Name: mmap Version: 0.1 x-revision: 1 Stability: alpha License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Copyright: 2008, Gracjan Polak Author: Gracjan Polak Maintainer: Gracjan Polak Synopsis: Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows Description: This library provides a wrapper to mmap(2) or MapViewOfFile, allowing files or devices to be lazily loaded into memory as strict or lazy ByteStrings, ForeignPtrs or plain Ptrs, using the virtual memory subsystem to do on-demand loading. Modifications are also supported. Cabal-version: >= 1.2 Category: System Build-type: Simple Library Build-depends: base < 4.6, bytestring Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface Exposed-modules: System.IO.MMap Hs-source-dirs: . Ghc-options: -O2 CC-options: -O2 -Wall if os(mingw32) C-sources: cbits/win32.c else C-sources: cbits/posix.c