-- | High-level git operations module Mit.Git ( DiffResult (..), GitCommitInfo, prettyGitCommitInfo, GitConflict, showGitConflict, GitVersion (..), showGitVersion, git, git_, gitApplyStash, gitBranch, gitBranchHead, gitBranchWorktreeDir, gitCommit, gitCommitsBetween, gitConflicts, gitConflictsWith, gitCreateStash, gitDiff, gitExistCommitsBetween, gitExistUntrackedFiles, gitFetch, gitFetch_, gitHead, gitIsMergeCommit, gitMaybeHead, gitMergeInProgress, gitPush, gitRemoteBranchExists, gitRemoteBranchHead, gitRevParseAbsoluteGitDir, gitRevParseShowToplevel, gitUnstageChanges, gitVersion, -- unused, but useful? not sure gitDefaultBranch, gitShow, parseGitRepo, ) where import Data.List qualified as List import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq import Data.Text qualified as Text import Data.Text.Builder.ANSI qualified as Text.Builder import Data.Text.IO qualified as Text import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder qualified as Text (Builder) import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder qualified as Text.Builder import Ki qualified import Mit.Builder qualified as Builder import Mit.Env (Env (..)) import Mit.GitCommand qualified as Git import Mit.Monad import Mit.Prelude import Mit.Process import Mit.Stanza import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..)) import System.IO (Handle, hClose, hIsEOF) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import System.Posix.Process (getProcessGroupIDOf) import System.Posix.Signals import System.Posix.Terminal (queryTerminal) import System.Process import System.Process.Internals import Text.Parsec qualified as Parsec data DiffResult = Differences | NoDifferences data GitCommitInfo = GitCommitInfo { author :: Text, date :: Text, hash :: Text, shorthash :: Text, subject :: Text } deriving stock (Show) parseGitCommitInfo :: Text -> GitCommitInfo parseGitCommitInfo line = case Text.split (== '\xFEFF') line of [author, date, hash, shorthash, subject] -> GitCommitInfo {author, date, hash, shorthash, subject} _ -> error (Text.unpack line) prettyGitCommitInfo :: GitCommitInfo -> Text.Builder prettyGitCommitInfo info = fold [ Text.Builder.bold (Text.Builder.black (Text.Builder.fromText info.shorthash)), Builder.space, Text.Builder.bold (Text.Builder.white (Text.Builder.fromText info.subject)), " - ", Text.Builder.italic (Text.Builder.white (Text.Builder.fromText info.author)), Builder.space, Text.Builder.italic (Text.Builder.yellow (Text.Builder.fromText info.date)) ] -- FIXME some other color, magenta? data GitConflict = GitConflict GitConflictXY Text deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- FIXME -- -- error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge: -- administration-client/administration-client.cabal -- aeson-simspace/aeson-simspace.cabal -- attack-designer/api/attack-designer-api.cabal -- attack-designer/db/attack-designer-db.cabal -- attack-designer/server/attack-designer-server.cabal -- attack-integrations/attack-integrations.cabal -- authz/simspace-authz.cabal -- caching/caching.cabal -- common-testlib/common-testlib.cabal -- db-infra/db-infra.cabal -- db-infra/migrations/0_migrate-rich-text-images-to-minio/migrate-rich-text-images-to-minio.cabal -- db-infra/migrations/ -- db-infra/migrations/ -- db-infra/migrations/ -- db-infra/migrations/ -- db-infra/migrations/shared/range-data-server-migration.cabal -- Please move or remove them before you merge. -- Aborting parseGitConflict :: Text -> Maybe GitConflict parseGitConflict line = do [xy, name] <- Just (Text.words line) GitConflict <$> parseGitConflictXY xy <*> Just name showGitConflict :: GitConflict -> Text.Builder showGitConflict (GitConflict xy name) = Text.Builder.fromText name <> " (" <> showGitConflictXY xy <> ")" data GitConflictXY = AA -- both added | AU -- added by us | DD -- both deleted | DU -- deleted by us | UA -- added by them | UD -- deleted by them | UU -- both modified deriving stock (Eq, Show) parseGitConflictXY :: Text -> Maybe GitConflictXY parseGitConflictXY = \case "AA" -> Just AA "AU" -> Just AU "DD" -> Just DD "DU" -> Just DU "UA" -> Just UA "UD" -> Just UD "UU" -> Just UU _ -> Nothing showGitConflictXY :: GitConflictXY -> Text.Builder showGitConflictXY = \case AA -> "both added" AU -> "added by us" DD -> "both deleted" DU -> "deleted by us" UA -> "added by them" UD -> "deleted by them" UU -> "both modified" data GitVersion = GitVersion Int Int Int deriving stock (Eq, Ord) showGitVersion :: GitVersion -> Text showGitVersion (GitVersion x y z) = Text.pack (show x) <> "." <> Text.pack (show y) <> "." <> Text.pack (show z) -- | Apply stash, return conflicts. gitApplyStash :: Text -> Mit Env x [GitConflict] gitApplyStash stash = do conflicts <- Git.git (Git.StashApply Git.FlagQuiet stash) >>= \case False -> gitConflicts True -> pure [] gitUnstageChanges pure conflicts -- | Create a branch. -- FIXME inline this gitBranch :: Text -> Mit Env x () gitBranch branch = Git.git (Git.Branch Git.FlagNoTrack branch) -- | Get the head of a local branch (refs/heads/...). gitBranchHead :: Text -> Mit Env x (Maybe Text) gitBranchHead branch = Git.git (Git.RevParse Git.NoFlagQuiet Git.NoFlagVerify ("refs/heads/" <> branch)) <&> \case Left _ -> Nothing Right head -> Just head -- | Get the directory a branch's worktree is checked out in, if it exists. gitBranchWorktreeDir :: Text -> Mit Env x (Maybe Text) gitBranchWorktreeDir branch = do worktrees <- gitWorktreeList pure case List.find (\worktree -> worktree.branch == Just branch) worktrees of Nothing -> Nothing Just worktree -> Just worktree.directory gitCommit :: Mit Env x Bool gitCommit = io (queryTerminal 0) >>= \case False -> do message <- io (lookupEnv "MIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE") git ["commit", "--all", "--message", maybe "" Text.pack message] True -> git2 ["commit", "--patch", "--quiet"] <&> \case ExitFailure _ -> False ExitSuccess -> True gitCommitsBetween :: Maybe Text -> Text -> Mit Env x (Seq GitCommitInfo) gitCommitsBetween commit1 commit2 = if commit1 == Just commit2 then pure Seq.empty else do commits <- -- --first-parent seems desirable for topic branches git [ "rev-list", "--color=always", "--date=human", "--format=format:%an\xFEFF%ad\xFEFF%H\xFEFF%h\xFEFF%s", "--max-count=11", maybe id (\c1 c2 -> c1 <> ".." <> c2) commit1 commit2 ] pure (parseGitCommitInfo <$> dropEvens commits) where -- git rev-list with a custom format prefixes every commit with a redundant line :| dropEvens :: Seq a -> Seq a dropEvens = \case _ Seq.:<| x Seq.:<| xs -> x Seq.<| dropEvens xs xs -> xs gitConflicts :: Mit Env x [GitConflict] gitConflicts = mapMaybe parseGitConflict <$> Git.git (Git.StatusV1 Git.FlagNoRenames) -- | Get the conflicts with the given commitish. -- -- Precondition: there is no merge in progress. gitConflictsWith :: Text -> Mit Env x [GitConflict] gitConflictsWith commit = do maybeStash <- gitStash conflicts <- do Git.git (Git.Merge Git.FlagNoCommit Git.FlagNoFF commit) >>= \case False -> gitConflicts True -> pure [] whenM gitMergeInProgress (Git.git_ Git.MergeAbort) whenJust maybeStash \stash -> Git.git (Git.StashApply Git.FlagQuiet stash) pure conflicts -- | Precondition: there are changes to stash gitCreateStash :: Mit Env x Text gitCreateStash = do Git.git_ Git.AddAll -- it seems certain things (like renames), unless staged, cannot be stashed stash <- Git.git Git.StashCreate gitUnstageChanges pure stash gitDefaultBranch :: Text -> Mit Env x Text gitDefaultBranch remote = do ref <- Git.git (Git.SymbolicRef ("refs/remotes/" <> remote <> "/HEAD")) pure (Text.drop (14 + Text.length remote) ref) -- FIXME document this gitDiff :: Mit Env x DiffResult gitDiff = do gitUnstageChanges Git.git (Git.Diff Git.FlagQuiet) <&> \case False -> Differences True -> NoDifferences gitExistCommitsBetween :: Text -> Text -> Mit Env x Bool gitExistCommitsBetween commit1 commit2 = if commit1 == commit2 then pure False else isJust <$> git ["rev-list", "--max-count=1", commit1 <> ".." <> commit2] -- | Do any untracked files exist? gitExistUntrackedFiles :: Mit Env x Bool gitExistUntrackedFiles = not . null <$> gitListUntrackedFiles gitFetch :: Text -> Mit Env x Bool gitFetch remote = do fetched <- io (readIORef fetchedRef) case Map.lookup remote fetched of Nothing -> do success <- Git.git (Git.Fetch remote) io (writeIORef fetchedRef (Map.insert remote success fetched)) pure success Just success -> pure success -- Only fetch each remote at most once per run of `mit` fetchedRef :: IORef (Map Text Bool) fetchedRef = unsafePerformIO (newIORef mempty) {-# NOINLINE fetchedRef #-} gitFetch_ :: Text -> Mit Env x () gitFetch_ = void . gitFetch -- | Get the head commit. gitHead :: Mit Env x Text gitHead = Git.git (Git.RevParse Git.NoFlagQuiet Git.NoFlagVerify "HEAD") gitIsMergeCommit :: Text -> Mit Env x Bool gitIsMergeCommit commit = Git.git (Git.RevParse Git.FlagQuiet Git.FlagVerify (commit <> "^2")) -- | List all untracked files. gitListUntrackedFiles :: Mit Env x [Text] gitListUntrackedFiles = git ["ls-files", "--exclude-standard", "--other"] -- | Get the head commit, if it exists. gitMaybeHead :: Mit Env x (Maybe Text) gitMaybeHead = Git.git (Git.RevParse Git.NoFlagQuiet Git.NoFlagVerify "HEAD") <&> \case Left _ -> Nothing Right commit -> Just commit gitMergeInProgress :: Mit Env x Bool gitMergeInProgress = do env <- getEnv io (doesFileExist (Text.unpack (env.gitdir <> "/MERGE_HEAD"))) gitPush :: Text -> Mit Env x Bool gitPush branch = git ["push", "--set-upstream", "origin", "--quiet", branch <> ":" <> branch] -- | Does the given remote branch (refs/remotes/...) exist? gitRemoteBranchExists :: Text -> Text -> Mit Env x Bool gitRemoteBranchExists remote branch = Git.git (Git.RevParse Git.FlagQuiet Git.FlagVerify ("refs/remotes/" <> remote <> "/" <> branch)) -- | Get the head of a remote branch. gitRemoteBranchHead :: Text -> Text -> Mit Env x (Maybe Text) gitRemoteBranchHead remote branch = Git.git (Git.RevParse Git.NoFlagQuiet Git.NoFlagVerify ("refs/remotes/" <> remote <> "/" <> branch)) <&> \case Left _ -> Nothing Right head -> Just head gitRevParseAbsoluteGitDir :: Mit Env x (Maybe Text) gitRevParseAbsoluteGitDir = git ["rev-parse", "--absolute-git-dir"] <&> \case Left _ -> Nothing Right dir -> Just dir -- | The root of this git worktree. gitRevParseShowToplevel :: Mit Env x Text gitRevParseShowToplevel = git ["rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"] gitShow :: Text -> Mit Env x GitCommitInfo gitShow commit = parseGitCommitInfo <$> git [ "show", "--color=always", "--date=human", "--format=format:%an\xFEFF%ad\xFEFF%H\xFEFF%h\xFEFF%s", commit ] -- | Stash uncommitted changes (if any). gitStash :: Mit Env x (Maybe Text) gitStash = do gitDiff >>= \case Differences -> do stash <- gitCreateStash Git.git_ (Git.Clean Git.FlagD Git.FlagForce) Git.git_ (Git.Reset Git.Hard Git.FlagQuiet "HEAD") pure (Just stash) NoDifferences -> pure Nothing gitUnstageChanges :: Mit Env x () gitUnstageChanges = do Git.git_ (Git.ResetPaths Git.FlagQuiet ["."]) untrackedFiles <- gitListUntrackedFiles unless (null untrackedFiles) (Git.git_ (Git.Add Git.FlagIntentToAdd untrackedFiles)) gitVersion :: (forall void. [Stanza] -> Mit Env x void) -> Mit Env x GitVersion gitVersion return = do v0 <- git ["--version"] fromMaybe (return [Just ("Could not parse git version from: " <> Text.Builder.fromText v0)]) do "git" : "version" : v1 : _ <- Just (Text.words v0) [sx, sy, sz] <- Just (Text.split (== '.') v1) x <- readMaybe (Text.unpack sx) y <- readMaybe (Text.unpack sy) z <- readMaybe (Text.unpack sz) pure (pure (GitVersion x y z)) data GitWorktree = GitWorktree { branch :: Maybe Text, commit :: Text, directory :: Text, prunable :: Bool } -- /dir/one 0efd393c35 [oingo] -> ("/dir/one", "0efd393c35", Just "oingo") -- /dir/two dc0c114266 (detached HEAD) -> ("/dir/two", "dc0c114266", Nothing) gitWorktreeList :: Mit Env x [GitWorktree] gitWorktreeList = do git ["worktree", "list"] <&> map \line -> case Parsec.parse parser "" line of Left err -> error (show err) Right worktree -> worktree where parser :: Parsec.Parsec Text () GitWorktree parser = do directory <- segmentP Parsec.spaces commit <- segmentP Parsec.spaces branch <- asum [ Nothing <$ Parsec.string "(detached HEAD)", fmap Just do _ <- Parsec.char '[' branch <- Parsec.manyTill Parsec.anyChar (Parsec.char ']') pure (Text.pack branch) ] Parsec.spaces prunable <- asum [ True <$ Parsec.string "prunable", pure False ] pure GitWorktree {branch, commit, directory, prunable} where segmentP :: Parsec.Parsec Text () Text segmentP = Text.pack <$> Parsec.many1 (Parsec.satisfy (not . isSpace)) -- git@github.com:mitchellwrosen/mit.git -> Just ("git@github.com:mitchellwrosen/mit.git", "mit") parseGitRepo :: Text -> Maybe (Text, Text) parseGitRepo url = do url' <- Text.stripSuffix ".git" url pure (url, Text.takeWhileEnd (/= '/') url') git :: ProcessOutput a => [Text] -> Mit Env x a git args = do let spec :: CreateProcess spec = CreateProcess { child_group = Nothing, child_user = Nothing, close_fds = True, cmdspec = RawCommand "git" (map Text.unpack args), create_group = False, cwd = Nothing, delegate_ctlc = False, env = Nothing, new_session = False, std_err = CreatePipe, std_in = NoStream, std_out = CreatePipe, -- windows-only create_new_console = False, detach_console = False, use_process_jobs = False } with (bracket (createProcess spec) cleanup) \(_maybeStdin, maybeStdout, maybeStderr, processHandle) -> do with Ki.scoped \scope -> do stdoutThread <- io (Ki.fork scope (drainTextHandle (fromJust maybeStdout))) stderrThread <- io (Ki.fork scope (drainTextHandle (fromJust maybeStderr))) exitCode <- io (waitForProcess processHandle) stdoutLines <- io (atomically (Ki.await stdoutThread)) stderrLines <- io (atomically (Ki.await stderrThread)) debugPrintGit args stdoutLines stderrLines exitCode io (fromProcessOutput stdoutLines stderrLines exitCode) where cleanup :: (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle) -> IO () cleanup (maybeStdin, maybeStdout, maybeStderr, process) = void @_ @ExitCode terminate `finally` closeHandles where closeHandles :: IO () closeHandles = whenJust maybeStdin hClose `finally` whenJust maybeStdout hClose `finally` whenJust maybeStderr hClose terminate :: IO ExitCode terminate = do withProcessHandle process \case ClosedHandle _ -> pure () OpenExtHandle {} -> bug "OpenExtHandle is Windows-only" OpenHandle pid -> do pgid <- getProcessGroupIDOf pid signalProcessGroup sigTERM pgid waitForProcess process git_ :: [Text] -> Mit Env x () git_ = git -- Yucky interactive/inherity variant (so 'git commit' can open an editor). -- -- FIXME bracket git2 :: [Text] -> Mit Env x ExitCode git2 args = do (_, _, stderrHandle, processHandle) <- io do createProcess CreateProcess { child_group = Nothing, child_user = Nothing, close_fds = True, cmdspec = RawCommand "git" (map Text.unpack args), create_group = False, cwd = Nothing, delegate_ctlc = True, env = Nothing, new_session = False, std_err = CreatePipe, std_in = Inherit, std_out = Inherit, -- windows-only create_new_console = False, detach_console = False, use_process_jobs = False } exitCode <- io do waitForProcess processHandle `catch` \case UserInterrupt -> pure (ExitFailure (-130)) exception -> throwIO exception stderrLines <- io (drainTextHandle (fromJust stderrHandle)) debugPrintGit args Seq.empty stderrLines exitCode pure exitCode debugPrintGit :: [Text] -> Seq Text -> Seq Text -> ExitCode -> Mit Env x () debugPrintGit args stdoutLines stderrLines exitCode = do env <- getEnv io case env.verbosity of 1 -> Builder.putln (Text.Builder.brightBlack v1) 2 -> Builder.putln (Text.Builder.brightBlack (v1 <> v2)) _ -> pure () where v1 = Text.Builder.bold (marker <> " git " <> Builder.hcat (map quote args)) v2 = foldMap (\line -> "\n " <> Text.Builder.fromText line) (stdoutLines <> stderrLines) quote :: Text -> Text.Builder quote s = if Text.any isSpace s then Builder.squoted (Text.Builder.fromText (Text.replace "'" "\\'" s)) else Text.Builder.fromText s marker :: Text.Builder marker = case exitCode of ExitFailure _ -> Text.Builder.singleton '✗' ExitSuccess -> Text.Builder.singleton '✓' drainTextHandle :: Handle -> IO (Seq Text) drainTextHandle handle = do let loop acc = hIsEOF handle >>= \case False -> do line <- Text.hGetLine handle loop $! acc Seq.|> line True -> pure acc loop Seq.empty