----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Miso.Effect -- Copyright : (C) 2016-2017 David M. Johnson -- License : BSD3-style (see the file LICENSE) -- Maintainer : David M. Johnson <djohnson.m@gmail.com> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Miso.Effect ( module Miso.Effect.Storage , module Miso.Effect.XHR , module Miso.Effect.DOM , Effect (..) , noEff , (<#) , (#>) ) where import Data.Bifunctor import Miso.Effect.Storage import Miso.Effect.XHR import Miso.Effect.DOM -- | An effect represents the results of an update action. -- -- It consists of the updated model and a list of actions. Each action -- is run in a new thread so there is no risk of accidentally -- blocking the application. data Effect action model = Effect model [IO action] instance Functor (Effect action) where fmap f (Effect m acts) = Effect (f m) acts instance Applicative (Effect action) where pure m = Effect m [] Effect fModel fActs <*> Effect xModel xActs = Effect (fModel xModel) (fActs ++ xActs) instance Monad (Effect action) where return = pure Effect m acts >>= f = case f m of Effect m' acts' -> Effect m' (acts ++ acts') instance Bifunctor Effect where bimap f g (Effect m acts) = Effect (g m) (map (fmap f) acts) -- | Smart constructor for an 'Effect' with no actions. noEff :: model -> Effect action model noEff m = Effect m [] -- | Smart constructor for an 'Effect' with exactly one action. (<#) :: model -> IO action -> Effect action model (<#) m a = Effect m [a] -- | `Effect` smart constructor, flipped (#>) :: IO action -> model -> Effect action model (#>) = flip (<#)