance CmbBorderL StyleState where borderL w col = def & L.border . non def . L.left ?~ BorderSide w col instance CmbBorderR StyleState where borderR w col = def & L.border . non def . L.right ?~ BorderSide w col instance CmbBorderT StyleState where borderT w col = def & L.border . non def . L.top ?~ BorderSide w col instance CmbBorderB StyleState where borderB w col = def & L.border . non def . L.bottom ?~ BorderSide w col -- Radius instance CmbRadius StyleState where radius rad = def & L.radius ?~ radius rad instance CmbRadiusTL StyleState where radiusTL rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.topLeft ?~ radiusCorner rad instance CmbRadiusTR StyleState where radiusTR rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.topRight ?~ radiusCorner rad instance CmbRadiusBL StyleState where radiusBL rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.bottomLeft ?~ radiusCorner rad instance CmbRadiusBR StyleState where radiusBR rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.bottomRight ?~ radiusCorner rad -- Internal radiusCorner :: Double -> RadiusCorner radiusCorner rad = RadiusCorner rad textAlignH :: AlignTH -> TextStyle textAlignH align = def & L.alignH ?~ align textAlignV :: AlignTV -> TextStyle textAlignV align = def & L.alignV ?~ align styleTextAlignH :: AlignTH -> StyleState styleTextAlignH align = def & L.text . non def . L.alignH ?~ align styleTextAlignV :: AlignTV -> StyleState styleTextAlignV align = def & L.text . non def . L.alignV ?~ align