---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Mailtrap API. module Network.Mail.Mailtrap ( -- * Tokens Token (..) , Exception (..) -- * Accounts , AccountID (..) , Account (..) , getAllAccounts -- * Attachments , Disposition (..) , setDisposition , Attachment (..) , attachmentFromFile -- * Templates , Template (..) , template , setTemplateVariable -- * Testing inboxes , InboxID (..) , Inbox (..) , getInboxes , InboxMessageID (..) , InboxMessage (..) , getInboxMessages , downloadMessageRaw , downloadMessageEML , downloadMessageText , downloadMessageHTML -- * Sending e-mails , EmailAddress , parseEmailAddress , NamedEmailAddress (..) , MessageID (..) , Message (..) , EmailBody (..) , Email (..) , sendEmail , sendTestEmail ) where -- base import Control.Exception qualified as Base import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, KnownSymbol, symbolVal) import Data.Proxy import Data.String (fromString) -- text import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as Text import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8) -- email-validate import Text.Email.Validate (EmailAddress) import Text.Email.Validate qualified as Email -- bytestring import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString -- mime-types import Network.Mime (MimeType, defaultMimeLookup) -- aeson import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, (.=), FromJSON, (.:)) import Data.Aeson qualified as JSON #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KeyMap import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as Key #else import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap #endif -- base64 import Data.ByteString.Base64 (encodeBase64) -- blaze-html import Text.Blaze.Html (Html) import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text (renderHtml) -- uuid import Data.UUID.Types (UUID) -- http-conduit import Network.HTTP.Simple qualified as HTTP -- filepath import System.FilePath (takeFileName) -- time import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime) -- | Authorization token. newtype Token = Token Text deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Exceptions thrown by functions from this module. data Exception = -- | API request returned list of errors. -- HTTP status code and error messages. MultipleErrors Int [Text] -- | API request returned a single error message. -- HTTP status code and error message. | SingleError Int Text -- | Parsing failed. -- Input that failed to parse plus error message. | ParsingError ByteString String deriving Show instance Base.Exception Exception -- | Constructor of simple error. singleError :: Int -> JSONResp "error" Text -> Exception singleError code (JSONResp err) = SingleError code err -- | Constructor of multiple errors. multipleErrors :: Int -> JSONResp "errors" [Text] -> Exception multipleErrors code (JSONResp errs) = MultipleErrors code errs -- | JSON object wrapper to help with parsing HTTP response. data JSONResp (k :: Symbol) a = JSONResp { fromJSONResp :: a } instance (KnownSymbol k, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (JSONResp k a) where parseJSON = let k = fromString $ symbolVal $ Proxy @k in JSON.withObject "JSONResp" $ fmap JSONResp . (.: k) -- | Wrapper that provides a text-based 'FromJSON' instance. newtype AsText a = AsText { asText :: a } instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (AsText a) where parseJSON = JSON.withText "AsText" $ either fail (pure . AsText) . JSON.eitherDecodeStrict . encodeUtf8 -- | Generic API query that returns JSON. genericQuery :: (FromJSON err, ToJSON a, FromJSON b) => ByteString -- ^ HTTP method. -> ByteString -- ^ API URL. -> ByteString -- ^ HTTP path. -> Token -- ^ API token. -> (Int -> err -> Exception) -- ^ Error parsing. -> Maybe a -- ^ Body. -> IO b -- ^ Response. genericQuery method url path (Token token) ferr mbody = do let req = HTTP.setRequestMethod method $ HTTP.setRequestHost url $ HTTP.setRequestPort 443 $ HTTP.setRequestPath path $ HTTP.setRequestSecure True $ maybe id HTTP.setRequestBodyJSON mbody $ HTTP.addRequestHeader "Api-Token" (encodeUtf8 token) $ HTTP.defaultRequest resp <- HTTP.httpBS req let code = HTTP.getResponseStatusCode resp body = HTTP.getResponseBody resp case code of 200 -> either (Base.throwIO . ParsingError body) pure $ JSON.eitherDecodeStrict body _ -> either (Base.throwIO . ParsingError body) (Base.throwIO . ferr code) $ JSON.eitherDecodeStrict body -- | Helper to set an empty body when using 'genericQuery'. noBody :: Maybe () noBody = Nothing -- | Generic API query to download files. genericDownload :: ByteString -- ^ API URL. -> ByteString -- ^ HTTP path. -> Token -- ^ API token. -> IO ByteString -- ^ Response. genericDownload url path (Token token) = do let req = HTTP.setRequestMethod "GET" $ HTTP.setRequestHost url $ HTTP.setRequestPort 443 $ HTTP.setRequestPath path $ HTTP.setRequestSecure True $ HTTP.addRequestHeader "Api-Token" (encodeUtf8 token) $ HTTP.defaultRequest resp <- HTTP.httpBS req let code = HTTP.getResponseStatusCode resp body = HTTP.getResponseBody resp case code of 200 -> pure body 404 -> Base.throwIO $ SingleError 404 "File not found." _ -> either (Base.throwIO . ParsingError body) (Base.throwIO . singleError code) $ JSON.eitherDecodeStrict body -- | Mailtrap account ID. newtype AccountID = AccountID Int deriving (Eq, Show, FromJSON) -- | Mailtrap account. data Account = Account { account_id :: AccountID , account_name :: Text } deriving Show instance FromJSON Account where parseJSON = JSON.withObject "Account" $ \o -> Account <$> o .: "id" <*> o .: "name" -- | Get all the accounts the given token has access to. getAllAccounts :: Token -> IO [Account] getAllAccounts token = genericQuery "GET" "mailtrap.io" "/api/accounts" token singleError noBody -- | 'EmailAddress' wrapper to provide 'ToJSON' and 'FromJSON' instances. newtype EmailAddressJSON = EmailAddressJSON { fromEmailAddressJSON :: EmailAddress } instance ToJSON EmailAddressJSON where toJSON = JSON.String . decodeUtf8 . Email.toByteString . fromEmailAddressJSON instance FromJSON EmailAddressJSON where parseJSON = JSON.withText "EmailAddressJSON" $ \t -> either fail (pure . EmailAddressJSON) $ Email.validate $ encodeUtf8 t -- | An e-mail address with a name. data NamedEmailAddress = NamedEmailAddress { emailAddress :: EmailAddress , emailAddressName :: Text } deriving Show instance ToJSON NamedEmailAddress where toJSON addr = JSON.object [ "email" .= EmailAddressJSON (emailAddress addr) , "name" .= emailAddressName addr ] -- | Attempt to parse an e-mail address parseEmailAddress :: ByteString -> Either String EmailAddress parseEmailAddress = Email.validate -- | Attachment disposition. data Disposition = -- | Inline with identifier. Inline Text | Attached deriving Show -- | File that can be attached to an e-mail. data Attachment = Attachment { -- | File name. attachment_name :: Text -- | MIME type of the content. , attachment_type :: MimeType -- | Attachment content. , attachment_content :: ByteString -- | Attachment disposition. , attachment_disposition :: Disposition } deriving Show -- | Create an attachment from a file. It guesses the mime type from -- the file extension. Disposition is set to 'Attached'. -- The file is read strictly. attachmentFromFile :: FilePath -> IO Attachment attachmentFromFile fp = do let fptext :: Text fptext = Text.pack $ takeFileName fp bytes <- ByteString.readFile fp pure $ Attachment { attachment_name = fptext , attachment_type = defaultMimeLookup fptext , attachment_content = bytes , attachment_disposition = Attached } -- | Set an attachment's disposition. setDisposition :: Disposition -> Attachment -> Attachment setDisposition d a = a { attachment_disposition = d } instance ToJSON Attachment where toJSON att = JSON.object $ [ "filename" .= attachment_name att , "type" .= decodeUtf8 (attachment_type att) , "content" .= encodeBase64 (attachment_content att) , "disposition" .= (case attachment_disposition att of Inline _ -> "inline" :: Text Attached -> "attachment" ) ] ++ (case attachment_disposition att of Inline i -> [ "content_id" .= i ] Attached -> [] ) -- | An e-mail body. data EmailBody = -- | Plain-text body. PlainTextBody Text -- | HTML-only body. | HTMLOnlyBody Html -- | HTML body with text fallback. | HTMLBody Html Text -- | E-mail message, including subject and body. data Message = Message { message_subject :: Text , message_body :: EmailBody -- | Message category. , message_category :: Text } -- | Template that can be used when sending e-mails. data Template = Template { -- | ID of the template. template_id :: UUID -- | Template variable assignments. , template_variables :: JSON.Object } deriving Show -- | Template with no variable set. template :: UUID -> Template #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) template i = Template i KeyMap.empty #else template i = Template i HashMap.empty #endif -- | Set template variable. setTemplateVariable :: ToJSON a => Text -> a -> Template -> Template setTemplateVariable k x t = #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) t { template_variables = KeyMap.insert (Key.fromText k) (JSON.toJSON x) $ template_variables t } #else t { template_variables = HashMap.insert k (JSON.toJSON x) $ template_variables t } #endif -- | E-mail that can be sent using 'sendEmail'. data Email = Email { -- | Sender address. email_from :: NamedEmailAddress -- | Recipient list. Max 1000. , email_to :: [NamedEmailAddress] -- | Carbon Copy recipients. , email_cc :: [NamedEmailAddress] -- | Blind Carbon Copy recipients. , email_bcc :: [NamedEmailAddress] -- | Files attached to the e-mail. , email_attachments :: [Attachment] -- | Custom JSON object. , email_custom :: JSON.Object -- | Message to send. , email_message :: Either Template Message } instance ToJSON Email where toJSON email = JSON.object $ [ "from" .= email_from email , "to" .= email_to email , "cc" .= email_cc email , "bcc" .= email_bcc email , "attachments" .= email_attachments email , "custom_variables" .= email_custom email ] ++ (case email_message email of Left temp -> [ "template_uuid" .= template_id temp , "template_variables" .= template_variables temp ] Right msg -> [ "subject" .= message_subject msg , "category" .= message_category msg ] ++ (case message_body msg of PlainTextBody t -> [ "text" .= t ] HTMLOnlyBody h -> [ "html" .= renderHtml h ] HTMLBody h t -> [ "html" .= renderHtml h, "text" .= t ] ) ) -- | Testing inbox identifier. newtype InboxID = InboxID Int deriving (Eq, Show, FromJSON) -- | Testing inbox. data Inbox = Inbox { inbox_id :: InboxID , inbox_name :: Text -- | Number of emails in the inbox. , inbox_emailCount :: Int -- | Number of unread emails in the inbox. , inbox_unreadCount :: Int , inbox_maxSize :: Int } deriving Show instance FromJSON Inbox where parseJSON = JSON.withObject "Inbox" $ \o -> Inbox <$> o .: "id" <*> o .: "name" <*> o .: "emails_count" <*> o .: "emails_unread_count" <*> o .: "max_size" -- | Get all inboxes from an account. getInboxes :: Token -> AccountID -> IO [Inbox] getInboxes token (AccountID i) = let path = fromString $ "/api/accounts/" ++ show i ++ "/inboxes" in genericQuery "GET" "mailtrap.io" path token singleError noBody -- | Inbox message identifier. newtype InboxMessageID = InboxMessageID Int deriving (Eq, Show, FromJSON) -- | A message in a testing inbox. data InboxMessage = InboxMessage { inboxMessage_id :: InboxMessageID , inboxMessage_inbox :: InboxID , inboxMessage_sentAt :: UTCTime , inboxMessage_from :: EmailAddress , inboxMessage_to :: EmailAddress , inboxMessage_subject :: Text , inboxMessage_isRead :: Bool } deriving Show instance FromJSON InboxMessage where parseJSON = JSON.withObject "InboxMessage" $ \o -> InboxMessage <$> o .: "id" <*> o .: "inbox_id" <*> o .: "sent_at" <*> (fromEmailAddressJSON <$> o .: "from_email") <*> (fromEmailAddressJSON <$> o .: "to_email") <*> o .: "subject" <*> o .: "is_read" -- | Get all inbox messages from an testing inbox. getInboxMessages :: Token -> AccountID -> InboxID -> IO [InboxMessage] getInboxMessages token (AccountID accid) (InboxID inboxid) = let path = fromString $ "/api/accounts/" ++ show accid ++ "/inboxes/" ++ show inboxid ++ "/messages" in genericQuery "GET" "mailtrap.io" path token singleError noBody -- | Generic function to implement all the message download functions in one place. downloadMessageGeneric :: String -- ^ Extension -> Token -> AccountID -> InboxID -> InboxMessageID -> IO Text downloadMessageGeneric ext token (AccountID accid) (InboxID inboxid) (InboxMessageID msgid) = let path = fromString $ "/api/accounts/" ++ show accid ++ "/inboxes/" ++ show inboxid ++ "/messages/" ++ show msgid ++ "/body." ++ ext in decodeUtf8 <$> genericDownload "mailtrap.io" path token -- | Download inbox message raw email body. downloadMessageRaw :: Token -> AccountID -> InboxID -> InboxMessageID -> IO Text downloadMessageRaw = downloadMessageGeneric "raw" -- | Download inbox message in EML format. downloadMessageEML :: Token -> AccountID -> InboxID -> InboxMessageID -> IO Text downloadMessageEML = downloadMessageGeneric "eml" -- | Download inbox message text part. downloadMessageText :: Token -> AccountID -> InboxID -> InboxMessageID -> IO Text downloadMessageText = downloadMessageGeneric "txt" -- | Download inbox message HTML part. downloadMessageHTML :: Token -> AccountID -> InboxID -> InboxMessageID -> IO Text downloadMessageHTML = downloadMessageGeneric "html" -- | Production message identifier. newtype MessageID = MessageID UUID deriving (Eq, Show, FromJSON) -- | Send an e-mail and return the list of IDs of the messages sent (one per recipient). sendEmail :: Token -> Email -> IO [MessageID] sendEmail = genericSendEmail Nothing -- | Send a testing e-mail to the given inbox and return the list of IDs of the messages -- sent (one per recipient). sendTestEmail :: Token -> InboxID -> Email -> IO [InboxMessageID] sendTestEmail token i = fmap (fmap asText) . genericSendEmail (Just i) token -- | Unified implementation for sending testing and production e-mails. genericSendEmail :: FromJSON a => Maybe InboxID -> Token -> Email -> IO [a] genericSendEmail minbox token email = let url = case minbox of Nothing -> "send.api.mailtrap.io" _ -> "sandbox.api.mailtrap.io" path = case minbox of Just (InboxID i) -> fromString $ "/api/send/" ++ show i Nothing -> "/api/send" in fromJSONResp @"message_ids" <$> genericQuery "POST" url path token multipleErrors (Just email)