-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.17.1. -- -- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack name: magic-wormhole version: 0.1.0 synopsis: Interact with Magic Wormhole description: Client library for interacting with a Magic Wormhole server. . Magic Wormhole is a technology for getting things from one computer to another, safely. It does this by using a server to locate peers, and then using SPAKE2 encryption to negotiate a secure connection to a peer. It is especially useful for sending files and short messages to other humans. . You can learn more about Magic Wormhole by exploring the documentation on the [canonical, Python implementation](https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole). category: Crypto homepage: https://github.com/LeastAuthority/haskell-magic-wormhole#readme bug-reports: https://github.com/LeastAuthority/haskell-magic-wormhole/issues maintainer: Jonathan M. Lange license: Apache license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 extra-source-files: CHANGELOG.md data-files: tests/python/derive_phase_key.py tests/python/nacl_exchange.py tests/python/spake2_exchange.py tests/python/version_exchange.py source-repository head type: git location: https://github.com/LeastAuthority/haskell-magic-wormhole library hs-source-dirs: src default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude OverloadedStrings TypeApplications ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base >= 4.9 && < 5 , protolude >= 0.2 , spake2 >= 0.4.1 , aeson , bytestring , containers , cryptonite , hashable , memory , network , network-uri , pqueue , saltine , stm , unordered-containers , websockets exposed-modules: MagicWormhole MagicWormhole.Internal.ClientProtocol MagicWormhole.Internal.FileTransfer MagicWormhole.Internal.Messages MagicWormhole.Internal.Pake MagicWormhole.Internal.Peer MagicWormhole.Internal.Rendezvous MagicWormhole.Internal.Sequential MagicWormhole.Internal.Versions MagicWormhole.Internal.WebSockets default-language: Haskell2010 executable hocus-pocus main-is: HocusPocus.hs hs-source-dirs: cmd default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude OverloadedStrings TypeApplications ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base >= 4.9 && < 5 , protolude >= 0.2 , spake2 >= 0.4.1 , aeson , magic-wormhole , optparse-applicative , text default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite tasty type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Tasty.hs hs-source-dirs: tests default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude OverloadedStrings TypeApplications ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base >= 4.9 && < 5 , protolude >= 0.2 , spake2 >= 0.4.1 , aeson , bytestring , hedgehog , magic-wormhole , memory , process , saltine , stm , tasty , tasty-hedgehog , tasty-hspec other-modules: ClientProtocol Generator Integration Messages Pake Sequential WebSockets default-language: Haskell2010