name: mangopay version: 1.8.1 cabal-version: >= 1.8 build-type: Simple author: JP Moresmau license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: (c) 2014 Prowdsponsor category: Web homepage: maintainer: Prowdsponsor synopsis: Bindings to the MangoPay API description: This package provides Haskell bindings to the payment provider. . See also the @yesod-mangopay@ package. source-repository head type: git location: git:// flag debug default: False description: Print debugging info. flag conduit11 description: conduit >= 1.1 library hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5 , bytestring >= 0.9 , text >= 0.11 , transformers >= 0.2 && < 0.5 , transformers-base , monad-control , resourcet , http-types , http-conduit >= 2.0 && < 2.2 , attoparsec >= 0.10 && < 0.13 , aeson >= 0.7 && < 0.8 , time , data-default , lifted-base , unordered-containers , base16-bytestring , utf8-string >= 0.3.7 , base64-bytestring >= 1.0 , case-insensitive >= 1.1 , monad-logger >= 0.3 && < 0.4 , vector >=0.10.9 && <0.11 , template-haskell , country-codes == 0.1.* if flag(conduit11) build-depends: conduit == 1.1.* , conduit-extra == 1.1.* else build-depends: conduit == 1.0.* , attoparsec-conduit == 1.0.* ghc-options: -Wall other-modules: Web.MangoPay.Access, Web.MangoPay.Events, Web.MangoPay.Monad, Web.MangoPay.Types, Web.MangoPay.Users, Web.MangoPay.Wallets, Web.MangoPay.Documents, Web.MangoPay.Payins, Web.MangoPay.Cards, Web.MangoPay.Refunds, Web.MangoPay.Payouts, Web.MangoPay.Accounts if flag(debug) cpp-options: -DDEBUG exposed-modules: Web.MangoPay executable mangopay-passphrase build-depends: base, aeson, bytestring, http-conduit, monad-logger, text, transformers , mangopay ghc-options: -Wall -rtsopts hs-source-dirs: exe main-is: Main.hs if flag(debug) cpp-options: -DDEBUG test-suite mangopay-tests type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: mangopay-tests.hs ghc-options: -Wall -rtsopts -threaded build-depends: base, aeson, attoparsec, base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring, bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit, data-default, http-conduit, http-types, lifted-base, monad-control, monad-logger, resourcet, template-haskell, text, time, transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers, utf8-string, vector, country-codes , blaze-builder , HTF > 0.9 , HUnit >= 1.2.5 , wai >= 3.0 && < 3.1 , warp >= 3.0 && < 3.1 if flag(conduit11) build-depends: conduit-extra else build-depends: attoparsec-conduit other-modules: Web.MangoPay.UsersTest, Web.MangoPay.TestUtils, Web.MangoPay.WalletsTest, Web.MangoPay.AccessTest, Web.MangoPay.DocumentsTest, Web.MangoPay.PayinsTest, Web.MangoPay.CardsTest, Web.MangoPay.RefundsTest, Web.MangoPay.AccountsTest, Web.MangoPay.PayoutsTest, Web.MangoPay.SimpleTest hs-source-dirs: test, src if flag(debug) cpp-options: -DDEBUG