module Draw.ShowHelp ( drawShowHelp , keybindingMarkdownTable , keybindingTextTable ) where import Prelude () import Prelude.MH import Brick import Brick.Themes ( themeDescriptions ) import Brick.Widgets.Border import Brick.Widgets.Center ( hCenter ) import Brick.Widgets.List ( listSelectedFocusedAttr ) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty import Lens.Micro.Platform ( singular, _Just, _2 ) import Network.Mattermost.Version ( mmApiVersion ) import Command import Events.ChannelSelect import Events.Keybindings import Events.Main import Events.MessageSelect import Events.PostListOverlay import Events.ShowHelp import Events.UrlSelect import Events.UserListOverlay import Events.ChannelListOverlay import Events.ReactionEmojiListOverlay import Events.ManageAttachments import Events.TabbedWindow import Windows.ViewMessage import HelpTopics ( helpTopics ) import Markdown ( renderText ) import Options ( mhVersion ) import State.Editing ( editingKeybindings ) import Themes import Types import Types.KeyEvents ( Binding(..), ppBinding, nonCharKeys, eventToBinding ) drawShowHelp :: HelpTopic -> ChatState -> [Widget Name] drawShowHelp topic st = [helpBox (helpTopicViewportName topic) $ helpTopicDraw topic st] helpTopicDraw :: HelpTopic -> ChatState -> Widget Name helpTopicDraw topic st = case helpTopicScreen topic of MainHelp -> mainHelp (configUserKeys (st^.csResources.crConfiguration)) ScriptHelp -> scriptHelp ThemeHelp -> themeHelp SyntaxHighlightHelp -> syntaxHighlightHelp (configSyntaxDirs $ st^.csResources.crConfiguration) KeybindingHelp -> keybindingHelp (configUserKeys (st^.csResources.crConfiguration)) mainHelp :: KeyConfig -> Widget Name mainHelp kc = commandHelp where commandHelp = vBox $ [ padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ str mhVersion , hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ str mmApiVersion , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt "Help Topics" , drawHelpTopics , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt "Commands" , mkCommandHelpText $ sortWith commandName commandList , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt "Keybindings" ] <> (mkKeybindingHelp <$> keybindSections kc) mkCommandHelpText :: [Cmd] -> Widget Name mkCommandHelpText cs = let helpInfo = [ (info, desc) | Cmd cmd desc args _ <- cs , let argSpec = printArgSpec args info = T.cons '/' cmd <> " " <> argSpec ] commandNameWidth = 4 + (maximum $ T.length <$> fst <$> helpInfo) in hCenter $ vBox [ (withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt $ padTo commandNameWidth info) <+> renderText desc | (info, desc) <- helpInfo ] drawHelpTopics :: Widget Name drawHelpTopics = let allHelpTopics = drawTopic <$> helpTopics topicNameWidth = 4 + (maximum $ T.length <$> helpTopicName <$> helpTopics) drawTopic t = (withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt (padTo topicNameWidth $ helpTopicName t)) <+> txt (helpTopicDescription t) in (padBottom (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ renderText "Learn more about these topics with `/help `:") <=> (hCenter $ vBox allHelpTopics) scriptHelp :: Widget Name scriptHelp = vBox [ padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt "Using Scripts" , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ hLimit 100 $ vBox scriptHelpText ] where scriptHelpText = map (padTop (Pad 1) . renderText . mconcat) [ [ "Matterhorn has a special feature that allows you to use " , "prewritten shell scripts to preprocess messages. " , "For example, this can allow you to run various filters over " , "your written text, do certain kinds of automated formatting, " , "or just automatically cowsay-ify a message.\n" ] , [ "These scripts can be any kind of executable file, " , "as long as the file lives in " , "*~/.config/matterhorn/scripts* (unless you've explicitly " , "moved your XDG configuration directory elsewhere). " , "Those executables are given no arguments " , "on the command line and are passed your typed message on " , "*stdin*; whatever they produce on *stdout* is sent " , "as a message. If the script exits successfully, then everything " , "that appeared on *stderr* is discarded; if it instead exits with " , "a failing exit code, your message is *not* sent, and you are " , "presented with whatever was printed on stderr as a " , "local error message.\n" ] , [ "To run a script, simply type\n" ] , [ "> *> /sh [script-name] [my-message]*\n" ] , [ "And the script named *[script-name]* will be invoked with " , "the text of *[my-message]*. If the script does not exist, " , "or if it exists but is not marked as executable, you'll be " , "presented with an appropriate error message.\n" ] , [ "For example, if you want to use a basic script to " , "automatically ROT13 your message, you can write a shell " , "script using the standard Unix *tr* utility, like this:\n" ] , [ "> *#!/bin/bash -e*\n" , "> *tr '[A-Za-z]' '[N-ZA-Mn-za-m]'*\n\n" ] , [ "Move this script to *~/.config/matterhorn/scripts/rot13* " , "and be sure it's executable with\n" ] , [ "> *$ chmod u+x ~/.config/matterhorn/scripts/rot13*\n\n" ] , [ "after which you can send ROT13 messages with the " , "Matterhorn command " ] , [ "> *> /sh rot13 Hello, world!*\n" ] ] keybindingMarkdownTable :: KeyConfig -> Text keybindingMarkdownTable kc = title <> keybindSectionStrings where title = "# Keybindings\n" keybindSectionStrings = T.concat $ catMaybes $ sectionText <$> keybindSections kc sectionText = mkKeybindEventSectionHelp keybindEventHelpMarkdown T.unlines mkHeading mkHeading n = "\n# " <> n <> "\n| Keybinding | Event Name | Description |" <> "\n| ---------- | ---------- | ----------- |" keybindingTextTable :: KeyConfig -> Text keybindingTextTable kc = title <> keybindSectionStrings where title = "Keybindings\n===========\n" keybindSectionStrings = T.concat $ catMaybes $ sectionText <$> keybindSections kc sectionText = mkKeybindEventSectionHelp (keybindEventHelpText keybindingWidth eventNameWidth) T.unlines mkHeading keybindingWidth = 15 eventNameWidth = 30 mkHeading n = "\n" <> n <> "\n" <> (T.replicate (T.length n) "=") keybindingHelp :: KeyConfig -> Widget Name keybindingHelp kc = hCenter $ hLimit 100 $ vBox $ [ padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt "Configurable Keybindings" , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ vBox keybindingHelpText ] ++ keybindSectionWidgets ++ [ padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt "Keybinding Syntax" , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ vBox validKeys ] where keybindSectionWidgets = catMaybes $ sectionWidget <$> keybindSections kc sectionWidget = mkKeybindEventSectionHelp keybindEventHelpWidget vBox mkSectionHeading mkSectionHeading = hCenter . padTop (Pad 1) . withDefAttr helpEmphAttr . txt keybindingHelpText = map (padTop (Pad 1) . renderText . mconcat) [ [ "Many of the keybindings used in Matterhorn can be " , "modified from within Matterhorn's **config.ini** file. " , "To do this, include a section called **[KEYBINDINGS]** " , "in your config file and use the event names listed below as " , "keys and the desired key sequence as values. " , "See the end of this page for documentation on the valid " , "syntax for key sequences.\n" ] , [ "For example, by default, the keybinding to move to the next " , "channel in the public channel list is **" , nextChanBinding , "**, and the corresponding " , "previous channel binding is **" , prevChanBinding , "**. You might want to remap these " , "to other keys: say, **C-j** and **C-k**. We can do this with the following " , "configuration snippet:\n" ] , [ "```ini\n" , "[KEYBINDINGS]\n" , "focus-next-channel = C-j\n" , "focus-prev-channel = C-k\n" , "```\n" ] , [ "You can remap a command to more than one key sequence, in which " , "case any one of the key sequences provided can be used to invoke " , "the relevant command. To do this, provide the desired bindings as " , "a comma-separated list. Additionally, some key combinations are " , "used in multiple modes (such as URL select or help viewing) and " , "therefore share the same name, such as **cancel** or **scroll-up**.\n" ] , [ "Additionally, some keys simply cannot be remapped, mostly in the " , "case of editing keybindings. If you feel that a particular key " , "event should be rebindable and isn't, then please feel free to " , "let us know by posting an issue in the Matterhorn issue tracker.\n" ] , [ "It is also possible to entirely unbind a key event by setting its " , "key to **unbound**, thus avoiding conflicts between default bindings " , "and new ones:\n" ] , [ "```ini\n" , "[KEYBINDINGS]\n" , "focus-next-channel = unbound\n" , "```\n" ] , [ "The rebindable key events, along with their **current** " , "values, are as follows:" ] ] nextChanBinding = ppBinding (getFirstDefaultBinding NextChannelEvent) prevChanBinding = ppBinding (getFirstDefaultBinding PrevChannelEvent) validKeys = map (padTop (Pad 1) . renderText . mconcat) [ [ "The syntax used for key sequences consists of zero or more " , "single-character modifier characters followed by a keystroke " , "all separated by dashes. The available modifier keys are " , "**S** for Shift, **C** for Ctrl, **A** for Alt, and **M** for " , "Meta. So, for example, **" , ppBinding (Binding [] (Vty.KFun 2)) , "** is the F2 key pressed with no " , "modifier keys; **" , ppBinding (Binding [Vty.MCtrl] (Vty.KChar 'x')) , "** is Ctrl and X pressed together, " , "and **" , ppBinding (Binding [Vty.MShift, Vty.MCtrl] (Vty.KChar 'x')) , "** is Shift, Ctrl, and X all pressed together. " , "Although Matterhorn will pretty-print all key combinations " , "with specific capitalization, the parser is **not** case-sensitive " , "and will ignore any capitalization." ] , [ "Your terminal emulator might not recognize some particular " , "keypress combinations, or it might reserve certain combinations of " , "keys for some terminal-specific operation. Matterhorn does not have a " , "reliable way of testing this, so it is up to you to avoid setting " , "keybindings that your terminal emulator does not deliver to applications." ] , [ "Letter keys, number keys, and function keys are specified with " , "their obvious name, such as **x** for the X key, **8** for the 8 " , "key, and **f5** for the F5 key. Other valid keys include: " , T.intercalate ", " [ "**" <> key <> "**" | key <- nonCharKeys ] , "." ] ] para :: Text -> Widget a para t = padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter (hLimit 72 $ padRight Max $ renderText t) syntaxHighlightHelp :: [FilePath] -> Widget a syntaxHighlightHelp dirs = overrideAttr codeAttr helpEmphAttr $ vBox [ padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt "Syntax Highlighting" , para $ "Matterhorn supports syntax highlighting in Markdown code blocks when the " <> "name of the code block language follows the block opening sytnax:" , para $ "```" , para $ "The possible values of `language` are determined by the available syntax " <> "definitions. The available definitions are loaded from the following " <> "directories according to the configuration setting `syntaxDirectories`. " <> "If the setting is omitted, it defaults to the following sequence of directories:" , para $ T.pack $ intercalate "\n" $ (\d -> "`" <> d <> "`") <$> dirs , para $ "Syntax definitions are in the Kate XML format. Files with an " <> "`xml` extension are loaded from each directory, with directories earlier " <> "in the list taking precedence over later directories when more than one " <> "directory provides a definition file for the same syntax." , para $ "To place custom definitions in a directory, place a Kate " <> "XML syntax definition in the directory and ensure that a copy of " <> "`language.dtd` is also present. The file `language.dtd` can be found in " <> "the `syntax/` directory of your Matterhorn distribution." ] themeHelp :: Widget a themeHelp = overrideAttr codeAttr helpEmphAttr $ vBox [ padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt "Using Themes" , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ renderText "Matterhorn provides these built-in color themes:" , padTop (Pad 1) $ vBox $ hCenter <$> withDefAttr helpEmphAttr <$> txt <$> internalThemeName <$> internalThemes , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ hLimit 72 $ renderText $ "These themes can be selected with the */theme* command. To automatically " <> "select a theme at startup, set the *theme* configuration file option to one " <> "of the themes listed above." , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt "Customizing the Theme" , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ hLimit 72 $ renderText $ "Theme customization is also supported. To customize the selected theme, " <> "create a theme customization file and set the `themeCustomizationFile` " <> "configuration option to the path to the customization file. If the path " <> "to the file is relative, Matterhorn will look for it in the same directory " <> "as the Matterhorn configuration file.\n" <> " \n" <> "Theme customization files are INI-style files that can customize any " <> "foreground color, background color, or style of any aspect of the " <> "Matterhorn user interface. Here is an example:\n" <> "```\n" <> "[default]\n" <> "default.fg = blue\n" <> " = black\n" <> "\n" <> "[other]\n" <> attrNameToConfig codeAttr <> ".fg = magenta\n" <> attrNameToConfig codeAttr <> ".style = bold\n" <> attrNameToConfig clientEmphAttr <> ".fg = cyan\n" <> attrNameToConfig clientEmphAttr <> ".style = [bold, underline]\n" <> attrNameToConfig listSelectedFocusedAttr <> ".fg = brightGreen\n" <> "```\n" <> "In the example above, the theme's default foreground and background colors " <> "are both customized to *blue* and *black*, respectively. The *default* section " <> "contains only customizations for the *default* attribute. All other customizations " <> "go in the *other* section. We can also set the style for attributes; we can either " <> "set just one style (as with the bold setting above) or multiple styles at once " <> "(as in the bold/underline example).\n\n" <> "Available colors are:\n" <> " * black\n" <> " * red\n" <> " * green\n" <> " * yellow\n" <> " * blue\n" <> " * magenta\n" <> " * cyan\n" <> " * white\n" <> " * brightBlack\n" <> " * brightRed\n" <> " * brightGreen\n" <> " * brightYellow\n" <> " * brightBlue\n" <> " * brightMagenta\n" <> " * brightCyan\n" <> " * brightWhite\n" <> " \n" <> "Available styles are:\n" <> " * standout\n" <> " * underline\n" <> " * italic\n" <> " * reverseVideo\n" <> " * blink\n" <> " * dim\n" <> " * bold\n" <> " \n" <> "In addition, a special value of *default* is possible for either color " <> "setting of an attribute. This value indicates that the attribute should " <> "use the terminal emulator's default foreground or background color of " <> "choice rather than a specific ANSI color." , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt "Username Highlighting" , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ hLimit 72 $ renderText $ "Username colors are chosen by hashing each username and then using the hash " <> "to choose a color from a list of predefined username colors. If you would like " <> "to change the color in a given entry of this list, we provide the " <> "\"username.N\" attributes, where N is the index in the username color list." , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ withDefAttr helpEmphAttr $ txt "Theme Attributes" , padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ hLimit 72 $ renderText $ "This section lists all possible theme attributes for use in customization " <> "files along with a description of how each one is used in Matterhorn. Each " <> "option listed can be set in the *other* section of the customization file. " <> "Each provides three customization settings:\n" <> " * *