-- -- MinIO Haskell SDK, (C) 2017, 2018 MinIO, Inc. -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. -- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Network.Minio.Data where import qualified Conduit as C import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar) import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as M import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO, UnliftIO (..), askUnliftIO, withUnliftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H import qualified Data.Ini as Ini import Data.String (IsString (..)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Data.Time (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime) import GHC.Show (Show (show)) import qualified Network.Connection as Conn import Network.HTTP.Client (defaultManagerSettings) import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as TLS import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as NC import Network.HTTP.Types (ByteRange, Header, Method, Query, hRange) import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT import Network.Minio.Errors import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getHomeDirectory) import qualified System.Environment as Env import System.FilePath.Posix (combine) import Text.XML import qualified UnliftIO as U import Lib.Prelude import Network.Minio.Data.Crypto -- | max obj size is 5TiB maxObjectSize :: Int64 maxObjectSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024 * oneMiB -- | minimum size of parts used in multipart operations. minPartSize :: Int64 minPartSize = 64 * oneMiB oneMiB :: Int64 oneMiB = 1024 * 1024 -- | maximum number of parts that can be uploaded for a single object. maxMultipartParts :: Int64 maxMultipartParts = 10000 -- TODO: Add a type which provides typed constants for region. this -- type should have a IsString instance to infer the appropriate -- constant. -- | awsRegionMap - library constant awsRegionMap :: H.HashMap Text Text awsRegionMap = H.fromList [ ("us-east-1", "s3.amazonaws.com") , ("us-east-2", "s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com") , ("us-west-1", "s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com") , ("us-east-2", "s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com") , ("ca-central-1", "s3-ca-central-1.amazonaws.com") , ("ap-south-1", "s3-ap-south-1.amazonaws.com") , ("ap-northeast-1", "s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com") , ("ap-northeast-2", "s3-ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com") , ("ap-southeast-1", "s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com") , ("ap-southeast-2", "s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com") , ("eu-west-1", "s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com") , ("eu-west-2", "s3-eu-west-2.amazonaws.com") , ("eu-central-1", "s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com") , ("sa-east-1", "s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com") ] -- | Connection Info data type. To create a 'ConnectInfo' value, -- enable the @OverloadedStrings@ language extension and use the -- `IsString` instance to provide a URL, for example: -- -- > let c :: ConnectInfo = "https://play.min.io" data ConnectInfo = ConnectInfo { connectHost :: Text , connectPort :: Int , connectAccessKey :: Text , connectSecretKey :: Text , connectIsSecure :: Bool , connectRegion :: Region , connectAutoDiscoverRegion :: Bool , connectDisableTLSCertValidation :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) instance IsString ConnectInfo where fromString str = let req = NC.parseRequest_ str in ConnectInfo { connectHost = TE.decodeUtf8 $ NC.host req , connectPort = NC.port req , connectAccessKey = "" , connectSecretKey = "" , connectIsSecure = NC.secure req , connectRegion = "" , connectAutoDiscoverRegion = True , connectDisableTLSCertValidation = False } -- | Contains access key and secret key to access object storage. data Credentials = Credentials { cAccessKey :: Text , cSecretKey :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | A Provider is an action that may return Credentials. Providers -- may be chained together using 'findFirst'. type Provider = IO (Maybe Credentials) -- | Combines the given list of providers, by calling each one in -- order until Credentials are found. findFirst :: [Provider] -> Provider findFirst [] = return Nothing findFirst (f:fs) = do c <- f maybe (findFirst fs) (return . Just) c -- | This Provider loads `Credentials` from @~\/.aws\/credentials@ fromAWSConfigFile :: Provider fromAWSConfigFile = do credsE <- runExceptT $ do homeDir <- lift $ getHomeDirectory let awsCredsFile = homeDir `combine` ".aws" `combine` "credentials" fileExists <- lift $ doesFileExist awsCredsFile bool (throwE "FileNotFound") (return ()) fileExists ini <- ExceptT $ Ini.readIniFile awsCredsFile akey <- ExceptT $ return $ Ini.lookupValue "default" "aws_access_key_id" ini skey <- ExceptT $ return $ Ini.lookupValue "default" "aws_secret_access_key" ini return $ Credentials akey skey return $ hush credsE -- | This Provider loads `Credentials` from @AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID@ and -- @AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY@ environment variables. fromAWSEnv :: Provider fromAWSEnv = runMaybeT $ do akey <- MaybeT $ Env.lookupEnv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" skey <- MaybeT $ Env.lookupEnv "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" return $ Credentials (T.pack akey) (T.pack skey) -- | This Provider loads `Credentials` from @MINIO_ACCESS_KEY@ and -- @MINIO_SECRET_KEY@ environment variables. fromMinioEnv :: Provider fromMinioEnv = runMaybeT $ do akey <- MaybeT $ Env.lookupEnv "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY" skey <- MaybeT $ Env.lookupEnv "MINIO_SECRET_KEY" return $ Credentials (T.pack akey) (T.pack skey) -- | setCredsFrom retrieves access credentials from the first -- `Provider` form the given list that succeeds and sets it in the -- `ConnectInfo`. setCredsFrom :: [Provider] -> ConnectInfo -> IO ConnectInfo setCredsFrom ps ci = do pMay <- findFirst ps maybe (throwIO MErrVMissingCredentials) (return . (flip setCreds ci)) pMay -- | setCreds sets the given `Credentials` in the `ConnectInfo`. setCreds :: Credentials -> ConnectInfo -> ConnectInfo setCreds (Credentials accessKey secretKey) connInfo = connInfo { connectAccessKey = accessKey , connectSecretKey = secretKey } -- | Set the S3 region parameter in the `ConnectInfo` setRegion :: Region -> ConnectInfo -> ConnectInfo setRegion r connInfo = connInfo { connectRegion = r , connectAutoDiscoverRegion = False } -- | Check if the connection to object storage server is secure -- (i.e. uses TLS) isConnectInfoSecure :: ConnectInfo -> Bool isConnectInfoSecure = connectIsSecure -- | Disable TLS certificate validation completely! This makes TLS -- insecure! Use only for testing with self-signed or temporary -- certificates. Note that this option has no effect, if you provide -- your own Manager in `mkMinioConn`. disableTLSCertValidation :: ConnectInfo -> ConnectInfo disableTLSCertValidation c = c { connectDisableTLSCertValidation = True } getHostAddr :: ConnectInfo -> ByteString getHostAddr ci = if | port == 80 || port == 443 -> toS host | otherwise -> toS $ T.concat [ host, ":" , Lib.Prelude.show port] where port = connectPort ci host = connectHost ci -- | Default Google Compute Storage ConnectInfo. Works only for -- "Simple Migration" use-case with interoperability mode enabled on -- GCP console. For more information - -- https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/migrating -- -- Credentials should be supplied before use. gcsCI :: ConnectInfo gcsCI = setRegion "us" "https://storage.googleapis.com" -- | Default AWS S3 ConnectInfo. Connects to "us-east-1". Credentials -- should be supplied before use. awsCI :: ConnectInfo awsCI = "https://s3.amazonaws.com" -- | -- ConnectInfo. Credentials are already filled in. minioPlayCI :: ConnectInfo minioPlayCI = let playCreds = Credentials "Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F" "zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG" in setCreds playCreds $ setRegion "us-east-1" "https://play.min.io" -- | -- Represents a bucket in the object store type Bucket = Text -- | -- Represents an object name type Object = Text -- | Represents a region type Region = Text -- | A type alias to represent an Entity-Tag returned by S3-compatible APIs. type ETag = Text -- | Data type to represent an object encryption key. Create one using -- the `mkSSECKey` function. newtype SSECKey = SSECKey BA.ScrubbedBytes deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Validates that the given ByteString is 32 bytes long and creates -- an encryption key. mkSSECKey :: MonadThrow m => ByteString -> m SSECKey mkSSECKey keyBytes | B.length keyBytes /= 32 = throwM MErrVInvalidEncryptionKeyLength | otherwise = return $ SSECKey $ BA.convert keyBytes -- | Data type to represent Server-Side-Encryption settings data SSE where -- | Specifies SSE S3 encryption - server manages encryption keys SSE :: SSE -- | Specifies that KMS service should be used. The first argument -- to the constructor is the Key Id to be used by the server (if -- not specified, the default KMS key id is used). The second -- argument is the optional KMS context that must have a -- `A.ToJSON` instance - please refer to the AWS S3 documentation -- for detailed information. SSEKMS :: A.ToJSON a => Maybe ByteString -> Maybe a -> SSE -- | Specifies server-side encryption with customer provided -- key. The argument is the encryption key to be used. SSEC :: SSECKey -> SSE toPutObjectHeaders :: SSE -> [HT.Header] toPutObjectHeaders sseArg = let sseHeader = "x-amz-server-side-encryption" sseKmsIdHeader = sseHeader <> "-aws-kms-key-id" sseKmsContextHeader = sseHeader <> "-context" ssecAlgo = sseHeader <> "-customer-algorithm" ssecKey = sseHeader <> "-customer-key" ssecKeyMD5 = ssecKey <> "-MD5" in case sseArg of SSE -> [(sseHeader, "AES256")] SSEKMS keyIdMay ctxMay -> [(sseHeader, "aws:kms")] ++ maybe [] (\k -> [(sseKmsIdHeader, k)]) keyIdMay ++ maybe [] (\k -> [(sseKmsContextHeader, toS $ A.encode k)]) ctxMay SSEC (SSECKey sb) -> [(ssecAlgo, "AES256"), (ssecKey, encodeToBase64 sb), (ssecKeyMD5, hashMD5ToBase64 sb)] -- | Data type for options in PutObject call. Start with the empty -- `defaultPutObjectOptions` and use various the various poo* -- accessors. data PutObjectOptions = PutObjectOptions { -- | Set a standard MIME type describing the format of the object. pooContentType :: Maybe Text -- | Set what content encodings have been applied to the object and thus -- what decoding mechanisms must be applied to obtain the media-type -- referenced by the Content-Type header field. , pooContentEncoding :: Maybe Text -- | Set presentational information for the object. , pooContentDisposition :: Maybe Text -- | Set to specify caching behavior for the object along the -- request/reply chain. , pooCacheControl :: Maybe Text -- | Set to describe the language(s) intended for the audience. , pooContentLanguage :: Maybe Text -- | Set to @STANDARD@ or @REDUCED_REDUNDANCY@ depending on your -- performance needs, storage class is @STANDARD@ by default (i.e -- when Nothing is passed). , pooStorageClass :: Maybe Text -- | Set user defined metadata to store with the object. , pooUserMetadata :: [(Text, Text)] -- | Set number of worker threads used to upload an object. , pooNumThreads :: Maybe Word -- | Set object encryption parameters for the request. , pooSSE :: Maybe SSE } -- | Provide default `PutObjectOptions`. defaultPutObjectOptions :: PutObjectOptions defaultPutObjectOptions = PutObjectOptions Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing [] Nothing Nothing -- | If the given header name has the @X-Amz-Meta-@ prefix, it is -- stripped and a Just is returned. userMetadataHeaderNameMaybe :: Text -> Maybe Text userMetadataHeaderNameMaybe k = let prefix = T.toCaseFold "X-Amz-Meta-" n = T.length prefix in if T.toCaseFold (T.take n k) == prefix then Just (T.drop n k) else Nothing addXAmzMetaPrefix :: Text -> Text addXAmzMetaPrefix s | isJust (userMetadataHeaderNameMaybe s) = s | otherwise = "X-Amz-Meta-" <> s mkHeaderFromMetadata :: [(Text, Text)] -> [HT.Header] mkHeaderFromMetadata = map (\(x, y) -> (mk $ encodeUtf8 $ addXAmzMetaPrefix $ x, encodeUtf8 y)) pooToHeaders :: PutObjectOptions -> [HT.Header] pooToHeaders poo = userMetadata ++ (catMaybes $ map tupToMaybe (zipWith (,) names values)) ++ maybe [] toPutObjectHeaders (pooSSE poo) where tupToMaybe (k, Just v) = Just (k, v) tupToMaybe (_, Nothing) = Nothing userMetadata = mkHeaderFromMetadata $ pooUserMetadata poo names = ["content-type", "content-encoding", "content-disposition", "content-language", "cache-control", "x-amz-storage-class"] values = map (fmap encodeUtf8 . (poo &)) [pooContentType, pooContentEncoding, pooContentDisposition, pooContentLanguage, pooCacheControl, pooStorageClass] -- | -- BucketInfo returned for list buckets call data BucketInfo = BucketInfo { biName :: Bucket , biCreationDate :: UTCTime } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | A type alias to represent a part-number for multipart upload type PartNumber = Int16 -- | A type alias to represent an upload-id for multipart upload type UploadId = Text -- | A type to represent a part-number and etag. type PartTuple = (PartNumber, ETag) -- | Represents result from a listing of object parts of an ongoing -- multipart upload. data ListPartsResult = ListPartsResult { lprHasMore :: Bool , lprNextPart :: Maybe Int , lprParts :: [ObjectPartInfo] } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Represents information about an object part in an ongoing -- multipart upload. data ObjectPartInfo = ObjectPartInfo { opiNumber :: PartNumber , opiETag :: ETag , opiSize :: Int64 , opiModTime :: UTCTime } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Represents result from a listing of incomplete uploads to a -- bucket. data ListUploadsResult = ListUploadsResult { lurHasMore :: Bool , lurNextKey :: Maybe Text , lurNextUpload :: Maybe Text , lurUploads :: [(Object, UploadId, UTCTime)] , lurCPrefixes :: [Text] } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Represents information about a multipart upload. data UploadInfo = UploadInfo { uiKey :: Object , uiUploadId :: UploadId , uiInitTime :: UTCTime , uiSize :: Int64 } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Represents result from a listing of objects in a bucket. data ListObjectsResult = ListObjectsResult { lorHasMore :: Bool , lorNextToken :: Maybe Text , lorObjects :: [ObjectInfo] , lorCPrefixes :: [Text] } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Represents result from a listing of objects version 1 in a bucket. data ListObjectsV1Result = ListObjectsV1Result { lorHasMore' :: Bool , lorNextMarker :: Maybe Text , lorObjects' :: [ObjectInfo] , lorCPrefixes' :: [Text] } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Represents information about an object. data ObjectInfo = ObjectInfo { oiObject :: Object -- ^ Object key , oiModTime :: UTCTime -- ^ Modification time of the object , oiETag :: ETag -- ^ ETag of the object , oiSize :: Int64 -- ^ Size of the object in bytes , oiUserMetadata :: H.HashMap Text Text -- ^ A map of user-metadata -- pairs stored with an -- object (keys will not -- have the @X-Amz-Meta-@ -- prefix). , oiMetadata :: H.HashMap Text Text -- ^ A map of metadata -- key-value pairs (not -- including the -- user-metadata pairs) } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Represents source object in server-side copy object data SourceInfo = SourceInfo { srcBucket :: Text -- ^ Bucket containing the source object , srcObject :: Text -- ^ Source object key , srcRange :: Maybe (Int64, Int64) -- ^ Source object -- byte-range -- (inclusive) , srcIfMatch :: Maybe Text -- ^ ETag condition on source - -- object is copied only if the -- source object's ETag matches -- this value. , srcIfNoneMatch :: Maybe Text -- ^ ETag not match condition -- on source - object is copied -- if ETag does not match this -- value. , srcIfModifiedSince :: Maybe UTCTime -- ^ Copy source object only -- if the source has been -- modified since this time. , srcIfUnmodifiedSince :: Maybe UTCTime -- ^ Copy source object only -- if the source has been -- un-modified since this -- given time. } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Provide a default for `SourceInfo` defaultSourceInfo :: SourceInfo defaultSourceInfo = SourceInfo "" "" Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing -- | Represents destination object in server-side copy object data DestinationInfo = DestinationInfo { dstBucket :: Text -- ^ Destination bucket , dstObject :: Text -- ^ Destination object key } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Provide a default for `DestinationInfo` defaultDestinationInfo :: DestinationInfo defaultDestinationInfo = DestinationInfo "" "" -- | Data type for options when getting an object from the -- service. Start with the empty `defaultGetObjectOptions` and modify -- it using the goo* functions. data GetObjectOptions = GetObjectOptions { -- | Set object's data of given offset begin and end, -- [ByteRangeFromTo 0 9] means first ten bytes of the source object. gooRange :: Maybe ByteRange -- | Set matching ETag condition, GetObject which matches the following -- ETag. , gooIfMatch :: Maybe ETag -- | Set matching ETag none condition, GetObject which does not match -- the following ETag. , gooIfNoneMatch :: Maybe ETag -- | Set object unmodified condition, GetObject unmodified since given time. , gooIfUnmodifiedSince :: Maybe UTCTime -- | Set object modified condition, GetObject modified since given time. , gooIfModifiedSince :: Maybe UTCTime -- | Specify SSE-C key , gooSSECKey :: Maybe SSECKey } -- | Provide default `GetObjectOptions`. defaultGetObjectOptions :: GetObjectOptions defaultGetObjectOptions = GetObjectOptions Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing gooToHeaders :: GetObjectOptions -> [HT.Header] gooToHeaders goo = rangeHdr ++ zip names values ++ maybe [] (toPutObjectHeaders . SSEC) (gooSSECKey goo) where names = ["If-Match", "If-None-Match", "If-Unmodified-Since", "If-Modified-Since"] values = mapMaybe (fmap encodeUtf8 . (goo &)) [gooIfMatch, gooIfNoneMatch, fmap formatRFC1123 . gooIfUnmodifiedSince, fmap formatRFC1123 . gooIfModifiedSince] rangeHdr = maybe [] (\a -> [(hRange, HT.renderByteRanges [a])]) $ gooRange goo -- | Data type returned by 'getObject' representing the object being -- retrieved. Use the @gor*@ functions to access its contents. data GetObjectResponse = GetObjectResponse { -- | ObjectInfo of the object being retrieved. gorObjectInfo :: ObjectInfo -- | A conduit of the bytes of the object. , gorObjectStream :: C.ConduitM () ByteString Minio () } -- | A data-type for events that can occur in the object storage -- server. Reference: -- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/NotificationHowTo.html#supported-notification-event-types data Event = ObjectCreated | ObjectCreatedPut | ObjectCreatedPost | ObjectCreatedCopy | ObjectCreatedMultipartUpload | ObjectRemoved | ObjectRemovedDelete | ObjectRemovedDeleteMarkerCreated | ReducedRedundancyLostObject deriving (Eq) instance Show Event where show ObjectCreated = "s3:ObjectCreated:*" show ObjectCreatedPut = "s3:ObjectCreated:Put" show ObjectCreatedPost = "s3:ObjectCreated:Post" show ObjectCreatedCopy = "s3:ObjectCreated:Copy" show ObjectCreatedMultipartUpload = "s3:ObjectCreated:MultipartUpload" show ObjectRemoved = "s3:ObjectRemoved:*" show ObjectRemovedDelete = "s3:ObjectRemoved:Delete" show ObjectRemovedDeleteMarkerCreated = "s3:ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated" show ReducedRedundancyLostObject = "s3:ReducedRedundancyLostObject" textToEvent :: Text -> Maybe Event textToEvent t = case t of "s3:ObjectCreated:*" -> Just ObjectCreated "s3:ObjectCreated:Put" -> Just ObjectCreatedPut "s3:ObjectCreated:Post" -> Just ObjectCreatedPost "s3:ObjectCreated:Copy" -> Just ObjectCreatedCopy "s3:ObjectCreated:MultipartUpload" -> Just ObjectCreatedMultipartUpload "s3:ObjectRemoved:*" -> Just ObjectRemoved "s3:ObjectRemoved:Delete" -> Just ObjectRemovedDelete "s3:ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated" -> Just ObjectRemovedDeleteMarkerCreated "s3:ReducedRedundancyLostObject" -> Just ReducedRedundancyLostObject _ -> Nothing -- | Filter data type - part of notification configuration data Filter = Filter { fFilter :: FilterKey } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | defaultFilter is empty, used to create a notification -- configuration. defaultFilter :: Filter defaultFilter = Filter defaultFilterKey -- | FilterKey contains FilterRules, and is part of a Filter. data FilterKey = FilterKey { fkKey :: FilterRules } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | defaultFilterKey is empty, used to create notification -- configuration. defaultFilterKey :: FilterKey defaultFilterKey = FilterKey defaultFilterRules -- | FilterRules represents a collection of `FilterRule`s. data FilterRules = FilterRules { frFilterRules :: [FilterRule] } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | defaultFilterRules is empty, used to create notification -- configuration. defaultFilterRules :: FilterRules defaultFilterRules = FilterRules [] -- | A filter rule that can act based on the suffix or prefix of an -- object. As an example, let's create two filter rules: -- -- > let suffixRule = FilterRule "suffix" ".jpg" -- > let prefixRule = FilterRule "prefix" "images/" -- -- The @suffixRule@ restricts the notification to be triggered only -- for objects having a suffix of ".jpg", and the @prefixRule@ -- restricts it to objects having a prefix of "images/". data FilterRule = FilterRule { frName :: Text , frValue :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Arn is an alias of Text type Arn = Text -- | A data-type representing the configuration for a particular -- notification system. It could represent a Queue, Topic or Lambda -- Function configuration. data NotificationConfig = NotificationConfig { ncId :: Text , ncArn :: Arn , ncEvents :: [Event] , ncFilter :: Filter } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | A data-type to represent bucket notification configuration. It is -- a collection of queue, topic or lambda function configurations. The -- structure of the types follow closely the XML representation -- described at -- data Notification = Notification { nQueueConfigurations :: [NotificationConfig] , nTopicConfigurations :: [NotificationConfig] , nCloudFunctionConfigurations :: [NotificationConfig] } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The default notification configuration is empty. defaultNotification :: Notification defaultNotification = Notification [] [] [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Select API Related Types -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | SelectRequest represents the Select API call. Use the -- `selectRequest` function to create a value of this type. data SelectRequest = SelectRequest { srExpression :: Text , srExpressionType :: ExpressionType , srInputSerialization :: InputSerialization , srOutputSerialization :: OutputSerialization , srRequestProgressEnabled :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) data ExpressionType = SQL deriving (Eq, Show) -- | InputSerialization represents format information of the input -- object being queried. Use one of the smart constructors such as -- `defaultCsvInput` as a starting value, and add compression info -- using `setInputCompressionType` data InputSerialization = InputSerialization { isCompressionType :: Maybe CompressionType , isFormatInfo :: InputFormatInfo } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Data type representing the compression setting in a Select -- request. data CompressionType = CompressionTypeNone | CompressionTypeGzip | CompressionTypeBzip2 deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Data type representing input object format information in a -- Select request. data InputFormatInfo = InputFormatCSV CSVInputProp | InputFormatJSON JSONInputProp | InputFormatParquet deriving (Eq, Show) -- | defaultCsvInput returns InputSerialization with default CSV -- format, and without any compression setting. defaultCsvInput :: InputSerialization defaultCsvInput = InputSerialization Nothing (InputFormatCSV defaultCSVProp) -- | linesJsonInput returns InputSerialization with JSON line based -- format with no compression setting. linesJsonInput :: InputSerialization linesJsonInput = InputSerialization Nothing (InputFormatJSON $ JSONInputProp JSONTypeLines) -- | documentJsonInput returns InputSerialization with JSON document -- based format with no compression setting. documentJsonInput :: InputSerialization documentJsonInput = InputSerialization Nothing (InputFormatJSON $ JSONInputProp JSONTypeDocument) -- | defaultParquetInput returns InputSerialization with Parquet -- format, and no compression setting. defaultParquetInput :: InputSerialization defaultParquetInput = InputSerialization Nothing InputFormatParquet -- | setInputCompressionType sets the compression type for the input -- of the SelectRequest setInputCompressionType :: CompressionType -> SelectRequest -> SelectRequest setInputCompressionType c i = let is = srInputSerialization i is' = is { isCompressionType = Just c } in i { srInputSerialization = is' } -- | defaultCsvOutput returns OutputSerialization with default CSV -- format. defaultCsvOutput :: OutputSerialization defaultCsvOutput = OutputSerializationCSV defaultCSVProp -- | defaultJsonInput returns OutputSerialization with default JSON -- format. defaultJsonOutput :: OutputSerialization defaultJsonOutput = OutputSerializationJSON (JSONOutputProp Nothing) -- | selectRequest is used to build a `SelectRequest` -- value. @selectRequest query inputSer outputSer@ represents a -- SelectRequest with the SQL query text given by @query@, the input -- serialization settings (compression format and format information) -- @inputSer@ and the output serialization settings @outputSer@. selectRequest :: Text -> InputSerialization -> OutputSerialization -> SelectRequest selectRequest sqlQuery inputSer outputSer = SelectRequest { srExpression = sqlQuery , srExpressionType = SQL , srInputSerialization = inputSer , srOutputSerialization = outputSer , srRequestProgressEnabled = Nothing } -- | setRequestProgressEnabled sets the flag for turning on progress -- messages when the Select response is being streamed back to the -- client. setRequestProgressEnabled :: Bool -> SelectRequest -> SelectRequest setRequestProgressEnabled enabled sr = sr { srRequestProgressEnabled = Just enabled } type CSVInputProp = CSVProp -- | CSVProp represents CSV format properties. It is built up using -- the Monoid instance. data CSVProp = CSVProp (H.HashMap Text Text) deriving (Eq, Show) #if (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804) instance Semigroup CSVProp where (CSVProp a) <> (CSVProp b) = CSVProp (b <> a) #endif instance Monoid CSVProp where mempty = CSVProp mempty #if (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804) mappend (CSVProp a) (CSVProp b) = CSVProp (b <> a) #endif defaultCSVProp :: CSVProp defaultCSVProp = mempty -- | Specify the CSV record delimiter property. recordDelimiter :: Text -> CSVProp recordDelimiter = CSVProp . H.singleton "RecordDelimiter" -- | Specify the CSV field delimiter property. fieldDelimiter :: Text -> CSVProp fieldDelimiter = CSVProp . H.singleton "FieldDelimiter" -- | Specify the CSV quote character property. quoteCharacter :: Text -> CSVProp quoteCharacter = CSVProp . H.singleton "QuoteCharacter" -- | Specify the CSV quote-escape character property. quoteEscapeCharacter :: Text -> CSVProp quoteEscapeCharacter = CSVProp . H.singleton "QuoteEscapeCharacter" -- | FileHeaderInfo specifies information about column headers for CSV -- format. data FileHeaderInfo = FileHeaderNone -- ^ No column headers are present | FileHeaderUse -- ^ Headers are present and they should be used | FileHeaderIgnore -- ^ Header are present, but should be ignored deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Specify the CSV file header info property. fileHeaderInfo :: FileHeaderInfo -> CSVProp fileHeaderInfo = CSVProp . H.singleton "FileHeaderInfo" . toString where toString FileHeaderNone = "NONE" toString FileHeaderUse = "USE" toString FileHeaderIgnore = "IGNORE" -- | Specify the CSV comment character property. Lines starting with -- this character are ignored by the server. commentCharacter :: Text -> CSVProp commentCharacter = CSVProp . H.singleton "Comments" -- | Allow quoted record delimiters inside a row using this property. allowQuotedRecordDelimiter :: CSVProp allowQuotedRecordDelimiter = CSVProp $ H.singleton "AllowQuotedRecordDelimiter" "TRUE" -- | Set the CSV format properties in the InputSerialization. setInputCSVProps :: CSVProp -> InputSerialization -> InputSerialization setInputCSVProps p is = is { isFormatInfo = InputFormatCSV p } -- | Set the CSV format properties in the OutputSerialization. outputCSVFromProps :: CSVProp -> OutputSerialization outputCSVFromProps p = OutputSerializationCSV p data JSONInputProp = JSONInputProp { jsonipType :: JSONType } deriving (Eq, Show) data JSONType = JSONTypeDocument | JSONTypeLines deriving (Eq, Show) -- | OutputSerialization represents output serialization settings for -- the SelectRequest. Use `defaultCsvOutput` or `defaultJsonOutput` as -- a starting point. data OutputSerialization = OutputSerializationJSON JSONOutputProp | OutputSerializationCSV CSVOutputProp deriving (Eq, Show) type CSVOutputProp = CSVProp -- | quoteFields is an output serialization parameter quoteFields :: QuoteFields -> CSVProp quoteFields q = CSVProp $ H.singleton "QuoteFields" $ case q of QuoteFieldsAsNeeded -> "ASNEEDED" QuoteFieldsAlways -> "ALWAYS" -- | Represent the QuoteField setting. data QuoteFields = QuoteFieldsAsNeeded | QuoteFieldsAlways deriving (Eq, Show) data JSONOutputProp = JSONOutputProp { jsonopRecordDelimiter :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Set the output record delimiter for JSON format outputJSONFromRecordDelimiter :: Text -> OutputSerialization outputJSONFromRecordDelimiter t = OutputSerializationJSON (JSONOutputProp $ Just t) -- Response related types -- | An EventMessage represents each kind of message received from the server. data EventMessage = ProgressEventMessage { emProgress :: Progress } | StatsEventMessage { emStats :: Stats } | RequestLevelErrorMessage { emErrorCode :: Text , emErrorMessage :: Text } | RecordPayloadEventMessage { emPayloadBytes :: ByteString } deriving (Eq, Show) data MsgHeaderName = MessageType | EventType | ContentType | ErrorCode | ErrorMessage deriving (Eq, Show) msgHeaderValueType :: Word8 msgHeaderValueType = 7 type MessageHeader = (MsgHeaderName, Text) -- | Represent the progress event returned in the Select response. data Progress = Progress { pBytesScanned :: Int64 , pBytesProcessed :: Int64 , pBytesReturned :: Int64 } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Represent the stats event returned at the end of the Select -- response. type Stats = Progress -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Select API Related Types End -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Represents different kinds of payload that are used with S3 API -- requests. data Payload = PayloadBS ByteString | PayloadH Handle Int64 Int64 -- file handle, offset and length | PayloadC Int64 (C.ConduitT () ByteString (ResourceT IO) ()) -- length and byte source defaultPayload :: Payload defaultPayload = PayloadBS "" data AdminReqInfo = AdminReqInfo { ariMethod :: Method , ariPayloadHash :: Maybe ByteString , ariPayload :: Payload , ariPath :: ByteString , ariHeaders :: [Header] , ariQueryParams :: Query } data S3ReqInfo = S3ReqInfo { riMethod :: Method , riBucket :: Maybe Bucket , riObject :: Maybe Object , riQueryParams :: Query , riHeaders :: [Header] , riPayload :: Payload , riPayloadHash :: Maybe ByteString , riRegion :: Maybe Region , riNeedsLocation :: Bool } defaultS3ReqInfo :: S3ReqInfo defaultS3ReqInfo = S3ReqInfo HT.methodGet Nothing Nothing [] [] defaultPayload Nothing Nothing True getS3Path :: Maybe Bucket -> Maybe Object -> ByteString getS3Path b o = let segments = map toS $ catMaybes $ b : bool [] [o] (isJust b) in B.concat ["/", B.intercalate "/" segments] -- | Time to expire for a presigned URL. It interpreted as a number of -- seconds. The maximum duration that can be specified is 7 days. type UrlExpiry = Int type RegionMap = H.HashMap Bucket Region -- | The Minio Monad - all computations accessing object storage -- happens in it. newtype Minio a = Minio { unMinio :: ReaderT MinioConn (ResourceT IO) a } deriving ( Functor , Applicative , Monad , MonadIO , MonadReader MinioConn , MonadResource ) instance MonadUnliftIO Minio where askUnliftIO = Minio $ ReaderT $ \r -> withUnliftIO $ \u -> return (UnliftIO (unliftIO u . flip runReaderT r . unMinio)) -- | MinioConn holds connection info and a connection pool to allow -- for efficient resource re-use. data MinioConn = MinioConn { mcConnInfo :: ConnectInfo , mcConnManager :: NC.Manager , mcRegionMap :: MVar RegionMap } class HasSvcNamespace env where getSvcNamespace :: env -> Text instance HasSvcNamespace MinioConn where getSvcNamespace env = let host = connectHost $ mcConnInfo env in if | host == "storage.googleapis.com" -> "http://doc.s3.amazonaws.com/2006-03-01" | otherwise -> "http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/" -- | Takes connection information and returns a connection object to -- be passed to 'runMinio'. The returned value can be kept in the -- application environment and passed to `runMinioWith` whenever -- object storage is accessed. connect :: ConnectInfo -> IO MinioConn connect ci = do let settings | connectIsSecure ci && connectDisableTLSCertValidation ci = let badTlsSettings = Conn.TLSSettingsSimple True False False in TLS.mkManagerSettings badTlsSettings Nothing | connectIsSecure ci = NC.tlsManagerSettings | otherwise = defaultManagerSettings mgr <- NC.newManager settings mkMinioConn ci mgr -- | Run the computation accessing object storage using the given -- `MinioConn`. This reuses connections, but otherwise it is similar -- to `runMinio`. runMinioWith :: MinioConn -> Minio a -> IO (Either MinioErr a) runMinioWith conn m = runResourceT $ runMinioResWith conn m -- | Given `ConnectInfo` and a HTTP connection manager, create a -- `MinioConn`. mkMinioConn :: ConnectInfo -> NC.Manager -> IO MinioConn mkMinioConn ci mgr = do rMapMVar <- M.newMVar H.empty return $ MinioConn ci mgr rMapMVar -- | Run the Minio action and return the result or an error. runMinio :: ConnectInfo -> Minio a -> IO (Either MinioErr a) runMinio ci m = do conn <- connect ci runResourceT $ runMinioResWith conn m -- | Similar to 'runMinioWith'. Allows applications to allocate/release -- its resources along side MinIO's internal resources. runMinioResWith :: MinioConn -> Minio a -> ResourceT IO (Either MinioErr a) runMinioResWith conn m = flip runReaderT conn . unMinio $ fmap Right m `U.catches` [ U.Handler handlerServiceErr , U.Handler handlerHE , U.Handler handlerFE , U.Handler handlerValidation ] where handlerServiceErr = return . Left . MErrService handlerHE = return . Left . MErrHTTP handlerFE = return . Left . MErrIO handlerValidation = return . Left . MErrValidation -- | Similar to 'runMinio'. Allows applications to allocate/release -- its resources along side MinIO's internal resources. runMinioRes :: ConnectInfo -> Minio a -> ResourceT IO (Either MinioErr a) runMinioRes ci m = do conn <- liftIO $ connect ci runMinioResWith conn m s3Name :: Text -> Text -> Name s3Name ns s = Name s (Just ns) Nothing -- | Format as per RFC 1123. formatRFC1123 :: UTCTime -> T.Text formatRFC1123 = T.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a, %d %b %Y %X %Z"