{- |
MIDI controller data type and common controller definitions.

See <http://www.midi.org/techspecs/midimessages.php>.
module Sound.MIDI.Controller (
   T, Value, fromInt, toInt,

   bankSelect, modulation, breathControl, footControl, portamentoTime,
   dataEntry, volume, balance, panorama, expression,
   effectControl1, effectControl2,
   generalPurpose1, generalPurpose2, generalPurpose3, generalPurpose4,
   vectorX, vectorY,
   soundController1, soundController2, soundController3,
   soundController4, soundController5, soundController6,
   soundController7, soundController8, soundController9,
   soundController10, portamentoControl,
   effect1Depth, effect2Depth, effect3Depth, effect4Depth, effect5Depth,

   bankSelectMSB, modulationMSB, breathControlMSB, footControlMSB,
   portamentoTimeMSB, dataEntryMSB, volumeMSB, balanceMSB,
   panoramaMSB, expressionMSB,
   effectControl1MSB, effectControl2MSB,
   generalPurpose1MSB, generalPurpose2MSB,
   generalPurpose3MSB, generalPurpose4MSB,

   bankSelectLSB, modulationLSB, breathControlLSB, footControlLSB,
   portamentoTimeLSB, dataEntryLSB, volumeLSB, balanceLSB,
   panoramaLSB, expressionLSB,
   effectControl1LSB, effectControl2LSB,
   generalPurpose1LSB, generalPurpose2LSB,
   generalPurpose3LSB, generalPurpose4LSB,

   soundVariation, timbre, harmonicIntensity,
   releaseTime, attackTime, brightness, decayTime,
   vibratoRate, vibratoDepth, vibratoDelay,
   reverbSendLevel, chorusSendLevel, legato,

   sustain, portamento, sustenuto, softPedal, hold2,
   generalPurpose5, generalPurpose6, generalPurpose7, generalPurpose8,
   externalEffectDepth, tremoloDepth, chorusDepth, celesteDepth, phaserDepth,

   dataIncrement, dataDecrement,
   nonRegisteredParameterLSB, nonRegisteredParameterMSB,
   registeredParameterLSB, registeredParameterMSB,
   ) where

import qualified Sound.MIDI.ControllerPrivate as CtrlP

import Sound.MIDI.Utility (checkRange, )

-- * MIDI controller data type

In the future this will be the main type,
and @Controller@ becomes a synonym and is eventually removed.
type T = CtrlP.Controller

fromInt :: Int -> T
fromInt = checkRange "Controller" CtrlP.Controller

toInt :: T -> Int
toInt = CtrlP.fromController

type Value = Int

-- * predefined MIDI controllers

-- ** simple names for controllers, if only most-significant bytes are used

bankSelect, modulation, breathControl, footControl, portamentoTime,
   dataEntry, volume, balance, panorama, expression,
   effectControl1, effectControl2,
   generalPurpose1, generalPurpose2, generalPurpose3, generalPurpose4 :: T
bankSelect      = bankSelectMSB
modulation      = modulationMSB
breathControl   = breathControlMSB
footControl     = footControlMSB
portamentoTime  = portamentoTimeMSB
dataEntry       = dataEntryMSB
volume          = volumeMSB
balance         = balanceMSB
panorama        = panoramaMSB
expression      = expressionMSB
effectControl1  = effectControl1MSB
effectControl2  = effectControl2MSB
generalPurpose1 = generalPurpose1MSB
generalPurpose2 = generalPurpose2MSB
generalPurpose3 = generalPurpose3MSB
generalPurpose4 = generalPurpose4MSB

-- ** aliases for general purpose controllers

vectorX, vectorY,
   soundVariation, timbre, harmonicIntensity,
   releaseTime, attackTime, brightness, decayTime,
   vibratoRate, vibratoDepth, vibratoDelay,
   reverbSendLevel, chorusSendLevel,
   externalEffectDepth, tremoloDepth, chorusDepth, celesteDepth, phaserDepth :: T

vectorX = generalPurpose1
vectorY = generalPurpose2

soundVariation    = soundController1
timbre            = soundController2
harmonicIntensity = soundController2
releaseTime       = soundController3
attackTime        = soundController4
brightness        = soundController5
decayTime         = soundController6
vibratoRate       = soundController7
vibratoDepth      = soundController8
vibratoDelay      = soundController9

reverbSendLevel = effect1Depth
chorusSendLevel = effect3Depth

externalEffectDepth = effect1Depth
tremoloDepth        = effect2Depth
chorusDepth         = effect3Depth
celesteDepth        = effect4Depth
phaserDepth         = effect5Depth

-- ** controllers for most-significant bytes of control values
bankSelectMSB, modulationMSB, breathControlMSB, footControlMSB,
   portamentoTimeMSB, dataEntryMSB,
   volumeMSB, balanceMSB, panoramaMSB, expressionMSB,
   effectControl1MSB, effectControl2MSB,
   generalPurpose1MSB, generalPurpose2MSB,
   generalPurpose3MSB, generalPurpose4MSB :: T

-- ** controllers for least-significant bytes of control values
bankSelectLSB, modulationLSB, breathControlLSB, footControlLSB,
   portamentoTimeLSB, dataEntryLSB,
   volumeLSB, balanceLSB, panoramaLSB, expressionLSB,
   effectControl1LSB, effectControl2LSB,
   generalPurpose1LSB, generalPurpose2LSB,
   generalPurpose3LSB, generalPurpose4LSB :: T

-- ** controllers of sound and global effects
sustain, portamento, sustenuto, softPedal, legato, hold2,
   soundController1, soundController2, soundController3,
   soundController4, soundController5, soundController6,
   soundController7, soundController8, soundController9,
   generalPurpose5, generalPurpose6, generalPurpose7, generalPurpose8,
   effect1Depth, effect2Depth, effect3Depth, effect4Depth, effect5Depth :: T

-- ** increment/decrement and parameter numbers
dataIncrement, dataDecrement,
   nonRegisteredParameterLSB, nonRegisteredParameterMSB,
   registeredParameterLSB, registeredParameterMSB :: T

bankSelectMSB             = toEnum 0x00  {-  00 00 -}
modulationMSB             = toEnum 0x01  {-  01 01 -}
breathControlMSB          = toEnum 0x02  {-  02 02 -}
footControlMSB            = toEnum 0x04  {-  04 04 -}
portamentoTimeMSB         = toEnum 0x05  {-  05 05 -}
dataEntryMSB              = toEnum 0x06  {-  06 06 -}
volumeMSB                 = toEnum 0x07  {-  07 07 -}
balanceMSB                = toEnum 0x08  {-  08 08 -}
panoramaMSB               = toEnum 0x0A  {-  10 0A -}
expressionMSB             = toEnum 0x0B  {-  11 0B -}
effectControl1MSB         = toEnum 0x0C  {-  10 0C -}
effectControl2MSB         = toEnum 0x0D  {-  11 0D -}

generalPurpose1MSB        = toEnum 0x10  {-  16 10 -}
generalPurpose2MSB        = toEnum 0x11  {-  17 11 -}
generalPurpose3MSB        = toEnum 0x12  {-  18 12 -}
generalPurpose4MSB        = toEnum 0x13  {-  19 13 -}

bankSelectLSB             = toEnum 0x20  {-  32 20 -}
modulationLSB             = toEnum 0x21  {-  33 21 -}
breathControlLSB          = toEnum 0x22  {-  34 22 -}
footControlLSB            = toEnum 0x24  {-  36 24 -}
portamentoTimeLSB         = toEnum 0x25  {-  37 25 -}
dataEntryLSB              = toEnum 0x26  {-  38 26 -}
volumeLSB                 = toEnum 0x27  {-  39 27 -}
balanceLSB                = toEnum 0x28  {-  40 28 -}
panoramaLSB               = toEnum 0x2A  {-  42 2A -}
expressionLSB             = toEnum 0x2B  {-  43 2B -}
effectControl1LSB         = toEnum 0x2C  {-  44 2C -}
effectControl2LSB         = toEnum 0x2D  {-  45 2D -}

generalPurpose1LSB        = toEnum 0x30  {-  48 30 -}
generalPurpose2LSB        = toEnum 0x31  {-  49 31 -}
generalPurpose3LSB        = toEnum 0x32  {-  50 32 -}
generalPurpose4LSB        = toEnum 0x33  {-  51 33 -}

sustain                   = toEnum 0x40  {-  64 40 -}
portamento                = toEnum 0x41  {-  65 41 -}
sustenuto                 = toEnum 0x42  {-  66 42 -}
softPedal                 = toEnum 0x43  {-  67 43 -}
legato                    = toEnum 0x44  {-  68 44 -}
hold2                     = toEnum 0x45  {-  69 45 -}
soundController1          = toEnum 0x46  {-  70 46 -}
soundController2          = toEnum 0x47  {-  71 47 -}
soundController3          = toEnum 0x48  {-  72 48 -}
soundController4          = toEnum 0x49  {-  73 49 -}
soundController5          = toEnum 0x4A  {-  74 4A -}
soundController6          = toEnum 0x4B  {-  75 4B -}
soundController7          = toEnum 0x4C  {-  76 4C -}
soundController8          = toEnum 0x4D  {-  77 4D -}
soundController9          = toEnum 0x4E  {-  78 4E -}
soundController10         = toEnum 0x4F  {-  79 4F -}

generalPurpose5           = toEnum 0x50  {-  80 50 -}
generalPurpose6           = toEnum 0x51  {-  81 51 -}
generalPurpose7           = toEnum 0x52  {-  82 52 -}
generalPurpose8           = toEnum 0x53  {-  83 53 -}
portamentoControl         = toEnum 0x54  {-  84 54 -}
effect1Depth              = toEnum 0x5B  {-  91 5B -}
effect2Depth              = toEnum 0x5C  {-  92 5C -}
effect3Depth              = toEnum 0x5D  {-  93 5D -}
effect4Depth              = toEnum 0x5E  {-  94 5E -}
effect5Depth              = toEnum 0x5F  {-  95 5F -}

dataIncrement             = toEnum 0x60  {-  96 60 -}
dataDecrement             = toEnum 0x61  {-  97 61 -}
nonRegisteredParameterLSB = toEnum 0x62  {-  98 62 -}
nonRegisteredParameterMSB = toEnum 0x63  {-  99 63 -}
registeredParameterLSB    = toEnum 0x64  {- 100 64 -}
registeredParameterMSB    = toEnum 0x65  {- 101 65 -}