{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Data.Mergeless.Persistent.TwoClientsSpec ( spec, ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.GenValidity.Mergeless () import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Mergeless import qualified Data.Set as S import Database.Persist.Sql import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.Validity import TestUtils {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-} spec :: Spec spec = modifyMaxShrinks (const 0) $ twoClientsSpec $ do describe "sanity" $ do describe "setupClient & clientGetStore" $ do it "roundtrips" $ \te -> forAllValid $ \cstore -> runTest te $ do setupClient A cstore cstore' <- clientGetStore A liftIO $ cstore' `shouldBe` cstore describe "setupServer & serverGetStore" $ do it "roundtrips" $ \te -> forAllValid $ \sstore -> runTest te $ do setupServer sstore sstore' <- serverGetStore liftIO $ sstore' `shouldBe` sstore describe "Single item" $ do it "successfully syncs an addition accross to a second client" $ \te -> forAllValid $ \st -> runTest te $ do setupUnsyncedClient A [st] setupUnsyncedClient B [] setupServer emptyServerStore req1 <- clientMakeSyncRequest A resp1 <- serverProcessSync req1 sstore2 <- serverGetStore case M.toList (syncResponseClientAdded resp1) of [(_, clientAdditionId)] -> do let items = M.singleton clientAdditionId st liftIO $ sstore2 `shouldBe` (ServerStore {serverStoreItems = items}) clientMergeSyncResponse A resp1 cAstore2 <- clientGetStore A liftIO $ cAstore2 `shouldBe` (emptyClientStore {clientStoreSynced = items}) req2 <- clientMakeSyncRequest B resp2 <- serverProcessSync req2 sstore3 <- serverGetStore liftIO $ do resp2 `shouldBe` (emptySyncResponse {syncResponseServerAdded = items}) sstore3 `shouldBe` sstore2 clientMergeSyncResponse B resp2 cBstore2 <- clientGetStore B liftIO $ cBstore2 `shouldBe` (emptyClientStore {clientStoreSynced = items}) liftIO $ cAstore2 `shouldBe` cBstore2 _ -> liftIO $ expectationFailure "Should have found exactly one added item." it "succesfully syncs a deletion across to a second client" $ \te -> forAllValid $ \uuid -> forAllValid $ \i -> runTest te $ do setupClient A $ emptyClientStore {clientStoreSynced = M.singleton uuid i} -- Client A has a synced item. -- Client B had synced that same item, but has since deleted it. setupClient B $ emptyClientStore {clientStoreDeleted = S.singleton uuid} -- The server still has the undeleted item setupServer $ ServerStore {serverStoreItems = M.singleton uuid i} -- Client B makes sync request 1 req1 <- clientMakeSyncRequest B -- The server processes sync request 1 resp1 <- serverProcessSync req1 sstore2 <- serverGetStore liftIO $ do resp1 `shouldBe` emptySyncResponse {syncResponseClientDeleted = S.singleton uuid} sstore2 `shouldBe` emptyServerStore -- Client B merges the response clientMergeSyncResponse B resp1 cBstore2 <- clientGetStore B liftIO $ cBstore2 `shouldBe` emptyClientStore -- Client A makes sync request 2 req2 <- clientMakeSyncRequest A -- The server processes sync request 2 resp2 <- serverProcessSync req2 sstore3 <- serverGetStore liftIO $ do resp2 `shouldBe` emptySyncResponse {syncResponseServerDeleted = S.singleton uuid} sstore3 `shouldBe` sstore2 -- Client A merges the response clientMergeSyncResponse A resp2 cAstore2 <- clientGetStore A liftIO $ cAstore2 `shouldBe` emptyClientStore -- Client A and Client B now have the same store liftIO $ cAstore2 `shouldBe` cBstore2 it "does not run into a conflict if two clients both try to sync a deletion" $ \te -> forAllValid $ \uuid -> forAllValid $ \i -> runTest te $ do setupClient A $ emptyClientStore {clientStoreDeleted = S.singleton uuid} -- Both client a and client b delete an item. setupClient B $ emptyClientStore {clientStoreDeleted = S.singleton uuid} -- The server still has the undeleted item setupServer $ ServerStore {serverStoreItems = M.singleton uuid i} -- Client A makes sync request 1 req1 <- clientMakeSyncRequest A -- The server processes sync request 1 resp1 <- serverProcessSync req1 sstore2 <- serverGetStore liftIO $ do resp1 `shouldBe` (emptySyncResponse {syncResponseClientDeleted = S.singleton uuid}) sstore2 `shouldBe` (ServerStore {serverStoreItems = M.empty}) -- Client A merges the response clientMergeSyncResponse A resp1 cAstore2 <- clientGetStore A liftIO $ cAstore2 `shouldBe` emptyClientStore -- Client B makes sync request 2 req2 <- clientMakeSyncRequest B -- The server processes sync request 2 resp2 <- serverProcessSync req2 sstore3 <- serverGetStore liftIO $ do resp2 `shouldBe` (emptySyncResponse {syncResponseClientDeleted = S.singleton uuid}) sstore3 `shouldBe` sstore2 -- Client B merges the response clientMergeSyncResponse B resp2 cBstore2 <- clientGetStore B liftIO $ do cBstore2 `shouldBe` emptyClientStore -- Client A and Client B now have the same store cAstore2 `shouldBe` cBstore2 describe "Multiple items" $ do it "makes no change if the sync request reflects the same local state with an empty sync response" $ \te -> forAllValid $ \sis -> runTest te $ do let cs = ServerStore sis setupServer cs sr <- serverProcessSync SyncRequest { syncRequestAdded = M.empty, syncRequestSynced = M.keysSet sis, syncRequestDeleted = S.empty } cs' <- serverGetStore liftIO $ do cs' `shouldBe` cs sr `shouldBe` SyncResponse { syncResponseClientAdded = M.empty, syncResponseClientDeleted = S.empty, syncResponseServerAdded = M.empty, syncResponseServerDeleted = S.empty } it "successfully syncs additions accross to a second client" $ \te -> forAllValid $ \is -> runTest te $ do setupClient A $ emptyClientStore {clientStoreAdded = is} -- Client B is empty setupClient B emptyClientStore -- The server is empty setupServer emptyServerStore -- Client A makes sync request 1 req1 <- clientMakeSyncRequest A -- The server processes sync request 1 resp1 <- serverProcessSync req1 sstore2 <- serverGetStore -- Client A merges the response clientMergeSyncResponse A resp1 cAstore2 <- clientGetStore A let items = clientStoreSynced cAstore2 liftIO $ do clientStoreAdded cAstore2 `shouldBe` M.empty sstore2 `shouldBe` (ServerStore {serverStoreItems = items}) liftIO $ cAstore2 `shouldBe` (emptyClientStore {clientStoreSynced = items}) -- Client B makes sync request 2 req2 <- clientMakeSyncRequest B -- The server processes sync request 2 resp2 <- serverProcessSync req2 sstore3 <- serverGetStore liftIO $ do resp2 `shouldBe` (emptySyncResponse {syncResponseServerAdded = items}) sstore3 `shouldBe` sstore2 -- Client B merges the response clientMergeSyncResponse B resp2 cBstore2 <- clientGetStore B liftIO $ cBstore2 `shouldBe` (emptyClientStore {clientStoreSynced = items}) -- Client A and Client B now have the same store liftIO $ cAstore2 `shouldBe` cBstore2 it "succesfully syncs deletions across to a second client" $ \te -> forAllValid $ \syncedItems -> runTest te $ do let itemIds = M.keysSet syncedItems -- Client A has synced items setupClient A $ emptyClientStore {clientStoreSynced = syncedItems} -- Client B had synced the same items, but has since deleted them. setupClient B $ emptyClientStore {clientStoreDeleted = itemIds} -- The server still has the undeleted item setupServer $ ServerStore {serverStoreItems = syncedItems} -- Client B makes sync request 1 req1 <- clientMakeSyncRequest B -- The server processes sync request 1 resp1 <- serverProcessSync req1 sstore2 <- serverGetStore liftIO $ do resp1 `shouldBe` emptySyncResponse {syncResponseClientDeleted = itemIds} sstore2 `shouldBe` emptyServerStore -- Client B merges the response clientMergeSyncResponse B resp1 cBstore2 <- clientGetStore B liftIO $ cBstore2 `shouldBe` emptyClientStore -- Client A makes sync request 2 req2 <- clientMakeSyncRequest A -- The server processes sync request 2 resp2 <- serverProcessSync req2 sstore3 <- serverGetStore liftIO $ do resp2 `shouldBe` emptySyncResponse {syncResponseServerDeleted = itemIds} sstore3 `shouldBe` sstore2 -- Client A merges the response clientMergeSyncResponse A resp2 cAstore2 <- clientGetStore A liftIO $ cAstore2 `shouldBe` emptyClientStore -- Client A and Client B now have the same store liftIO $ cAstore2 `shouldBe` cBstore2 it "does not run into a conflict if two clients both try to sync a deletion" $ \te -> forAllValid $ \items -> runTest te $ do setupClient A $ emptyClientStore {clientStoreDeleted = M.keysSet items} -- Both client a and client b delete their items. setupClient B $ emptyClientStore {clientStoreDeleted = M.keysSet items} -- The server still has the undeleted items setupServer $ ServerStore {serverStoreItems = items} -- Client A makes sync request 1 req1 <- clientMakeSyncRequest A -- The server processes sync request 1 resp1 <- serverProcessSync req1 sstore2 <- serverGetStore liftIO $ do resp1 `shouldBe` (emptySyncResponse {syncResponseClientDeleted = M.keysSet items}) sstore2 `shouldBe` (ServerStore {serverStoreItems = M.empty}) -- TODO will probably need some sort of tombstoning. -- Client A merges the response clientMergeSyncResponse A resp1 cAstore2 <- clientGetStore A liftIO $ cAstore2 `shouldBe` emptyClientStore -- Client B makes sync request 2 req2 <- clientMakeSyncRequest B -- The server processes sync request 2 resp2 <- serverProcessSync req2 sstore3 <- serverGetStore liftIO $ do resp2 `shouldBe` (emptySyncResponse {syncResponseClientDeleted = M.keysSet items}) sstore3 `shouldBe` sstore2 -- Client B merges the response clientMergeSyncResponse B resp2 cBstore2 <- clientGetStore B liftIO $ do cBstore2 `shouldBe` emptyClientStore -- Client A and Client B now have the same store cAstore2 `shouldBe` cBstore2 describe "General properties" $ it "successfully syncs two clients using a central store" $ \te -> forAllValid $ \store1 -> runTest te $ do setupServer $ ServerStore M.empty setupClient A store1 setupClient B emptyClientStore void $ sync A (_, _, _, store2') <- sync B (_, _, _, store1'') <- sync A liftIO $ store1'' `shouldBe` store2' type T a = ReaderT TestEnv IO a runTest :: TestEnv -> T a -> IO a runTest = flip runReaderT runClientDB :: Client -> SqlPersistT IO a -> T a runClientDB num func = do pool <- asks $ case num of A -> testEnvClient1Pool B -> testEnvClient2Pool liftIO $ runSqlPool func pool runServerDB :: SqlPersistT IO a -> T a runServerDB func = do pool <- asks testEnvServerPool liftIO $ runSqlPool func pool type CS = ClientStore ClientThingId ServerThingId Thing type SReq = SyncRequest ClientThingId ServerThingId Thing type SS = ServerStore ServerThingId Thing type SResp = SyncResponse ClientThingId ServerThingId Thing sync :: Client -> T (CS, SS, SS, CS) sync n = do cstore1 <- clientGetStore n req <- clientMakeSyncRequest n sstore1 <- serverGetStore resp <- serverProcessSync req sstore2 <- serverGetStore clientMergeSyncResponse n resp cstore2 <- clientGetStore n pure (cstore1, sstore1, sstore2, cstore2) setupUnsyncedClient :: Client -> [Thing] -> T () setupUnsyncedClient n = runClientDB n . setupUnsyncedClientThingQuery setupClient :: Client -> CS -> T () setupClient n = runClientDB n . setupClientThingQuery setupServer :: SS -> T () setupServer = runServerDB . setupServerThingQuery clientGetStore :: Client -> T CS clientGetStore n = runClientDB n clientGetStoreThingQuery clientMakeSyncRequest :: Client -> T SReq clientMakeSyncRequest n = runClientDB n clientMakeSyncRequestThingQuery serverGetStore :: T SS serverGetStore = runServerDB serverGetStoreThingQuery serverProcessSync :: SReq -> T SResp serverProcessSync = runServerDB . serverProcessSyncThingQuery clientMergeSyncResponse :: Client -> SResp -> T () clientMergeSyncResponse n = runClientDB n . clientMergeSyncResponseThingQuery data Client = A | B deriving (Show, Eq) data TestEnv = TestEnv { testEnvServerPool :: ConnectionPool, testEnvClient1Pool :: ConnectionPool, testEnvClient2Pool :: ConnectionPool } twoClientsSpec :: SpecWith TestEnv -> Spec twoClientsSpec = around withTestEnv withTestEnv :: (TestEnv -> IO a) -> IO a withTestEnv func = withServerPool $ \serverPool -> withClientPool $ \client1Pool -> withClientPool $ \client2Pool -> do let tenv = TestEnv { testEnvServerPool = serverPool, testEnvClient1Pool = client1Pool, testEnvClient2Pool = client2Pool } liftIO $ func tenv