import Control.Monad.Par.Combinator 
-- import Control.Concurrent.Chan  ()
import GHC.Conc (numCapabilities)
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
-- import System.IO.Unsafe
-- import Data.IORef
import Test.HUnit        (Assertion, (@=?))
import Test.Framework.TH (testGroupGenerator)
-- import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup)
import qualified Test.Framework as TF
import           Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit 
-- import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
import System.Timeout (timeout)

import TestHelpers (assertException, prnt, _prnt, _unsafeio, waste_time, collectOutput)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Testing

three :: Int
three = 3

par :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> Par a -> Assertion
par res m = res @=? runPar m

-- From
case_parallelFilter :: Assertion
case_parallelFilter = run 200 where
  run 0 = pure ()
  run i = do
    par result (parfilter p xs)
    run (i-1)

  p x = x `mod` 2 == 0
  xs = [0..10] :: [Int]
  result = filter p xs

  parfilter _ []  = pure []
  parfilter f [x] = pure (if f x then [x] else [])
  parfilter f xs  = do
    let (as, bs) = halve xs
    v1 <- spawn $ parfilter f as
    v2 <- spawn $ parfilter f bs
    left  <- get v1
    right <- get v2
    pure (left ++ right)

  halve xs = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs

-- | Make sure there's no problem with bringing the worker threads up and down many
-- times.  10K runPar's takes about 6.3 seconds.
case_lotsaRunPar :: Assertion
case_lotsaRunPar = loop 2000
  loop 0 = putStrLn ""
  loop i = do
    -- We need to do runParIO to make sure the compiler does the runPar each time.
    runParIO (return ())
    putStr "."
    loop (i-1)
case_justReturn :: Assertion
case_justReturn = par three (return 3)

case_oneIVar :: Assertion
case_oneIVar    = par three (do r <- new; put r 3; get r)

-- [2012.01.02] Apparently observing divergences here too:
case_forkNFill :: Assertion
case_forkNFill  = par three (do r <- new; fork (put r 3); get r)

-- [2012.05.02] The nested Trace implementation sometimes fails to
-- throw this exception, so we expect either the exception or a
-- timeout. This is reasonable since we might expect a deadlock in a
-- non-Trace scheduler. --ACF
-- [2013.05.17] Update, it's also possible to get a blocked-indefinitely error here
--   --RRN
-- [2013.09.08] Yep, I'm nondeterministically seeing this fail using
-- Direct.  But this is actually a failure of the exception handling
-- setup.  `assertException` should be catching blocked-indefinitely
-- error and it's NOT always.  Running this test ALONE, I cannot trip
-- it, but running it with others I do.  In fact, running it with
-- through test-framework's "-j1" I cannot reproduce the error. It is
-- probably just the perturbation to timing caused by this, after all,
-- WAIT_WORKERS is not currently on for Direct.  Still, I thought that
-- wouldn't matter here because the *main* thread can't return.
-- Also, it seems like this test can just hang indefinitely, with the
-- timeout failing to do the trick....  
case_getEmpty :: IO ()
case_getEmpty   = do
  -- Microseconds:
  _ <- timeout (100 * 1000) $ assertException ["no result", "timeout", "thread blocked indefinitely"] $ 
         runPar $ do r <- new; get r
  return ()

-- [2012.01.02] Observed a blocked-indef-on-MVar failure here on
-- master branch with 16 threads:
-- | Simple diamond test.
case_test_diamond :: Assertion
case_test_diamond = 9 @=? (m :: Int)
  m = runPar $ do
      abcd <- sequence [new,new,new,new]
      case abcd of
          [a,b,c,d] -> do
              fork $ do x <- get a; put b (x+1)
              fork $ do x <- get a; put c (x+2)
              fork $ do x <- get b; y <- get c; put d (x+y)
              fork $ do put a 3
              get d
          _ -> error "Oops"

-- | Violate IVar single-assignment:
-- NOTE: presently observing termination problems here.
-- runPar is failing to exist after the exception?
disabled_case_multiput :: IO ()
disabled_case_multiput = assertException ["multiple put"] $ 
  runPar $ do
   a <- new
   put a (3::Int)
   put a (4::Int)
   return ()

-- disabled_test3 = assertException "multiple put" $ 
--   runPar $ do
--    a <- new
--    put a (3::Int)
--    both (return 1) (return 2)
--  where 
--   -- both a b >> c  ==   both (a >> c) (b >> c)
--   -- Duplicate the continuation: is this useful for anything?
--   both :: Par a -> Par a -> Par a
--   both a b = Par $ \c -> Fork (runCont a c) (runCont b c)

-- | A reduction test.
case_test_pmrr1 :: Assertion
-- Saw a failure here using Direct:
-- Exception inside child thread "(worker 0 of originator ThreadId 5)", ThreadId 10: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation
case_test_pmrr1 = 
   par 5050 $ parMapReduceRangeThresh 1 (InclusiveRange 1 100)
	        (return) (return `bincomp` (+)) 0
 where bincomp unary bin a b = unary (bin a b)


-- | Observe the real time ordering of events:
--   Child-stealing:       
--      A D B <pause> C E
--   Parent-stealing:
--      A B D <pause> C E       
--   Sequential:
--      A B <pause> C D E
--   This is only for the TRACE scheduler right now.
-- This test is DISABLED because it fails unless you run with +RTS -N2
-- or greater.
disabled_case_async_test1 :: IO ()
disabled_case_async_test1 =
  do x <- res
     case (numCapabilities, words x) of
       (1,["A","B","C",_,"D","E"])         -> return ()       
       (n,["A","D","B","C",_,"E"]) | n > 1 -> return ()
       (n,["A","B","D","C",_,"E"]) | n > 1 -> return ()       
       _  -> error$ "Bad temporal pattern: "++ show (words x)
 res = collectOutput $ \ r -> do
  prnt r "A"
  evaluate$ runPar $
    do iv <- new
       fork $ do _prnt r "B"
                 x <- _unsafeio$ waste_time 0.5
		 _prnt r$ "C "++ show x
--		 _prnt r$ "C "++ show (_waste_time awhile)
                 put iv ()
       _prnt r "D"
       get iv
  prnt r$ "E"


tests :: [TF.Test]
tests = [ $(testGroupGenerator) ]