{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} module Draw.Main (drawMain) where import Prelude () import Prelude.MH import Brick import Brick.Widgets.Border import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style import Brick.Widgets.Center ( hCenter ) import Brick.Widgets.List ( listElements ) import Brick.Widgets.Edit ( editContentsL, renderEditor, getEditContents ) import Control.Arrow ( (>>>) ) import Data.Char ( isSpace, isPunctuation ) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Zipper ( cursorPosition, insertChar, getText, gotoEOL ) import Data.Time.Calendar ( fromGregorian ) import Data.Time.Clock ( UTCTime(..) ) import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty import Lens.Micro.Platform ( (.~), (^?!), to, view, folding ) import Network.Mattermost.Types ( ChannelId, Type(Direct, Private, Group) , ServerTime(..), UserId ) import Constants import Draw.ChannelList ( renderChannelList ) import Draw.Messages import Draw.Autocomplete import Draw.URLList import Draw.Util import Draw.RichText import Events.Keybindings import Events.MessageSelect import State.MessageSelect import Themes import TimeUtils ( justAfter, justBefore ) import Types import Types.RichText ( parseMarkdown ) import Types.KeyEvents previewFromInput :: Maybe MessageType -> UserId -> Text -> Maybe Message previewFromInput _ _ s | s == T.singleton cursorSentinel = Nothing previewFromInput overrideTy uId s = -- If it starts with a slash but not /me, this has no preview -- representation let isCommand = "/" `T.isPrefixOf` s isEmoteCmd = "/me " `T.isPrefixOf` s content = if isEmoteCmd then T.stripStart $ T.drop 3 s else s msgTy = fromMaybe (if isEmoteCmd then CP Emote else CP NormalPost) overrideTy in if isCommand && not isEmoteCmd then Nothing else Just $ Message { _mText = parseMarkdown content , _mMarkdownSource = content , _mUser = UserI False uId , _mDate = ServerTime $ UTCTime (fromGregorian 1970 1 1) 0 -- The date is not used for preview -- rendering, but we need to provide one. -- Ideally we'd just use today's date, but -- the rendering function is pure so we -- can't. , _mType = msgTy , _mPending = False , _mDeleted = False , _mAttachments = mempty , _mInReplyToMsg = NotAReply , _mMessageId = Nothing , _mReactions = mempty , _mOriginalPost = Nothing , _mFlagged = False , _mPinned = False , _mChannelId = Nothing } -- | Tokens in spell check highlighting. data Token = Ignore Text -- ^ This bit of text is to be ignored for the purposes of -- spell-checking. | Check Text -- ^ This bit of text should be checked against the spell checker's -- misspelling list. deriving (Show) drawEditorContents :: ChatState -> HighlightSet -> [Text] -> Widget Name drawEditorContents st hs = let noHighlight = txt . T.unlines in case st^.csEditState.cedSpellChecker of Nothing -> noHighlight Just _ -> case S.null (st^.csEditState.cedMisspellings) of True -> noHighlight False -> doHighlightMisspellings hs (st^.csEditState.cedMisspellings) -- | This function takes a set of misspellings from the spell -- checker, the editor lines, and builds a rendering of the text with -- misspellings highlighted. -- -- This function processes each line of text from the editor as follows: -- -- * Tokenize the line based on our rules for what constitutes -- whitespace. We do this because we need to check "words" in the -- user's input against the list of misspellings returned by the spell -- checker. But to do this we need to ignore the same things that -- Aspell ignores, and it ignores whitespace and lots of puncutation. -- We also do this because once we have identified the misspellings -- present in the input, we need to reconstruct the user's input and -- that means preserving whitespace so that the input looks as it was -- originally typed. -- -- * Once we have a list of tokens -- the whitespace tokens to be -- preserved but ignored and the tokens to be checked -- we check -- each non-whitespace token for presence in the list of misspellings -- reported by the checker. -- -- * Having indicated which tokens correspond to misspelled words, we -- then need to coallesce adjacent tokens that are of the same -- "misspelling status", i.e., two neighboring tokens (of whitespace -- or check type) need to be coallesced if they both correspond to -- text that is a misspelling or if they both are NOT a misspelling. -- We do this so that the final Brick widget is optimal in that it -- uses a minimal number of box cells to display substrings that have -- the same attribute. -- -- * Finally we build a widget out of these coallesced tokens and apply -- the misspellingAttr attribute to the misspelled tokens. -- -- Note that since we have to come to our own conclusion about which -- words are worth checking in the checker's output, sometimes our -- algorithm will differ from aspell in what is considered "part of a -- word" and what isn't. In particular, Aspell is smart about sometimes -- noticing that "'" is an apostrophe and at other times that it is -- a single quote as part of a quoted string. As a result there will -- be cases where Markdown formatting characters interact poorly -- with Aspell's checking to result in misspellings that are *not* -- highlighted. -- -- One way to deal with this would be to *not* parse the user's input -- as done here, complete with all its Markdown metacharacters, but to -- instead 1) parse the input as Markdown, 2) traverse the Markdown AST -- and extract the words from the relevant subtrees, and 3) spell-check -- those words. The reason we don't do it that way in the first place is -- because 1) the user's input might not be valid markdown and 2) even -- if we did that, we'd still have to do this tokenization operation to -- annotate misspellings and reconstruct the user's raw input. doHighlightMisspellings :: HighlightSet -> S.Set Text -> [Text] -> Widget Name doHighlightMisspellings hSet misspellings contents = -- Traverse the input, gathering non-whitespace into tokens and -- checking if they appear in the misspelling collection let whitelist = S.union (hUserSet hSet) (hChannelSet hSet) handleLine t | t == "" = txt " " handleLine t = -- For annotated tokens, coallesce tokens of the same type -- and add attributes for misspellings. let mkW (Left tok) = let s = getTokenText tok in if T.null s then emptyWidget else withDefAttr misspellingAttr $ txt $ getTokenText tok mkW (Right tok) = let s = getTokenText tok in if T.null s then emptyWidget else txt s go :: Either Token Token -> [Either Token Token] -> [Either Token Token] go lst [] = [lst] go lst (tok:toks) = case (lst, tok) of (Left a, Left b) -> go (Left $ combineTokens a b) toks (Right a, Right b) -> go (Right $ combineTokens a b) toks _ -> lst : go tok toks in hBox $ mkW <$> (go (Right $ Ignore "") $ annotatedTokens t) combineTokens (Ignore a) (Ignore b) = Ignore $ a <> b combineTokens (Check a) (Check b) = Check $ a <> b combineTokens (Ignore a) (Check b) = Check $ a <> b combineTokens (Check a) (Ignore b) = Check $ a <> b getTokenText (Ignore a) = a getTokenText (Check a) = a annotatedTokens t = -- For every token, check on whether it is a misspelling. -- The result is Either Token Token where the Left is a -- misspelling and the Right is not. checkMisspelling <$> tokenize t (Ignore "") checkMisspelling t@(Ignore _) = Right t checkMisspelling t@(Check s) = if s `S.member` whitelist then Right t else if s `S.member` misspellings then Left t else Right t ignoreChar c = isSpace c || isPunctuation c || c == '`' || c == '/' || T.singleton c == userSigil || T.singleton c == normalChannelSigil tokenize t curTok | T.null t = [curTok] | ignoreChar $ T.head t = case curTok of Ignore s -> tokenize (T.tail t) (Ignore $ s <> (T.singleton $ T.head t)) Check s -> Check s : tokenize (T.tail t) (Ignore $ T.singleton $ T.head t) | otherwise = case curTok of Ignore s -> Ignore s : tokenize (T.tail t) (Check $ T.singleton $ T.head t) Check s -> tokenize (T.tail t) (Check $ s <> (T.singleton $ T.head t)) in vBox $ handleLine <$> contents renderUserCommandBox :: ChatState -> HighlightSet -> Widget Name renderUserCommandBox st hs = let prompt = txt $ case st^.csEditState.cedEditMode of Replying _ _ -> "reply> " Editing _ _ -> "edit> " NewPost -> "> " inputBox = renderEditor (drawEditorContents st hs) True (st^.csEditState.cedEditor) curContents = getEditContents $ st^.csEditState.cedEditor multilineContent = length curContents > 1 multilineHints = hBox [ borderElem bsHorizontal , str $ "[" <> (show $ (+1) $ fst $ cursorPosition $ st^.csEditState.cedEditor.editContentsL) <> "/" <> (show $ length curContents) <> "]" , hBorderWithLabel $ withDefAttr clientEmphAttr $ txt $ "In multi-line mode. Press " <> (ppBinding (getFirstDefaultBinding ToggleMultiLineEvent)) <> " to finish." ] replyDisplay = case st^.csEditState.cedEditMode of Replying msg _ -> let msgWithoutParent = msg & mInReplyToMsg .~ NotAReply in hBox [ replyArrow , addEllipsis $ renderMessage MessageData { mdMessage = msgWithoutParent , mdUserName = msgWithoutParent^.mUser.to (nameForUserRef st) , mdParentMessage = Nothing , mdParentUserName = Nothing , mdHighlightSet = hs , mdEditThreshold = Nothing , mdShowOlderEdits = False , mdRenderReplyParent = True , mdIndentBlocks = False , mdThreadState = NoThread , mdShowReactions = True , mdMessageWidthLimit = Nothing , mdMyUsername = myUsername st } ] _ -> emptyWidget commandBox = case st^.csEditState.cedEphemeral.eesMultiline of False -> let linesStr = "line" <> if numLines == 1 then "" else "s" numLines = length curContents in vLimit 1 $ hBox $ prompt : if multilineContent then [ withDefAttr clientEmphAttr $ str $ "[" <> show numLines <> " " <> linesStr <> "; Enter: send, M-e: edit, Backspace: cancel] " , txt $ head curContents , showCursor MessageInput (Location (0,0)) $ str " " ] else [inputBox] True -> vLimit multilineHeightLimit inputBox <=> multilineHints in replyDisplay <=> commandBox renderChannelHeader :: ChatState -> HighlightSet -> ClientChannel -> Widget Name renderChannelHeader st hs chan = let chnType = chan^.ccInfo.cdType topicStr = chan^.ccInfo.cdHeader userHeader u = let s = T.intercalate " " $ filter (not . T.null) parts parts = [ userSigil <> u^.uiName , if (all T.null names) then mempty else "is" ] <> names <> [ if T.null (u^.uiEmail) then mempty else "(" <> u^.uiEmail <> ")" ] names = [ u^.uiFirstName , nick , u^.uiLastName ] quote n = "\"" <> n <> "\"" nick = maybe "" quote $ u^.uiNickName in s maybeTopic = if T.null topicStr then "" else " - " <> topicStr channelNameString = case chnType of Direct -> case chan^.ccInfo.cdDMUserId >>= flip userById st of Nothing -> mkChannelName (chan^.ccInfo) Just u -> userHeader u Private -> channelNamePair <> " (Private)" Group -> channelNamePair <> " (Private group)" _ -> channelNamePair newlineToSpace '\n' = ' ' newlineToSpace c = c channelNamePair = mkChannelName (chan^.ccInfo) <> " - " <> (chan^.ccInfo.cdDisplayName) in renderText' (myUsername st) hs (T.map newlineToSpace (channelNameString <> maybeTopic)) renderCurrentChannelDisplay :: ChatState -> HighlightSet -> Widget Name renderCurrentChannelDisplay st hs = header <=> messages where header = withDefAttr channelHeaderAttr $ padRight Max $ renderChannelHeader st hs chan messages = padTop Max $ padRight (Pad 1) body body = chatText chatText = case appMode st of MessageSelect -> renderMessagesWithSelect (st^.csMessageSelect) channelMessages MessageSelectDeleteConfirm -> renderMessagesWithSelect (st^.csMessageSelect) channelMessages _ -> cached (ChannelMessages cId) $ renderLastMessages st hs editCutoff $ retrogradeMsgsWithThreadStates $ reverseMessages channelMessages renderMessagesWithSelect (MessageSelectState selMsgId) msgs = -- In this case, we want to fill the message list with messages -- but use the post ID as a cursor. To do this efficiently we -- only want to render enough messages to fill the screen. -- -- If the message area is H rows high, this actually renders at -- most 2H rows' worth of messages and then does the appropriate -- cropping. This way we can simplify the math needed to figure -- out how to crop while bounding the number of messages we -- render around the cursor. -- -- First, we sanity-check the application state because under -- some conditions, the selected message might be gone (e.g. -- deleted). let (s, (before, after)) = splitDirSeqOn (\(m, _) -> m^.mMessageId == selMsgId) msgsWithStates msgsWithStates = chronologicalMsgsWithThreadStates msgs in case s of Nothing -> renderLastMessages st hs editCutoff before Just m -> unsafeRenderMessageSelection (m, (before, after)) (renderSingleMessage st hs Nothing) cutoff = getNewMessageCutoff cId st editCutoff = getEditedMessageCutoff cId st channelMessages = insertTransitions (getMessageListing cId st) cutoff (getDateFormat st) (st ^. timeZone) cId = st^.csCurrentChannelId chan = st^.csCurrentChannel getMessageListing :: ChannelId -> ChatState -> Messages getMessageListing cId st = st ^?! csChannels.folding (findChannelById cId) . ccContents . cdMessages . to (filterMessages isShown) where isShown m | st^.csResources.crUserPreferences.userPrefShowJoinLeave = True | otherwise = not $ isJoinLeave m insertTransitions :: Messages -> Maybe NewMessageIndicator -> Text -> TimeZoneSeries -> Messages insertTransitions ms cutoff = insertDateMarkers $ foldr addMessage ms newMessagesT where anyNondeletedNewMessages t = isJust $ findLatestUserMessage (not . view mDeleted) (messagesAfter t ms) newMessagesT = case cutoff of Nothing -> [] Just Hide -> [] Just (NewPostsAfterServerTime t) | anyNondeletedNewMessages t -> [newMessagesMsg $ justAfter t] | otherwise -> [] Just (NewPostsStartingAt t) | anyNondeletedNewMessages (justBefore t) -> [newMessagesMsg $ justBefore t] | otherwise -> [] newMessagesMsg d = newMessageOfType (T.pack "New Messages") (C NewMessagesTransition) d renderChannelSelectPrompt :: ChatState -> Widget Name renderChannelSelectPrompt st = let e = st^.csChannelSelectState.channelSelectInput in withDefAttr channelSelectPromptAttr $ (txt "Switch to channel [use ^ and $ to anchor]: ") <+> (renderEditor (txt . T.concat) True e) drawMain :: Bool -> ChatState -> [Widget Name] drawMain useColor st = let maybeColor = if useColor then id else forceAttr "invalid" in maybeColor <$> [ connectionLayer st , autocompleteLayer st , joinBorders $ mainInterface st ] connectionLayer :: ChatState -> Widget Name connectionLayer st = case st^.csConnectionStatus of Connected -> emptyWidget Disconnected -> Widget Fixed Fixed $ do ctx <- getContext let aw = ctx^.availWidthL w = length msg + 2 msg = "NOT CONNECTED" render $ translateBy (Location (max 0 (aw - w), 0)) $ withDefAttr errorMessageAttr $ border $ str msg messageSelectBottomBar :: ChatState -> Widget Name messageSelectBottomBar st = let optionStr = if null usableOptions then "(no actions available for this message)" else T.intercalate " " usableOptions usableOptions = catMaybes $ mkOption <$> options mkOption (f, k, desc) = if f postMsg then Just $ k <> ":" <> desc else Nothing numURLs = Seq.length $ msgURLs postMsg s = if numURLs == 1 then "" else "s" hasURLs = numURLs > 0 openUrlsMsg = "open " <> (T.pack $ show numURLs) <> " URL" <> s hasVerb = isJust (findVerbatimChunk (postMsg^.mText)) -- make sure these keybinding pieces are up-to-date! ev e = let keyconf = st^.csResources.crConfiguration.to configUserKeys KeyHandlerMap keymap = messageSelectKeybindings keyconf in T.intercalate "," [ ppBinding (eventToBinding k) | KH { khKey = k , khHandler = h } <- M.elems keymap , kehEventTrigger h == ByEvent e ] options = [ ( not . isGap , ev YankWholeMessageEvent , "yank-all" ) , ( \m -> isFlaggable m && not (m^.mFlagged) , ev FlagMessageEvent , "flag" ) , ( \m -> isFlaggable m && m^.mFlagged , ev FlagMessageEvent , "unflag" ) , ( \m -> isPinnable m && not (m^.mPinned) , ev PinMessageEvent , "pin" ) , ( \m -> isPinnable m && m^.mPinned , ev PinMessageEvent , "unpin" ) , ( isReplyable , ev ReplyMessageEvent , "reply" ) , ( not . isGap , ev ViewMessageEvent , "view" ) , ( isGap , ev FillGapEvent , "load messages" ) , ( \m -> isMine st m && isEditable m , ev EditMessageEvent , "edit" ) , ( \m -> isMine st m && isDeletable m , ev DeleteMessageEvent , "delete" ) , ( const hasURLs , ev OpenMessageURLEvent , openUrlsMsg ) , ( const hasVerb , ev YankMessageEvent , "yank-code" ) , ( isReactable , ev ReactToMessageEvent , "react" ) ] Just postMsg = getSelectedMessage st in hBox [ borderElem bsHorizontal , txt "[" , withDefAttr messageSelectStatusAttr $ txt $ "Message select: " <> optionStr , txt "]" , hBorder ] maybePreviewViewport :: Widget Name -> Widget Name maybePreviewViewport w = Widget Greedy Fixed $ do result <- render w case (Vty.imageHeight $ result^.imageL) > previewMaxHeight of False -> return result True -> render $ vLimit previewMaxHeight $ viewport MessagePreviewViewport Vertical $ (Widget Fixed Fixed $ return result) inputPreview :: ChatState -> HighlightSet -> Widget Name inputPreview st hs | not $ st^.csShowMessagePreview = emptyWidget | otherwise = thePreview where uId = myUserId st -- Insert a cursor sentinel into the input text just before -- rendering the preview. We use the inserted sentinel (which is -- not rendered) to get brick to ensure that the line the cursor is -- on is visible in the preview viewport. We put the sentinel at -- the *end* of the line because it will still influence markdown -- parsing and can create undesirable/confusing churn in the -- rendering while the cursor moves around. If the cursor is at the -- end of whatever line the user is editing, that is very unlikely -- to be a problem. curContents = getText $ (gotoEOL >>> insertChar cursorSentinel) $ st^.csEditState.cedEditor.editContentsL curStr = T.intercalate "\n" curContents overrideTy = case st^.csEditState.cedEditMode of Editing _ ty -> Just ty _ -> Nothing previewMsg = previewFromInput overrideTy uId curStr thePreview = let noPreview = str "(No preview)" msgPreview = case previewMsg of Nothing -> noPreview Just pm -> if T.null curStr then noPreview else prview pm $ getParentMessage st pm prview m p = renderMessage MessageData { mdMessage = m , mdUserName = m^.mUser.to (nameForUserRef st) , mdParentMessage = p , mdParentUserName = p >>= (^.mUser.to (nameForUserRef st)) , mdHighlightSet = hs , mdEditThreshold = Nothing , mdShowOlderEdits = False , mdRenderReplyParent = True , mdIndentBlocks = True , mdThreadState = NoThread , mdShowReactions = True , mdMessageWidthLimit = Nothing , mdMyUsername = myUsername st } in (maybePreviewViewport msgPreview) <=> hBorderWithLabel (withDefAttr clientEmphAttr $ str "[Preview ↑]") userInputArea :: ChatState -> HighlightSet -> Widget Name userInputArea st hs = case appMode st of ChannelSelect -> renderChannelSelectPrompt st UrlSelect -> hCenter $ hBox [ txt "Press " , withDefAttr clientEmphAttr $ txt "Enter" , txt " to open the selected URL or " , withDefAttr clientEmphAttr $ txt "Escape" , txt " to cancel." ] MessageSelectDeleteConfirm -> renderDeleteConfirm _ -> renderUserCommandBox st hs renderDeleteConfirm :: Widget Name renderDeleteConfirm = hCenter $ txt "Are you sure you want to delete the selected message? (y/n)" mainInterface :: ChatState -> Widget Name mainInterface st = vBox [ if st^.csShowChannelList || appMode st == ChannelSelect then hBox [hLimit channelListWidth (renderChannelList st), vBorder, mainDisplay] else mainDisplay , bottomBorder , inputPreview st hs , userInputArea st hs ] where hs = getHighlightSet st channelListWidth = configChannelListWidth $ st^.csResources.crConfiguration mainDisplay = case appMode st of UrlSelect -> renderUrlList st _ -> maybeSubdue $ renderCurrentChannelDisplay st hs bottomBorder = case appMode st of MessageSelect -> messageSelectBottomBar st _ -> maybeSubdue $ hBox [ showAttachmentCount , hBorder , showTypingUsers , showBusy ] showAttachmentCount = let count = length $ listElements $ st^.csEditState.cedAttachmentList in if count == 0 then emptyWidget else hBox [ borderElem bsHorizontal , withDefAttr clientMessageAttr $ txt $ "(" <> (T.pack $ show count) <> " attachment" <> (if count == 1 then "" else "s") <> "; " , withDefAttr clientEmphAttr $ txt $ ppBinding (getFirstDefaultBinding ShowAttachmentListEvent) , txt " to manage)" ] showTypingUsers = let format = renderText' (myUsername st) hs in case allTypingUsers (st^.csCurrentChannel.ccInfo.cdTypingUsers) of [] -> emptyWidget [uId] | Just un <- usernameForUserId uId st -> format $ "[" <> userSigil <> un <> " is typing]" [uId1, uId2] | Just un1 <- usernameForUserId uId1 st , Just un2 <- usernameForUserId uId2 st -> format $ "[" <> userSigil <> un1 <> " and " <> userSigil <> un2 <> " are typing]" _ -> format "[several people are typing]" showBusy = case st^.csWorkerIsBusy of Just (Just n) -> hLimit 2 hBorder <+> txt (T.pack $ "*" <> show n) Just Nothing -> hLimit 2 hBorder <+> txt "*" Nothing -> emptyWidget maybeSubdue = if appMode st == ChannelSelect then forceAttr "" else id replyArrow :: Widget a replyArrow = Widget Fixed Fixed $ do ctx <- getContext let bs = ctx^.ctxBorderStyleL render $ str [' ', bsCornerTL bs, '▸']