module Data.Monoid.Factorial (
FactorialMonoid(..), StableFactorialMonoid,
mapM, mapM_
import Prelude hiding (break, drop, dropWhile, foldl, foldr, length, map, mapM, mapM_, null,
reverse, span, splitAt, take, takeWhile)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..), Dual(..), Sum(..), Product(..), Endo(Endo, appEndo))
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyByteString
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LazyText
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Sequence
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Data.Numbers.Primes (primeFactors)
import Data.Monoid.Null (MonoidNull(null), PositiveMonoid)
class MonoidNull m => FactorialMonoid m where
factors :: m -> [m]
primePrefix :: m -> m
primeSuffix :: m -> m
splitPrimePrefix :: m -> Maybe (m, m)
splitPrimeSuffix :: m -> Maybe (m, m)
foldl :: (a -> m -> a) -> a -> m -> a
foldl' :: (a -> m -> a) -> a -> m -> a
foldr :: (m -> a -> a) -> a -> m -> a
length :: m -> Int
foldMap :: (FactorialMonoid m, Monoid n) => (m -> n) -> m -> n
span :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> (m, m)
break :: FactorialMonoid m => (m -> Bool) -> m -> (m, m)
split :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> [m]
takeWhile :: FactorialMonoid m => (m -> Bool) -> m -> m
dropWhile :: FactorialMonoid m => (m -> Bool) -> m -> m
splitAt :: Int -> m -> (m, m)
drop :: FactorialMonoid m => Int -> m -> m
take :: FactorialMonoid m => Int -> m -> m
reverse :: FactorialMonoid m => m -> m
factors = List.unfoldr splitPrimePrefix
primePrefix = maybe mempty fst . splitPrimePrefix
primeSuffix = maybe mempty snd . splitPrimeSuffix
splitPrimePrefix x = case factors x
of [] -> Nothing
prefix : rest -> Just (prefix, mconcat rest)
splitPrimeSuffix x = case factors x
of [] -> Nothing
fs -> Just (mconcat (List.init fs), List.last fs)
foldl f f0 = List.foldl f f0 . factors
foldl' f f0 = List.foldl' f f0 . factors
foldr f f0 = List.foldr f f0 . factors
length = List.length . factors
foldMap f = foldr (mappend . f) mempty
span p m = spanAfter id m
where spanAfter f m = case splitPrimePrefix m
of Just (prime, rest) | p prime -> spanAfter (f . mappend prime) rest
_ -> (f mempty, m)
break = span . (not .)
split p m = prefix : splitRest
where (prefix, rest) = break p m
splitRest = case splitPrimePrefix rest
of Nothing -> []
Just (_, tail) -> split p tail
takeWhile p = fst . span p
dropWhile p = snd . span p
splitAt n m | n <= 0 = (mempty, m)
| otherwise = split n id m
where split 0 f m = (f mempty, m)
split n f m = case splitPrimePrefix m
of Nothing -> (f mempty, m)
Just (prime, rest) -> split (pred n) (f . mappend prime) rest
drop n p = snd (splitAt n p)
take n p = fst (splitAt n p)
reverse = mconcat . List.reverse . factors
class (FactorialMonoid m, PositiveMonoid m) => StableFactorialMonoid m
instance FactorialMonoid () where
factors () = []
primePrefix () = ()
primeSuffix () = ()
splitPrimePrefix () = Nothing
splitPrimeSuffix () = Nothing
length () = 0
reverse = id
instance FactorialMonoid a => FactorialMonoid (Dual a) where
factors (Dual a) = fmap Dual (reverse $ factors a)
length (Dual a) = length a
primePrefix (Dual a) = Dual (primeSuffix a)
primeSuffix (Dual a) = Dual (primePrefix a)
splitPrimePrefix (Dual a) = case splitPrimeSuffix a
of Nothing -> Nothing
Just (p, s) -> Just (Dual s, Dual p)
splitPrimeSuffix (Dual a) = case splitPrimePrefix a
of Nothing -> Nothing
Just (p, s) -> Just (Dual s, Dual p)
reverse (Dual a) = Dual (reverse a)
instance (Integral a, Eq a) => FactorialMonoid (Sum a) where
primePrefix (Sum a) = Sum (signum a )
primeSuffix = primePrefix
splitPrimePrefix (Sum 0) = Nothing
splitPrimePrefix (Sum a) = Just (Sum (signum a), Sum (a signum a))
splitPrimeSuffix (Sum 0) = Nothing
splitPrimeSuffix (Sum a) = Just (Sum (a signum a), Sum (signum a))
length (Sum a) = abs (fromIntegral a)
reverse = id
instance Integral a => FactorialMonoid (Product a) where
factors (Product a) = Product (primeFactors a)
reverse = id
instance FactorialMonoid a => FactorialMonoid (Maybe a) where
factors Nothing = []
factors (Just a) | null a = [Just a]
| otherwise = Just (factors a)
length Nothing = 0
length (Just a) | null a = 1
| otherwise = length a
reverse = fmap reverse
instance (FactorialMonoid a, FactorialMonoid b) => FactorialMonoid (a, b) where
factors (a, b) = (\a-> (a, mempty)) (factors a) ++ ((,) mempty) (factors b)
primePrefix (a, b) | null a = (a, primePrefix b)
| otherwise = (primePrefix a, mempty)
primeSuffix (a, b) | null b = (primeSuffix a, b)
| otherwise = (mempty, primeSuffix b)
splitPrimePrefix (a, b) = case (splitPrimePrefix a, splitPrimePrefix b)
of (Just (ap, as), _) -> Just ((ap, mempty), (as, b))
(Nothing, Just (bp, bs)) -> Just ((a, bp), (a, bs))
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
splitPrimeSuffix (a, b) = case (splitPrimeSuffix a, splitPrimeSuffix b)
of (_, Just (bp, bs)) -> Just ((a, bp), (mempty, bs))
(Just (ap, as), Nothing) -> Just ((ap, b), (as, b))
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
foldl f a (x, y) = foldl f2 (foldl f1 a x) y
where f1 a = f a . fromFst
f2 a = f a . fromSnd
foldl' f a (x, y) = a' `seq` foldl f2 a' y
where f1 a = f a . fromFst
f2 a = f a . fromSnd
a' = foldl f1 a x
foldr f a (x, y) = foldr (f . fromFst) (foldr (f . fromSnd) a y) x
foldMap f (x, y) = foldMap (f . fromFst) x `mappend` foldMap (f . fromSnd) y
length (a, b) = length a + length b
span p (x, y) = ((xp, yp), (xs, ys))
where (xp, xs) = span (p . fromFst) x
(yp, ys) | null xs = span (p . fromSnd) y
| otherwise = (mempty, y)
split p (x, y) = fst $ List.foldr combine (ys, False) xs
where xs = fromFst $ split (p . fromFst) x
ys = fromSnd $ split (p . fromSnd) y
combine x (y:ys, False) = (mappend x y : ys, True)
combine x (xs, True) = (x:xs, True)
splitAt n (x, y) = ((xp, yp), (xs, ys))
where (xp, xs) = splitAt n x
(yp, ys) | null xs = splitAt (n length x) y
| otherwise = (mempty, y)
reverse (a, b) = (reverse a, reverse b)
fromFst :: Monoid b => a -> (a, b)
fromFst a = (a, mempty)
fromSnd :: Monoid a => b -> (a, b)
fromSnd b = (mempty, b)
instance FactorialMonoid [x] where
factors xs = (:[]) xs
primePrefix [] = []
primePrefix (x:xs) = [x]
primeSuffix [] = []
primeSuffix xs = [List.last xs]
splitPrimePrefix [] = Nothing
splitPrimePrefix (x:xs) = Just ([x], xs)
splitPrimeSuffix [] = Nothing
splitPrimeSuffix xs = Just (split id xs)
where split f last@[x] = (f [], last)
split f (x:xs) = split (f . (x:)) xs
foldl _ a [] = a
foldl f a (x:xs) = foldl f (f a [x]) xs
foldl' _ a [] = a
foldl' f a (x:xs) = let a' = f a [x] in a' `seq` foldl' f a' xs
foldr _ f0 [] = f0
foldr f f0 (x:xs) = f [x] (foldr f f0 xs)
length = List.length
foldMap f = mconcat . (f . (:[]))
break f = List.break (f . (:[]))
span f = List.span (f . (:[]))
dropWhile f = List.dropWhile (f . (:[]))
takeWhile f = List.takeWhile (f . (:[]))
splitAt = List.splitAt
drop = List.drop
take = List.take
reverse = List.reverse
instance FactorialMonoid ByteString.ByteString where
factors x = factorize (ByteString.length x) x
where factorize 0 xs = []
factorize n xs = x : factorize (pred n) xs'
where (x, xs') = ByteString.splitAt 1 xs
primePrefix = ByteString.take 1
primeSuffix x = ByteString.drop (ByteString.length x 1) x
splitPrimePrefix x = if ByteString.null x then Nothing else Just (ByteString.splitAt 1 x)
splitPrimeSuffix x = if ByteString.null x then Nothing else Just (ByteString.splitAt (ByteString.length x 1) x)
foldl f = ByteString.foldl f'
where f' a byte = f a (ByteString.singleton byte)
foldl' f = ByteString.foldl' f'
where f' a byte = f a (ByteString.singleton byte)
foldr f = ByteString.foldr (f . ByteString.singleton)
break f = ByteString.break (f . ByteString.singleton)
span f = ByteString.span (f . ByteString.singleton)
dropWhile f = ByteString.dropWhile (f . ByteString.singleton)
takeWhile f = ByteString.takeWhile (f . ByteString.singleton)
length = ByteString.length
split f = ByteString.splitWith f'
where f' = f . ByteString.singleton
splitAt = ByteString.splitAt
drop = ByteString.drop
take = ByteString.take
reverse = ByteString.reverse
instance FactorialMonoid LazyByteString.ByteString where
factors x = factorize (LazyByteString.length x) x
where factorize 0 xs = []
factorize n xs = x : factorize (pred n) xs'
where (x, xs') = LazyByteString.splitAt 1 xs
primePrefix = LazyByteString.take 1
primeSuffix x = LazyByteString.drop (LazyByteString.length x 1) x
splitPrimePrefix x = if LazyByteString.null x then Nothing
else Just (LazyByteString.splitAt 1 x)
splitPrimeSuffix x = if LazyByteString.null x then Nothing
else Just (LazyByteString.splitAt (LazyByteString.length x 1) x)
foldl f = LazyByteString.foldl f'
where f' a byte = f a (LazyByteString.singleton byte)
foldl' f = LazyByteString.foldl' f'
where f' a byte = f a (LazyByteString.singleton byte)
foldr f = LazyByteString.foldr f'
where f' byte a = f (LazyByteString.singleton byte) a
length = fromIntegral . LazyByteString.length
break f = LazyByteString.break (f . LazyByteString.singleton)
span f = LazyByteString.span (f . LazyByteString.singleton)
dropWhile f = LazyByteString.dropWhile (f . LazyByteString.singleton)
takeWhile f = LazyByteString.takeWhile (f . LazyByteString.singleton)
split f = LazyByteString.splitWith f'
where f' = f . LazyByteString.singleton
splitAt = LazyByteString.splitAt . fromIntegral
drop n = LazyByteString.drop (fromIntegral n)
take n = LazyByteString.take (fromIntegral n)
reverse = LazyByteString.reverse
instance FactorialMonoid Text.Text where
factors = Text.chunksOf 1
primePrefix = Text.take 1
primeSuffix x = if Text.null x then Text.empty else Text.singleton (Text.last x)
splitPrimePrefix = fmap (first Text.singleton) . Text.uncons
splitPrimeSuffix x = if Text.null x then Nothing else Just (Text.init x, Text.singleton (Text.last x))
foldl f = Text.foldl f'
where f' a char = f a (Text.singleton char)
foldl' f = Text.foldl' f'
where f' a char = f a (Text.singleton char)
foldr f = Text.foldr f'
where f' char a = f (Text.singleton char) a
length = Text.length
span f = Text.span (f . Text.singleton)
break f = Text.break (f . Text.singleton)
dropWhile f = Text.dropWhile (f . Text.singleton)
takeWhile f = Text.takeWhile (f . Text.singleton)
split f = Text.split f'
where f' = f . Text.singleton
splitAt = Text.splitAt
drop = Text.drop
take = Text.take
reverse = Text.reverse
instance FactorialMonoid LazyText.Text where
factors = LazyText.chunksOf 1
primePrefix = LazyText.take 1
primeSuffix x = if LazyText.null x then LazyText.empty else LazyText.singleton (LazyText.last x)
splitPrimePrefix = fmap (first LazyText.singleton) . LazyText.uncons
splitPrimeSuffix x = if LazyText.null x
then Nothing
else Just (LazyText.init x, LazyText.singleton (LazyText.last x))
foldl f = LazyText.foldl f'
where f' a char = f a (LazyText.singleton char)
foldl' f = LazyText.foldl' f'
where f' a char = f a (LazyText.singleton char)
foldr f = LazyText.foldr f'
where f' char a = f (LazyText.singleton char) a
length = fromIntegral . LazyText.length
span f = LazyText.span (f . LazyText.singleton)
break f = LazyText.break (f . LazyText.singleton)
dropWhile f = LazyText.dropWhile (f . LazyText.singleton)
takeWhile f = LazyText.takeWhile (f . LazyText.singleton)
split f = LazyText.split f'
where f' = f . LazyText.singleton
splitAt = LazyText.splitAt . fromIntegral
drop n = LazyText.drop (fromIntegral n)
take n = LazyText.take (fromIntegral n)
reverse = LazyText.reverse
instance Ord k => FactorialMonoid (Map.Map k v) where
factors = (uncurry Map.singleton) . Map.toAscList
primePrefix map | Map.null map = map
| otherwise = uncurry Map.singleton $ Map.findMin map
primeSuffix map | Map.null map = map
| otherwise = uncurry Map.singleton $ Map.findMax map
splitPrimePrefix = fmap singularize . Map.minViewWithKey
where singularize ((k, v), rest) = (Map.singleton k v, rest)
splitPrimeSuffix = fmap singularize . Map.maxViewWithKey
where singularize ((k, v), rest) = (rest, Map.singleton k v)
foldl f = Map.foldlWithKey f'
where f' a k v = f a (Map.singleton k v)
foldl' f = Map.foldlWithKey' f'
where f' a k v = f a (Map.singleton k v)
foldr f = Map.foldrWithKey f'
where f' k v a = f (Map.singleton k v) a
length = Map.size
reverse = id
instance FactorialMonoid (IntMap.IntMap a) where
factors = (uncurry IntMap.singleton) . IntMap.toAscList
primePrefix map | IntMap.null map = map
| otherwise = uncurry IntMap.singleton $ IntMap.findMin map
primeSuffix map | IntMap.null map = map
| otherwise = uncurry IntMap.singleton $ IntMap.findMax map
splitPrimePrefix = fmap singularize . IntMap.minViewWithKey
where singularize ((k, v), rest) = (IntMap.singleton k v, rest)
splitPrimeSuffix = fmap singularize . IntMap.maxViewWithKey
where singularize ((k, v), rest) = (rest, IntMap.singleton k v)
foldl f = IntMap.foldlWithKey f'
where f' a k v = f a (IntMap.singleton k v)
foldl' f = IntMap.foldlWithKey' f'
where f' a k v = f a (IntMap.singleton k v)
foldr f = IntMap.foldrWithKey f'
where f' k v a = f (IntMap.singleton k v) a
length = IntMap.size
reverse = id
instance FactorialMonoid IntSet.IntSet where
factors = IntSet.singleton . IntSet.toAscList
primePrefix set | IntSet.null set = set
| otherwise = IntSet.singleton $ IntSet.findMin set
primeSuffix set | IntSet.null set = set
| otherwise = IntSet.singleton $ IntSet.findMax set
splitPrimePrefix = fmap singularize . IntSet.minView
where singularize (min, rest) = (IntSet.singleton min, rest)
splitPrimeSuffix = fmap singularize . IntSet.maxView
where singularize (max, rest) = (rest, IntSet.singleton max)
foldl f = IntSet.foldl f'
where f' a b = f a (IntSet.singleton b)
foldl' f = IntSet.foldl' f'
where f' a b = f a (IntSet.singleton b)
foldr f = IntSet.foldr f'
where f' a b = f (IntSet.singleton a) b
length = IntSet.size
reverse = id
instance FactorialMonoid (Sequence.Seq a) where
factors = Sequence.singleton . Foldable.toList
primePrefix = Sequence.take 1
primeSuffix seq = Sequence.drop (Sequence.length seq 1) seq
splitPrimePrefix seq = case Sequence.viewl seq
of Sequence.EmptyL -> Nothing
first Sequence.:< rest -> Just (Sequence.singleton first, rest)
splitPrimeSuffix seq = case Sequence.viewr seq
of Sequence.EmptyR -> Nothing
rest Sequence.:> last -> Just (rest, Sequence.singleton last)
foldl f = Foldable.foldl f'
where f' a b = f a (Sequence.singleton b)
foldl' f = Foldable.foldl' f'
where f' a b = f a (Sequence.singleton b)
foldr f = Foldable.foldr f'
where f' a b = f (Sequence.singleton a) b
span f = Sequence.spanl (f . Sequence.singleton)
break f = Sequence.breakl (f . Sequence.singleton)
dropWhile f = Sequence.dropWhileL (f . Sequence.singleton)
takeWhile f = Sequence.takeWhileL (f . Sequence.singleton)
splitAt = Sequence.splitAt
drop = Sequence.drop
take = Sequence.take
length = Sequence.length
reverse = Sequence.reverse
instance Ord a => FactorialMonoid (Set.Set a) where
factors = Set.singleton . Set.toAscList
primePrefix set | Set.null set = set
| otherwise = Set.singleton $ Set.findMin set
primeSuffix set | Set.null set = set
| otherwise = Set.singleton $ Set.findMax set
splitPrimePrefix = fmap singularize . Set.minView
where singularize (min, rest) = (Set.singleton min, rest)
splitPrimeSuffix = fmap singularize . Set.maxView
where singularize (max, rest) = (rest, Set.singleton max)
foldl f = Foldable.foldl f'
where f' a b = f a (Set.singleton b)
foldl' f = Foldable.foldl' f'
where f' a b = f a (Set.singleton b)
foldr f = Foldable.foldr f'
where f' a b = f (Set.singleton a) b
length = Set.size
reverse = id
instance FactorialMonoid (Vector.Vector a) where
factors x = factorize (Vector.length x) x
where factorize 0 xs = []
factorize n xs = x : factorize (pred n) xs'
where (x, xs') = Vector.splitAt 1 xs
primePrefix = Vector.take 1
primeSuffix x = Vector.drop (Vector.length x 1) x
splitPrimePrefix x = if Vector.null x then Nothing else Just (Vector.splitAt 1 x)
splitPrimeSuffix x = if Vector.null x then Nothing else Just (Vector.splitAt (Vector.length x 1) x)
foldl f = Vector.foldl f'
where f' a byte = f a (Vector.singleton byte)
foldl' f = Vector.foldl' f'
where f' a byte = f a (Vector.singleton byte)
foldr f = Vector.foldr f'
where f' byte a = f (Vector.singleton byte) a
break f = Vector.break (f . Vector.singleton)
span f = Vector.span (f . Vector.singleton)
dropWhile f = Vector.dropWhile (f . Vector.singleton)
takeWhile f = Vector.takeWhile (f . Vector.singleton)
splitAt = Vector.splitAt
drop = Vector.drop
take = Vector.take
length = Vector.length
reverse = Vector.reverse
instance StableFactorialMonoid ()
instance StableFactorialMonoid a => StableFactorialMonoid (Dual a)
instance StableFactorialMonoid [x]
instance StableFactorialMonoid ByteString.ByteString
instance StableFactorialMonoid LazyByteString.ByteString
instance StableFactorialMonoid Text.Text
instance StableFactorialMonoid LazyText.Text
instance StableFactorialMonoid (Sequence.Seq a)
instance StableFactorialMonoid (Vector.Vector a)
mapM :: (FactorialMonoid a, Monoid b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> a -> m b
mapM f = ($ return mempty) . appEndo . foldMap (Endo . Monad.liftM2 mappend . f)
mapM_ :: (FactorialMonoid a, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> a -> m ()
mapM_ f = foldr ((>>) . f) (return ())