{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-} -- LDA model from Anglican -- (https://bitbucket.org/probprog/anglican-white-paper) -- This model is just a toy/reference implementation. -- A more serious one would not store documents as lists of words. -- The point is just to showcase the model module LDA where import Control.Monad qualified as List (replicateM) import Control.Monad.Bayes.Class ( MonadDistribution (categorical, dirichlet, uniformD), MonadMeasure, factor, ) import Control.Monad.Bayes.Sampler.Strict (sampleIOfixed) import Control.Monad.Bayes.Traced (mh) import Control.Monad.Bayes.Weighted (unweighted) import Data.Map qualified as Map import Data.Text (Text, words) import Data.Vector as V (Vector, replicate, (!)) import Data.Vector qualified as V hiding (length, mapM, mapM_) import Numeric.Log (Log (Exp)) import Text.Pretty.Simple (pPrint) import Prelude hiding (words) vocabulary :: [Text] vocabulary = ["bear", "wolf", "python", "prolog"] topics :: [Text] topics = ["topic1", "topic2"] type Documents = [[Text]] documents :: Documents documents = [ words "bear wolf bear wolf bear wolf python wolf bear wolf", words "python prolog python prolog python prolog python prolog python prolog", words "bear wolf bear wolf bear wolf bear wolf bear wolf", words "python prolog python prolog python prolog python prolog python prolog", words "bear wolf bear python bear wolf bear wolf bear wolf" ] wordDistPrior :: (MonadDistribution m) => m (V.Vector Double) wordDistPrior = dirichlet $ V.replicate (length vocabulary) 1 topicDistPrior :: (MonadDistribution m) => m (V.Vector Double) topicDistPrior = dirichlet $ V.replicate (length topics) 1 wordIndex :: Map.Map Text Int wordIndex = Map.fromList $ zip vocabulary [0 ..] lda :: (MonadMeasure m) => Documents -> m (Map.Map Text (V.Vector (Text, Double)), [(Text, V.Vector (Text, Double))]) lda docs = do word_dist_for_topic <- do ts <- List.replicateM (length topics) wordDistPrior return $ Map.fromList $ zip topics ts let obs doc = do topic_dist <- topicDistPrior let f word = do topic <- (fmap (topics !!) . categorical) topic_dist factor $ (Exp . log) $ (word_dist_for_topic Map.! topic) V.! (wordIndex Map.! word) mapM_ f doc return topic_dist td <- mapM obs docs return ( fmap (V.zip (V.fromList vocabulary)) word_dist_for_topic, zip (fmap (foldr1 (\x y -> x <> " " <> y)) docs) (fmap (V.zip $ V.fromList ["topic1", "topic2"]) td) ) syntheticData :: (MonadDistribution m) => Int -> Int -> m [[Text]] syntheticData d w = List.replicateM d (List.replicateM w syntheticWord) where syntheticWord = uniformD vocabulary runLDA :: IO () runLDA = do s <- sampleIOfixed $ unweighted $ mh 1000 $ lda documents pPrint $ take 1 s