{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-| Module : NLP.Morphosyntax.Analyzer Description : Language-agnostic analyzer for positional morphosyntactic tags Copyright : (c) Vjeran Crnjak, 2014 License : BSD3 Maintainer : vjeran.crnjak@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : portable Implementation of a space-efficient morphosyntactic analyzer. It solves a problem of providing a set of possible tags for a given word. Instead of just matching on the word-set pair, one can assume that suffixes of an unknown word also hold some information about the set. This library provides the functionality of that kind of analysis. One example of where this might be useful is 'concraft' tagging library. Before the POS-tagging one needs to have a set of possible tags for a word from which the correct one is disambiguated. For a sufficiently large construction corpus this analyzer might only benefit from additional regular expressions for punctuation and number matching. There is a possibility of returning a set of possible tags that isn't complete - the set doesn't contain a correct tag. If construction corpus isn't sufficiently large, there might be a fair amount of incomplete sets on unseen named entities (person names, corporation names etc.). If one needs the analyzer to be less aggressive, it is recommended to extend the functionality and remove the sets of possible tags from words which might be named (ex. capitalized words in the middle of a sentence). This is present mostly in use cases where part-of-speech tags of a language contain information whether a word represents a named entity or not, so if this is not a case, there will be no need to extend the current functionality. A simple example of using @GHCi@ for construction: > :set -XOverloadedStrings > import qualified Data.Text.IO as T > import qualified Data.Tagset.Positional as P > f <- readFile "tagset.cfg" > let tset = P.parseTagset "tagset1" f > f <- T.readFile "fulldict.txt" > let train = map (\(word:tags) -> (word, map (P.parseTag tset) tags)) . map T.words . filter (not . T.null) . T.lines $ f > let an = create tset (AConf 3 [] M.empty) train > save "analyzer.gz" an It is assumed that tag attributes are separated with @:@ for 'P.parseTag'. One could write a different parsing function. -} module NLP.Morphosyntax.Analyzer ( -- * Model Analyzer , elem , getTags , save , load , create -- * Configuration , AConf(..) ) where import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Arrow (first, second, (&&&), (***)) import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Binary (Binary, get, put) import qualified Data.Binary as Binary import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.DAWG.Static as D import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Tagset.Positional as P import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Tuple (swap) import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~)) import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text () import Prelude hiding (elem, notElem) --------------------- -- Morphological analyzer --------------------- modelVersion :: String modelVersion = "" -- | Configuration for the analyzer. data AConf = AConf { -- | If word isn't known this is the smallest suffix length that will be matched. suffixLen :: Int -- | A list of regular expressions (POSIX) and accompanying set of tags. -- If a word matches a regular expression, the accompanying set of tags -- will be given as the set of possible tags. , regexMatch :: [(T.Text, S.Set P.Tag)] -- | Provides the analyzer with the ability to analyze the word on a single 'P.POS'-tag in -- case incomplete construction corpus is present. (Ex. Croatian adjectives and pronouns) -- It might be the case that words that can be adjectives can -- also be pronouns. If the analyzer isn't thorough enough (the provided -- construction data doesn't have all cases covered) one would also like that -- words that are adjectives are also interpreted as being pronouns. What can happen -- is, an unknown word has a very long suffix that matches an adjective, but it can -- also be a pronoun. In that case one would like pronoun tags too. -- If your construction data is very large this doesn't have to be used. , separationLayout :: M.Map P.POS (S.Set P.POS) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Binary AConf where put AConf{..} = do put suffixLen put regexMatch put separationLayout get = AConf <$> get <*> get <*> get {-| This is a layout of conflicts that POS tags might have. If there are conflicts the specialized DAWGs are used to resolve them. For example. It might be the case that words that can be adjectives can also be pronouns. If the analyzer isn't thorough enough (the provided construction data doesn't have all cases covered) one would also like that words that are adjectives are also interpreted as being pronouns. If a word has only data about being an adjective but one wants it to be treated as a pronouns too (in some contexts) this is a useful thing to set up. What can happen is that a word has a very long suffix which matches an adjective but it can also be a pronoun. In that case one would like pronoun tags too. -} data ConstLayout = CSL { -- | Contains for each POS a set of POS for which the specialized DAWGs can be fetched. sdawgs :: M.Map P.POS (S.Set P.POS) -- | Map containing all the specialized DAWGs. -- * Specialized DAWG contains only words linked with a POS which is the key in the map. , posToDawg :: M.Map P.POS (D.DAWG Char Int IntSet.IntSet) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Binary ConstLayout where put CSL{..} = do put sdawgs put posToDawg get = CSL <$> get <*> get -- | Representation of the analyzer. data Analyzer = Analyzer -- TODO Change to Analyzer t, to remove the P.Tag dependency { -- | This field represents the possible tagset of words used in this analyzer. tagset :: P.Tagset -- | Analyzer configuration, check 'AConf'. , conf :: AConf -- | Maps 'Int' to 'P.Tag'. -- Used primarily for space compression. , numToTag :: IntMap.IntMap P.Tag -- | Compressed map of words to their possible set of tags. , dawg :: D.DAWG Char Int IntSet.IntSet -- | Check 'ConstLayout' for detailed info. , csl :: ConstLayout } deriving Eq instance Binary Analyzer where put Analyzer{..} = do put modelVersion put tagset put conf put numToTag put dawg put csl get = do comp <- get when (comp /= modelVersion) $ error $ "Incompatible analyzer code version: " ++ comp ++ ", expected: " ++ modelVersion Analyzer <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get -- | Gives back a set of 'P.Tag' given the indices. toTags :: Analyzer -> IntSet.IntSet -> S.Set P.Tag toTags Analyzer{..} = S.fromList . map (numToTag IntMap.!) . IntSet.toList -- | Gives a set of possible tags for a given word. It is possible that -- the set of possible tags is empty. getTags :: Analyzer -> T.Text -> S.Set P.Tag getTags a@Analyzer{..} w | not $ S.null rm = rm | otherwise = ts where rw = T.reverse w ts = (if M.null (sdawgs csl) -- if no separation layout is given then id -- just get the tags else expandTags a rw ) $ -- otherwise expand them if necessary toTags a $ getPureTags a rw rm = matchOnRegex conf w -- | Matches all the provided regular expressions and takes the accompanying set -- of the first one that matches. matchOnRegex :: AConf -> T.Text -> S.Set P.Tag matchOnRegex AConf{..} w = let testR = map (first $ \regex -> w =~ regex) regexMatch in case dropWhile (not . fst) testR of [] -> S.empty ((_,x):_) -> x -- | Returns a set of tags from the 'D.DAWG' without any conditions or adjustments. -- @w@ should be in reversed form for 'D.DAWG'. getPureTags :: Analyzer -> T.Text -> IntSet.IntSet getPureTags a@Analyzer{..} w = case (lookUp wl, lookUp wu) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> suffixSet a w -- trying to fetch sets of word suffixes (Just ss, Nothing) -> ss (Nothing, Just ss) -> ss (Just ss, Just sp) -> IntSet.union ss sp where lookUp = flip D.lookup dawg . T.unpack wu = w wl = T.toLower w -- | Adds the possible tags from specialized dawgs containing MSDs with -- one kind of POS attribute. expandTags :: Analyzer -> T.Text -> S.Set P.Tag -> S.Set P.Tag expandTags a@Analyzer{..} w st = S.union st . toTags a $ getNew csl where allpos = S.map P.pos st -- get all POS being present in set of possible tags getNew CSL{..} = let npos = S.unions . mapMaybe (`M.lookup` sdawgs) $ S.toList allpos -- get all the conflicting pos uqpos= S.toList $ S.difference npos allpos -- get only pos tags which weren't fetched (aren't present in the current set of possible tags) in IntSet.unions $ map (\pos -> getPureTags (a {dawg = posToDawg M.! pos}) w) uqpos suffixSet :: Analyzer -> T.Text -> IntSet.IntSet suffixSet Analyzer{..} w = numTags where suffixes = reverse . drop (suffixLen conf) $ T.inits w -- only interested in proper suffixes (suffixLen) -- | @dawgs@ starts with the largest matched suffix dawgs = dropWhile ((==0) . D.size) $ map ((`D.submap` dawg) . T.unpack) suffixes -- fusion? numTags | null dawgs = IntSet.empty | otherwise = IntSet.unions . D.elems $ head dawgs -- | Save analyzer in a file. Data is compressed using the gzip format. save :: FilePath -> Analyzer -> IO () save path = BL.writeFile path . GZip.compress . Binary.encode -- | Load analyzer from a file. load :: FilePath -> IO Analyzer load path = do x <- Binary.decode . GZip.decompress <$> BL.readFile path x `seq` return x -- | Creates a morphological analyzer given a tagset, a list of regex for additional matching, -- smallest suffix length and a construction corpus. create :: P.Tagset -- ^ Tagset used in the construction corpus. -> AConf -- ^ Configuration of the analyzer. -> [(T.Text, [P.Tag])] -- ^ Construction corpus. -> Analyzer -- ^ Morphological analyzer. create tset cnf@AConf{..} xs = Analyzer { tagset = tset , conf = cnf , numToTag = ntt , dawg = dwg , csl = cnls } where -- | Reverses the word and converts the tag to its unique number. revNttn = (T.unpack . T.reverse) *** (IntSet.fromList . map (ttn M.!)) -- fusion? -- | Constructs the 'D.DAWG' given the construct = D.weigh . D.fromListWith IntSet.union dwg = construct $ map revNttn xs -- reverse the word (suffixes) and convert tag to num constructing the dawg allTags = S.unions $ map (S.fromList . snd) xs -- set of all tags ntt = IntMap.fromAscList . zip [1..] $ S.toAscList allTags -- number to tag ttn = M.fromList . map swap $ IntMap.toAscList ntt -- tag to number cnls = if M.null separationLayout then CSL separationLayout M.empty else -- TODO Do everything explicitly with one pass over xs -- this procedure was changed and is this dirty because -- [(T.Text, P.Tag)] was consuming too much memory. let allpos = S.toList . S.unions $ M.elems separationLayout forp pos = construct . map revNttn $ -- constructs a dawg containing only given pos filter (not . null . snd) $ -- filters all the words which don't have a pos map (second $ filter ((==pos) . P.pos)) xs -- filters the pos out of the words alldwgs = M.fromList $ map (id &&& forp) allpos in CSL separationLayout alldwgs -- TODO -- The optimal data structure for fetching is suffix dawg but construction can be long -- Optimal structure for fetching and constructing is a generalized suffix tree. -- Could change the construction using a suffix to set mapping, this could potentially -- speed up the retrieval of tags (step of set unions is avoided (suffixSet function) -- submap procedure). -- 1. Data.List.tails is called on each word and tags associated with -- the word are paired with it. -- 2. For each suffix we check if it exists as a word to avoid errors -- Ex. "10%" has a suffix '%' which is a punctuation, not a numeral -- that describes a percentage. -- 3. Then we find all possible sets of tags for each suffix, map them to -- integers and avoid using the S.unions after submap -- If a proper data structure is used no additional suffixes would be stored -- only original words and for each a mapping to a set id. + reverse is removed -- | Checks whether a word is in the analyzer. If it is the set of tags -- returned by the 'getTags' will be non-empty. elem :: T.Text -> Analyzer -> Bool elem ts Analyzer{..} = case D.lookup (T.unpack . T.reverse $ ts) dawg of Nothing -> False Just _ -> True -- | Transforms a given string to a model suited string. -- Ex. Nsmnn -> N:s:m:n:n, or Vmp-sf -> V:m:p:9:s:f, all -- '-' to '9'. transformToConfig :: T.Text -> T.Text transformToConfig = T.intersperse ':' . T.map toNine where toNine :: Char -> Char toNine x = if x == '-' || x == '=' then '9' else x