{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, ExtendedDefaultRules, ExistentialQuantification #-}
-- |
-- Internal representations of the Matplotlib data. These are not API-stable
-- and may change. You can easily extend the provided bindings without relying
-- on the internals exposed here but they are provided just in case.
module Graphics.Matplotlib.Internal where
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process
import Data.Aeson
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.List
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>), (><))
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Exts(toList)

-- | A handy miscellaneous function to linearly map over a range of numbers in a given number of steps
mapLinear :: (Double -> b) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> [b]
mapLinear f s e n = map (\v -> f $ s + (v * (e - s) / n)) [0..n]

-- $ Basics

-- | The wrapper type for a matplotlib computation.
data Matplotlib = Matplotlib {
  mpCommands :: Seq MplotCommand   -- ^ Resolved computations that have been transformed to commands
  , mpPendingOption :: Maybe ([Option] -> MplotCommand)   -- ^ A pending computation that is affected by applied options
  , mpRest :: Seq MplotCommand  -- ^ Computations that follow the one that is pending

-- | A maplotlib command, right now we have a very shallow embedding essentially
-- dealing in strings containing python code as well as the ability to load
-- data. The loaded data should be a json object.
data MplotCommand =
  LoadData B.ByteString
  | forall x. MplotImage x => LoadImage x
  | Exec { es :: String }

-- | Throughout the API we need to accept options in order to expose
-- matplotlib's many configuration options.
data Option =
  -- | results in a=b
  K String String
  -- | just inserts the option verbatim as an argument at the end of the function
  | P String
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Convert an 'MplotCommand' to python code, doesn't do much right now
toPy :: MplotCommand -> String
toPy (LoadData _) = error "withMplot needed to load data"
toPy (LoadImage _) = error "withMplot needed to load images"
toPy (Exec str)   = str

-- | Resolve the pending command with no options provided.
resolvePending :: Matplotlib -> Matplotlib
resolvePending m = m { mpCommands =
                       (maybe (mpCommands m)
                              (\pendingCommand -> (mpCommands m |> pendingCommand []))
                              $ mpPendingOption m) >< mpRest m
                     , mpPendingOption = Nothing
                     , mpRest = S.empty}

-- | The io action is given a list of python commands to execute (note that
-- these are commands in the sense of lines of python code; each inidivudal line
-- may not be parseable on its own)
withMplot :: Matplotlib -> ([String] -> IO a) -> IO a
withMplot m f = preload cs []
    cs = toList $ mpCommands $ resolvePending m
    preload [] cmds = f $ map toPy $ reverse cmds
    preload ((LoadData obj):l) cmds =
          withSystemTempFile "data.json"
            (\dataFile dataHandle -> do
                B.hPutStr dataHandle obj
                hClose dataHandle
                preload l $ ((map Exec $ pyReadData dataFile) ++ cmds))
    preload ((LoadImage img):l) cmds = do
      withSystemTempFile "data.json" $
        (\dataFile dataHandle -> do
            hClose dataHandle
            obj <- saveHaskellImage img dataFile
            preload l $ ([Exec $ "img = " ++ (loadPythonImage img obj dataFile)] ++ cmds))
    preload (c:l) cmds = preload l (c:cmds)

-- | Create a plot that executes the string as python code
mplotString :: String -> Matplotlib
mplotString s = Matplotlib S.empty Nothing (S.singleton $ Exec s)

-- | Create an empty plot. This the beginning of most plotting commands.
mp :: Matplotlib
mp = Matplotlib S.empty Nothing S.empty

-- | Load the given data into the python "data" array
readData :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib
readData d = Matplotlib (S.singleton $ LoadData $ encode d) Nothing S.empty

-- | Load the given image into python "img" variable
readImage :: MplotImage i => i -> Matplotlib
readImage i = Matplotlib (S.singleton $ LoadImage i) Nothing S.empty

infixl 5 %
-- | Combine two matplotlib commands
(%) :: Matplotlib -> Matplotlib -> Matplotlib
a % b | isJust $ mpPendingOption b = b { mpCommands = mpCommands (resolvePending a) >< mpCommands b }
      | otherwise = a { mpRest = mpRest a >< mpCommands b >< mpRest b }

infixl 6 #
-- | Add Python code to the last matplotlib command
(#) :: (MplotValue val) => Matplotlib -> val -> Matplotlib
m # v | S.null $ mpRest m =
        case mpPendingOption m of
          Nothing -> m { mpRest = S.singleton $ Exec $ toPython v }
          (Just f) -> m { mpPendingOption = Just (\o -> Exec $ es (f o) ++ toPython v)}
      | otherwise = m { mpRest = S.adjust (\(Exec s) -> Exec $ s ++ toPython v) (S.length (mpRest m) - 1) (mpRest m) }

-- | A string to be rendered in python as a string. In other words it is
-- rendered as 'str'.
data S = S String
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | A string to be rendered in python as a raw string. In other words it is
-- rendered as r'str'.
data R = R String
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | A string to be rendered in python as a raw literal/code. In other words it is
-- inserted directly as is into the code.
data L = L String
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Values which can be combined together to form a matplotlib command. These
-- specify how values are rendered in Python code.
class MplotValue val where
  -- | Render a value inline in Python code
  toPython :: val -> String
  -- | Render a value as an optional parameter in Python code
  toPythonOpt :: val -> String
  toPythonOpt = toPython

instance MplotValue S where
  toPython (S s) = "'" ++ s ++ "'"
instance MplotValue R where
  toPython (R s) = "r'" ++ s ++ "'"
instance MplotValue L where
  toPython (L s) = s
instance MplotValue String where
  -- | A string is just a literal when used in code
  toPython s = s
  -- | A string is a real quoted python string when used as an option
  toPythonOpt s = toPythonOpt $ S s
instance MplotValue [String] where
  toPython [] = ""
  toPython (x:xs) = toPython x ++ "," ++ toPython xs
  -- | A list of strings is a list of python strings, not literals
  toPythonOpt s = "[" ++ f s ++ "]"
    where f [] = ""
          f (x:xs) = toPythonOpt (str x) ++ "," ++ f xs
instance MplotValue Double where
  toPython s = show s
instance MplotValue [Double] where
  toPython s = "[" ++ f s ++ "]"
    where f [] = ""
          f (x:xs) = toPython x ++ "," ++ f xs
instance MplotValue Integer where
  toPython s = show s
instance MplotValue [Integer] where
  toPython s = "[" ++ f s ++ "]"
    where f [] = ""
          f (x:xs) = toPython x ++ "," ++ f xs
instance MplotValue Int where
  toPython s = show s
instance MplotValue [Int] where
  toPython s = "[" ++ f s ++ "]"
    where f [] = ""
          f (x:xs) = toPython x ++ "," ++ f xs
instance MplotValue [R] where
  toPython s = "[" ++ f s ++ "]"
    where f [] = ""
          f (x:xs) = toPython x ++ "," ++ f xs
instance MplotValue [S] where
  toPython s = "[" ++ f s ++ "]"
    where f [] = ""
          f (x:xs) = toPython x ++ "," ++ f xs
instance MplotValue [L] where
  toPython s = "[" ++ f s ++ "]"
    where f [] = ""
          f (x:xs) = toPython x ++ "," ++ f xs
instance MplotValue Bool where
  toPython s = show s
instance (MplotValue x) => MplotValue (x, x) where
  toPython (k, v) = "(" ++ toPython k ++ ", " ++ toPython v ++ ")"
instance (MplotValue (x, y)) => MplotValue [(x, y)] where
  toPython s = "[" ++ f s ++ "]"
    where f [] = ""
          f (x:xs) = toPython x ++ "," ++ f xs
instance MplotValue x => MplotValue (Maybe x) where
  toPython Nothing  = "None"
  toPython (Just x) = toPython x
instance MplotValue [[Double]] where
  toPython s = "np.asarray([" ++ f s ++ "])"
    where f [] = ""
          f (x:xs) = toPython x ++ "," ++ f xs

default (Integer, Int, Double)

-- | The class of Haskell images or references to imagese which can be
-- transferred to matplotlib.
class MplotImage a where
  saveHaskellImage :: a -> FilePath -> IO String
  loadPythonImage :: a -> String -> FilePath -> String

-- | An image that is a string is a file path.
instance MplotImage String where
  saveHaskellImage _ _ = return ""
  loadPythonImage s _ _ = "mpimg.imread('" ++ toPython s ++ "')"

instance ToJSON a => MplotImage [[a]] where
  saveHaskellImage d fp = (B.writeFile fp $ encode d) >> return ""
  loadPythonImage s _ fp = unlines $ pyReadData fp

-- $ Options

-- | Add an option to the last matplotlib command. Commands can have only one option!
-- optFn :: Matplotlib -> Matplotlib
optFn :: ([Option] -> String) -> Matplotlib -> Matplotlib
optFn f l | isJust $ mpPendingOption l = error "Commands can have only open option. TODO Enforce this through the type system or relax it!"
          | otherwise = l' { mpPendingOption = Just (\os -> Exec (sl `combine` f os)) }
  where (l', (Exec sl)) = removeLast l
        removeLast x@(Matplotlib _ Nothing s) = (x { mpRest = sdeleteAt (S.length s - 1) s }
                                                , fromMaybe (Exec "") (slookup (S.length s - 1) s))
        removeLast _ = error "TODO complex options"
        -- TODO When containers is >0.5.8 replace these
        slookup i s | i < S.length s = Just $ S.index s i
                    | otherwise      = Nothing
        sdeleteAt i s | i < S.length s = S.take i s >< S.drop (i + 1) s
                      | otherwise      = s
        combine [] r = r
        combine l [] = l
        combine l r | [last l] == "(" && [head r] == "," = l ++ tail r
                    | otherwise = l ++ r

-- | Merge two commands with options between
options :: Matplotlib -> Matplotlib
options l = optFn (\o -> renderOptions o) l

infixl 6 ##
-- | A combinator like '#' that also inserts an option
(##) :: MplotValue val => Matplotlib -> val -> Matplotlib
m ## v = options m # v

-- | An internal helper to convert a list of options to the python code that
-- applies those options in a call.
renderOptions :: [Option] -> [Char]
renderOptions [] = ""
renderOptions xs = f xs
  where  f (P a:l) = "," ++ a ++ f l
         f (K a b:l) = "," ++ a ++  "=" ++ b ++ f l
         f [] = ""

-- | An internal helper that modifies the options of a plot.
optionFn :: ([Option] -> [Option]) -> Matplotlib -> Matplotlib
optionFn f m = case mpPendingOption m of
                 (Just cmd) -> m { mpPendingOption = Just (\os -> cmd $ f os) }
                 Nothing -> error "Can't apply an option to a non-option command"

-- | Apply a list of options to a plot resolving any pending options.
option :: Matplotlib -> [Option] -> Matplotlib
option m os = resolvePending $ optionFn (\os' -> os ++ os') m

infixl 6 @@
-- | A combinator for 'option' that applies a list of options to a plot
(@@) :: Matplotlib -> [Option] -> Matplotlib
m @@ os = option m os

-- | Bind a list of default options to a plot. Positional options are kept in
-- order and default that way as well. Keyword arguments are
def :: Matplotlib -> [Option] -> Matplotlib
def m os = optionFn (defFn os) m

-- | Merge two sets of options
defFn :: [Option] -> [Option] -> [Option]
defFn os os' = merge ps' ps ++ (nub $ ks' ++ ks)
           where isK (K _ _) = True
                 isK _ = False
                 isP (P _) = True
                 isP _ = False
                 ps  = filter isP os
                 ps' = filter isP os'
                 ks  = filter isK os
                 ks' = filter isK os'
                 merge l []  = l
                 merge [] l' = l'
                 merge (x:l) (_:l') = (x : merge l l')

-- $ Python operations

-- | Run python given a code string.
python :: Foldable t => t String -> IO (Either String String)
python codeStr =
  catch (withSystemTempFile "code.py"
         (\codeFile codeHandle -> do
             forM_ codeStr (hPutStrLn codeHandle)
             hClose codeHandle
             Right <$> readProcess "env" ["python3", codeFile] ""))
         (\e -> return $ Left $ show (e :: IOException))

pyBackend backend = "matplotlib.use('" ++ backend ++ "')"

-- | The standard python includes of every plot
pyIncludes :: String -> [[Char]]
pyIncludes backend = ["import matplotlib"
                     ,"import matplotlib.path as mpath"
                     ,"import matplotlib.patches as mpatches"
                     ,"import matplotlib.pyplot as plot"
                     ,"import matplotlib.mlab as mlab"
                     ,"import matplotlib.cm as cm"
                     ,"import matplotlib.colors as mcolors"
                     ,"import matplotlib.collections as mcollections"
                     ,"import matplotlib.ticker as mticker"
                     ,"import matplotlib.image as mpimg"
                     ,"from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d"
                     ,"import numpy as np"
                     ,"import os"
                     ,"import sys"
                     ,"import json"
                     ,"import random, datetime"
                     ,"from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter, WeekdayLocator"
                     ,"fig = plot.gcf()"
                     ,"axes = [plot.gca()]"
                     ,"ax = axes[0]"]

-- | The python command that reads external data into the python data array
pyReadData :: [Char] -> [[Char]]
pyReadData filename = ["data = json.loads(open('" ++ filename ++ "').read())"]

-- | The python command that reads an image into the img variable
pyReadImage :: [Char] -> [[Char]]
pyReadImage filename = ["img = mpimg.imread('" ++ filename ++ "')"]

-- | Detach python so we don't block (TODO This isn't working reliably)
pyDetach :: [[Char]]
pyDetach = ["pid = os.fork()"
           ,"if(pid != 0):"
           ,"  exit(0)"]

-- | Python code to show a plot
pyOnscreen :: [[Char]]
pyOnscreen = ["plot.draw()"

-- | Python code that saves a figure
pyFigure :: [Char] -> [[Char]]
pyFigure output = ["plot.savefig('" ++ output ++ "')"]

-- | Create a positional option
o1 x = P $ toPythonOpt x

-- | Create a keyword option
o2 x = K x . toPythonOpt

-- | Create a string that will be rendered as a python string
str = S

-- | Create a string that will be rendered as a raw python string
raw = R

-- | Create a literal that will inserted into the python code directly
lit = L

-- | Update axes. Should be called any time the state is changed.
updateAxes = mp # "axes = plot.gcf().get_axes()"

-- | Update the figure and the axes. Should be called any time the state is changed.
updateFigure = mp # "fig = plot.gcf()"
  % mp # "axes = plot.gcf().get_axes()"
  % mp # "ax = axes[0] if len(axes) > 0 else None"

-- | Smallest element of a list of lists
minimum2 :: (Ord (t a), Ord a, Foldable t1, Foldable t) => t1 (t a) -> a
minimum2 l = minimum $ minimum l

-- | Largest element of a list of lists
maximum2 :: (Ord (t a), Ord a, Foldable t1, Foldable t) => t1 (t a) -> a
maximum2 l = maximum $ maximum l