{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-import-lists #-} -- | -- Module : Test.Method -- License: BSD-3 -- Maintainer: autotaker@gmail.com -- Stability: experimental module Test.Method ( -- $usage -- * Mocking monomorphic methods -- ** Usage -- $mock -- ** References mockup, thenReturn, thenAction, thenMethod, throwNoStubWithShow, throwNoStub, -- * Mocking polymorphic methods -- ** Usage -- $dynamic DynamicShow, Dynamic, castMethod, dynArg, FromDyn (fromDyn), ToDyn (toDyn), Typeable, -- * Monitor -- ** Usage -- $monitor -- ** References Monitor, Event, watchBy, watch, withMonitor, withMonitor_, -- *** Matcher for events call, times, -- *** Procedual api for monitor newMonitor, listenEventLog, -- * Protocol -- ** Usage -- $protocol -- ** References protocol, ProtocolM, ProtocolEnv, CallId, decl, whenArgs, dependsOn, lookupMock, lookupMockWithShow, verify, -- * Matcher -- ** References -- *** Basics Matcher, anything, when, -- *** Matcher for method arguments TupleLike (AsTuple, fromTuple, toTuple), ArgsMatcher (args), args', ) where import Test.Method.Dynamic import Test.Method.Matcher ( ArgsMatcher (..), Matcher, TupleLike (..), anything, args', when, ) import Test.Method.Mock ( mockup, thenAction, thenMethod, thenReturn, throwNoStub, throwNoStubWithShow, ) import Test.Method.Monitor ( Event, Monitor, call, listenEventLog, newMonitor, times, watch, watchBy, withMonitor, withMonitor_, ) import Test.Method.Protocol ( CallId, ProtocolEnv, ProtocolM, decl, dependsOn, lookupMock, lookupMockWithShow, protocol, verify, whenArgs, ) -- $usage -- This module provides DSLs for mocking -- methods and for validating method calls -- $mock -- -- @ -- fizzbuzz :: Int -> IO String -- fizzbuzz = 'mockup' $ do -- 'when' ('args' (\\x -> mod x 15 == 0)) `'thenReturn'` "fizzbuzz" -- 'when' ('args' (\\x -> mod x 3 == 0)) `'thenReturn'` "fizz" -- 'when' ('args' (\\x -> mod x 5 == 0)) `'thenReturn'` "buzz" -- 'when' ('args' (>=0)) `'thenMethod'` (\\x -> pure $ show x) -- 'throwNoStub' $ 'when' 'anything' -- @ -- -- >>> fizzbuzz 0 -- "fizzbuzz" -- >>> fizzbuzz 1 -- "1" -- >>> fizzbuzz 3 -- "fizz" -- >>> fizzbuzz 5 -- "buzz" -- >>> fizzbuzz (-1) -- *** Exception: no stub found for argument: -1 -- CallStack (from HasCallStack): -- error, called at src/Test/Method/Mock.hs:98:9 in method-" -- @ -- $monitor -- -- Production code -- -- @ -- type ExampleMethod env = Int -> String -> RIO env () -- -- class HasExampleMethod env where -- exampleL :: Lens\' env (ExampleMethod env) -- -- doit :: HasExampleMethod env => RIO env () -- doit = (do -- invoke exampleL 2 "foo" -- invoke exampleL 3 "foo" -- invoke exampleL (-1) "bar" -- invoke exampleL 3 "bar") `catchAny` (const $ pure ()) -- @ -- -- Test code -- -- @ -- data Env = Env { _example :: ExampleMethod env } -- makeLenses Env'' -- -- instance HasExampleMethod Env where -- exampleL = example -- -- exampleMock :: ExampleMethod -- exampleMock = 'mockup' $ do -- 'when' ('args' ((<0), 'anything')) `'thenAction'` throwString "negative n" -- 'when' 'anything' `'thenReturn'` () -- -- env = Env exampleMock -- -- spec :: Spec -- spec = describe "doit" $ do -- before $ 'withMonitor_' $ \\monitor -> runRIO env $ local (exampleL %~ 'watch' monitor) doit -- -- it "calls example _ \\\"foo\\\" twice" $ \\logs -> do -- logs `'shouldSatisfy'` ((==2) `'times'` 'call' ('args' ('anything', (=="foo")))) -- -- it "calls example (-1) \\\"bar\\\" once" $ \\logs -> do -- logs `'shouldSatisfy'` ((==1) `'times'` 'call' ('args' ((==(-1)), (=="bar")))) -- -- it "does not call example 3 \\\"bar\\\" " $ \\logs -> do -- logs `'shouldSatisfy'` ((==0) `'times'` 'call' ('args' ((==3), (=="bar")))) -- @ -- $protocol -- Protocol is a DSL to write specification on communications between dependent methods. -- By using Protocol, you can specify -- -- * how many times each method is called, -- * what arguments are passed for each call, and -- * in which order methods are called. -- -- For example, let's test user creation logic @signup@. -- -- @ -- signup :: Service -> Username -> IO (Maybe UserId) -- signup svc username = ... -- type UserName = String -- type UserId = Int -- @ -- -- This method depends on @Service@, which consists of two methods. -- -- * @findUser@: checks whether the user name is taken already, -- * @createUser@: creates a user with given user name. -- -- @ -- data Service = Service{ -- findUser :: UserName -> IO (Maybe UserId), -- createUser :: UserName -> IO UserId -- } -- @ -- -- Let's check the following specification of @signup@ method. -- -- 1. If @findUser@ returns @Just user@, it returns @Nothing@ without calling @createUser@. -- 2. If @findUser@ returns @Nothing@, it calls @createUser@ and returns the created user. -- -- In order to write Protocol DSL, first you define a GADT functor that -- represents labels of dependent methods. -- -- @ -- data Methods m where -- FindUser :: Methods (UserName -> IO (Maybe UserId)) -- CreateUser :: Methods (UserName -> IO UserId) -- -- deriving instance (Show (Methods m)) -- deriving instance (Eq (Methods m)) -- deriving instance (Ord (Methods m)) -- @ -- -- Then, you can write test for the specification. -- -- @ -- spec :: Spec -- spec = do -- describe "signup" $ do -- let username = "user1" -- userId = 1 -- context "if ``findUser`` returns `Just user`" $ -- it "return \`Nothing\` without calling ``createUser``" $ do -- -- Because env is stateful, it should be initialized for each test -- env <- 'protocol' $ do -- 'decl' $ 'whenArgs' FindUser (==username) ``thenReturn`` Just userId -- -- mocking methods from protocol env. Each mock method raises an exception -- -- if it is called in a different way than that specified by the protocol. -- let service = Service { -- findUser = 'lookupMock' FindUser env, -- createUser = 'lookupMock' CreateUser env -- } -- signup service username \`shouldReturn\` Nothing -- -- Checks all calls specified by the protocol are called. -- 'verify' env -- -- it "call ``createUser`` and return `Just userId`" $ do -- env <- protocol $ do -- findUserCall <- 'decl' $ 'whenArgs' FindUser (==username) ``thenReturn`` Nothing -- 'decl' $ 'whenArgs' CreateUser (==username) ``thenReturn`` Just userId ``dependsOn`` [findUserCall] -- let service = Service { -- findUser = 'lookupMock' FindUser env, -- createUser = 'lookupMock' CreateUser env -- } -- signup service username ``shouldReturn`` Just userId -- 'verify' env -- @ -- -- Protocol DSL consists of method call declarations like: -- -- @ -- 'decl' $ 'whenArgs' FindUser (=="user1") ``thenReturn`` Nothing -- @ -- -- This declaration specifies that @findUser@ is called once with argument @"user1"@ -- and it returns @Nothing@. -- If @findUser@ is called with other argument, it raises an exception. -- -- In protocol DSL, you can specify in which order methods are called, by using 'dependsOn' function. -- For example: -- -- @ -- findUserCall <- 'decl' $ 'whenArgs' FindUser (=="user1") ``thenReturn`` Nothing -- 'decl' $ 'whenArgs' CreateUser (=="user1") ``thenReturn`` Nothing ``dependsOn`` [findUserCall] -- @ -- -- @findUser@ must be called before calling @createUser@. -- On the other hand, in the following example: -- -- @ -- 'decl' $ 'whenArgs' FindUser (=="user1") ``thenReturn`` Nothing -- 'decl' $ 'whenArgs' CreateUser (=="user1") ``thenReturn`` Nothing -- @ -- -- the order of calling two methods does not matter. -- -- However, each call declaration implicitly depends on the previous call declaration of the same method. -- For example: -- -- @ -- 'decl' $ 'whenArgs' FindUser (=="user1") ``thenReturn`` Nothing -- 'decl' $ 'whenArgs' FindUser (=="user2") ``thenReturn`` Just 1 -- @ -- -- @findUser "user1"@ must be called before @findUser "user2"@ is called. -- $dynamic -- Often you want to mock polymorphic functions. -- For example, assume that we are testing the following method. -- -- @ -- type QueryFunc = forall q r. (ToRow q, FromRow r) => Query -> q -> IO [r] -- service :: QueryFunc -> Day -> IO [Event] -- service query today = do -- events <- query "SELECT * FROM event WHERE date = ?" (Only today) -- pure events -- @ -- -- Because @QueryFunc@ is a polymorphic function, it is impossible to mock directly with 'mockup'. -- -- In order to mock @QueryFunc@, first add 'Typeable' (and 'Show') constraint(s) for each type variables. -- -- @ -- type QueryFunc = forall q r. (ToRow q, 'Typeable' q, 'Show' q, FromRow r, 'Typeable' r, 'Show' r) => Query -> q -> IO [r] -- @ -- -- Next, we mock dynamic version of 'QueryFunc', where each type variable is replaced with 'DynamicShow' -- (or 'Dynamic'). -- Finally, we obtain polymorphic method by casting -- the dynamic version with 'castMethod'. -- -- @ -- queryDyn :: Query -> 'DynamicShow' -> IO ['DynamicShow'] -- queryDyn = 'mockup' $ ... -- queryMock :: QueryFunc -- queryMock = 'castMethod' queryDyn -- @ -- -- Now you can write test for @service@ as follows. -- -- @ -- spec :: Spec -- spec = do -- describe "service" $ do -- it "return events whose dates are equal to today" $ do -- let today = fromGregorian 2020 2 20 -- sql = "SELECT * FROM event WHERE date = ?" -- events = [Event 0, Event 1] -- queryDyn :: Query -> 'DynamicShow' -> IO ['DynamicShow'] -- queryDyn = mockup $ -- when (args ((==sql), 'dynArg' (==today))) ``thenReturn`` 'toDyn' events -- service ('castMethod' queryDyn) today ``shouldReturn`` events -- @