module Control.Monad.Par.AList
empty, singleton, cons, head, tail, length, null, append,
toList, fromList, fromListBalanced,
filter, map, partition,
parBuildThresh, parBuildThreshM,
parBuild, parBuildM,
depth, balance
import Control.DeepSeq
import Prelude hiding (length,head,tail,null,map,filter)
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Control.Monad.Par.Combinator as C
import Control.Monad.Par.Class
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
data AList a = ANil | ASing a | Append (AList a) (AList a) | AList [a]
deriving (Typeable)
instance NFData a => NFData (AList a) where
rnf ANil = ()
rnf (ASing a) = rnf a
rnf (Append l r) = rnf l `seq` rnf r
rnf (AList l) = rnf l
instance Show a => Show (AList a) where
show al = "fromList "++ show (toList al)
instance S.Serialize a => S.Serialize (AList a) where
put al = S.put (toList al)
get = do x <- S.get
return (fromList x)
append :: AList a -> AList a -> AList a
append ANil r = r
append l ANil = l
append l r = Append l r
empty :: AList a
empty = ANil
singleton :: a -> AList a
singleton = ASing
fromList :: [a] -> AList a
fromList = AList
fromListBalanced :: [a] -> AList a
fromListBalanced xs = go xs (P.length xs)
go _ 0 = ANil
go ls 1 = case ls of
(h:_) -> ASing h
[] -> error "the impossible happened"
go ls n =
let (q,r) = quotRem n 2 in
Append (go ls q)
(go (drop q ls) (q+r))
balance :: AList a -> AList a
balance = fromListBalanced . toList
cons :: a -> AList a -> AList a
cons x ANil = ASing x
cons x al = Append (ASing x) al
head :: AList a -> a
head al =
case loop al of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error "cannot take head of an empty AList"
loop al =
case al of
Append l r -> case loop l of
x@(Just _) -> x
Nothing -> loop r
ASing x -> Just x
AList (h:_) -> Just h
AList [] -> Nothing
ANil -> Nothing
tail :: AList a -> AList a
tail al =
case loop al of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error "cannot take tail of an empty AList"
loop al =
case al of
Append l r -> case loop l of
(Just x) -> Just (Append x r)
Nothing -> loop r
ASing _ -> Just ANil
AList (_:t) -> Just (AList t)
AList [] -> Nothing
ANil -> Nothing
length :: AList a -> Int
length ANil = 0
length (ASing _) = 1
length (Append l r) = length l + length r
length (AList l) = P.length l
null :: AList a -> Bool
null = (==0) . length
toList :: AList a -> [a]
toList a = go a []
where go ANil rest = rest
go (ASing a) rest = a : rest
go (Append l r) rest = go l $! go r rest
go (AList xs) rest = xs ++ rest
partition :: (a -> Bool) -> AList a -> (AList a, AList a)
partition p a = go a (ANil, ANil)
where go ANil acc = acc
go (ASing a) (ys, ns) | p a = (a `cons` ys, ns)
go (ASing a) (ys, ns) | otherwise = (ys, a `cons` ns)
go (Append l r) acc = go l $! go r acc
go (AList xs) (ys, ns) = (AList ys' `append` ys, AList ns' `append` ns)
(ys', ns') = L.partition p xs
depth :: AList a -> Int
depth ANil = 0
depth (ASing _) = 1
depth (AList _) = 1
depth (Append l r) = 1 + max (depth l) (depth r)
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> AList a -> AList a
filter p l = loop l
loop ANil = ANil
loop o@(ASing x) = if p x then o else ANil
loop (AList ls) = AList$ P.filter p ls
loop (Append x y) =
let l = loop x
r = loop y in
case (l,r) of
(ANil,ANil) -> ANil
(ANil,y) -> y
(x,ANil) -> x
(x,y) -> Append x y
map :: (a -> b) -> AList a -> AList b
map _ ANil = ANil
map f (ASing x) = ASing (f x)
map f (AList l) = AList ( f l)
map f (Append x y) = Append (map f x) (map f y)
parBuildThresh :: (NFData a, ParFuture f p) => Int -> C.InclusiveRange -> (Int -> a) -> p (AList a)
parBuildThresh threshold range fn =
C.parMapReduceRangeThresh threshold range
(return . singleton . fn) appendM empty
parBuildThreshM :: (NFData a, ParFuture f p) => Int -> C.InclusiveRange -> (Int -> p a) -> p (AList a)
parBuildThreshM threshold range fn =
C.parMapReduceRangeThresh threshold range
(\x -> fn x >>= return . singleton) appendM empty
parBuild :: (NFData a, ParFuture f p) => C.InclusiveRange -> (Int -> a) -> p (AList a)
parBuild range fn =
C.parMapReduceRange range (return . singleton . fn) appendM empty
parBuildM :: (NFData a, ParFuture f p) => C.InclusiveRange -> (Int -> p a) -> p (AList a)
parBuildM range fn =
C.parMapReduceRange range (\x -> fn x >>= return . singleton) appendM empty
instance Eq a => Eq (AList a) where
a == b = toList a == toList b
appendM :: ParFuture f p => AList a -> AList a -> p (AList a)
appendM x y = return (append x y)