# mixed-types-num change log * v 0.5.1 2021-05-14 * add OrdGenericBool * v 0.5.1 2021-05-12 * if-then-else for CN-wrapped (see collect-error) condition * Documentation now in README * v 0.5.0 2021-04-13 * use package collect-errors with a much simpler CN wrapper * replace Maybe Bool by Kleenean (a new type) * remove very long type constraints in specifications using PartialTypeSignatures * v 0.4.1 2021-01-21 * add hasErrorCE and hasErrorCN for testing if CE/CN values contain errors * v 2020-08-02 * remove smallcheck version upper bound * update to cabal-version >= 1.10 * v 2019-04-11 * fix infinite loop in some conversions * v 0.4.0 2019-04-10 * eliminated dependency on convertible, improving ghcjs compatibility * v 0.3.2 2019-01-08 * added divI and mod * added enforceRange * used enforceRange in exp tests * v 2018-11-14 * improved documentation * v 2017-12-06 * removed upper bounds for dependencies * v 2017-08-22 * fixed bound on base in test suite * v 2017-08-15 * provided compatible versions of take, drop, length, replicate, splitAt * added missing mixed-type subtraction combination to Ring etc. * v 2017-08-01 * improve package documentation in module MixedTypesNumPrelude * v 0.3 2017-08-01 * renamed the main module to MixedTypesNumPrelude * much faster compilation * Ring and Field are now classes, not synonyms for large sets of constraints * many fixes in collect-error framework and its use in division and power * Overloaded if-then-else via -XRebindableSyntax * compiling with ghc 8.2.1 * v * fix compilation bug in test suite * minor doc improvements * fix Complex instances of error-throwing division (/!) * v 0.2 * new CollectErrors wrapper * CN, specialisation of CollectErrors to NumErrors * numerical partial operators (eg division) return a CN type * instances for Data.Complex * v 0.1 * first release