-- |
-- Module      : Data.ByteArray.Types
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : stable
-- Portability : Good
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Data.ByteArray.Types
    ( ByteArrayAccess(..)
    , ByteArray(..)
    ) where

import           Foreign.Ptr
import           Data.Monoid

import qualified Data.ByteString as Bytestring (length)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as Bytestring
import           Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)


#if MIN_VERSION_foundation(0,0,14) && MIN_VERSION_basement(0,0,0)

import           Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import           Data.Word (Word8)

import qualified Basement.Types.OffsetSize as Base
import qualified Basement.UArray as Base
import qualified Basement.String as Base (String, toBytes, Encoding(UTF8))
import qualified Basement.PrimType as Base (primSizeInBytes)


import qualified Foundation as F
import qualified Foundation.Collection as F
import qualified Foundation.String as F (toBytes, Encoding(UTF8))
import qualified Foundation.Array.Internal as F
import qualified Foundation.Primitive as F (primSizeInBytes)



-- | Class to Access size properties and data of a ByteArray
class ByteArrayAccess ba where
    -- | Return the length in bytes of a bytearray
    length        :: ba -> Int
    -- | Allow to use using a pointer
    withByteArray :: ba -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO a

-- | Class to allocate new ByteArray of specific size
class (Eq ba, Ord ba, Monoid ba, ByteArrayAccess ba) => ByteArray ba where
    -- | allocate `n` bytes and perform the given operation
    allocRet  :: Int
                -- ^ number of bytes to allocate. i.e. might not match the
                -- size of the given type `ba`.
              -> (Ptr p -> IO a)
              -> IO (a, ba)

instance ByteArrayAccess Bytestring.ByteString where
    length = Bytestring.length
    withByteArray (Bytestring.PS fptr off _) f = withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> f $! (ptr `plusPtr` off)

instance ByteArray Bytestring.ByteString where
    allocRet sz f = do
        fptr <- Bytestring.mallocByteString sz
        r    <- withForeignPtr fptr (f . castPtr)
        return (r, Bytestring.PS fptr 0 sz)


baseUarrayRecastW8 :: Base.PrimType ty => Base.UArray ty -> Base.UArray Word8
baseUarrayRecastW8 = Base.recast

instance Base.PrimType ty => ByteArrayAccess (Base.UArray ty) where
    length a = let Base.CountOf i = Base.length (baseUarrayRecastW8 a) in i
    withByteArray a f = Base.withPtr (baseUarrayRecastW8 a) (f . castPtr)

instance ByteArrayAccess Base.String where
    length str = let Base.CountOf i = Base.length bytes in i
        -- the Foundation's length return a number of elements not a number of
        -- bytes. For @ByteArrayAccess@, because we are using an @Int@, we
        -- didn't see that we were returning the wrong @CountOf@.
        bytes = Base.toBytes Base.UTF8 str
    withByteArray s f = withByteArray (Base.toBytes Base.UTF8 s) f

instance (Ord ty, Base.PrimType ty) => ByteArray (Base.UArray ty) where
    allocRet sz f = do
        mba <- Base.new $ sizeRecastBytes sz Proxy
        a   <- Base.withMutablePtr mba (f . castPtr)
        ba  <- Base.unsafeFreeze mba
        return (a, ba)
        sizeRecastBytes :: Base.PrimType ty => Int -> Proxy ty -> Base.CountOf ty
        sizeRecastBytes w p = Base.CountOf $
            let (q,r) = w `Prelude.quotRem` szTy
             in q + (if r == 0 then 0 else 1)
          where !(Base.CountOf szTy) = Base.primSizeInBytes p
        {-# INLINE [1] sizeRecastBytes #-}


uarrayRecastW8 :: F.PrimType ty => F.UArray ty -> F.UArray Word8
uarrayRecastW8 = F.recast

instance F.PrimType ty => ByteArrayAccess (F.UArray ty) where
#if MIN_VERSION_foundation(0,0,10)
    length a = let F.CountOf i = F.length (uarrayRecastW8 a) in i
    length = F.length . uarrayRecastW8
    withByteArray a f = F.withPtr (uarrayRecastW8 a) (f . castPtr)

instance ByteArrayAccess F.String where
#if MIN_VERSION_foundation(0,0,10)
    length str = let F.CountOf i = F.length bytes in i
    length str = F.length bytes
        -- the Foundation's length return a number of elements not a number of
        -- bytes. For @ByteArrayAccess@, because we are using an @Int@, we
        -- didn't see that we were returning the wrong @CountOf@.
        bytes = F.toBytes F.UTF8 str
    withByteArray s f = withByteArray (F.toBytes F.UTF8 s) f

instance (Ord ty, F.PrimType ty) => ByteArray (F.UArray ty) where
    allocRet sz f = do
        mba <- F.new $ sizeRecastBytes sz Proxy
        a   <- F.withMutablePtr mba (f . castPtr)
        ba  <- F.unsafeFreeze mba
        return (a, ba)
#if MIN_VERSION_foundation(0,0,10)
        sizeRecastBytes :: F.PrimType ty => Int -> Proxy ty -> F.CountOf ty
        sizeRecastBytes w p = F.CountOf $
            let (q,r) = w `Prelude.quotRem` szTy
             in q + (if r == 0 then 0 else 1)
          where !(F.CountOf szTy) = F.primSizeInBytes p
        {-# INLINE [1] sizeRecastBytes #-}
        sizeRecastBytes :: F.PrimType ty => Int -> Proxy ty -> F.Size ty
        sizeRecastBytes w p = F.Size $
            let (q,r) = w `Prelude.quotRem` szTy
             in q + (if r == 0 then 0 else 1)
          where !(F.Size szTy) = F.primSizeInBytes p
        {-# INLINE [1] sizeRecastBytes #-}

