-- | Handles the connections between a memcached client and a single server. module Database.Memcache.Server ( Server(sid), newServer, sendRecv, withSocket, close ) where import Database.Memcache.SASL import Database.Memcache.Types import Database.Memcache.Wire import Control.Exception import Data.Hashable import Data.Pool import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime) import Network.BSD (getProtocolNumber, getHostByName, hostAddress) import Network.Socket (HostName, PortNumber(..), Socket) import qualified Network.Socket as S -- Connection pool constants. -- TODO: make configurable sSTRIPES, sCONNECTIONS :: Int sKEEPALIVE :: NominalDiffTime sSTRIPES = 1 sCONNECTIONS = 1 sKEEPALIVE = 300 -- | A memcached server connection. data Server = Server { sid :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, pool :: Pool Socket, _addr :: !HostName, _port :: !PortNumber, _auth :: !Authentication, failed :: !Bool -- TODO: -- weight :: Double -- tansport :: Transport (UDP vs. TCP) -- poolLim :: Int (pooled connection limit) -- cnxnBuf :: IORef ByteString } deriving Show instance Eq Server where (==) x y = sid x == sid y instance Ord Server where compare x y = compare (sid x) (sid y) -- | Create a new memcached connection. newServer :: HostName -> PortNumber -> Authentication -> IO Server newServer host port auth = do pSock <- createPool connectSocket releaseSocket sSTRIPES sKEEPALIVE sCONNECTIONS return Server { sid = serverHash , pool = pSock , _addr = host , _port = port , _auth = auth , failed = False } where serverHash = hash (host, fromEnum port) connectSocket = do proto <- getProtocolNumber "tcp" bracketOnError (S.socket S.AF_INET S.Stream proto) releaseSocket (\s -> do h <- getHostByName host S.connect s (S.SockAddrInet port $ hostAddress h) S.setSocketOption s S.KeepAlive 1 S.setSocketOption s S.NoDelay 1 authenticate s auth return s ) releaseSocket = S.close -- | Send and receive a single request/response pair to the memcached server. sendRecv :: Server -> Request -> IO Response sendRecv svr msg = withResource (pool svr) $ \s -> do send s msg recv s -- | Run a function with access to an server socket for using 'send' and -- 'recv'. withSocket :: Server -> (Socket -> IO a) -> IO a withSocket svr = withResource $ pool svr -- | Close the server connection. If you perform another operation after this, -- the connection will be re-established. close :: Server -> IO () close srv = destroyAllResources $ pool srv