{-# LANGUAGE CPP , NoImplicitPrelude , RankNTypes , TypeFamilies , FunctionalDependencies , FlexibleInstances , UndecidableInstances , MultiParamTypeClasses #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702 {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} #endif #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0) -- Hide warnings for the deprecated ErrorT transformer: {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-} #endif {- | Module : Control.Monad.Trans.Control Copyright : Bas van Dijk, Anders Kaseorg License : BSD-style Maintainer : Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas@gmail.com> Stability : experimental -} module Control.Monad.Trans.Control ( -- * MonadTransControl MonadTransControl(..), Run -- ** Defaults for MonadTransControl -- $MonadTransControlDefaults , defaultLiftWith, defaultRestoreT -- * MonadBaseControl , MonadBaseControl (..), RunInBase -- ** Defaults for MonadBaseControl -- $MonadBaseControlDefaults , ComposeSt, defaultLiftBaseWith, defaultRestoreM -- * Utility functions , control , liftBaseOp, liftBaseOp_ , liftBaseDiscard ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from base: import Data.Function ( (.), ($), const ) import Data.Monoid ( Monoid, mempty ) import Control.Monad ( Monad, (>>=), return, liftM ) import System.IO ( IO ) import Data.Maybe ( Maybe ) import Data.Either ( Either ) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0) import GHC.Conc.Sync ( STM ) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0) || defined(INSTANCE_ST) import Control.Monad.ST.Lazy ( ST ) import qualified Control.Monad.ST.Strict as Strict ( ST ) #endif -- from transformers: import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( MonadTrans ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity ( IdentityT(IdentityT), runIdentityT ) import Control.Monad.Trans.List ( ListT (ListT), runListT ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe ( MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Error ( ErrorT (ErrorT), runErrorT, Error ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader ( ReaderT (ReaderT), runReaderT ) import Control.Monad.Trans.State ( StateT (StateT), runStateT ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer ( WriterT (WriterT), runWriterT ) import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS ( RWST (RWST), runRWST ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except ( ExceptT (ExceptT), runExceptT ) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict as Strict ( RWST (RWST), runRWST ) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as Strict ( StateT (StateT), runStateT ) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as Strict ( WriterT(WriterT), runWriterT ) import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity ) -- from transformers-base: import Control.Monad.Base ( MonadBase ) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0) import Control.Monad ( void ) #else import Data.Functor (Functor, fmap) void :: Functor f => f a -> f () void = fmap (const ()) #endif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MonadTransControl type class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MonadTrans t => MonadTransControl t where -- | Monadic state of @t@. data StT t :: * -> * -- | @liftWith@ is similar to 'lift' in that it lifts a computation from -- the argument monad to the constructed monad. -- -- Instances should satisfy similar laws as the 'MonadTrans' laws: -- -- @liftWith . const . return = return@ -- -- @liftWith (const (m >>= f)) = liftWith (const m) >>= liftWith . const . f@ -- -- The difference with 'lift' is that before lifting the @m@ computation -- @liftWith@ captures the state of @t@. It then provides the @m@ -- computation with a 'Run' function that allows running @t n@ computations in -- @n@ (for all @n@) on the captured state. liftWith :: Monad m => (Run t -> m a) -> t m a -- | Construct a @t@ computation from the monadic state of @t@ that is -- returned from a 'Run' function. -- -- Instances should satisfy: -- -- @liftWith (\\run -> run t) >>= restoreT . return = t@ restoreT :: Monad m => m (StT t a) -> t m a -- | A function that runs a transformed monad @t n@ on the monadic state that -- was captured by 'liftWith' -- -- A @Run t@ function yields a computation in @n@ that returns the monadic state -- of @t@. This state can later be used to restore a @t@ computation using -- 'restoreT'. type Run t = forall n b. Monad n => t n b -> n (StT t b) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Defaults for MonadTransControl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $MonadTransControlDefaults -- Following functions can be used to define 'MonadTransControl' instances for -- newtypes. -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving \#-} -- -- newtype CounterT m a = CounterT {unCounterT :: StateT Int m a} -- deriving (Monad, MonadTrans) -- -- instance MonadTransControl CounterT where -- newtype StT CounterT a = StCounter {unStCounter :: StT (StateT Int) a} -- liftWith = 'defaultLiftWith' CounterT unCounterT StCounter -- restoreT = 'defaultRestoreT' CounterT unStCounter -- @ -- | Default definition for the 'liftWith' method. defaultLiftWith :: (Monad m, MonadTransControl n) => (forall b. n m b -> t m b) -- ^ Monad constructor -> (forall o b. t o b -> n o b) -- ^ Monad deconstructor -> (forall b. StT n b -> StT t b) -- ^ 'StT' constructor -> (Run t -> m a) -> t m a defaultLiftWith t unT stT = \f -> t $ liftWith $ \run -> f $ liftM stT . run . unT {-# INLINE defaultLiftWith #-} defaultRestoreT :: (Monad m, MonadTransControl n) => (n m a -> t m a) -- ^ Monad constructor -> (StT t a -> StT n a) -- ^ 'StT' deconstructor -> m (StT t a) -> t m a defaultRestoreT t unStT = t . restoreT . liftM unStT {-# INLINE defaultRestoreT #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MonadTransControl instances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance MonadTransControl IdentityT where newtype StT IdentityT a = StId {unStId :: a} liftWith f = IdentityT $ f $ liftM StId . runIdentityT restoreT = IdentityT . liftM unStId {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} instance MonadTransControl MaybeT where newtype StT MaybeT a = StMaybe {unStMaybe :: Maybe a} liftWith f = MaybeT $ liftM return $ f $ liftM StMaybe . runMaybeT restoreT = MaybeT . liftM unStMaybe {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} instance Error e => MonadTransControl (ErrorT e) where newtype StT (ErrorT e) a = StError {unStError :: Either e a} liftWith f = ErrorT $ liftM return $ f $ liftM StError . runErrorT restoreT = ErrorT . liftM unStError {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} instance MonadTransControl (ExceptT e) where newtype StT (ExceptT e) a = StExcept {unStExcept :: Either e a} liftWith f = ExceptT $ liftM return $ f $ liftM StExcept . runExceptT restoreT = ExceptT . liftM unStExcept {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} instance MonadTransControl ListT where newtype StT ListT a = StList {unStList :: [a]} liftWith f = ListT $ liftM return $ f $ liftM StList . runListT restoreT = ListT . liftM unStList {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} instance MonadTransControl (ReaderT r) where newtype StT (ReaderT r) a = StReader {unStReader :: a} liftWith f = ReaderT $ \r -> f $ \t -> liftM StReader $ runReaderT t r restoreT = ReaderT . const . liftM unStReader {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} instance MonadTransControl (StateT s) where newtype StT (StateT s) a = StState {unStState :: (a, s)} liftWith f = StateT $ \s -> liftM (\x -> (x, s)) (f $ \t -> liftM StState $ runStateT t s) restoreT = StateT . const . liftM unStState {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} instance MonadTransControl (Strict.StateT s) where newtype StT (Strict.StateT s) a = StState' {unStState' :: (a, s)} liftWith f = Strict.StateT $ \s -> liftM (\x -> (x, s)) (f $ \t -> liftM StState' $ Strict.runStateT t s) restoreT = Strict.StateT . const . liftM unStState' {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} instance Monoid w => MonadTransControl (WriterT w) where newtype StT (WriterT w) a = StWriter {unStWriter :: (a, w)} liftWith f = WriterT $ liftM (\x -> (x, mempty)) (f $ liftM StWriter . runWriterT) restoreT = WriterT . liftM unStWriter {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} instance Monoid w => MonadTransControl (Strict.WriterT w) where newtype StT (Strict.WriterT w) a = StWriter' {unStWriter' :: (a, w)} liftWith f = Strict.WriterT $ liftM (\x -> (x, mempty)) (f $ liftM StWriter' . Strict.runWriterT) restoreT = Strict.WriterT . liftM unStWriter' {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} instance Monoid w => MonadTransControl (RWST r w s) where newtype StT (RWST r w s) a = StRWS {unStRWS :: (a, s, w)} liftWith f = RWST $ \r s -> liftM (\x -> (x, s, mempty)) (f $ \t -> liftM StRWS $ runRWST t r s) restoreT mSt = RWST $ \_ _ -> liftM unStRWS mSt {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} instance Monoid w => MonadTransControl (Strict.RWST r w s) where newtype StT (Strict.RWST r w s) a = StRWS' {unStRWS' :: (a, s, w)} liftWith f = Strict.RWST $ \r s -> liftM (\x -> (x, s, mempty)) (f $ \t -> liftM StRWS' $ Strict.runRWST t r s) restoreT mSt = Strict.RWST $ \_ _ -> liftM unStRWS' mSt {-# INLINE liftWith #-} {-# INLINE restoreT #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MonadBaseControl type class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MonadBase b m => MonadBaseControl b m | m -> b where -- | Monadic state of @m@. data StM m :: * -> * -- | @liftBaseWith@ is similar to 'liftIO' and 'liftBase' in that it -- lifts a base computation to the constructed monad. -- -- Instances should satisfy similar laws as the 'MonadIO' and 'MonadBase' laws: -- -- @liftBaseWith . const . return = return@ -- -- @liftBaseWith (const (m >>= f)) = liftBaseWith (const m) >>= liftBaseWith . const . f@ -- -- The difference with 'liftBase' is that before lifting the base computation -- @liftBaseWith@ captures the state of @m@. It then provides the base -- computation with a 'RunInBase' function that allows running @m@ -- computations in the base monad on the captured state. liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase m b -> b a) -> m a -- | Construct a @m@ computation from the monadic state of @m@ that is -- returned from a 'RunInBase' function. -- -- Instances should satisfy: -- -- @liftBaseWith (\\runInBase -> runInBase m) >>= restoreM = m@ restoreM :: StM m a -> m a -- | A function that runs a @m@ computation on the monadic state that was -- captured by 'liftBaseWith' -- -- A @RunInBase m@ function yields a computation in the base monad of @m@ that -- returns the monadic state of @m@. This state can later be used to restore the -- @m@ computation using 'restoreM'. type RunInBase m b = forall a. m a -> b (StM m a) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MonadBaseControl instances for all monads in the base library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BASE(M, ST) \ instance MonadBaseControl (M) (M) where { \ newtype StM (M) a = ST a; \ liftBaseWith f = f $ liftM ST; \ restoreM (ST x) = return x; \ {-# INLINE liftBaseWith #-}; \ {-# INLINE restoreM #-}} BASE(IO, StIO) BASE(Maybe, St) BASE(Either e, StE) BASE([], StL) BASE((->) r, StF) BASE(Identity, StI) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0) BASE(STM, StSTM) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0) || defined(INSTANCE_ST) BASE(Strict.ST s, StSTS) BASE( ST s, StST) #endif #undef BASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Defaults for MonadBaseControl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $MonadBaseControlDefaults -- -- Note that by using the following default definitions it's easy to make a -- monad transformer @T@ an instance of 'MonadBaseControl': -- -- @ -- instance MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (T m) where -- newtype StM (T m) a = StMT {unStMT :: 'ComposeSt' T m a} -- liftBaseWith = 'defaultLiftBaseWith' StMT -- restoreM = 'defaultRestoreM' unStMT -- @ -- -- Defining an instance for a base monad @B@ is equally straightforward: -- -- @ -- instance MonadBaseControl B B where -- newtype StM B a = StMB {unStMB :: a} -- liftBaseWith f = f $ liftM StMB -- restoreM = return . unStMB -- @ -- | Handy type synonym that composes the monadic states of @t@ and @m@. -- -- It can be used to define the 'StM' for new 'MonadBaseControl' instances. type ComposeSt t m a = StM m (StT t a) -- | Default defintion for the 'liftBaseWith' method. -- -- Note that it composes a 'liftWith' of @t@ with a 'liftBaseWith' of @m@ to -- give a 'liftBaseWith' of @t m@: -- -- @ -- defaultLiftBaseWith stM = \\f -> 'liftWith' $ \\run -> -- 'liftBaseWith' $ \\runInBase -> -- f $ liftM stM . runInBase . run -- @ defaultLiftBaseWith :: (MonadTransControl t, MonadBaseControl b m) => (forall c. ComposeSt t m c -> StM (t m) c) -- ^ 'StM' constructor -> ((RunInBase (t m) b -> b a) -> t m a) defaultLiftBaseWith stM = \f -> liftWith $ \run -> liftBaseWith $ \runInBase -> f $ liftM stM . runInBase . run {-# INLINE defaultLiftBaseWith #-} -- | Default definition for the 'restoreM' method. -- -- Note that: @defaultRestoreM unStM = 'restoreT' . 'restoreM' . unStM@ defaultRestoreM :: (MonadTransControl t, MonadBaseControl b m) => (StM (t m) a -> ComposeSt t m a) -- ^ 'StM' deconstructor -> (StM (t m) a -> t m a) defaultRestoreM unStM = restoreT . restoreM . unStM {-# INLINE defaultRestoreM #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MonadBaseControl transformer instances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BODY(T, ST, unST) { \ newtype StM (T m) a = ST {unST :: ComposeSt (T) m a}; \ liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith ST; \ restoreM = defaultRestoreM unST; \ {-# INLINE liftBaseWith #-}; \ {-# INLINE restoreM #-}} #define TRANS( T, ST, unST) \ instance ( MonadBaseControl b m) => MonadBaseControl b (T m) where BODY(T, ST, unST) #define TRANS_CTX(CTX, T, ST, unST) \ instance (CTX, MonadBaseControl b m) => MonadBaseControl b (T m) where BODY(T, ST, unST) TRANS(IdentityT, StMId, unStMId) TRANS(MaybeT, StMMaybe, unStMMaybe) TRANS(ListT, StMList, unStMList) TRANS(ReaderT r, StMReader, unStMReader) TRANS(Strict.StateT s, StMStateS, unStMStateS) TRANS( StateT s, StMState, unStMState) TRANS(ExceptT e, StMExcept, unStMExcept) TRANS_CTX(Error e, ErrorT e, StMError, unStMError) TRANS_CTX(Monoid w, Strict.WriterT w, StMWriterS, unStMWriterS) TRANS_CTX(Monoid w, WriterT w, StMWriter, unStMWriter) TRANS_CTX(Monoid w, Strict.RWST r w s, StMRWSS, unStMRWSS) TRANS_CTX(Monoid w, RWST r w s, StMRWS, unStMRWS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Utility functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | An often used composition: @control f = 'liftBaseWith' f >>= 'restoreM'@ control :: MonadBaseControl b m => (RunInBase m b -> b (StM m a)) -> m a control f = liftBaseWith f >>= restoreM {-# INLINE control #-} -- | @liftBaseOp@ is a particular application of 'liftBaseWith' that allows -- lifting control operations of type: -- -- @((a -> b c) -> b c)@ to: @('MonadBaseControl' b m => (a -> m c) -> m c)@. -- -- For example: -- -- @liftBaseOp alloca :: 'MonadBaseControl' 'IO' m => (Ptr a -> m c) -> m c@ liftBaseOp :: MonadBaseControl b m => ((a -> b (StM m c)) -> b (StM m d)) -> ((a -> m c) -> m d) liftBaseOp f = \g -> control $ \runInBase -> f $ runInBase . g {-# INLINE liftBaseOp #-} -- | @liftBaseOp_@ is a particular application of 'liftBaseWith' that allows -- lifting control operations of type: -- -- @(b a -> b a)@ to: @('MonadBaseControl' b m => m a -> m a)@. -- -- For example: -- -- @liftBaseOp_ mask_ :: 'MonadBaseControl' 'IO' m => m a -> m a@ liftBaseOp_ :: MonadBaseControl b m => (b (StM m a) -> b (StM m c)) -> ( m a -> m c) liftBaseOp_ f = \m -> control $ \runInBase -> f $ runInBase m {-# INLINE liftBaseOp_ #-} -- | @liftBaseDiscard@ is a particular application of 'liftBaseWith' that allows -- lifting control operations of type: -- -- @(b () -> b a)@ to: @('MonadBaseControl' b m => m () -> m a)@. -- -- Note that, while the argument computation @m ()@ has access to the captured -- state, all its side-effects in @m@ are discarded. It is run only for its -- side-effects in the base monad @b@. -- -- For example: -- -- @liftBaseDiscard forkIO :: 'MonadBaseControl' 'IO' m => m () -> m ThreadId@ liftBaseDiscard :: MonadBaseControl b m => (b () -> b a) -> (m () -> m a) liftBaseDiscard f = \m -> liftBaseWith $ \runInBase -> f $ void $ runInBase m {-# INLINE liftBaseDiscard #-}