# Monomer An easy to use, cross platform, GUI library for writing native Haskell applications. It provides a framework similar to the Elm Architecture, allowing the creation of GUIs using an extensible set of widgets with pure Haskell. ## Screenshot ![Project's screenshot](assets/images/monomer-readme.png) ## Objectives - Be easy to learn and use. - Be extensible with custom widgets. - Run on Windows, Linux and macOS. - Have good documentation. - Have good examples. ### These are not objectives for this project - Have a native look and feel. ### Why would you want to use this library? - You want to write your application in Haskell. - You want to write a native, not web based, application. ## Documentation ### Setup You can read how to setup your environment [here](docs/tutorials/00-setup.md). ### Tutorials Introductory tutorials are available: - [01 - Basics](docs/tutorials/01-basics.md) - [02 - Styling](docs/tutorials/02-styling.md) - [03 - Life cycle](docs/tutorials/03-life-cycle.md) - [04 - Tasks](docs/tutorials/04-tasks.md) - [05 - Producers](docs/tutorials/05-producers.md) - [06 - Composite](docs/tutorials/06-composite.md) - [07 - Custom widgets](docs/tutorials/07-custom-widgets.md) - [08 - Themes](docs/tutorials/08-themes.md) ### Examples Beyond the tutorials, a few _real world like_ examples are available: - [Todo](docs/examples/01-todo.md) - [Books](docs/examples/02-books.md) - [Ticker](docs/examples/03-ticker.md) - [Generative](docs/examples/04-generative.md) - [Custom OpenGL](docs/examples/05-opengl.md) ### Haddock You can read the source code's documentation [here](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/monomer). ### Design decisions In case you wonder why some choices were made, you can read [here](docs/design-decisions.md). ## Roadmap - Stability and performance. - Mobile support. ## Contributing PRs are welcome! If possible, keep them small and focused. If you are planning on making a large change, please submit an issue first so we can agree on a solution. ## License This library is licensed under the [BSD-3 license](LICENSE). Fonts used in the examples: - [Roboto](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto), licensed under the [Apache license](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). - [Remix Icon](https://remixicon.com), licensed under the [Apache license](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). ## Acknowledgments - Thanks to [Ghislaine Guerin](https://github.com/ghislaineguerin) for UX advise. - Thanks to [Mikko Mononen](https://github.com/memononen) for the amazing [nanovg](https://github.com/memononen/nanovg) library.