{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, UnicodeSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes, TupleSections #-} module Data.Microformats2.Parser.Property where #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709 import Control.Applicative #endif import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Foldable (asum) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Text.XML.Lens hiding (re) import Data.Microformats2.Parser.HtmlUtil import Data.Microformats2.Parser.Util unwrapName ∷ (Name, a) → (Text, a) unwrapName (Name n _ _, val) = (n, val) classes ∷ Element → [Text] classes (Element _ as _) = T.split isSpace . fromMaybe "" . lookup "class" . map unwrapName . M.toList $ as isPClass, isUClass, isEClass, isDtClass, isPropertyClass, isMf2Class ∷ Text → Bool isPClass = T.isPrefixOf "p-" isUClass = T.isPrefixOf "u-" isEClass = T.isPrefixOf "e-" isDtClass = T.isPrefixOf "dt-" isPropertyClass x = isPClass x || isUClass x || isEClass x || isDtClass x isMf2Class = T.isPrefixOf "h-" isProperty ∷ Element → Bool isProperty = any isPropertyClass . classes propertyElements ∷ Traversal' Element Element propertyElements = attributeSatisfies "class" $ any isPropertyClass . T.split isSpace hasOneClass ∷ [String] → Traversal' Element Element hasOneClass ns = attributeSatisfies "class" $ \a → any (\x → (T.pack x) `elem` (T.split isSpace a)) ns hasClass ∷ String → Traversal' Element Element hasClass n = attributeSatisfies "class" $ \a → (T.pack n) `elem` (T.split isSpace a) getOnlyChildren ∷ Element → [Element] getOnlyChildren e = if lengthOf plate e == 1 then e ^.. plate else [] getOnlyChild, getOnlyOfType ∷ Name → Element → Maybe Element getOnlyChild n e = if' (fromMaybe False $ not <$> isProperty <$> r) $ r where r = if' (lengthOf plate e == 1) $ e ^? plate . el n getOnlyOfType n e = if' (fromMaybe False $ not <$> isProperty <$> r) $ r where r = if' (lengthOf (plate . el n) e == 1) $ e ^? plate . el n els ∷ [Name] → Traversal' Element Element els ns f s = if elementName s `elem` ns then f s else pure s getAbbrTitle, getDataInputValue, getImgSrc, getObjectData, getImgAreaAlt, getAAreaHref, getImgAudioVideoSourceSrc, getTimeInsDelDatetime, getOnlyChildImgAreaAlt, \ getOnlyChildAbbrTitle, getOnlyOfTypeImgSrc, getOnlyOfTypeObjectData, getOnlyOfTypeAAreaHref, extractValue, extractValueTitle ∷ Element → Maybe Text getAbbrTitle e = e ^. el "abbr" . attribute "title" getDataInputValue e = e ^. els ["data", "input"] . attribute "value" getImgSrc e = e ^. el "img" . attribute "src" getObjectData e = e ^. el "object" . attribute "data" getImgAreaAlt e = e ^. els ["img", "area"] . attribute "alt" getAAreaHref e = e ^. els ["a", "area"] . attribute "href" getImgAudioVideoSourceSrc e = e ^. els ["img", "audio", "video", "source"] . attribute "src" getTimeInsDelDatetime e = e ^. els ["time", "ins", "del"] . attribute "datetime" getOnlyChildImgAreaAlt e = (^. attribute "alt") =<< asum (getOnlyChild <$> [ "img", "area" ] <*> pure e) getOnlyChildAbbrTitle e = (^. attribute "title") =<< getOnlyChild "abbr" e getOnlyOfTypeImgSrc e = (^. attribute "src") =<< getOnlyOfType "img" e getOnlyOfTypeObjectData e = (^. attribute "data") =<< getOnlyOfType "object" e getOnlyOfTypeAAreaHref e = (^. attribute "href") =<< asum (getOnlyOfType <$> [ "a", "area" ] <*> pure e) extractValue e = asum $ [ getAbbrTitle, getDataInputValue, getImgAreaAlt, getInnerTextRaw ] <*> pure e extractValueTitle e = if' (isJust $ e ^? hasClass "value-title") $ e ^. attribute "title" extractValueClassPattern ∷ [Element → Maybe Text] → Element → Maybe Text extractValueClassPattern fs e = if' (isJust $ e ^? valueParts) extractValueParts where extractValueParts = Just . T.concat . catMaybes $ e ^.. valueParts . to extractValuePart extractValuePart e' = asum $ fs <*> pure e' valueParts ∷ Applicative f => (Element → f Element) → Element → f Element valueParts = entire . hasOneClass ["value", "value-title"] extractP ∷ Element → Maybe Text extractP e = asum $ [ extractValueClassPattern [extractValueTitle, extractValue] , getAbbrTitle, getDataInputValue, getImgAreaAlt, getInnerTextWithImgs ] <*> pure e extractU ∷ Element → Maybe (Text, Bool) -- ^ The Microformats 2 spec requires URL resolution only in some cases. The Bool here is whether you should resolve the result. extractU e = asum $ [ (, True) <$> getAAreaHref e , (, True) <$> getImgAudioVideoSourceSrc e , (, True) <$> getObjectData e , (, False) <$> extractValueClassPattern [extractValueTitle, extractValue] e , (, False) <$> getAbbrTitle e , (, False) <$> getDataInputValue e , (, False) <$> getInnerTextRaw e ] extractDt ∷ Element → Maybe Text extractDt e = asum $ (extractValueClassPattern ms : ms ++ [getInnerTextRaw]) <*> pure e where ms = [ getTimeInsDelDatetime, getAbbrTitle, getDataInputValue ] implyProperty ∷ String → Element → Maybe Text implyProperty "name" e = asum $ [ getImgAreaAlt, getAbbrTitle , getOnlyChildImgAreaAlt, getOnlyChildAbbrTitle , \e' -> asum $ [ getOnlyChildImgAreaAlt, getOnlyChildAbbrTitle ] <*> getOnlyChildren e' , getInnerTextRaw ] <*> pure e implyProperty "photo" e = asum $ [ getImgSrc, getObjectData , getOnlyOfTypeImgSrc, getOnlyOfTypeObjectData , \e' -> asum $ [ getOnlyOfTypeImgSrc, getOnlyOfTypeObjectData ] <*> getOnlyChildren e' ] <*> pure e implyProperty "url" e = asum $ [ getAAreaHref, getOnlyOfTypeAAreaHref ] <*> pure e implyProperty _ _ = Nothing