module Database.MongoDB.Admin (
CollectionOption(..), createCollection, renameCollection, dropCollection,
Index(..), IndexName, index, ensureIndex, createIndex, dropIndex,
getIndexes, dropIndexes,
allUsers, addUser, removeUser,
admin, cloneDatabase, copyDatabase, dropDatabase, repairDatabase,
serverBuildInfo, serverVersion,
collectionStats, dataSize, storageSize, totalIndexSize, totalSize,
ProfilingLevel(..), getProfilingLevel, MilliSec, setProfilingLevel,
dbStats, OpNum, currentOp, killOp,
) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forever, unless, liftM)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Set (Set)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as H
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Bson (Document, Field(..), at, (=:), (=?), exclude, merge)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Database.MongoDB.Connection (Host, showHostPort)
import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol (pwHash, pwKey)
import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Util ((<.>), true1)
import Database.MongoDB.Query (Action, Database, Collection, Username, Password,
Order, Query(..), accessMode, master, runCommand,
useDb, thisDatabase, rest, select, find, findOne,
insert_, save, delete)
data CollectionOption = Capped | MaxByteSize Int | MaxItems Int deriving (Show, Eq)
coptElem :: CollectionOption -> Field
coptElem Capped = "capped" =: True
coptElem (MaxByteSize n) = "size" =: n
coptElem (MaxItems n) = "max" =: n
createCollection :: (MonadIO m) => [CollectionOption] -> Collection -> Action m Document
createCollection opts col = runCommand $ ["create" =: col] ++ map coptElem opts
renameCollection :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Collection -> Action m Document
renameCollection from to = do
db <- thisDatabase
useDb admin $ runCommand ["renameCollection" =: db <.> from, "to" =: db <.> to, "dropTarget" =: True]
dropCollection :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Action m Bool
dropCollection coll = do
r <- runCommand ["drop" =: coll]
if true1 "ok" r then return True else do
if at "errmsg" r == ("ns not found" :: Text) then return False else
fail $ "dropCollection failed: " ++ show r
validateCollection :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Action m Document
validateCollection coll = runCommand ["validate" =: coll]
type IndexName = Text
data Index = Index {
iColl :: Collection,
iKey :: Order,
iName :: IndexName,
iUnique :: Bool,
iDropDups :: Bool,
iExpireAfterSeconds :: Maybe Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
idxDocument :: Index -> Database -> Document
idxDocument Index{..} db = [
"ns" =: db <.> iColl,
"key" =: iKey,
"name" =: iName,
"unique" =: iUnique,
"dropDups" =: iDropDups ] ++ (maybeToList $ fmap ((=:) "expireAfterSeconds") iExpireAfterSeconds)
index :: Collection -> Order -> Index
index coll keys = Index coll keys (genName keys) False False Nothing
genName :: Order -> IndexName
genName keys = T.intercalate "_" (map f keys) where
f (k := v) = k `T.append` "_" `T.append` T.pack (show v)
ensureIndex :: (MonadIO m) => Index -> Action m ()
ensureIndex idx = let k = (iColl idx, iName idx) in do
icache <- fetchIndexCache
set <- liftIO (readIORef icache)
unless (Set.member k set) $ do
accessMode master (createIndex idx)
liftIO $ writeIORef icache (Set.insert k set)
createIndex :: (MonadIO m) => Index -> Action m ()
createIndex idx = insert_ "system.indexes" . idxDocument idx =<< thisDatabase
dropIndex :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> IndexName -> Action m Document
dropIndex coll idxName = do
runCommand ["deleteIndexes" =: coll, "index" =: idxName]
getIndexes :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, Functor m) => Collection -> Action m [Document]
getIndexes coll = do
db <- thisDatabase
rest =<< find (select ["ns" =: db <.> coll] "system.indexes")
dropIndexes :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Action m Document
dropIndexes coll = do
runCommand ["deleteIndexes" =: coll, "index" =: ("*" :: Text)]
type DbIndexCache = H.BasicHashTable Database IndexCache
type IndexCache = IORef (Set (Collection, IndexName))
dbIndexCache :: DbIndexCache
dbIndexCache = unsafePerformIO $ do
table <-
_ <- forkIO . forever $ threadDelay 900000000 >> clearDbIndexCache
return table
clearDbIndexCache :: IO ()
clearDbIndexCache = do
keys <- map fst <$> H.toList dbIndexCache
mapM_ (H.delete dbIndexCache) keys
fetchIndexCache :: (MonadIO m) => Action m IndexCache
fetchIndexCache = do
db <- thisDatabase
liftIO $ do
mc <- H.lookup dbIndexCache db
maybe (newIdxCache db) return mc
newIdxCache db = do
idx <- newIORef Set.empty
H.insert dbIndexCache db idx
return idx
resetIndexCache :: (MonadIO m) => Action m ()
resetIndexCache = do
icache <- fetchIndexCache
liftIO (writeIORef icache Set.empty)
allUsers :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, Functor m) => Action m [Document]
allUsers = map (exclude ["_id"]) <$> (rest =<< find
(select [] "system.users") {sort = ["user" =: (1 :: Int)], project = ["user" =: (1 :: Int), "readOnly" =: (1 :: Int)]})
addUser :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
=> Bool -> Username -> Password -> Action m ()
addUser readOnly user pass = do
mu <- findOne (select ["user" =: user] "system.users")
let usr = merge ["readOnly" =: readOnly, "pwd" =: pwHash user pass] (maybe ["user" =: user] id mu)
save "system.users" usr
removeUser :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> Username -> Action m ()
removeUser user = delete (select ["user" =: user] "system.users")
admin :: Database
admin = "admin"
cloneDatabase :: (MonadIO m) => Database -> Host -> Action m Document
cloneDatabase db fromHost = useDb db $ runCommand ["clone" =: showHostPort fromHost]
copyDatabase :: (MonadIO m) => Database -> Host -> Maybe (Username, Password) -> Database -> Action m Document
copyDatabase fromDb fromHost mup toDb = do
let c = ["copydb" =: (1 :: Int), "fromhost" =: showHostPort fromHost, "fromdb" =: fromDb, "todb" =: toDb]
useDb admin $ case mup of
Nothing -> runCommand c
Just (usr, pss) -> do
n <- at "nonce" `liftM` runCommand ["copydbgetnonce" =: (1 :: Int), "fromhost" =: showHostPort fromHost]
runCommand $ c ++ ["username" =: usr, "nonce" =: n, "key" =: pwKey n usr pss]
dropDatabase :: (MonadIO m) => Database -> Action m Document
dropDatabase db = useDb db $ runCommand ["dropDatabase" =: (1 :: Int)]
repairDatabase :: (MonadIO m) => Database -> Action m Document
repairDatabase db = useDb db $ runCommand ["repairDatabase" =: (1 :: Int)]
serverBuildInfo :: (MonadIO m) => Action m Document
serverBuildInfo = useDb admin $ runCommand ["buildinfo" =: (1 :: Int)]
serverVersion :: (MonadIO m) => Action m Text
serverVersion = at "version" `liftM` serverBuildInfo
collectionStats :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Action m Document
collectionStats coll = runCommand ["collstats" =: coll]
dataSize :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Action m Int
dataSize c = at "size" `liftM` collectionStats c
storageSize :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Action m Int
storageSize c = at "storageSize" `liftM` collectionStats c
totalIndexSize :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Action m Int
totalIndexSize c = at "totalIndexSize" `liftM` collectionStats c
totalSize :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Collection -> Action m Int
totalSize coll = do
x <- storageSize coll
xs <- mapM isize =<< getIndexes coll
return (foldl (+) x xs)
isize idx = at "storageSize" `liftM` collectionStats (coll `T.append` ".$" `T.append` at "name" idx)
data ProfilingLevel = Off | Slow | All deriving (Show, Enum, Eq)
getProfilingLevel :: (MonadIO m) => Action m ProfilingLevel
getProfilingLevel = (toEnum . at "was") `liftM` runCommand ["profile" =: (1 :: Int)]
type MilliSec = Int
setProfilingLevel :: (MonadIO m) => ProfilingLevel -> Maybe MilliSec -> Action m ()
setProfilingLevel p mSlowMs =
runCommand (["profile" =: fromEnum p] ++ ("slowms" =? mSlowMs)) >> return ()
dbStats :: (MonadIO m) => Action m Document
dbStats = runCommand ["dbstats" =: (1 :: Int)]
currentOp :: (MonadIO m) => Action m (Maybe Document)
currentOp = findOne (select [] "$cmd.sys.inprog")
type OpNum = Int
killOp :: (MonadIO m) => OpNum -> Action m (Maybe Document)
killOp op = findOne (select ["op" =: op] "$cmd.sys.killop")
serverStatus :: (MonadIO m) => Action m Document
serverStatus = useDb admin $ runCommand ["serverStatus" =: (1 :: Int)]