module Text.PhonotacticLearner(
generateGrammarIO, generateGrammarCB
) where
import Text.PhonotacticLearner.Util.Ring
import Text.PhonotacticLearner.Util.Probability
import Text.PhonotacticLearner.DFST
import Text.PhonotacticLearner.MaxentGrammar
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Ix
import Numeric
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Array.IArray
import System.IO
import Control.Exception
stopsigint :: AsyncException -> IO ()
stopsigint e = case e of
UserInterrupt -> do
putStrLn "\n\nInterrupted!"
return ()
_ -> throw e
generateGrammarIO :: forall clabel sigma . (Show clabel, Ix sigma, NFData sigma, NFData clabel, Eq clabel)
=> Int
-> [Double]
-> [(clabel, ShortDFST sigma)]
-> [([sigma],Int)]
-> IO (Array Length Int, [clabel], MulticountDFST sigma, Vec)
generateGrammarIO samplesize thresholds candidates wfs = do
let cbound = psegBounds . snd . head $ candidates
blankdfa = pruneAndPack (nildfa cbound)
grammarref <- newIORef (accumArray (+) 0 (0,0) [], [], blankdfa, zero)
let progresscb _ _ = return ()
grammarcb lenarr rules dfa ws = mask_ $ atomicWriteIORef grammarref (lenarr,rules,dfa,ws)
void (generateGrammarCB progresscb grammarcb samplesize thresholds candidates wfs) `catch` stopsigint
readIORef grammarref
generateGrammarCB :: forall clabel sigma . (Show clabel, Ix sigma, NFData sigma, NFData clabel, Eq clabel)
=> (Int -> Int -> IO ())
-> (Array Length Int -> [clabel] -> MulticountDFST sigma -> Vec -> IO ())
-> Int
-> [Double]
-> [(clabel, ShortDFST sigma)]
-> [([sigma],Int)]
-> IO ([clabel], MulticountDFST sigma, Vec)
generateGrammarCB progresscb grammarcb samplesize thresholds candidates wfs = do
let lwfs = sortLexicon wfs
cbound = psegBounds . snd . head $ candidates
blankdfa = pruneAndPack (nildfa cbound)
lendist = lengthCdf lwfs
lenarr = lengthFreqs lwfs
pwfs = packMultiText cbound (wordFreqs lwfs)
passctr :: IORef Int <- newIORef 0
candctr :: IORef Int <- newIORef 0
let markpass = do
modifyIORef' passctr (+1)
writeIORef candctr 0
p <- readIORef passctr
progresscb p 0
markcand = do
modifyIORef' candctr (+1)
c <- readIORef candctr
when (c `mod` 500 == 0) $ do
p <- readIORef passctr
hPutStr stderr "#"
hFlush stderr
progresscb p c
markprg = do
p <- readIORef passctr
c <- readIORef candctr
progresscb p c
let genSalad :: MulticountDFST sigma -> Vec -> IO (PackedText sigma)
genSalad dfa weights = do
salad <- getStdRandom . runState $ sampleWordSalad (fmap (maxentProb weights) (unpackDFA dfa)) lendist samplesize
evaluate . packMultiText cbound . wordFreqs . sortLexicon . fmap (\x -> (x,1)) $ salad
processcand :: Double -> (PackedText sigma, [clabel], MulticountDFST sigma, Vec) -> (clabel, ShortDFST sigma) -> IO (PackedText sigma, [clabel], MulticountDFST sigma, Vec)
processcand thresh grammar@(salad,rules,dfa,ws) (cl,cdfa) = do
let o = fromIntegral $ transducePackedShort cdfa pwfs
o' = fromIntegral $ transducePackedShort cdfa salad
e = o' * fromIntegral (totalWords lwfs) / fromIntegral samplesize
score <- evaluate $ upperConfidenceOE o e
if score < thresh && cl `notElem` rules then do
hPutStrLn stderr ""
putStrLn $ "\nSelected Constraint " ++ show cl ++ " (score=" ++ showFFloat (Just 4) score [] ++ ", o=" ++ showFFloat (Just 1) o [] ++ ", e=" ++ showFFloat (Just 1) e [] ++ ")."
let rules' = cl:rules
dfa' <- evaluate . pruneAndPack $ rawIntersection consMC (unpackDFA cdfa) (unpackDFA dfa)
putStrLn $ "New grammar has " ++ show (length rules') ++ " constraints and " ++ show (numStates dfa') ++ " states."
ws' <- evaluate . force $ llpOptimizeWeights (lengthFreqs lwfs) pwfs dfa' (consVec 0 ws)
hPutStrLn stderr ""
putStrLn $ "Recalculated weights: " ++ showFVec (Just 2) ws'
grammarcb lenarr rules' dfa' ws'
salad' <- genSalad dfa' ws'
return (salad',rules',dfa',ws')
else return grammar
processpass :: (PackedText sigma, [clabel], MulticountDFST sigma, Vec) -> Double -> IO (PackedText sigma, [clabel], MulticountDFST sigma, Vec)
processpass grammar thresh = do
putStrLn $ "\n\n\nStarting pass with threshold " ++ showFFloat (Just 3) thresh ""
foldlM (processcand thresh) grammar candidates
initsalad <- genSalad blankdfa zero
let initgrammar = (initsalad,[],blankdfa,zero)
(_,finalrules,finaldfa,finalweights) <- foldlM processpass initgrammar thresholds
putStrLn "\n\n\nAll Pases Complete."
return (finalrules,finaldfa,finalweights)