{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Text.URISpec (spec) where import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList) import Data.Maybe (isNothing, isJust) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.String (IsString (..)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Void import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec import Test.QuickCheck import Text.Megaparsec import Text.URI (URI (..), RTextException (..), RTextLabel (..)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Text.URI as URI instance Arbitrary Text where arbitrary = T.pack <$> arbitrary spec :: Spec spec = do describe "mkURI" $ do it "accepts valid URIs" $ do uri <- mkTestURI URI.mkURI testURI `shouldReturn` uri it "rejects invalid URIs" $ do let e = err posI . mconcat $ [ utok 'ч' , etok '#' , etok '/' , etoks "//" , etok '?' , elabel "ASCII alpha character" , elabel "path piece" , eeof ] URI.mkURI "что-то" `shouldThrow` (== URI.ParseException "что-то" e) describe "makeAbsolute" $ do context "when given URI already has scheme" $ it "returns that URI unchanged" $ property $ \scheme uri -> isJust (uriScheme uri) ==> uriScheme (URI.makeAbsolute scheme uri) `shouldBe` uriScheme uri context "when given URI has no scheme" $ it "sets the specified scheme" $ property $ \scheme uri -> isNothing (uriScheme uri) ==> uriScheme (URI.makeAbsolute scheme uri) `shouldBe` Just scheme describe "isPathAbsolute" $ do context "when URI has authority component" $ it "returns True" $ property $ \uri auth -> URI.isPathAbsolute (uri { uriAuthority = Right auth }) `shouldBe` True context "when URI has no authority component" $ it "return what is inside of Left in uriAuthority" $ property $ \uri b -> URI.isPathAbsolute (uri { uriAuthority = Left b }) `shouldBe` b describe "mkScheme" $ do it "accepts valid schemes" $ do URI.mkScheme "http" `shouldRText` "http" URI.mkScheme "HTTPS" `shouldRText` "https" URI.mkScheme "mailto" `shouldRText` "mailto" URI.mkScheme "a+-." `shouldRText` "a+-." it "rejects invalid schemes" $ do URI.mkScheme "123" `shouldThrow` (== RTextException Scheme "123") URI.mkScheme "схема" `shouldThrow` (== RTextException Scheme "схема") URI.mkScheme "+-." `shouldThrow` (== RTextException Scheme "+-.") describe "mkHost" $ do it "accepts valid IPv4 literals" $ do URI.mkHost "" `shouldRText` "" URI.mkHost "" `shouldRText` "" it "accepts valid IPv6 literals" $ do URI.mkHost "[0123:4567:89ab:cdef:0:0:0:0]" `shouldRText` "[0123:4567:89ab:cdef:0:0:0:0]" URI.mkHost "[0123::4567:89ab]" `shouldRText` "[0123::4567:89ab]" URI.mkHost "[::0123:4567:89ab]" `shouldRText` "[::0123:4567:89ab]" URI.mkHost "[0123:4567:89ab::]" `shouldRText` "[0123:4567:89ab::]" it "rejects invalid IPv6 literals" $ do URI.mkHost "[0123:4567:89ab]" `shouldThrow` (== RTextException Host "[0123:4567:89ab]") URI.mkHost "[0123::4567:89ab::]" `shouldThrow` (== RTextException Host "[0123::4567:89ab::]") it "accepts valid IP future literals" $ do URI.mkHost "[va.something]" `shouldRText` "[va.something]" URI.mkHost "[v1.123-456]" `shouldRText` "[v1.123-456]" it "rejects invalid IP future literals" $ URI.mkHost "[vv.something]" `shouldThrow` (== RTextException Host "[vv.something]") it "accepts valid domain names" $ do URI.mkHost "LOCALHOST" `shouldRText` "localhost" URI.mkHost "github.com" `shouldRText` "github.com" URI.mkHost "foo.example.com" `shouldRText` "foo.example.com" URI.mkHost "юникод.рф" `shouldRText` "юникод.рф" it "rejects invalid hosts" $ do URI.mkHost "_something" `shouldThrow` (== RTextException Host "_something") URI.mkHost "some@thing" `shouldThrow` (== RTextException Host "some@thing") describe "mkUsername" $ do it "accepts valid usernames" $ property $ \txt -> not (T.null txt) ==> do username <- URI.mkUsername txt URI.unRText username `shouldBe` txt it "rejects invalid usernames" $ URI.mkUsername "" `shouldThrow` (== RTextException Username "") describe "mkPassword" $ it "lifts any text into password" $ property $ \txt -> do pass <- URI.mkPassword txt URI.unRText pass `shouldBe` txt describe "mkPathPiece" $ do it "accepts valid path pieces" $ property $ \txt -> not (T.null txt) ==> do pp <- URI.mkPathPiece txt URI.unRText pp `shouldBe` txt it "rejects invalid path pieces" $ URI.mkPathPiece "" `shouldThrow` (== RTextException PathPiece "") describe "mkQueryKey" $ do it "accepts valid query keys" $ property $ \txt -> not (T.null txt) ==> do k <- URI.mkQueryKey txt URI.unRText k `shouldBe` txt it "rejects invalid query keys" $ URI.mkQueryKey "" `shouldThrow` (== RTextException QueryKey "") describe "mkQueryValue" $ it "lifts any text into query value" $ property $ \txt -> do v <- URI.mkQueryValue txt URI.unRText v `shouldBe` txt describe "mkFragment" $ it "lifts any text into fragment" $ property $ \txt -> do fragment <- URI.mkFragment txt URI.unRText fragment `shouldBe` txt describe "parse and render" $ it "parser and render are consistent" $ property $ \uri -> shouldParse' (URI.render uri) uri describe "parseBs and renderBs" $ it "parser and render are consistent" $ property $ \uri -> shouldParseBs (URI.renderBs uri) uri describe "parse" $ do it "rejects Unicode in scheme" $ parse urip "" "что:something" `shouldFailWith` err posI (mconcat [ utok 'ч' , etok '#' , etok '/' , etoks "//" , etok '?' , elabel "ASCII alpha character" , elabel "path piece" , eeof ] ) it "rejects Unicode in host" $ do let s = "https://юникод.рф" parse urip "" s `shouldFailWith` err (posN 8 s) (mconcat [ utok 'ю' , etok '%' , etok '[' , elabel "ASCII alpha-numeric character" , elabel "integer" , elabel "username" ] ) it "rejects Unicode in path" $ do let s = "https://github.com/марк" parse urip "" s `shouldFailWith` err (posN 19 s) (mconcat [ utok 'м' , etok '#' , etok '/' , etok '?' , elabel "path piece" , eeof ] ) describe "render" $ do it "sort of works" $ fmap URI.render mkTestURI `shouldReturn` testURI context "when URI has absolute path" $ it "escapes colon properly in first path piece" $ (URI.render <$> URI.mkURI "/docu:ment.html") `shouldReturn` "/docu%3ament.html" context "when URI has relative path" $ it "escapes colon properly in first path piece" $ (URI.render <$> URI.mkURI "docu%3ament.html") `shouldReturn` "docu%3ament.html" describe "renderBs" $ it "sort of works" $ fmap URI.renderBs mkTestURI `shouldReturn` testURI describe "renderStr" $ it "sort of works" $ fmap URI.renderStr mkTestURI `shouldReturn` testURI describe "relativeTo" $ do let testResolution r e = do base <- URI.mkURI "http://a/b/c/d;p?q" reference <- URI.mkURI r expected <- URI.mkURI e URI.relativeTo reference base `shouldBe` Just expected context "when reference URI has no scheme" $ forM_ resolutionTests $ \(r, e) -> it ("resolves reference path \"" <> T.unpack r <> "\"") $ testResolution r e context "when reference URI has scheme" $ do context "when the scheme is the same as the scheme of base URI" $ it "reference URI is preserved intact" $ testResolution "http:g" "http:g" context "when the scheme is different from the scheme of base URI" $ it "reference URI is preserved intact" $ testResolution "ftp:g" "ftp:g" context "when base URI has no scheme" $ it "returns Nothing" $ property $ \reference base -> isNothing (uriScheme base) ==> URI.relativeTo reference base `shouldBe` Nothing context "when base URI has scheme" $ it "the resulting URI always has scheme" $ property $ \reference base -> isJust (uriScheme base) ==> do let scheme = URI.relativeTo reference base >>= uriScheme scheme `shouldSatisfy` isJust ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers -- | Construct a test URI. mkTestURI :: IO URI mkTestURI = do scheme <- URI.mkScheme "https" username <- URI.mkUsername "mark:@" password <- URI.mkPassword "secret:@" host <- URI.mkHost "github.com" path <- mapM URI.mkPathPiece ["mrkkrp", "modern-uri+:@"] k <- URI.mkQueryKey "foo:@" v <- URI.mkQueryValue "bar :@" fragment <- URI.mkFragment "fragment:@" return URI { uriScheme = Just scheme , uriAuthority = Right URI.Authority { URI.authUserInfo = Just URI.UserInfo { URI.uiUsername = username , URI.uiPassword = Just password } , URI.authHost = host , URI.authPort = Just 443 } , uriPath = Just (False, fromList path) , uriQuery = [URI.QueryParam k v] , uriFragment = Just fragment } -- | Polymorphic textual rendering of the 'URI' generated by 'mkTestURI'. testURI :: IsString a => a testURI = "https://mark%3a%40:secret:%40@github.com:443/mrkkrp/modern-uri+%3a@?foo:@=bar+:@#fragment:@" -- | A utility wrapper around 'URI.parser'. urip :: Parsec Void Text URI urip = URI.parser <* eof -- | Expect that the given action constructs 'URI.RText' with certain text -- inside. shouldRText :: IO (URI.RText l) -- ^ Action that produces refined text -> Text -- ^ Inner text to compare with -> Expectation shouldRText rtext txt = do txt' <- rtext URI.unRText txt' `shouldBe` txt -- | Expect that the specified input for parser will produce 'URI' equal to -- a given one. shouldParse' :: Text -- ^ Parser input -> URI -- ^ 'URI' to compare with -> Expectation shouldParse' s a = case runParser urip "" s of Left e -> expectationFailure $ "the parser is expected to succeed, but it failed with:\n" ++ parseErrorPretty' s e Right a' -> a' `shouldBe` a -- | Similar to 'shouldParse'' but uses 'URI.parserBs' under the hood. shouldParseBs :: ByteString -- ^ Parser input -> URI -- ^ 'URI' to compare with -> Expectation shouldParseBs s a = case runParser (URI.parserBs <* eof :: Parsec Void ByteString URI) "" s of Left e -> expectationFailure $ "the parser is expected to succeed, but it failed with:\n" ++ parseErrorPretty' s e Right a' -> a' `shouldBe` a -- | Test cases from section 5.4.1 from RFC 3986. -- -- First item in the tuple is the relative path, the second is the expected -- result. The base path is always @http://a/b/c/d;p?q@. resolutionTests :: [(Text, Text)] resolutionTests = [ -- Normal examples ("g:h", "g:h") , ("g", "http://a/b/c/g") , ("./g", "http://a/b/c/g") , ("g/", "http://a/b/c/g/") , ("/g", "http://a/g") , ("//g", "http://g") , ("?y", "http://a/b/c/d;p?y") , ("g?y", "http://a/b/c/g?y") , ("#s", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s") , ("g#s", "http://a/b/c/g#s") , ("g?y#s", "http://a/b/c/g?y#s") , (";x", "http://a/b/c/;x") , ("g;x", "http://a/b/c/g;x") , ("g;x?y#s", "http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s") , ("", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q") , (".", "http://a/b/c/") , ("./", "http://a/b/c/") , ("..", "http://a/b/") , ("../", "http://a/b/") , ("../g", "http://a/b/g") , ("../..", "http://a/") , ("../../", "http://a/") , ("../../g", "http://a/g") -- Abnormal cases , ("../../../g", "http://a/g") , ("../../../../g", "http://a/g") -- Dot segments , ("/./g", "http://a/g") , ("/../g", "http://a/g") , ("g.", "http://a/b/c/g.") , (".g", "http://a/b/c/.g") , ("g..", "http://a/b/c/g..") , ("..g", "http://a/b/c/..g") -- Nonsensical forms of the "." and ".." , ("./../g", "http://a/b/g") , ("./g/.", "http://a/b/c/g/") , ("g/./h", "http://a/b/c/g/h") , ("g/../h", "http://a/b/c/h") , ("g;x=1/./y", "http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y") , ("g;x=1/../y", "http://a/b/c/y") -- Query and/or fragment components , ("g?y/./x", "http://a/b/c/g?y/./x") , ("g?y/../x", "http://a/b/c/g?y/../x") , ("g#s/./x", "http://a/b/c/g#s/./x") , ("g#s/../x", "http://a/b/c/g#s/../x") ]