module Sound.MIDI.Message.System.Common (
T(..), TimeNibbleType(..), get, put,
) where
import Sound.MIDI.Parser.Primitive
import qualified Sound.MIDI.Parser.Class as Parser
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift, )
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, )
import qualified Sound.MIDI.Writer.Basic as Writer
import Sound.MIDI.Monoid ((+#+))
import qualified Sound.MIDI.Bit as Bit
import Data.Ix(Ix)
data T =
TimeCodeQuarterFrame TimeNibbleType Int
| SongPositionPointer Int
| SongSelect Int
| TuneRequest
data TimeNibbleType =
| FrameMS
| SecondsLS
| SecondsMS
| MinutesLS
| MinutesMS
| HoursLS
| HoursMS
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Ix)
get :: Parser.C parser => Int -> Parser.Fragile parser T
get code =
case code of
0xF1 ->
do dat <- get1
let (nib, value) = Bit.splitAt 4 dat
let (msb, nibble) = Bit.splitAt 3 nib
lift $ Parser.warnIf (msb/=0)
"TimeCodeQuarterFrame: most significant bit must 0"
return $ TimeCodeQuarterFrame (toEnum nibble) value
0xF2 -> liftM2 (\lsb msb -> SongPositionPointer (lsb + Bit.shiftL 7 msb)) get1 get1
0xF3 -> liftM SongSelect get1
0xF6 -> return TuneRequest
_ -> Parser.giveUp ("invalid System Common code:" ++ show code)
put :: Writer.C writer => T -> writer
put msg =
case msg of
TimeCodeQuarterFrame nibble value ->
Writer.putByte 0xF1 +#+
Writer.putIntAsByte (Bit.shiftL 4 (fromEnum nibble) + value)
SongPositionPointer pos ->
Writer.putByte 0xF2 +#+
let (msb,lsb) = Bit.splitAt 7 pos
in Writer.putIntAsByte lsb +#+
Writer.putIntAsByte msb
SongSelect song ->
Writer.putByte 0xF3 +#+
Writer.putIntAsByte song
TuneRequest ->
Writer.putByte 0xF6