{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

-- | Module containing IO stuff to get/parse files with external dependencies
module Text.Madlibs.Ana.Resolve where

import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Madlibs.Internal.Types
import Text.Madlibs.Internal.Utils
import Text.Madlibs.Ana.Parse
import Text.Madlibs.Ana.ParseUtils
import Text.Madlibs.Cata.Run
import Data.Composition
import System.Directory
import Lens.Micro
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Random.Class

-- | Parse a template file into the `RandTok` data type
parseFile :: [T.Text] -- ^ variables to substitute into the template
    -> FilePath -- ^ folder
    -> FilePath -- ^ filepath within folder
    -> IO (Either (ParseError Char Dec) RandTok) -- ^ parsed `RandTok`
parseFile = fmap (fmap takeTemplate) .** (getInclusionCtx False)

-- | Generate text from file with inclusions
getInclusionCtx :: Bool -> [T.Text] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Either (ParseError Char Dec) [(Key, RandTok)])
getInclusionCtx isTree ins folder filepath = do
    file <- readFile' (folder ++ filepath)
    let filenames = either (error . show) id $ parseInclusions filepath file -- TODO pass up errors correctly
    let resolveKeys file = map (over _1 ((((T.pack . (<> "-")) . dropExtension) $ file) <>))
    ctxPure <- mapM (getInclusionCtx isTree ins folder) filenames
    let ctx = (zipWith resolveKeys filenames) <$> sequence ctxPure
    parseCtx isTree ins (concat . (either (const []) id) $ ctx) (folder ++ filepath)

-- | Generate randomized text from a file conatining a template
runFile :: [T.Text] -> FilePath -> IO T.Text
runFile ins toFolder = do 
    exists <- doesDirectoryExist (getDir toFolder)
    let filepath = reverse . (takeWhile (/='/')) . reverse $ toFolder
    runInFolder ins (getDir toFolder) filepath

-- | Run in the appropriate folder
runInFolder :: [T.Text] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO T.Text
runInFolder = ((either (pure . parseErrorPretty') (>>= (pure . show'))) =<<) .** (fmap (fmap run) .** parseFile)

-- | Run based on text input, with nothing linked.
runText :: (MonadRandom m) => [T.Text] -> String -> T.Text -> m T.Text
runText vars name = (either (pure . parseErrorPretty') id) . (fmap run) . (parseTok name [] vars)

-- | Get file as context
parseCtx :: Bool -> [T.Text] -> [(Key, RandTok)] -> FilePath -> IO (Either (ParseError Char Dec) [(Key, RandTok)])
parseCtx isTree ins state filepath = do
    txt <- readFile' filepath
    let keys = (if isTree then parseTreeF else parseTokF) filepath state ins txt
    pure keys

-- | Parse a template into a RandTok suitable to be displayed as a tree
makeTree :: [T.Text] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Either (ParseError Char Dec) RandTok)
makeTree = fmap (fmap takeTemplate) .** (getInclusionCtx True)