{-# language ExtendedDefaultRules #-} import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import System.IO.Unsafe import Graphics.Matplotlib import System.IO.Temp import System.Random main = defaultMain tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tests" [unitTests] -- | Test one plot; right now we just test that the command executed without -- errors. We should visually compare plots somehow. testPlot name fn = testCase name $ tryit fn @?= Right "" where tryit fn = unsafePerformIO $ withSystemTempFile "a.png" (\file _ -> figure file fn) -- | This generates examples from the test cases testPlot' name fn = testCase name $ tryit fn name @?= Right "" where tryit fn name = unsafePerformIO $ figure ("/tmp/imgs/" ++ name ++ ".png") fn unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests" [ testPlot "histogram" m1 , testPlot "cumulative" m2 , testPlot "scatter" m3 , testPlot "contour" m4 , testPlot "labelled-histogram" m5 -- TODO This test case is broken -- , testPlot "sub-bars" $ tryit m6 "m6" @?= Right "" , testPlot "density-bandwidth" m7 , testPlot "density" m8 , testPlot "line-function" m9 , testPlot "quadratic" m10 , testPlot "projections" m11 , testPlot "line-options" m12 , testPlot "xcorr" mxcorr ] xs = [-0.54571992, 1.48409716, -0.57545561, 2.13058156, -0.75740497, -1.27879086, -0.96008858, -1.65482373, -1.69086194, -1.41925464, 0.68144401, 1.44847131, 1.12124327, 1.32056244, -0.4555279 , 1.96002923, -1.34810771, 0.01513306, 1.25298883, -1.07541677, 0.60920278, -0.13978163, 0.3975209 , -0.15211044, 0.0534633 , -0.39498474, -1.15320186, 0.6795936 , 0.50704333, 1.52951037, 0.90867393, -0.24833115, 1.39816295, -0.28642814, 0.96951915, -1.20438266, -0.32642955, -0.62982941, 0.7245042 , -1.03169685, -0.00542761, 0.54247125, -1.11559132, -2.6829048 , -0.13370841, -0.74111166, 0.59198725, 2.73711931, 1.82122485, -0.73915212, 0.88290489, -1.17307876, 0.06753304, 0.40150672, 1.54455801, -0.31133243, 1.66844302, -0.1290924 , 0.89657699, 0.41181393, 2.13382656, 1.58577659, -1.02449069, -1.10245954, -0.59691196, -0.63040161, -0.51541836, 0.04139408, 0.54203055, -2.09082082, -0.41295376, -0.77509336, 0.47612065, -1.69680096, 0.90195265, 0.23798858, -0.05112783, 1.00645056, -0.67012513, 0.52017487, -0.42251472, 0.96513844, 1.00298933, 0.18257527, 0.54599979, -1.50321042, 0.03949817, 0.35286613, 1.86994544, 1.16249707, 0.57421291, 1.21151469, 1.74863421, 0.42287859, -1.22785845, -0.61650528, 1.76743253, -0.45818694, -1.16560907, 0.0677502 ] ys = [ 1.28231455, 1.13480471, 0.57738712, 0.10268954, 1.00162163, -0.85453571, -1.61049343, 1.33194242, 0.12054943, -0.56568776, 2.11550009, 0.03663454, 0.24889313, 0.85458325, 0.77326592, 0.58815223, -0.79997005, 0.54979418, 0.47711544, 0.73004143, -0.65704545, 1.1946521 , -0.31119444, -0.0958055 , 0.37838453, 1.01281301, -0.53364162, 2.84609607, 0.09363483, -0.14821451, -0.0481863 , -3.58277731, -1.7168244 , -0.87526525, -0.65430073, 1.0284506 , -0.81397895, 0.34868379, -0.51671293, 0.92879285, 0.04099886, 1.0828335 , 1.25991492, -1.48901447, 0.43657503, 0.78191509, 0.16633587, 1.99411663, -0.25542794, -0.43377353, -0.82871869, -0.0402321 , -0.06278027, 0.28066445, 0.01185443, 1.42640101, -0.16627931, 0.82021257, -0.66684095, -0.21289723, -1.25974667, -0.28681327, -2.11039334, -0.2722768 , -0.51622958, 0.01324637, -0.29277708, 1.35916036, -0.09089638, -1.00619256, 0.62707331, 1.17105748, -0.85636353, -0.6243519 , 0.1720141 , -0.15715394, 1.13488465, 2.43996937, 2.08224839, -0.23676918, -0.24924999, 1.21629376, -0.12748227, 0.78319565, -0.10528614, 0.60177749, -1.03490762, -0.59163218, 0.16414076, 2.22783012, -0.55178235, -0.69915414, 1.35454045, 0.42931902, -1.33656935, -0.8023867 , -2.81354854, 0.39553427, -0.22235586, -1.34302011] m1 :: Matplotlib m1 = histogram xs 8 m2 :: Matplotlib m2 = histogram xs 8 @@ [o2 "cumulative" "True"] m3 = scatter xs ys degreesRadians a = a * pi / 180.0 radiansDegrees a = a * 180.0 / pi m4 = contourF (\a b -> sin (degreesRadians a) + cos (degreesRadians b)) (-100) 100 (-200) 200 10 m5 = histogram xs 7 % yLabel "number of queries" % xLabel "true positives" m6 = subplotBarsLabelled [[40, 50, 20, 50], [10, 20, 30, 40], [40, 50, 20, 50]] ["a", "b", "c", "d"] [] % title "Wee a title" % xLabel "X" % yLabel "Y" m7 = densityBandwidth [2.1, 1.3, 0.4, 1.9, 5.1, 6.2] 1.5 (Just (-6, 11)) % ylim 0 0.2 m8 = density [2.1, 1.3, 0.4, 1.9, 5.1, 6.2] (Just (-6, 11)) m9 = lineF (\x -> x**2) [0,0.01..1] m10 = plotMapLinear (\x -> x**2) (-2) 2 100 @@ [o1 "'.'"] % title "Quadratic function" m11 = projectionsF (\a b -> cos (degreesRadians a) + sin (degreesRadians b)) (-100) 100 (-200) 200 10 m12 = plot [1,2,3,4,5,6] [1,3,2,5,2,4] @@ [o1 "'go-'", o2 "linewidth" "2"] datas = randoms (mkStdGen 42) datas lo hi = randomRs (lo,hi) (mkStdGen 42) mxcorr = where (xs :: Double) = take 100 datas (ys :: Double) = take 100 datas