{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, GADTs, UndecidableInstances, ConstraintKinds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Mezzo.Model.Prim -- Description : Mezzo type primitives -- Copyright : (c) Dima Szamozvancev -- License : MIT -- -- Maintainer : ds709@cam.ac.uk -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Primitive types that make up the base for the Mezzo type model. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Mezzo.Model.Prim ( -- * Vectors and matrices Vector (..) , Times (..) , Elem (..) , type (**) , OptVector (..) , Head , Head' , Last , Tail' , Init' , Length , Length' , Matrix , type (++) , type (++.) , type (:-|) , type (+*+) , type (+|+) , type (+-+) , Align , VectorToColMatrix -- * Logic and arithmetic , If , Not , type (.&&.) , type (.||.) , type (.~.) , MaxN , MinN -- * Constraints , Valid , Invalid , AllSatisfy , AllPairsSatisfy , AllPairsSatisfy' , SatisfiesAll , AllSatisfyAll ) where import Data.Kind import GHC.TypeLits infixr 7 :* infixr 7 ** infixr 6 :- infixr 5 :-- infixl 4 ++ infixl 4 +*+ infixl 4 +|+ infixl 4 +-+ infixl 3 .&&. infixl 3 .||. infixl 5 .~. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type-level vectors and matrices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Simple length-indexed vector. data Vector :: Type -> Nat -> Type where None :: Vector t 0 (:--) :: t -> Vector t (n - 1) -> Vector t n -- | Singleton type for the number of repetitions of an element. data Times (n :: Nat) where T :: Times n -- | An element of a "run-length encoded" vector, containing the value and -- the number of repetitions data Elem :: Type -> Nat -> Type where (:*) :: t -> Times n -> Elem t n -- | Replicate a value the specified number of times to create a new 'Elem'. type family (v :: t) ** (d :: Nat) :: Elem t d where v ** d = v :* (T :: Times d) -- | A length-indexed vector, optimised for repetitions. data OptVector :: Type -> Nat -> Type where End :: OptVector t 0 (:-) :: Elem t l -> OptVector t (n - l) -> OptVector t n -- | Get the first element of an optimised vector. type family Head (v :: OptVector t n) :: t where Head End = TypeError (Text "Vector has no head element.") Head (v :* _ :- _) = v -- | Get the first element of a simple vector. type family Head' (v :: Vector t n) :: t where Head' None = TypeError (Text "Vector has no head element.") Head' (v :-- _) = v -- | Get the last element of the vector. type family Last (v :: OptVector t n) :: t where Last End = TypeError (Text "Vector has no last element.") Last (v :* _ :- End) = v Last (_ :- vs) = Last vs -- | Get the tail of the vector. type family Tail' (v :: Vector t n) :: Vector t (n - 1) where Tail' None = TypeError (Text "Vector has no tail.") Tail' (_ :-- vs) = vs -- | Get everything but the last element of the vector. type family Init' (v :: Vector t n) :: Vector t (n - 1) where Init' None = TypeError (Text "Vector is empty.") Init' (p :-- None) = None Init' (p :-- ps) = p :-- Init' ps -- | Get the length of an optimised vector. type family Length (v :: OptVector t n) :: Nat where Length (v :: OptVector t n) = n -- | Get the length of a vector. type family Length' (v :: Vector t n) :: Nat where Length' (v :: Vector t n) = n -- | Append two optimised vectors. type family (x :: OptVector t n) ++ (y :: OptVector t m) :: OptVector t (n + m) where ys ++ End = ys End ++ ys = ys (x :- xs) ++ ys = x :- (xs ++ ys) -- | Append two simple vectors. type family (x :: Vector t n) ++. (y :: Vector t m) :: Vector t (n + m) where None ++. ys = ys (x :-- xs) ++. ys = x :-- (xs ++. ys) -- | Add an element to the end of a simple vector. type family (v :: Vector t n) :-| (e :: t) :: Vector t (n + 1) where v :-| e = v ++. (e :-- None) -- | Repeat the value the specified number of times to create a new 'OptVector'. type family (a :: t) +*+ (n :: Nat) :: OptVector t n where x +*+ 0 = End x +*+ n = x ** n :- End -- | A dimension-indexed matrix. type Matrix t p q = Vector (OptVector t q) p -- | Horizontal concatenation of type-level matrices. -- Places the first matrix to the left of the second. type family (a :: Matrix t p q) +|+ (b :: Matrix t p r) :: Matrix t p (q + r) where None +|+ None = None (r1 :-- rs1) +|+ (r2 :-- rs2) = (r1 ++ r2) :-- (rs1 +|+ rs2) -- | Vertical concatenation of type-level matrices. -- Places the first matrix on top of the second. type family (a :: Matrix t p r) +-+ (b :: Matrix t q r) :: Matrix t (p + q) r where m1 +-+ m2 = ConcatPair (Align m1 m2) -- | Concatenates a type-level pair of vectors. type family ConcatPair (vs :: (Vector t p, Vector t q)) :: Vector t (p + q) where ConcatPair '(v1, v2) = v1 ++. v2 -- | Vertically aligns two matrices by separating elements so that the element -- boundaries line up. type family Align (a :: Matrix t p r) (b :: Matrix t q r) :: (Matrix t p r, Matrix t q r) where Align None m = '(None, m) Align m None = '(m, None) Align (r1 :-- rs1) (r2 :-- rs2) = '(FragmentMatByVec (r1 :-- rs1) r2, FragmentMatByVec (r2 :-- rs2) r1) -- | Fragments a matrix by a vector: all the element boundaries in the vector must -- also appear in the fragmented matrix. type family FragmentMatByVec (m :: Matrix t q p) (v :: OptVector t p) :: Matrix t q p where FragmentMatByVec None _ = None FragmentMatByVec (r :-- rs) v = FragmentVecByVec r v :-- FragmentMatByVec rs v -- | Fragments a vector by another vector: all the element boundaries in the second -- vector must also appear in the first. type family FragmentVecByVec (v :: OptVector t p) (u :: OptVector t p) :: OptVector t p where FragmentVecByVec End _ = End -- If the lengths of the first element match up, they are not fragmented. FragmentVecByVec (v :* (T :: Times k) :- vs) (u :* (T :: Times k) :- us) = v ** k :- (FragmentVecByVec vs us) -- If the lengths of the first elements don't match up, we fragment the element -- by the shortest of the two lengths, and add the remainder as a separate element. FragmentVecByVec (v :* (T :: Times k) :- vs) (u :* (T :: Times l) :- us) = If (k <=? l) ((v ** k) :- (FragmentVecByVec vs (u ** (l - k) :- us))) ((v ** l) :- (FragmentVecByVec (v ** (k - l) :- vs) us)) -- | Convert a simple vector to a column matrix. type family VectorToColMatrix (v :: Vector t n) (l :: Nat) :: Matrix t n l where VectorToColMatrix None _ = None VectorToColMatrix (v :-- vs) l = (VectorToColMatrix vs l) ++. (v ** l :- End :-- None) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type-level logic and arithmetic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Conditional expression at the type level. type family If (b :: Bool) (t :: k) (e :: k) :: k where If True t e = t If False t e = e -- | Negation of type-level Booleans. type family Not (a :: Bool) :: Bool where Not True = False Not False = True -- | Conjunction of type-level Booleans. type family (b1 :: Bool) .&&. (b2 :: Bool) :: Bool where b1 .&&. b2 = If b1 b2 False -- | Disjunction of type-level Booleans. type family (b1 :: Bool) .||. (b2 :: Bool) :: Bool where b1 .||. b2 = If b1 True b2 -- | Equality of types. type family (a :: k) .~. (b :: k) :: Bool where a .~. a = True a .~. b = False -- | Returns the maximum of two natural numbers. type family MaxN (n1 :: Nat) (n2 :: Nat) :: Nat where MaxN 0 n2 = n2 MaxN n1 0 = n1 MaxN n n = n MaxN n1 n2 = If (n1 <=? n2) (n2) (n1) -- | Returns the minimum of two natural numbers. type family MinN (n1 :: Nat) (n2 :: Nat) :: Nat where MinN 0 n2 = 0 MinN n1 0 = 0 MinN n n = n MinN n1 n2 = If (n1 <=? n2) (n1) (n2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constraints ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Valid base constraint. type Valid = (() :: Constraint) -- | Invalid base constraint. type Invalid = True ~ False -- | Create a new constraint which is valid only if every element in the given -- vector satisfies the given unary constraint. -- Analogue of 'map' for constraints and vectors. type family AllSatisfy (c :: a -> Constraint) (xs :: OptVector a n) :: Constraint where AllSatisfy c End = Valid AllSatisfy c (x :* _ :- xs) = ((c x), AllSatisfy c xs) -- | Create a new constraint which is valid only if every pair of elements in -- the given optimised vectors satisfy the given binary constraint. -- Analogue of 'zipWith' for constraints and optimised vectors. type family AllPairsSatisfy (c :: a -> b -> Constraint) (xs :: OptVector a n) (ys :: OptVector b n) :: Constraint where AllPairsSatisfy c End End = Valid AllPairsSatisfy c (x :* _ :- xs) (y :* _ :- ys) = ((c x y), AllPairsSatisfy c xs ys) -- | Create a new constraint which is valid only if every pair of elements in -- the given vectors satisfy the given binary constraint. -- Analogue of 'zipWith' for constraints and vectors. type family AllPairsSatisfy' (c :: a -> b -> Constraint) (xs :: Vector a n) (ys :: Vector b n) :: Constraint where AllPairsSatisfy' c None None = Valid AllPairsSatisfy' c (x :-- xs) (y :-- ys) = ((c x y), AllPairsSatisfy' c xs ys) -- | Create a new constraint which is valid only if the given value satisfies -- every unary constraint in the given list. type family SatisfiesAll (cs :: [a -> Constraint]) (xs :: a) :: Constraint where SatisfiesAll '[] a = Valid SatisfiesAll (c : cs) a = (c a, SatisfiesAll cs a) -- | Create a new constraint which is valid only if every element in the given -- vector satisfies every unary constraint in the given list. type family AllSatisfyAll (c1 :: [a -> Constraint]) (xs :: Vector a n) :: Constraint where AllSatisfyAll _ None = Valid AllSatisfyAll cs (v :-- vs) = (SatisfiesAll cs v, AllSatisfyAll cs vs)