{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Login ( interactiveGatherCredentials ) where import Prelude () import Prelude.Compat import Brick import Brick.Forms import Brick.Focus import Brick.Widgets.Edit import Brick.Widgets.Center import Brick.Widgets.Border import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Lens.Micro.Platform import qualified Data.Text as T import Graphics.Vty import System.Exit (exitSuccess) import Network.Mattermost.Exceptions (LoginFailureException(..)) import Markdown import Types ( ConnectionInfo(..), ciPassword, ciUsername, ciHostname , ciPort, AuthenticationException(..) ) data Name = Hostname | Port | Username | Password deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) data State = State { _loginForm :: Form ConnectionInfo () Name , _previousError :: Maybe AuthenticationException } makeLenses ''State validHostname :: [T.Text] -> Maybe T.Text validHostname ls = let s = T.unpack t t = T.concat ls in if all (flip notElem (":/"::String)) s then Just t else Nothing interactiveGatherCredentials :: ConnectionInfo -> Maybe AuthenticationException -> IO ConnectionInfo interactiveGatherCredentials config authError = do let state = newState config authError finalSt <- defaultMain app state return $ formState $ finalSt^.loginForm newState :: ConnectionInfo -> Maybe AuthenticationException -> State newState cInfo authError = state where state = State { _loginForm = form { formFocus = focusSetCurrent initialFocus (formFocus form) } , _previousError = authError } form = mkForm cInfo initialFocus = if | T.null (cInfo^.ciHostname) -> Hostname | T.null (cInfo^.ciUsername) -> Username | T.null (cInfo^.ciPassword) -> Password | otherwise -> Hostname app :: App State () Name app = App { appDraw = credsDraw , appChooseCursor = showFirstCursor , appHandleEvent = onEvent , appStartEvent = return , appAttrMap = const colorTheme } editHostname :: (Show n, Ord n) => Lens' s T.Text -> n -> s -> FormFieldState s e n editHostname stLens n = let ini = id val = validHostname limit = Just 1 renderTxt = txt . T.unlines in editField stLens n limit ini val renderTxt id mkForm :: ConnectionInfo -> Form ConnectionInfo e Name mkForm = let label s w = padBottom (Pad 1) $ (vLimit 1 $ hLimit 18 $ str s <+> fill ' ') <+> w in newForm [ label "Server hostname:" @@= editHostname ciHostname Hostname , label "Server port:" @@= editShowableField ciPort Port , label "Username:" @@= editTextField ciUsername Username (Just 1) , label "Password:" @@= editPasswordField ciPassword Password ] errorAttr :: AttrName errorAttr = "errorMessage" colorTheme :: AttrMap colorTheme = attrMap defAttr [ (editAttr, black `on` white) , (editFocusedAttr, black `on` yellow) , (errorAttr, fg red) , (focusedFormInputAttr, black `on` yellow) , (invalidFormInputAttr, white `on` red) ] credsDraw :: State -> [Widget Name] credsDraw st = [ center (credentialsForm st <=> errorMessageDisplay st) ] errorMessageDisplay :: State -> Widget Name errorMessageDisplay st = do case st^.previousError of Nothing -> emptyWidget Just e -> hCenter $ hLimit uiWidth $ padTop (Pad 1) $ renderError $ renderText $ "Error: " <> renderAuthError e renderAuthError :: AuthenticationException -> T.Text renderAuthError (ConnectError _) = "Could not connect to server" renderAuthError (ResolveError _) = "Could not resolve server hostname" renderAuthError (OtherAuthError e) = T.pack $ show e renderAuthError (LoginError (LoginFailureException msg)) = T.pack msg renderError :: Widget a -> Widget a renderError = withDefAttr errorAttr uiWidth :: Int uiWidth = 60 credentialsForm :: State -> Widget Name credentialsForm st = hCenter $ hLimit uiWidth $ vLimit 15 $ border $ vBox [ renderText "Please enter your Mattermost credentials to log in." , padTop (Pad 1) $ renderForm (st^.loginForm) , hCenter $ renderText "Press Enter to log in or Esc to exit." ] onEvent :: State -> BrickEvent Name () -> EventM Name (Next State) onEvent _ (VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc [])) = liftIO exitSuccess onEvent st (VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter [])) = if allFieldsValid (st^.loginForm) then halt st else continue st onEvent st e = do f' <- handleFormEvent e (st^.loginForm) continue $ st & loginForm .~ f'