{-# Language ViewPatterns #-} import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Math.MFSolve import Data.List import Data.Maybe data TestExpr = TestExpr ((SimpleVar -> Double) -> Double) (Expr SimpleVar Double) type TestEq = ((SimpleVar -> Double) -> String, (Expr SimpleVar Double, Expr SimpleVar Double)) testVar :: String -> TestExpr testVar str = TestExpr ($ SimpleVar str) (makeVariable $ SimpleVar str) testConst :: Double -> TestExpr testConst n = TestExpr (const n) (makeConstant n) testBin :: (Double -> Double -> Double) -> (Expr SimpleVar Double -> Expr SimpleVar Double -> Expr SimpleVar Double) -> TestExpr -> TestExpr -> TestExpr testBin f f2(TestExpr a b) (TestExpr c d) = TestExpr (\s -> f (a s) (c s)) (f2 b d) testUn :: (Double -> Double) -> (Expr SimpleVar Double -> Expr SimpleVar Double) -> TestExpr -> TestExpr testUn f f2(TestExpr a b) = TestExpr (f.a) (f2 b) testEq :: Double -> Double -> String -> String -> String testEq a b as bs | abs(a-b) <= 1e-10 = "" | otherwise = "substituting solutions in:\n" ++ as ++ " = " ++ bs ++ "\n" ++ "gives: " ++ show a ++ " = " ++ show b ++ "\n" infixr 1 ?= (?=) :: TestExpr -> TestExpr -> TestEq zero :: (Num n, Eq n) => Expr v n -> Bool zero (toSimple -> Const 0) = True zero _ = False instance (Floating n, Eq n, Ord n, Ord v) => Eq (Expr v n) where a == b = zero $ a-b TestExpr a b ?= TestExpr c d = (\s -> testEq (a s) (c s) (show b) (show d), (b,d)) instance Num TestExpr where (+) = testBin (+) (+) (*) = testBin (*) (*) signum = testUn signum signum abs = testUn abs abs fromInteger = testConst . fromInteger negate = testUn negate negate instance Fractional TestExpr where recip = testUn recip recip fromRational = testConst . fromRational instance Floating TestExpr where pi = testConst pi exp = testUn exp exp log = testUn log log sin = testUn sin sin cos = testUn cos cos cosh = testUn cosh cosh atanh = testUn atanh atanh tan = testUn tan tan sinh = testUn sinh sinh asin = testUn asin asin acos = testUn acos acos asinh = testUn asinh asinh acosh = testUn acosh acosh atan = testUn atan atan a, b, c, d, x, y :: TestExpr [a, b, c, d, x, y] = map testVar ["a", "b", "c", "d", "x", "y"] randomSol :: [(SimpleVar, Double)] randomSol = [ (SimpleVar "a", 0.897), (SimpleVar "b", 0.905), (SimpleVar "c", -0.585), (SimpleVar "d", 0.018), (SimpleVar "x", -0.3628), (SimpleVar "y", 0.887)] trySolve :: [TestEq] -> Assertion trySolve eqs = assertString $ fromMaybe "" $ find (not.null) $ map solveOne $ permutations eqs solveOne :: [TestEq] -> String solveOne eqs = case solveEqs noDeps $ map (flip addEquation . uncurry (-) . snd) eqs of Left RedundantEq -> "Found redundant equation" Left (InconsistentEq n) -> "Equation off by "++ show n Right d | not $ null $ nonlinearEqs d -> "Some nonlinear equations were unevaluated:\n" ++ show d | not $ null $ dependendVars d -> "Some linear dependencies were left:\n" ++ show d | otherwise -> let kv = knownVars d ++ randomSol sols = map (($ (fromMaybe 0 . (`lookup` kv))).fst) eqs in case find (not.null) sols of Nothing -> "" Just er -> "Solution didn't match equations:\n" ++ show d ++ er sysHasVar :: (Ord t, Ord v, Floating t) => Dependencies v t -> v -> Bool sysHasVar s v = any ((== v).fst) (knownVars s) || any (\(v2, LinExpr _ vs) -> v==v2 || any ((== v).fst) vs) (dependendVars s) || any (hasVar v) (nonlinearEqs s) {- eliminate v from eqs check number of eliminated equations eqs2 = add v to eqs check eqs and eqs2 for equality -} tryElim v n eqs = undefined tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tests" [unitTests] unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests" [ testCase "Linear system of equations" $ trySolve [ 3*a + 2*b - c ?= 1, 2*a - 2*b + 4 ?= -2, -a + b/2 - c ?= 0], testCase "Solve single sine" $ trySolve [ 2*sin(0.3*a - 2*b + pi/8) ?= -1.42, 3*a+2*b ?= 7], testCase "Adding sinewaves with same period" $ trySolve [ a ?= 2*b, 2*sin(a + 0.1) + 3*cos(2*b + 0.1) ?= -0.524], testCase "Adding sinewaves with same period (using substitution)" $ trySolve [ 2*x + 3*y ?= -0.524, a ?= 2*b, x ?= sin(a + 0.1), y ?= cos(2*b + 0.1)], testCase "Solving for angle and amplitude" $ trySolve [ a*sin (b+c+0.1) ?= 5, a*cos (b+c+0.2) ?= 6, b+2*c ?= 3], testCase "Mixing nonlinear and trigonometric functions" $ trySolve [ sqrt a * (b + sin(2*c)) ?= 0.243, a - b ?= 1, a + b ?= 3], testCase "Simplifying nonlinear into trigonometric." $ trySolve [ 2*sin(2*c*sqrt b) ?= a, a - b ?= 1, a + b ?= 3], testCase "Simplifying trigonometric into linear" $ trySolve [ sin(a+b*2) ?= c, 2*a+4*b ?= pi/8, b ?= 2*c], testCase "Rotation by rotation matrix." $ trySolve [ cos a*x - sin a*y ?= 10, sin a*x + cos a*y ?= 13, x ?= d*sin b, y ?= d*cos b, b ?= pi/3 ] ] main = defaultMain tests